More annotation matterhorns

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-06-21 14:00:31 +01:00
parent 0d2c836205
commit 3b761a97e7

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@ -572,12 +572,46 @@ let matterhorn_26_002 _ _ pdf =
(* An annotation, other than of subtype Widget, Link and PrinterMark, is not a
direct child of an <Annot> structure element. *)
let matterhorn_28_002 _ _ pdf = todo ()
let matterhorn_28_002 _ _ pdf =
(* Find object numbers of all annotations which are not Widget, Link, or Printermark. *)
(fun n obj -> match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" obj with
| Some (Pdf.Name
("/Stamp" | "/Line" | "Square" | "/Circle" | "/Polygon" | "/PolyLine" |
"/Highlight" | "/Underline" | "/Squiggly" | "/StrikeOut" | "/Caret" |
"/Ink" | "/FileAttachment" | "/Sound" | "/Movie" | "/Screen" | "/TrapNet" |
"/Watermark" | "/3D")) ->
(* Check that every /StructParent entry for each of these points to something
with /S /Annot. No need to worry about rolemapping, because PDF/UA docs
aren't allowed to remap standard types. *)
begin match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf obj ["/StructParent"; "/S"] with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Annot") -> ()
| _ -> merror ()
| _ -> ())
(* An annotation, other than of subtype Widget, does not have a Contents entry
and does not have an alternative description (in the form of an Alt entry in
the enclosing structure element). *)
let matterhorn_28_004 _ _ pdf = todo ()
let matterhorn_28_004 _ _ pdf =
(fun n obj -> match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" obj with
| Some (Pdf.Name
("/Stamp" | "/Line" | "Square" | "/Circle" | "/Polygon" | "/PolyLine" |
"/Highlight" | "/Underline" | "/Squiggly" | "/StrikeOut" | "/Caret" |
"/Ink" | "/FileAttachment" | "/Sound" | "/Movie" | "/Screen" | "/TrapNet" |
"/Watermark" | "/3D" | "/Link" | "/PrinterMark")) ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Contents" obj with
| Some _ -> ()
| None ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf obj ["/StructParent"; "/Alt"] with
| Some _ -> ()
| _ -> merror ()
| _ -> ())
(* A form field does not have a TU entry and does not have an alternative
description (in the form of an Alt entry in the enclosing structure