Use lookup_chain more

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-06-20 15:02:59 +01:00
parent c329895094
commit d749660873

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ open Cpdferror
a) Those which require looking deep inside font files; and
b) Those which require reading inside the graphics stream. *)
(* FIXME maximise chain usage *)
exception MatterhornError of Cpdfyojson.Safe.t
exception MatterhornUnimplemented
@ -213,31 +211,15 @@ let matterhorn_06_003 _ _ pdf =
(* ViewerPreferences dictionary of the Catalog dictionary does not contain a
DisplayDocTitle entry. *)
let matterhorn_07_001 _ _ pdf =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Root" pdf.Pdf.trailerdict with
| Some catalog ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ViewerPreferences" catalog with
| Some d ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/DisplayDocTitle" d with
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> merror ()
| None -> merror ()
| _ -> merror ()
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/ViewerPreferences"; "/DisplayDocTitle"] with
| None -> merror ()
| _ -> ()
(* ViewerPreferences dictionary of the Catalog dictionary contains a
DisplayDocTitle entry with a value of false. *)
let matterhorn_07_002 _ _ pdf =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Root" pdf.Pdf.trailerdict with
| Some catalog ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ViewerPreferences" catalog with
| Some d ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/DisplayDocTitle" d with
| Some (Pdf.Boolean false) -> merror ()
| _ -> ()
| None -> ()
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/ViewerPreferences"; "/DisplayDocTitle"] with
| Some (Pdf.Boolean false) -> merror ()
| _ -> ()
(* A table-related structure element is used in a way that does not conform to
@ -519,18 +501,9 @@ let matterhorn_20_003 _ _ pdf =
and UF entries. *)
let matterhorn_21_001 _ _ pdf =
let from_nametree =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Root" pdf.Pdf.trailerdict with
| Some catalog ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Names" catalog with
| Some names ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/EmbeddedFiles" names with
| Some embeddedfiles ->
map snd (Pdf.contents_of_nametree pdf embeddedfiles)
| None -> []
| None -> []
| None -> []
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/Names"; "/EmbeddedFiles"] with
| Some embeddedfiles -> map snd (Pdf.contents_of_nametree pdf embeddedfiles)
| _ -> []
let from_annots =
@ -557,32 +530,24 @@ let matterhorn_25_001 _ _ pdf =
| Cpdfmetadata.E (_, children) -> List.exists contains_required_dynamicRender children
| Cpdfmetadata.D _ -> false
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Root" pdf.Pdf.trailerdict with
| Some catalog ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/AcroForm" catalog with
| Some d ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/XFA" d with
| Some (Pdf.Array xfa) ->
begin match option_map (function (Pdf.String "config", x) -> Some x | _ -> None) (pairs xfa) with
| [config] ->
begin match pdf config with
| Pdf.Stream _ as s ->
Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream pdf s;
begin match s with
| Pdf.Stream {contents = _, Pdf.Got xmlstream} ->
let _, tree = Cpdfmetadata.xmltree_of_bytes xmlstream in
if contains_required_dynamicRender tree then merror ()
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/AcroForm"; "/XFA"] with
| Some (Pdf.Array xfa) ->
begin match option_map (function (Pdf.String "config", x) -> Some x | _ -> None) (pairs xfa) with
| [config] ->
begin match pdf config with
| Pdf.Stream _ as s ->
Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream pdf s;
begin match s with
| Pdf.Stream {contents = _, Pdf.Got xmlstream} ->
let _, tree = Cpdfmetadata.xmltree_of_bytes xmlstream in
if contains_required_dynamicRender tree then merror ()
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
| None -> ()
| _ -> ()
(* The file is encrypted but does not contain a P entry in its encryption
dictionary. *)