This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2023-05-05 16:17:35 +01:00
parent 0002c56106
commit 65f7d5aef9

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ type drawops =
(* Per page resources *)
type res =
{images : (string, (string * int)) Hashtbl.t; (* (name, (pdf name, objnum)) *)
extgstates : (string, Pdf.pdfobject) Hashtbl.t; (* pdf name, pdf object *)
fonts : (string, int) Hashtbl.t; (* (pdf name, objnum)) *)
extgstates : ((string * float), string) Hashtbl.t; (* (kind, value), name *)
fonts : (Pdftext.font, (string * int)) Hashtbl.t; (* (font, (objnum, pdf name)) *)
form_xobjects : (string, (string * int)) Hashtbl.t; (* (name, (pdf name, objnum)) *)
mutable time : Cpdfstrftime.t;
mutable current_url : string option;
@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ let process_specials pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page s =
Cpdfaddtext.process_text res.time s pairs
let charcodes_of_utf8 s =
implode (map char_of_int (option_map (Pdftext.charcode_extractor_of_font_real res.current_font) (Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 s)))
let extgstate kind v =
try Hashtbl.find res.extgstates (kind, v) with
Not_found ->
let n = fresh_name "/gs" in
Hashtbl.add res.extgstates (kind, v) n;
let rec ops_of_drawop pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page = function
| Push -> [Pdfops.Op_q]
| Pop -> [Pdfops.Op_Q]
@ -128,14 +138,8 @@ let rec ops_of_drawop pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page = function
Hashtbl.add res.images s (fresh_name "/XObj", Pdf.addobj pdf obj);
| NewPage -> Pdfe.log ("NewPage remaining in graphic stream"); assert false
| Opacity v ->
let n = fresh_name "/gs" in
Hashtbl.add res.extgstates n (Pdf.Dictionary [("/ca", Pdf.Real v)]);
[Pdfops.Op_gs n]
| SOpacity v ->
let n = fresh_name "/gs" in
Hashtbl.add res.extgstates n (Pdf.Dictionary [("/CA", Pdf.Real v)]);
[Pdfops.Op_gs n]
| Opacity v -> [Pdfops.Op_gs (extgstate "/ca" v)]
| SOpacity v -> [Pdfops.Op_gs (extgstate "/CA" v)]
| URL s ->
res.current_url <- Some s;
@ -143,24 +147,23 @@ let rec ops_of_drawop pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page = function
res.current_url <- None;
| Font (s, f) ->
let o = Pdftext.write_font pdf (Pdftext.StandardFont (s, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding)) in
let n = fresh_name "/F" in
Hashtbl.add res.fonts n o;
res.current_font <- (Pdftext.StandardFont (s, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding));
let font = Pdftext.StandardFont (s, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding) in
let (n, _) =
try Hashtbl.find res.fonts font with
Not_found ->
let o = Pdftext.write_font pdf font in
let n = fresh_name "/F" in
Hashtbl.add res.fonts font (n, o);
(n, o)
res.current_font <- font;
[Pdfops.Op_Tf (n, f)]
| BT -> [Pdfops.Op_BT]
| ET -> [Pdfops.Op_ET]
| Text s ->
let charcodes =
implode (map char_of_int (option_map (Pdftext.charcode_extractor_of_font_real res.current_font) (Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 s)))
[Pdfops.Op_Tj charcodes]
| Text s -> [Pdfops.Op_Tj (charcodes_of_utf8 s)]
| SpecialText s ->
let s = process_specials pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page s in
let charcodes =
implode (map char_of_int (option_map (Pdftext.charcode_extractor_of_font_real res.current_font) (Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 s)))
[Pdfops.Op_Tj charcodes]
[Pdfops.Op_Tj (charcodes_of_utf8 s)]
| Leading f -> [Pdfops.Op_TL f]
| CharSpace f -> [Pdfops.Op_Tc f]
| WordSpace f -> [Pdfops.Op_Tw f]
@ -237,8 +240,8 @@ let draw_single ~filename ~bates ~batespad fast range pdf drawops =
let pdf = !pdf in
let image_resources = map (fun (_, (n, o)) -> (n, Pdf.Indirect o)) (list_of_hashtbl res.images) in
let gss_resources = list_of_hashtbl res.extgstates in
let font_resources = map (fun (n, o) -> (n, Pdf.Indirect o)) (list_of_hashtbl res.fonts) in
let gss_resources = map (fun ((kind, v), n) -> (kind, Pdf.Real v)) (list_of_hashtbl res.extgstates) in
let font_resources = map (fun (_, (n, o)) -> (n, Pdf.Indirect o)) (list_of_hashtbl res.fonts) in
let form_resources = map (fun (_, (n, o)) -> (n, Pdf.Indirect o)) (list_of_hashtbl res.form_xobjects) in
let pages =