This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2021-10-19 17:55:03 +01:00
parent 6d766f7b82
commit dba0c51094
1 changed files with 15 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -2768,33 +2768,39 @@ let combine_pdf_rests pdf a b =
Pdf.Dictionary (unknown_keys_a @ unknown_keys_b @ combined_known_entries)
(* Calculate the transformation matrices for a single imposed output page. *)
let impose_transforms n x y columns rtl btt center margin spacing linewidth mediabox =
let impose_transforms n fx fy columns rtl btt center margin spacing linewidth mediabox len =
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
let trs = ref [] in
let len = ref len in
let extra_x = ref 0. in
let extra_y = ref 0. in
let addtr px py =
trs := Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (px, py)]::!trs
trs := Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (px +. !extra_x, py +. !extra_y)]::!trs
let x = int_of_float x in
let y = int_of_float y in
let x = int_of_float fx in
let y = int_of_float fy in
let order row col =
(if btt then y - row - 1 else row),
(if rtl then x - col - 1 else col)
((if btt then y - row - 1 else row), (if rtl then x - col - 1 else col))
if columns then
for col = 0 to x - 1 do
if center && !len < y then if !extra_y = 0. then extra_y := (height *. float_of_int (y - !len)) /. 2.;
for row = y - 1 downto 0 do
let row, col = order row col in
addtr (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row)
if !len > 0 then addtr (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row);
len := !len - 1
for row = y - 1 downto 0 do
if center && !len < x then if !extra_x = 0. then extra_x := (width *. float_of_int (x - !len)) /. 2.;
for col = 0 to x - 1 do
let row, col = order row col in
addtr (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row)
if !len > 0 then addtr (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row);
len := !len - 1
rev !trs
@ -2805,7 +2811,7 @@ let impose_pages n x y columns rtl btt center margin spacing linewidth mediabox'
| [] -> assert false
| (h::_) as pages ->
let transforms =
take (impose_transforms n x y columns rtl btt center margin spacing linewidth h.Pdfpage.mediabox) (length pages)
impose_transforms n x y columns rtl btt center margin spacing linewidth h.Pdfpage.mediabox (length pages)
(* Change the pattern matrices before combining resources *)
let pages, h =