mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:20:05 +01:00
Begin separation of logic into Cpdfdrawcontrol
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ DOC = cpdfunicodedata cpdferror cpdfdebug cpdfjson cpdfstrftime cpdfcoord \
cpdfsqueeze cpdfdraft cpdfspot cpdfpagelabels cpdfcreate cpdfannot \
cpdfxobject cpdfimpose cpdftweak cpdftexttopdf cpdftoc cpdfjpeg \
cpdfpng cpdfimage cpdfdraw cpdfcomposition cpdfshape \
cpdfcolours cpdfcommand
cpdfcolours cpdfdrawcontrol cpdfcommand
@ -505,8 +505,7 @@ type args =
mutable toc_title : string;
mutable toc_bookmark : bool;
mutable idir_only_pdfs : bool;
mutable no_warn_rotate : bool;
mutable xobj_bbox : float * float * float * float}
mutable no_warn_rotate : bool}
let args =
{op = None;
@ -627,8 +626,7 @@ let args =
toc_title = "Table of Contents";
toc_bookmark = true;
idir_only_pdfs = false;
no_warn_rotate = false;
xobj_bbox = (0., 0., 1000., 1000.)}
no_warn_rotate = false}
let reset_arguments () =
args.op <- None;
@ -733,7 +731,6 @@ let reset_arguments () =
args.toc_title <- "Table of Contents";
args.toc_bookmark <- true;
args.idir_only_pdfs <- false;
args.xobj_bbox <- (0., 0., 1000., 1000.);
(* Do not reset original_filename or cpdflin or was_encrypted or
was_decrypted_with_owner or recrypt or producer or creator or path_to_* or
gs_malformed or gs_quiet or no-warn-rotate, since we want these to work
@ -1126,27 +1123,8 @@ let setfontsize f =
let setaddtext s =
setop (AddText s) ()
let parse_color s =
match lookup (String.lowercase_ascii s) Cpdfcolours.colours with
| Some c ->
let r = float_of_int ((c land 0xFF0000) lsr 16) /. 255. in
let g = float_of_int ((c land 0x00FF00) lsr 8) /. 255. in
let b = float_of_int (c land 0x0000FF) /. 255. in
Cpdfaddtext.RGB (r, g, b)
| None ->
let getnum = function
| Pdfgenlex.LexInt i -> float i
| Pdfgenlex.LexReal f -> f
| _ -> error "Bad color"
match Pdfgenlex.lex_string s with
| [g] -> Cpdfaddtext.Grey (getnum g)
| [r; g; b] -> Cpdfaddtext.RGB (getnum r, getnum g, getnum b)
| [c; y; m; k] -> Cpdfaddtext.CYMK (getnum c, getnum y, getnum m, getnum k)
| _ -> error "Bad color"
let setcolor s =
args.color <- parse_color s
args.color <- Cpdfdrawcontrol.parse_color s
let setopacity o =
args.opacity <- o
@ -1744,228 +1722,10 @@ let whingemalformed () =
Pdfe.log "Command line must be of exactly the form\ncpdf <infile> -gs <path> -gs-malformed-force -o <outfile>\n";
exit 1
(* Drawing operations. *)
let drawops = ref [("_MAIN", [])]
let startxobj n =
drawops := (n, [])::!drawops
let xobjbbox s =
args.xobj_bbox <- Cpdfcoord.parse_rectangle (Pdf.empty ()) s
let addop o =
begin match o with Cpdfdraw.FontPack _ -> set fontpack_initialised | _ -> () end;
begin match args.op with Some Draw -> () | _ -> error "Need to be in drawing mode for this." end;
match !drawops with
| (n, ops)::t -> drawops := (n, (o::ops))::t
| [] -> error "no drawops"
let endxobj () =
match !drawops with
| (n, ops)::t ->
drawops := t;
let a, b, c, d = args.xobj_bbox in
addop (Cpdfdraw.FormXObject (a, b, c, d, n, rev ops))
| [] ->
error "too many -end-xobj or -et"
let addbt () =
drawops := ("_TEXT", [])::!drawops
let addet () =
match !drawops with
| ("_TEXT", ops)::t ->
drawops := t;
addop (Cpdfdraw.TextSection (rev ops))
| _ -> error "not in a text section at -et"
let push () =
drawops := ("_PUSH", [])::!drawops
let pop () =
match !drawops with
| ("_PUSH", ops)::t ->
drawops := t;
addop (Cpdfdraw.Qq (rev ops))
| _ -> error "not in a pushed section at -pop"
let readfloats s = map float_of_string (String.split_on_char ' ' s)
let col_of_string s =
match parse_color s with
| Cpdfaddtext.RGB (r, g, b) -> Cpdfdraw.RGB (r, g, b)
| Cpdfaddtext.Grey g -> Cpdfdraw.Grey g
| Cpdfaddtext.CYMK (c, y, m, k) -> Cpdfdraw.CYMK (c, y, m, k)
| exception _ -> Cpdfdraw.NoCol
let setstroke s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetStroke (col_of_string s))
let setfill s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetFill (col_of_string s))
let addrect s =
let x, y, w, h = Cpdfcoord.parse_rectangle (Pdf.empty ()) s in
addop (Cpdfdraw.Rect (x, y, w, h))
let addto s =
let x, y = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinate (Pdf.empty ()) s in
addop (Cpdfdraw.To (x, y))
let addline s =
let x, y = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinate (Pdf.empty ()) s in
addop (Cpdfdraw.Line (x, y))
let addbezier s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d; e; f] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier (a, b, c, d, e, f))
| _ -> error "-bez requires six numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -bez"
let addbezier23 s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier23 (a, b, c, d))
| _ -> error "-bez23 requires four numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -bez23"
let addbezier13 s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier13 (a, b, c, d))
| _ -> error "-bez13 requires four numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -bez13"
let addcircle s =
match readfloats s with
| [x; y; r] ->
let _, _, segs = hd (snd (Cpdfshape.circle x y r)) in
(match segs with
| Cpdfshape.Bezier ((a, b), _, _, _)::_ -> addop (Cpdfdraw.To (a, b))
| _ -> assert false);
| Cpdfshape.Bezier (_, (c, d), (e, f), (g, h)) -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier (c, d, e, f, g, h))
| Cpdfshape.Straight _ -> assert false)
| _ -> error "-circle requires three numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -circle"
let stroke () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Stroke
let fill () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Fill
let fillevenodd () =
addop Cpdfdraw.FillEvenOdd
let strokefill () =
addop Cpdfdraw.FillStroke
let strokefillevenodd () =
addop Cpdfdraw.FillStrokeEvenOdd
let clip () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Clip
let clipevenodd () =
addop Cpdfdraw.ClipEvenOdd
let closepath () =
addop Cpdfdraw.ClosePath
let setthickness s =
try addop (Cpdfdraw.SetLineThickness (float_of_string s)) with
_ -> error "Thickness must be a number"
let setcap s =
let num =
match s with
| "butt" -> 0
| "round" -> 1
| "square" -> 2
| _ -> error "Unknown cap type"
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetLineCap num)
let setjoin s =
let num =
match s with
| "miter" -> 0
| "round" -> 1
| "bevel" -> 2
| _ -> error "Unknown join type"
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetLineJoin num)
let setmiter s =
try addop (Cpdfdraw.SetMiterLimit (float_of_string s)) with
_ -> error "Miter limit must be a number"
let setdash s =
let x, y =
let nums = readfloats s in all_but_last nums, last nums
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetDashPattern (x, y))
_ -> error "Dash pattern elements must one or more numbers"
let setmatrix s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d; e; f] ->
addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix {Pdftransform.a = a; Pdftransform.b = b; Pdftransform.c = c;
Pdftransform.d = d; Pdftransform.e = e; Pdftransform.f = f})
| _ -> error "Matrix must have six numbers"
| exception _ -> error "Matrix elements must be numbers"
let setmtranslate s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (a, b)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mtrans takes two numbers"
let setmrotate s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Rotate ((a, b), c)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mrot takes three numbers"
let setmscale s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Scale ((a, b), c, d)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mscale takes four numbers"
let setmshearx s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.ShearX ((a, b), c)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mshearx takes three numbers"
let setmsheary s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.ShearY ((a, b), c)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-msheary takes three numbers"
let usexobj s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Use s)
let addjpeg n =
let name, filename =
match String.split_on_char '=' n with
| [name; filename] -> name, filename
| _ -> error "addjpeg: bad file specification"
let data = Pdfio.bytes_of_string (contents_of_file filename) in
addop (Cpdfdraw.ImageXObject (name, Cpdfimage.obj_of_jpeg_data data))
_ -> error "addjpeg: could not load JPEG"
let addpng n =
let name, filename =
match String.split_on_char '=' n with
| [name; filename] -> name, filename
| _ -> error "addpng: bad file specification"
let data = bytes_of_string (contents_of_file filename) in
addop (Cpdfdraw.ImageXObject (name, Cpdfimage.obj_of_png_data data))
begin match args.op with Some Draw -> () | _ -> error "Need to be in drawing mode for this." end;
Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop o
let set_input_image f s =
@ -1981,18 +1741,6 @@ let set_input_image f s =
let set_input_png = set_input_image Cpdfimage.obj_of_png_data
let set_input_jpeg = set_input_image Cpdfimage.obj_of_jpeg_data
let addimage s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Image s)
let addnewpage s =
addop Cpdfdraw.NewPage
let addopacity f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Opacity f)
let addsopacity f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.SOpacity f)
let embed_font_inner font =
match font with
| StandardFont f ->
@ -2078,13 +1826,13 @@ let add_default_fontpack () =
let addtext s =
begin match !drawops with _::_::_ -> () | _ -> error "-text must be in a -bt / -et section" end;
begin match !Cpdfdrawcontrol.drawops with _::_::_ -> () | _ -> error "-text must be in a -bt / -et section" end;
add_default_fontpack ();
addop (Cpdfdraw.Font (args.fontname, args.fontsize));
addop (Cpdfdraw.Text s)
let addspecialtext s =
begin match !drawops with _::_::_ -> () | _ -> error "-stext must be in a -bt / -et section" end;
begin match !Cpdfdrawcontrol.drawops with _::_::_ -> () | _ -> error "-stext must be in a -bt / -et section" end;
add_default_fontpack ();
addop (Cpdfdraw.Font (args.fontname, args.fontsize));
addop (Cpdfdraw.SpecialText s)
@ -2894,57 +2642,57 @@ and specs =
Arg.String settextwidth,
" Find width of a line of text");
("-draw", Arg.Unit setdraw, " Begin drawing");
("-rect", Arg.String addrect, " Draw rectangle");
("-to", Arg.String addto, " Move to");
("-line", Arg.String addline, " Add line to");
("-bez", Arg.String addbezier, " Add Bezier curve to path");
("-bez23", Arg.String addbezier23, " Add Bezier v-op to path");
("-bez13", Arg.String addbezier13, " Add Bezier y-op to path");
("-circle", Arg.String addcircle, " Add circle to path");
("-strokecol", Arg.String setstroke, " Set stroke colour");
("-fillcol", Arg.String setfill, " Set fill colour");
("-stroke", Arg.Unit stroke, " Stroke path");
("-fill", Arg.Unit fill, " Fill path");
("-filleo", Arg.Unit fillevenodd, " Fill path, even odd");
("-strokefill", Arg.Unit strokefill, " Stroke and fill path");
("-strokefilleo", Arg.Unit strokefillevenodd, " Stroke and fill path, even odd");
("-clip", Arg.Unit clip, " Clip");
("-clipeo", Arg.Unit clipevenodd, " Clip, even odd");
("-close", Arg.Unit closepath, " Close path");
("-thick", Arg.String setthickness, " Set stroke thickness");
("-cap", Arg.String setcap, " Set cap");
("-join", Arg.String setjoin, " Set join");
("-miter", Arg.String setmiter, " Set miter limit");
("-dash", Arg.String setdash, " Set dash pattern");
("-push", Arg.Unit push, " Push graphics stack");
("-pop", Arg.Unit pop, " Pop graphics stack");
("-matrix", Arg.String setmatrix, " Append to graphics matrix");
("-mtrans", Arg.String setmtranslate, " Translate the graphics matrix");
("-mrot", Arg.String setmrotate, " Rotate the graphics matrix");
("-mscale", Arg.String setmscale, " Scale the graphics matrix");
("-mshearx", Arg.String setmshearx, " Shear the graphics matrix in X");
("-msheary", Arg.String setmshearx, " Shear the graphics matrix in Y");
("-xobj-bbox", Arg.String xobjbbox, " Specify the bounding box for xobjects");
("-xobj", Arg.String startxobj, " Begin saving a sequence of graphics operators");
("-end-xobj", Arg.Unit endxobj, " End saving a sequence of graphics operators");
("-use", Arg.String usexobj, " Use a saved sequence of graphics operators");
("-draw-jpeg", Arg.String addjpeg, " Load a JPEG from file and name it");
("-draw-png", Arg.String addpng, " Load a PNG from file and name it");
("-image", Arg.String addimage, " Draw an image which has already been loaded");
("-fill-opacity", Arg.Float addopacity, " Set opacity");
("-stroke-opacity", Arg.Float addsopacity, " Set stroke opacity");
("-bt", Arg.Unit addbt, " Begin text");
("-et", Arg.Unit addet, " End text");
("-rect", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addrect, " Draw rectangle");
("-to", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addto, " Move to");
("-line", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addline, " Add line to");
("-bez", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addbezier, " Add Bezier curve to path");
("-bez23", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addbezier23, " Add Bezier v-op to path");
("-bez13", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addbezier13, " Add Bezier y-op to path");
("-circle", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addcircle, " Add circle to path");
("-strokecol", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setstroke, " Set stroke colour");
("-fillcol", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setfill, " Set fill colour");
("-stroke", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.stroke, " Stroke path");
("-fill", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.fill, " Fill path");
("-filleo", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.fillevenodd, " Fill path, even odd");
("-strokefill", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.strokefill, " Stroke and fill path");
("-strokefilleo", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.strokefillevenodd, " Stroke and fill path, even odd");
("-clip", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.clip, " Clip");
("-clipeo", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.clipevenodd, " Clip, even odd");
("-close", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.closepath, " Close path");
("-thick", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setthickness, " Set stroke thickness");
("-cap", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setcap, " Set cap");
("-join", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setjoin, " Set join");
("-miter", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmiter, " Set miter limit");
("-dash", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setdash, " Set dash pattern");
("-push", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.push, " Push graphics stack");
("-pop", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.pop, " Pop graphics stack");
("-matrix", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmatrix, " Append to graphics matrix");
("-mtrans", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmtranslate, " Translate the graphics matrix");
("-mrot", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmrotate, " Rotate the graphics matrix");
("-mscale", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmscale, " Scale the graphics matrix");
("-mshearx", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmshearx, " Shear the graphics matrix in X");
("-msheary", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.setmsheary, " Shear the graphics matrix in Y");
("-xobj-bbox", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.xobjbbox, " Specify the bounding box for xobjects");
("-xobj", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.startxobj, " Begin saving a sequence of graphics operators");
("-end-xobj", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.endxobj, " End saving a sequence of graphics operators");
("-use", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.usexobj, " Use a saved sequence of graphics operators");
("-draw-jpeg", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addjpeg, " Load a JPEG from file and name it");
("-draw-png", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addpng, " Load a PNG from file and name it");
("-image", Arg.String Cpdfdrawcontrol.addimage, " Draw an image which has already been loaded");
("-fill-opacity", Arg.Float Cpdfdrawcontrol.addopacity, " Set opacity");
("-stroke-opacity", Arg.Float Cpdfdrawcontrol.addsopacity, " Set stroke opacity");
("-bt", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.addbt, " Begin text");
("-et", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.addet, " End text");
("-text", Arg.String addtext, " Draw text");
("-stext", Arg.String addspecialtext, " Draw text with %specials");
("-leading", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Leading f)), " Set leading");
("-charspace", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.CharSpace f)), " Set character spacing");
("-wordspace", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.WordSpace f)), " Set word space");
("-textscale", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.TextScale f)), " Set text scale");
("-rendermode", Arg.Int (fun i -> addop (Cpdfdraw.RenderMode i)), " Set text rendering mode");
("-rise", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Rise f)), " Set text rise");
("-nl", Arg.Unit (fun () -> addop Cpdfdraw.Newline), " New line");
("-newpage", Arg.Unit addnewpage, " Move to a fresh page");
("-leading", Arg.Float (fun f -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop (Cpdfdraw.Leading f)), " Set leading");
("-charspace", Arg.Float (fun f -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop (Cpdfdraw.CharSpace f)), " Set character spacing");
("-wordspace", Arg.Float (fun f -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop (Cpdfdraw.WordSpace f)), " Set word space");
("-textscale", Arg.Float (fun f -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop (Cpdfdraw.TextScale f)), " Set text scale");
("-rendermode", Arg.Int (fun i -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop (Cpdfdraw.RenderMode i)), " Set text rendering mode");
("-rise", Arg.Float (fun f -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop (Cpdfdraw.Rise f)), " Set text rise");
("-nl", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Cpdfdrawcontrol.addop Cpdfdraw.Newline), " New line");
("-newpage", Arg.Unit Cpdfdrawcontrol.addnewpage, " Move to a fresh page");
(* These items are undocumented *)
("-debug", Arg.Unit setdebug, "");
("-debug-crypt", Arg.Unit setdebugcrypt, "");
@ -4427,7 +4175,7 @@ let go () =
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
let ops = match !drawops with [("_MAIN", ops)] -> rev ops | _ -> error "not enough -end-xobj or -et" in
let ops = match !Cpdfdrawcontrol.drawops with [("_MAIN", ops)] -> rev ops | _ -> error "not enough -end-xobj or -et" in
(Cpdfdraw.draw ~fast:args.fast ~underneath:args.underneath ~filename:args.original_filename ~bates:args.bates ~batespad:args.batespad range pdf ops)
@ -4529,7 +4277,7 @@ let go_withargv argv =
(*Printf.printf "AND:%b, %s\n" islast (Array.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ " " ^ y) "" s);
flprint "\n";*)
reset_arguments ();
drawops := [("_MAIN", [])];
Cpdfdrawcontrol.drawops := [("_MAIN", [])];
process_env_vars ();
parse_argv () s (align_specs specs) anon_fun usage_msg;
parse_argv () (Array.of_list ("cpdf"::!control_args)) (align_specs specs) anon_fun usage_msg;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
(* Drawing operations. *)
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
let drawops = ref [("_MAIN", [])]
let startxobj n =
drawops := (n, [])::!drawops
let xobj_bbox = ref (0., 0., 1000., 1000.)
let xobjbbox s =
xobj_bbox := Cpdfcoord.parse_rectangle (Pdf.empty ()) s
let addop o =
match !drawops with
| (n, ops)::t -> drawops := (n, (o::ops))::t
| [] -> error "no drawops"
let endxobj () =
match !drawops with
| (n, ops)::t ->
drawops := t;
let a, b, c, d = !xobj_bbox in
addop (Cpdfdraw.FormXObject (a, b, c, d, n, rev ops))
| [] ->
error "too many -end-xobj or -et"
let addbt () =
drawops := ("_TEXT", [])::!drawops
let addet () =
match !drawops with
| ("_TEXT", ops)::t ->
drawops := t;
addop (Cpdfdraw.TextSection (rev ops))
| _ -> error "not in a text section at -et"
let push () =
drawops := ("_PUSH", [])::!drawops
let pop () =
match !drawops with
| ("_PUSH", ops)::t ->
drawops := t;
addop (Cpdfdraw.Qq (rev ops))
| _ -> error "not in a pushed section at -pop"
let readfloats s = map float_of_string (String.split_on_char ' ' s)
let parse_color s =
match lookup (String.lowercase_ascii s) Cpdfcolours.colours with
| Some c ->
let r = float_of_int ((c land 0xFF0000) lsr 16) /. 255. in
let g = float_of_int ((c land 0x00FF00) lsr 8) /. 255. in
let b = float_of_int (c land 0x0000FF) /. 255. in
Cpdfaddtext.RGB (r, g, b)
| None ->
let getnum = function
| Pdfgenlex.LexInt i -> float i
| Pdfgenlex.LexReal f -> f
| _ -> error "Bad color"
match Pdfgenlex.lex_string s with
| [g] -> Cpdfaddtext.Grey (getnum g)
| [r; g; b] -> Cpdfaddtext.RGB (getnum r, getnum g, getnum b)
| [c; y; m; k] -> Cpdfaddtext.CYMK (getnum c, getnum y, getnum m, getnum k)
| _ -> error "Bad color"
let col_of_string s =
match parse_color s with
| Cpdfaddtext.RGB (r, g, b) -> Cpdfdraw.RGB (r, g, b)
| Cpdfaddtext.Grey g -> Cpdfdraw.Grey g
| Cpdfaddtext.CYMK (c, y, m, k) -> Cpdfdraw.CYMK (c, y, m, k)
| exception _ -> Cpdfdraw.NoCol
let setstroke s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetStroke (col_of_string s))
let setfill s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetFill (col_of_string s))
let addrect s =
let x, y, w, h = Cpdfcoord.parse_rectangle (Pdf.empty ()) s in
addop (Cpdfdraw.Rect (x, y, w, h))
let addto s =
let x, y = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinate (Pdf.empty ()) s in
addop (Cpdfdraw.To (x, y))
let addline s =
let x, y = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinate (Pdf.empty ()) s in
addop (Cpdfdraw.Line (x, y))
let addbezier s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d; e; f] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier (a, b, c, d, e, f))
| _ -> error "-bez requires six numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -bez"
let addbezier23 s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier23 (a, b, c, d))
| _ -> error "-bez23 requires four numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -bez23"
let addbezier13 s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier13 (a, b, c, d))
| _ -> error "-bez13 requires four numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -bez13"
let addcircle s =
match readfloats s with
| [x; y; r] ->
let _, _, segs = hd (snd (Cpdfshape.circle x y r)) in
(match segs with
| Cpdfshape.Bezier ((a, b), _, _, _)::_ -> addop (Cpdfdraw.To (a, b))
| _ -> assert false);
| Cpdfshape.Bezier (_, (c, d), (e, f), (g, h)) -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Bezier (c, d, e, f, g, h))
| Cpdfshape.Straight _ -> assert false)
| _ -> error "-circle requires three numbers"
| exception _ -> error "malformed -circle"
let stroke () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Stroke
let fill () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Fill
let fillevenodd () =
addop Cpdfdraw.FillEvenOdd
let strokefill () =
addop Cpdfdraw.FillStroke
let strokefillevenodd () =
addop Cpdfdraw.FillStrokeEvenOdd
let clip () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Clip
let clipevenodd () =
addop Cpdfdraw.ClipEvenOdd
let closepath () =
addop Cpdfdraw.ClosePath
let setthickness s =
try addop (Cpdfdraw.SetLineThickness (float_of_string s)) with
_ -> error "Thickness must be a number"
let setcap s =
let num =
match s with
| "butt" -> 0
| "round" -> 1
| "square" -> 2
| _ -> error "Unknown cap type"
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetLineCap num)
let setjoin s =
let num =
match s with
| "miter" -> 0
| "round" -> 1
| "bevel" -> 2
| _ -> error "Unknown join type"
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetLineJoin num)
let setmiter s =
try addop (Cpdfdraw.SetMiterLimit (float_of_string s)) with
_ -> error "Miter limit must be a number"
let setdash s =
let x, y =
let nums = readfloats s in all_but_last nums, last nums
addop (Cpdfdraw.SetDashPattern (x, y))
_ -> error "Dash pattern elements must one or more numbers"
let setmatrix s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d; e; f] ->
addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix {Pdftransform.a = a; Pdftransform.b = b; Pdftransform.c = c;
Pdftransform.d = d; Pdftransform.e = e; Pdftransform.f = f})
| _ -> error "Matrix must have six numbers"
| exception _ -> error "Matrix elements must be numbers"
let setmtranslate s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (a, b)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mtrans takes two numbers"
let setmrotate s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Rotate ((a, b), c)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mrot takes three numbers"
let setmscale s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c; d] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Scale ((a, b), c, d)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mscale takes four numbers"
let setmshearx s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.ShearX ((a, b), c)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-mshearx takes three numbers"
let setmsheary s =
match readfloats s with
| [a; b; c] -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Matrix (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.ShearY ((a, b), c)]))
| _ | exception _ -> error "-msheary takes three numbers"
let usexobj s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Use s)
let addjpeg n =
let name, filename =
match String.split_on_char '=' n with
| [name; filename] -> name, filename
| _ -> error "addjpeg: bad file specification"
let data = Pdfio.bytes_of_string (contents_of_file filename) in
addop (Cpdfdraw.ImageXObject (name, Cpdfimage.obj_of_jpeg_data data))
_ -> error "addjpeg: could not load JPEG"
let addpng n =
let name, filename =
match String.split_on_char '=' n with
| [name; filename] -> name, filename
| _ -> error "addpng: bad file specification"
let data = Pdfio.bytes_of_string (contents_of_file filename) in
addop (Cpdfdraw.ImageXObject (name, Cpdfimage.obj_of_png_data data))
let addimage s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Image s)
let addnewpage s =
addop Cpdfdraw.NewPage
let addopacity f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Opacity f)
let addsopacity f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.SOpacity f)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
val drawops : (string * Cpdfdraw.drawops list) list ref
val addop : Cpdfdraw.drawops -> unit
val parse_color : string -> Cpdfaddtext.color
val addrect : string -> unit
val addto : string -> unit
val addline : string -> unit
val addbezier : string -> unit
val addbezier23 : string -> unit
val addbezier13 : string -> unit
val addcircle : string -> unit
val setstroke : string -> unit
val setfill : string -> unit
val stroke : unit -> unit
val fill : unit -> unit
val fillevenodd : unit -> unit
val strokefill : unit -> unit
val strokefillevenodd : unit -> unit
val clip : unit -> unit
val clipevenodd : unit -> unit
val closepath : unit -> unit
val setthickness : string -> unit
val setcap : string -> unit
val setjoin : string -> unit
val setmiter : string -> unit
val setdash : string -> unit
val push : unit -> unit
val pop : unit -> unit
val setmatrix : string -> unit
val setmtranslate : string -> unit
val setmrotate : string -> unit
val setmscale : string -> unit
val setmshearx : string -> unit
val setmsheary : string -> unit
val xobjbbox : string -> unit
val startxobj : string -> unit
val endxobj : unit -> unit
val usexobj : string -> unit
val addjpeg : string -> unit
val addpng : string -> unit
val addimage : string -> unit
val addopacity : float -> unit
val addsopacity : float -> unit
val addbt : unit -> unit
val addet : unit -> unit
val addnewpage : unit -> unit
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