This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2023-01-17 17:37:53 +08:00
parent 78b8c74a31
commit 883dba9bcc

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ let pdf_of_json json =
| `List [`Int objnum; o] ->
begin match objnum with
| -1 -> params := object_of_json ~utf8:false o; read_utf8 (); None
| 0 -> trailerdict := object_of_json ~utf8:!utf8 o; None
| 0 -> trailerdict := object_of_json ~utf8:false o; None (* utf8 false since /IDs are not PdfDocencoding, so don't get transformed *)
| n when n < 0 -> None
| n -> Some (n, object_of_json ~utf8:!utf8 o)
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ let rec ppstring_single_object pdf = function
(* Do all objects, but skip the trailer dictionary since may mess up /ID if it
happens to begin with UTF16BE BOM *)
let preprocess_strings pdf =
Pdf.objselfmap (ppstring_single_object pdf) pdf
Pdf.objselfmap (ppstring_single_object pdf) pdf
let json_of_pdf
~utf8 ~parse_content ~no_stream_data ~decompress_streams ~clean_strings
@ -489,7 +489,8 @@ let json_of_pdf
(fun _ obj -> match obj with Pdf.Stream _ -> Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf obj | _ -> ())
Pdf.remove_unreferenced pdf;
let trailerdict = (0, json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun x -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false pdf.P.trailerdict) in
(* Not UTF8, because /ID strings are not actually in PDFDocEncoding *)
let trailerdict = (0, json_of_object ~utf8:false pdf (fun x -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false pdf.P.trailerdict) in
let parameters =
(-1, json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun x -> ()) ~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false
(Pdf.Dictionary [("/CPDFJSONformatversion", Pdf.Integer 3);