Calculate paragraph sharing

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-10-04 12:15:49 +01:00
parent d200625613
commit 5f4a9b05b9

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let typeset ~process_struct_tree ?subformat ?title ~papersize ~font ~fontsize te
[firstfont; Cpdftype.BeginDocument] @ tagged
let pages, tags = Cpdftype.typeset ~process_struct_tree margin margin margin margin papersize pdf instrs in
iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "PAGE\n"; iter (fun (_, i) -> Printf.printf "Tag number %i\n" i) x) tags;
iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "PAGE\n"; iter (fun (_, i) -> Printf.printf "Paragraph number %i\n" i) x) tags;
(* We make (tag number, page number, mcid) triples *)
let tagtriples =
@ -105,19 +105,29 @@ let typeset ~process_struct_tree ?subformat ?title ~papersize ~font ~fontsize te
(indx0 tags)
Printf.printf "(tag number, page number, mcid) triples:\n";
Printf.printf "(paragraph number, page number, mcid) triples:\n";
iter (fun (tagnum, pn, mcid) -> Printf.printf "%i, %i, %i\n" tagnum pn mcid) tagtriples;
(* Now work out the nodes and what each /K and /Pg in them is *)
let pages_and_mcids =
(* Now work out the nodes and which MCIDs in which pages they point to. Each paragraph may point to 1 or more nodes. *)
let rec find_nodes (a : ((int * int * int) list) list) = function
| (para, page, mcid)::nodes ->
begin match a with
| ((para', page', mcid')::t)::rest when para = para' ->
find_nodes (((para, page, mcid)::(para', page', mcid')::t)::rest) nodes
| (h::t)::rest ->
find_nodes (([(para, page, mcid)])::(h::t)::rest) nodes
| []::rest ->
find_nodes (([(para, page, mcid)])::rest) nodes
| [] -> assert false
| [] -> rev (map rev a)
Printf.printf "Pages and their MCIDs\n";
let nodes = find_nodes [[]] tagtriples in
Printf.printf "Paragraphs and their page and MCIDs\n";
(fun (page, mcids) ->
Printf.printf "Page %i\n";
iter (Printf.printf "%i ") mcids;
Printf.printf "\n")
(fun parts_of_para ->
Printf.printf "Paragraph:\n";
iter (fun (para, page, mcid) -> Printf.printf "Para %i, Page %i, MCID %i\n" para page mcid) parts_of_para)
if subformat = Some Cpdfua.PDFUA2 then
let str = Pdf.addobj pdf Pdf.Null in