More merror_str

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-06-26 14:03:34 +01:00
parent acb4fcdc36
commit 165d36872d

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
(* Implements all Matterhorn checks except for:
(* Implements most Matterhorn checks except for:
a) Those which require looking deep inside font files; and
b) Those which require reading inside the graphics stream. *)
b) Those which require reading inside the graphics stream.
Experimental. Both false positive and false negativce results possible. *)
exception MatterhornError of Cpdfyojson.Safe.t
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ let matterhorn_02_001 _ _ pdf =
| Some rm ->
let rolemap = read_rolemap pdf rm in
if circular rolemap then () else (* Will be reported below *)
iter (fun x -> try follow_standard rolemap x with Exit -> merror ()) (map fst rolemap)
iter (fun x -> try follow_standard rolemap x with Exit -> merror_str x) (map fst rolemap)
| None -> ()
(* A circular mapping exists. *)
@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ let matterhorn_02_003 _ _ pdf =
let rolemap = read_rolemap pdf rm in
if circular rolemap then
merror_str "STOP. If rolemap circular, cannot proceed with other checks."
(* We never reach here in normal use. This is pre-checked. *)
| None -> ()
(* One or more standard types are remapped. *)
@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ let matterhorn_02_004 _ _ pdf =
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/StructTreeRoot"; "/RoleMap"] with
| Some rm ->
let rolemap = read_rolemap pdf rm in
if List.exists (function k -> mem k standard_structure_types_2008) (map fst rolemap) then merror ()
iter (function k -> if mem k standard_structure_types_2008 then merror_str k) (map fst rolemap)
| None -> ()
(* Document does not contain an XMP metadata stream *)
@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ let matterhorn_14_003 st st2 pdf =
let rec check_nseq n = function
| E (s, cs) when is_hnum s ->
let num = int_of_string (implode (tl (tl (explode s)))) in
if num > n + 1 then merror ();
if num > n + 1 then merror_str (Printf.sprintf "%i -> %i" n num);
iter (check_nseq num) cs
| E (_, cs) -> iter (check_nseq n) cs
@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ let matterhorn_15_003 st st2 pdf =
enough information to know what is required. To be returned to. *)
let rec check_th = function
| E2 ("/TH", attr, _) ->
if not (List.mem "/Scope" attr) then merror_str "No scope, table organization not checked." (*else Printf.printf "Found /Scope in /TH\n"*)
if not (List.mem "/Scope" attr) then merror_str "No scope, table organization not checked."
| E2 (_, _, cs) -> iter check_th cs
check_th st2
@ -969,7 +972,7 @@ let matterhorn_31_017 _ _ pdf =
let cmaps = Cpdftruetype.cmaps (unopt fontfile) in
(*iter (fun (x, y) -> Printf.printf "%i, %i\n" x y) cmaps;*)
(* Must all be symbolic *)
if (List.for_all (function (1, 8) | (3, 0) -> true | _ -> false) cmaps) then merror ()
iter (function (1, 8) | (3, 0) -> () | (a, b) -> merror_str (Printf.sprintf "(%i, %i) cmap" a b)) cmaps
| _ -> ())
@ -1027,7 +1030,7 @@ let matterhorn_31_021 _ _ pdf =
| true, Some ((Pdf.Dictionary _) as d) ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BaseEncoding" d with
| Some (Pdf.Name ("/MacRomanEncoding" | "/WinAnsiEncoding")) -> ()
| Some _ -> merror ()
| Some x -> merror_str (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf x)
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
@ -1049,7 +1052,7 @@ let matterhorn_31_022 _ _ pdf =
| Some (Pdf.Array a) ->
let glyphs = Pdfglyphlist.glyph_hashes () in
let names = option_map (function Pdf.Name n -> Some n | _ -> None) a in
if not (List.for_all (Hashtbl.mem glyphs) names) then merror ()
iter (fun n -> if not (Hashtbl.mem glyphs n) then merror_str n) names
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
@ -1113,7 +1116,7 @@ let matterhorn_31_026 _ _ pdf =
(fun _ o ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" o with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/TrueType") ->
if true (*not (is_non_symbolic pdf o)*) (*FIXME reinstate test*) then
if not (is_non_symbolic pdf o) then
let fontfile = truetype_fontfile pdf o in
if fontfile = None then () else
let cmaps = Cpdftruetype.cmaps (unopt fontfile) in