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synced 2025-02-03 20:08:01 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ let read_st_basic pdf =
| _ -> error "read_st no root"
(* Rewrite a tree according to a rolemap. FIXME Better do the non-circularity
check when reading a rolemap, or this won't terminate... *)
(* Rewrite a tree according to a rolemap. *)
let rec rewrite_st rolemap (E2 (n, attr, cs)) =
let rec rewrite_st_name rolemap n =
match List.assoc_opt n rolemap with
@ -163,7 +162,8 @@ let matterhorn_02_003 _ _ pdf =
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/StructTreeRoot"; "/RoleMap"] with
| Some rm ->
let rolemap = read_rolemap pdf rm in
if circular rolemap then merror ()
if circular rolemap then
merror_str "STOP. If rolemap circular, cannot proceed with other checks."
| None -> ()
(* One or more standard types are remapped. *)
@ -548,7 +548,8 @@ let matterhorn_25_001 _ _ pdf =
dictionary. *)
let matterhorn_26_001 _ _ pdf = ()
(* Would already have failed at this point, because CamlPDF does not allow
the decryption of a file with no /P. FIXME Can we make it fail with the right message? *)
the decryption of a file with no /P. So this is never reported. A file without
a /P is simply reported as malformed upon reading. *)
(* The file is encrypted and does contain a P entry but the 10th bit position
of the P entry is false. *)
@ -1076,8 +1077,8 @@ let matterhorn =
("01-005", "Content is neither marked as Artifact nor tagged as real content.", "UA1:7-1-2", matterhorn_01_005);
("01-007", "Suspects entry has a value of true.", "UA1:7-1-11", matterhorn_01_007);
("02-001", "One or more non-standard tag’s mapping does not terminate with a standard type.", "UA1:7.1-3", matterhorn_02_001);
("02-002", "A circular mapping exists.", "UA1:7.1-3", matterhorn_02_003);
("02-003", "One or more standard types are remapped.", "UA1:7.1-4", matterhorn_02_004);
("02-003", "A circular mapping exists.", "UA1:7.1-3", matterhorn_02_003);
("02-004", "One or more standard types are remapped.", "UA1:7.1-4", matterhorn_02_004);
("06-001", "Document does not contain an XMP metadata stream", "UA1:7.1-8", matterhorn_06_001);
("06-002", "The XMP metadata stream in the Catalog dictionary does not include the PDF/UA identifier.", "UA1:5", matterhorn_06_002);
("06-003", "XMP metadata stream does not contain dc:title", "UA1:7.1-8", matterhorn_06_003);
@ -1161,15 +1162,22 @@ let matterhorn =
let test_matterhorn pdf =
let st2 = read_st2 pdf in
let st = st_of_st2 st2 in
(fun (name, error, section, test) ->
try test st st2 pdf; None with
| MatterhornError extra -> Some (name, error, section, extra)
| MatterhornUnimplemented -> None
| e -> Some (name, "Incomplete", section, `String ("ERROR: " ^ Printexc.to_string e)))
(* A circularity in the role map prevents all structure checks, so we do it first at stop if it fails. *)
let circularity_error =
try matterhorn_02_003 0 0 pdf; [] with
MatterhornError (`String s) ->
[("02-003", "A circular mapping exists.", "UA1:7.1-3", `String s)]
if circularity_error <> [] then circularity_error else
let st2 = read_st2 pdf in
let st = st_of_st2 st2 in
(fun (name, error, section, test) ->
try test st st2 pdf; None with
| MatterhornError extra -> Some (name, error, section, extra)
| MatterhornUnimplemented -> None
| e -> Some (name, "Incomplete", section, `String ("ERROR: " ^ Printexc.to_string e)))
let test_matterhorn_print pdf =
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