First proper paragraph

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-09-13 17:08:06 +01:00
parent b289d0e5e0
commit 2adee31fe7

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@ -240,21 +240,38 @@ let structdata = ref []
(* TODO: Use Uuseg for proper unicode segmentation. *)
let format_paragraph j w s =
(* 1. Split on word boundaries *)
let ss = String.split_on_char ' ' s in
(* 2. Calculate the runs for each word *)
let rs_and_widths = ref (map runs_of_utf8 ss) in
(* 3. Calculate runs for a space *)
let space_runs, space_width = runs_of_utf8 " " in
(* 4. Now we may find the sections imperatively. *)
let remaining = ref w in
let lines = ref [] in
let ops = ref [] in
while !rs_and_widths <> [] do
(* 5. Calculate lines *)
let word, word_width = hd !rs_and_widths in
if !remaining = w then
(* If current line empty, output word. *)
ops := rev word @ !ops;
remaining := !remaining -. word_width;
rs_and_widths := tl !rs_and_widths
else if word_width +. space_width <= !remaining then
(* If current line not empty, and space for space char and word, emit them. *)
ops := rev space_runs @ !ops;
ops := rev word @ !ops;
remaining := !remaining -. word_width -. space_width;
rs_and_widths := tl !rs_and_widths
(* If current line not empty, and not enough space, emit newline. *)
ops := Pdfops.Op_T'::!ops;
remaining := w
(* 6. Now apply justification, and convert lines to final output. *)
rev !ops
(* TODO Justification - requires a way to offset, which means keeping the ops
separate, and retaining the full line width *)
let rec ops_of_drawop struct_tree dryrun pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page = function
| Qq ops ->