This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-06-19 16:08:02 +01:00
parent 38528dcbd2
commit c509ca88a5

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ open Cpdferror
a) Those which require looking deep inside font files; and
b) Those which require reading inside the graphics stream. *)
(* FIXME pass st / st2 around *)
exception MatterhornError of Cpdfyojson.Safe.t
exception MatterhornUnimplemented
@ -34,16 +36,26 @@ let read_a pdf stnode =
| Pdf.Stream s -> read_single (fst !s)
| _ -> error "read_single"
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/A" stnode with
| Some (Pdf.Array attrs) ->
let attrs = keep (function Pdf.Integer _ -> false | _ -> true) attrs in
flatten (map read_single attrs)
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) ->
read_single (Pdf.Dictionary d)
| Some (Pdf.Stream s) ->
read_single (Pdf.Stream s)
| Some _ -> []
| None -> []
let from_a =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/A" stnode with
| Some (Pdf.Array attrs) ->
let attrs = keep (function Pdf.Integer _ -> false | _ -> true) attrs in
flatten (map read_single attrs)
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) ->
read_single (Pdf.Dictionary d)
| Some (Pdf.Stream s) ->
read_single (Pdf.Stream s)
| Some _ -> []
| None -> []
(* For now, stick /ID, /Alt in here too. *)
let alt =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Alt" stnode with | Some _ -> ["/Alt"] | None -> []
let id =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ID" stnode with | Some _ -> ["/ID"] | None -> []
from_a @ id @ alt
let rec read_st_inner pdf stnode =
let s =
@ -442,22 +454,47 @@ let matterhorn_15_003 pdf =
spec, 2014 PDF/UA spec and Matterhorn protocol combined do not quite give
enough information to know what is required. To be returned to. *)
let rec check_th = function
| E2 ("/TH", attr, _) -> if not (List.mem "/Scope" attr) then merror ()
| E2 ("/TH", attr, _) ->
if not (List.mem "/Scope" attr) then merror_str "No scope, table organization not checked." (*else Printf.printf "Found /Scope in /TH\n"*)
| E2 (_, _, cs) -> iter check_th cs
check_th (read_st2 pdf)
(* <Formula> tag is missing an Alt attribute. *)
let matterhorn_17_002 pdf = todo ()
let matterhorn_17_002 pdf =
let rec check_fm = function
| E2 ("/Formula", attr, _) ->
if not (List.mem "/Alt" attr) then merror ()
| E2 (_, _, cs) -> iter check_fm cs
check_fm (read_st2 pdf)
(* Unicode mapping requirements are not met. *)
let matterhorn_17_003 pdf = todo ()
let matterhorn_17_003 pdf =
unimpl ()
(* ID entry of the <Note> tag is not present. *)
let matterhorn_19_003 pdf = todo ()
let matterhorn_19_003 pdf =
let rec check_note = function
| E2 ("/Note", attr, _) ->
if not (List.mem "/ID" attr) then merror ()
| E2 (_, _, cs) -> iter check_note cs
check_note (read_st2 pdf)
(* ID entry of the <Note> tag is non-unique. *)
let matterhorn_19_004 pdf = todo ()
let matterhorn_19_004 pdf =
(* Looking for /Type /StructElem /N /Note /ID to exist. *)
(* FIXME ClassMaps here? *)
let ids = ref [] in
(fun _ x ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" x, Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/S" x, Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ID" x with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/StructElem"), Some (Pdf.Name "/Note"), Some (Pdf.String s) -> ids := s::!ids
| _ -> ())
(* FIXME should write the big setify here, fix up in CamlPDF - this is a good example. *)
if length (setify !ids) < length !ids then merror ()
(* Name entry is missing or has an empty string as its value in an Optional
Content Configuration Dictionary in the Configs entry in the OCProperties