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synced 2025-03-12 09:30:08 +01:00
CSP code archived
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@ -3739,63 +3739,6 @@ let draft onlyremove boxes range pdf =
let set_version v pdf =
pdf.Pdf.minor <- v
(* Custom Code: CSP1 - four up duplication. Alter media box and crop-box. 4-up the data. *)
let custom_csp1_page pdf _ page =
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some r -> Pdf.parse_rectangle r
| None -> Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
let mx0 = -.minx
in let my0 = -.miny
in let dx = maxx -. minx
in let dy = maxy -. miny in
let content =
let ops =
Pdfops.parse_operators pdf page.Pdfpage.resources page.Pdfpage.content
Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (mx0, my0)])] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q] @
Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (mx0 +. dx, my0 +. dy)])] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q] @
Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (mx0, my0 +. dy)])] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q] @
Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.matrix_of_transform [Pdftransform.Translate (mx0 +. dx, my0)])] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q]
let new_mediabox =
[Pdf.Real 0.;
Pdf.Real 0.;
Pdf.Real ((maxx -. minx) *. 2.);
Pdf.Real ((maxy -. miny) *. 2.)]
{page with
Pdfpage.content = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops content];
Pdfpage.mediabox = new_mediabox;
Pdfpage.rest = Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/CropBox" new_mediabox}
let custom_csp1 pdf =
process_pages (ppstub (custom_csp1_page pdf)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
let custom_csp2 f pdf =
let page = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let m_minx, m_miny, m_maxx, m_maxy =
match page.Pdfpage.mediabox with
| Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d] ->
Pdf.getnum a, Pdf.getnum b, Pdf.getnum c, Pdf.getnum d
| _ -> 0., 0., 0., 0.
let c_minx, c_miny, c_maxx, c_maxy =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d]) ->
Pdf.getnum a, Pdf.getnum b, Pdf.getnum c, Pdf.getnum d
| _ -> m_minx, m_miny, m_maxx, m_maxy
let x = (c_minx +. c_maxx) /. 2.
in let y = (c_miny +. c_maxy) /. 2. in
scale_contents (PosCentre (x, y)) (f /. 100.) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
let blank_document width height pages =
let pdf_pages =
map (fun () -> Pdfpage.blankpage (Pdfpaper.make Pdfunits.PdfPoint width height)) (many () pages)
@ -354,12 +354,6 @@ val remove_all_text : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
val process_xobjects : Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> (Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject list -> Pdf.pdfobject list) -> unit
(** Custom CSP1 *)
val custom_csp1 : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Custom CSP2 *)
val custom_csp2 : float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Nobble a page, given pdf, pagenumber and page *)
val nobble_page : Pdf.t -> 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ let parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf spec =
(* Operations. *)
type op =
| CopyFont of string
| CSP1
| CSP2 of float
| CSP3
| CountPages
| Version
| Encrypt
@ -204,9 +201,6 @@ type op =
let string_of_op = function
| CopyFont _ -> "CopyFont"
| CSP1 -> "CSP1"
| CSP2 _ -> "CSP2"
| CSP3 -> "CSP3"
| CountPages -> "CountPages"
| Version -> "Version"
| Encrypt -> "Encrypt"
@ -723,11 +717,11 @@ let banned banlist = function
| Merge | Split | SplitOnBookmarks _ | RotateContents _ | Rotate _
| Rotateby _ | Upright | VFlip | HFlip ->
mem Pdfcrypt.NoAssemble banlist
| CSP1|CSP3|TwoUp|TwoUpStack|RemoveBookmarks|AddRectangle|RemoveText|
| TwoUp|TwoUpStack|RemoveBookmarks|AddRectangle|RemoveText|
CopyCropBoxToMediaBox|CopyBox|MediaBox|HardBox _|SetTrapped|SetUntrapped|Presentation|
BlackText|BlackLines|BlackFills|CopyFont _|CSP2 _|StampOn _|StampUnder _|StampAsXObject _|
BlackText|BlackLines|BlackFills|CopyFont _|StampOn _|StampUnder _|StampAsXObject _|
AddText _|ScaleContents _|AttachFile _|CopyAnnotations _| ThinLines _ | RemoveClipping | RemoveAllText
| Prepend _ | Postpend _ ->
mem Pdfcrypt.NoEdit banlist
@ -1310,10 +1304,6 @@ let setpadmultiplebefore i =
let setfast () =
args.fast <- true
let setcsp2 f =
detect_duplicate_op (CSP2 f);
args.op <- Some (CSP2 f)
(* Explicitly add a range. Parse it and replace the top input file with the range. *)
let setrange spec =
args.dashrange <- spec;
@ -2232,9 +2222,6 @@ and specs =
("-remove-unused-resources", Arg.Unit (setop RemoveUnusedResources), "");
("-stay-on-error", Arg.Unit setstayonerror, "");
("-extract-fontfile", Arg.Unit (setop ExtractFontFile), "");
("-csp1", Arg.Unit (setop CSP1), "");
("-csp2", Arg.Float setcsp2, "");
("-csp3", Arg.Unit (setop CSP3), "");
("-text-vertical", Arg.Unit settextvertical, "");
("-text-vertical-down", Arg.Unit settextverticaldown, "");
("-flat-kids", Arg.Unit setflatkids, "");
@ -3103,55 +3090,6 @@ let rec startends_of_range_inner pairs ls =
let startends_of_range x =
startends_of_range_inner [] x
(* Calculating margins *)
let calculate_margins filename pdf (s, e) =
(* Call ghostscript *)
let gscall =
args.path_to_ghostscript ^
" -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox -r1200"
^ " -dFirstPage="
^ string_of_int s
^ " -dLastPage=" ^ string_of_int e
^ " \"" ^ filename ^ "\"" ^ " > waste.txt 2> margins.txt"
match Sys.command gscall with
| 0 ->
(* Parse white boxes *)
let whiteboxes =
parse_whiteboxes "margins.txt"
(* Get media boxes *)
and mediaboxes =
take' (e - s + 1)
(drop' (s - 1)
(function page ->
(* Prefer the crop box *)
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some pdfobject -> Pdf.parse_rectangle (Pdf.direct pdf pdfobject)
| None -> Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
(Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf)))
(fun (m_minx, m_miny, m_maxx, m_maxy) (w_minx, w_miny, w_maxx, w_maxy) ->
if w_minx = 0. && w_miny = 0. && w_maxx = 0. && w_maxy = 0. then
Printf.printf "100, 100, 100, 100\n"
let topmargin = ((m_maxy -. w_maxy) /. (m_maxy -. m_miny)) *. 100.
and bottommargin = ((w_miny -. m_miny) /. (m_maxy -. m_miny)) *. 100.
and leftmargin = ((w_minx -. m_minx) /. (m_maxx -. m_minx)) *. 100.
and rightmargin = ((m_maxx -. w_maxx) /. (m_maxx -. m_minx)) *. 100. in
Printf.printf "%f, %f, %f, %f\n" leftmargin rightmargin topmargin bottommargin)
(* Clean up temp files *)
Sys.remove "margins.txt";
Sys.remove "waste.txt"
| _ -> Printf.eprintf "Call to ghostscript failed.\n%!"
let calculate_margins filename pdf range =
iter (calculate_margins filename pdf) (startends_of_range (sort compare range))
(* copy the contents of the box f to the box t. If mediabox_if_missing is set,
the contents of the mediabox will be used if the from fox is not available. If
mediabox_is_missing is false, the page is unaltered. *)
@ -4249,19 +4187,6 @@ let go () =
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
missing_fonts pdf range
| Some CSP1 ->
write_pdf false (Cpdf.custom_csp1 (get_single_pdf (Some CSP1) false))
| Some (CSP2 f) ->
write_pdf false (Cpdf.custom_csp2 f (get_single_pdf (Some (CSP2 f)) false))
| Some CSP3 ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [(InFile s, _, _, _, _, _)] ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
calculate_margins s pdf range
| _ ->
Printf.eprintf "CSP3: Too many input files or input not a file\n%!"
| Some ExtractText ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
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