First successful JSON round trip

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2021-10-01 15:21:03 +01:00
parent 33d17cd9a5
commit d4f0bd202d

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(*FIXME failwiths -> Pdf.PDFError or similar *)
(*FIXME flprintfs to eprintf *)
open Pdfutil
module J = Tjjson
@ -9,13 +11,26 @@ let soi = string_of_int
let string_of_float _ = failwith "use sof"
let string_of_int _ = failwith "use soi"
let rec object_of_json = function
| J.Null -> P.Null
| J.Bool b -> P.Boolean b
| J.Number n -> Pdf.Indirect (int_of_string n)
| J.String s -> P.String s
| J.Array objs -> P.Array (map object_of_json objs)
| J.Object ["I", J.Number i] -> P.Integer (int_of_string i)
| J.Object ["F", J.Number f] -> P.Real (float_of_string f)
| J.Object ["N", J.String n] -> P.Name n
| J.Object ["S", J.Array [dict; J.String data]] ->
P.Stream (ref (object_of_json dict, P.Got (Pdfio.bytes_of_string data)))
| J.Object elts -> P.Dictionary (map (fun (n, o) -> (n, object_of_json o)) elts)
let rec json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data = function
| P.Null -> J.String "null"
| P.Null -> J.Null
| P.Boolean b -> J.Bool b
| P.Integer i -> J.Number (soi i)
| P.Real r -> J.Number (sof r)
| P.Integer i -> J.Object [("I", J.Number (soi i))]
| P.Real r -> J.Object [("F", J.Number (sof r))]
| P.String s -> J.String s
| P.Name n -> J.String n
| P.Name n -> J.Object [("N", J.String n)]
| P.Array objs -> J.Array (map (json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data) objs)
| P.Dictionary elts ->
@ -41,8 +56,8 @@ let rec json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data = function
match stream with P.Got b -> Pdfio.string_of_bytes b | P.ToGet _ -> "failure: toget"
json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data (P.Array [P.Dictionary dict; P.String str])
| P.Stream _ -> J.String "error: stream with not-a-dictioary"
json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data (P.Dictionary [("S", P.Array [P.Dictionary dict; P.String str])])
| P.Stream _ -> J.String "error: stream with not-a-dictionary"
| P.Indirect i ->
begin match P.lookup_obj pdf i with
| P.Stream {contents = (P.Dictionary dict as d, _)} ->
@ -197,9 +212,12 @@ let json_of_pdf parse_content no_stream_data pdf =
let trailerdict = (0, json_of_object pdf (fun x -> ()) no_stream_data pdf.P.trailerdict) in
let parameters =
(-1, json_of_object pdf (fun x -> ()) false
(Pdf.Dictionary [("/CPDFJSONformatversion", Pdf.Integer 1);
(Pdf.Dictionary [("/CPDFJSONformatversion", Pdf.Integer 2);
("/CPDFJSONcontentparsed", Pdf.Boolean parse_content);
("/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded", Pdf.Boolean (not no_stream_data))]))
("/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded", Pdf.Boolean (not no_stream_data));
("/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion", Pdf.Integer pdf.Pdf.major);
("/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion", Pdf.Integer pdf.Pdf.minor);
let content_streams = ref [] in
let fcs n = content_streams := n::!content_streams in
@ -239,22 +257,55 @@ let json_of_pdf parse_content no_stream_data pdf =
let pdf_of_json json =
let major = 0 in
let minor = 1 in
let root = 2 in
let objmap = P.pdfobjmap_empty () in
(*flprint ( json);
flprint "\n";*)
let objs = match json with J.Array objs -> objs | _ -> failwith "bad json top level" in
let params = ref Pdf.Null in
let trailerdict = ref Pdf.Null in
let objects =
| J.Array [J.Number n; o] ->
let objnum = int_of_string n in
begin match objnum with
| -1 -> params := object_of_json o; None
| 0 -> trailerdict := object_of_json o; None
| n when n < 0 -> None
| n -> Some (n, object_of_json o)
| _ -> failwith "json bad obj")
(*List.iter (fun (i, o) -> flprint (soi i); flprint "\n"; flprint (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf o); flprint "\n") objects;*)
let major =
match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion" !params with
Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> failwith "bad major version"
let minor =
match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion" !params with
Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> failwith "bad minor version"
(*flprint (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf !trailerdict);*)
let root =
match !trailerdict with Pdf.Dictionary d ->
begin match lookup "/Root" d with
Some (Pdf.Indirect i) -> i | _ -> failwith "bad root"
| _ -> failwith "bad root 2"
let objmap = P.pdfobjmap_empty () in
List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add objmap k (ref (P.Parsed v), 0)) objects;
let objects =
{P.maxobjnum = 0;
P.parse = None;
P.pdfobjects = objmap;
P.object_stream_ids = Hashtbl.create 0}
let trailerdict = P.Null in
P.trailerdict = !trailerdict;
P.was_linearized = false;
P.saved_encryption = None}