This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2023-05-11 21:54:23 +01:00
parent 51b1c8ffce
commit 148cde595d

View File

@ -1378,15 +1378,6 @@ let set_remove_duplicate_fonts () =
let setencoding enc () =
args.encoding <- enc
let setlinespacing f =
args.linespacing <- f
let setmidline () =
args.midline <- true
let settopline () =
args.topline <- true
let setscaletofitscale f =
args.scale <- f
@ -1497,9 +1488,6 @@ let setoutline () =
let setlinewidth l =
args.linewidth <- l
let setunderneath () =
args.underneath <- true
let setimageresolution f =
detect_duplicate_op (ImageResolution f);
args.op <- Some (ImageResolution f)
@ -1524,9 +1512,6 @@ let settobox s =
let setmediaboxifmissing () =
args.mediabox_if_missing <- true
let setrelativetocropbox () =
args.relative_to_cropbox <- true
let setprerotate () =
args.prerotate <- true
@ -1536,15 +1521,6 @@ let settopage s =
let setscalestamptofit () =
args.scale_stamp_to_fit <- true
let setjustifyleft () =
args.justification <- Cpdfaddtext.LeftJustify
let setjustifyright () =
args.justification <- Cpdfaddtext.RightJustify
let setjustifycenter () =
args.justification <- Cpdfaddtext.CentreJustify
let setremoveduplicatestreams () =
args.remove_duplicate_streams <- true
@ -2082,30 +2058,6 @@ let addspecialtext s =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Font (font, args.fontsize));
addop (Cpdfdraw.SpecialText s)
let addleading f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Leading f)
let addcharspace f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.CharSpace f)
let addwordspace f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.WordSpace f)
let addtextscale f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.TextScale f)
let addrendermode i =
addop (Cpdfdraw.RenderMode i)
let addrise f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Rise f)
let addleading f =
addop (Cpdfdraw.Leading f)
let addnewline () =
addop Cpdfdraw.Newline
let setstderrtostdout () =
Pdfe.logger := (fun s -> print_string s; flush stdout)
@ -2485,28 +2437,28 @@ and specs =
Arg.Unit setcenter,
" Place text in the center of the page");
Arg.Unit setjustifyleft,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.justification <- Cpdfaddtext.LeftJustify),
" Justify multiline text left");
Arg.Unit setjustifyright,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.justification <- Cpdfaddtext.RightJustify),
" Justify multiline text right");
Arg.Unit setjustifycenter,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.justification <- Cpdfaddtext.CentreJustify),
" Justify multiline text center");
Arg.Unit setunderneath,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.underneath <- true),
" Text stamp is underneath content");
Arg.Float setlinespacing,
Arg.Float (fun f -> args.linespacing <- f),
" Line spacing (1 is normal)");
Arg.Unit setmidline,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.midline <- true),
" Adjust text to midline rather than baseline");
Arg.Unit settopline,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.topline <- true),
" Adjust text to topline rather than baseline");
Arg.Unit setrelativetocropbox,
Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.relative_to_cropbox <- true),
" Add text relative to Crop Box not Media Box");
Arg.Unit (setop EmbedMissingFonts),
@ -2952,13 +2904,13 @@ and specs =
("-et", Arg.Unit addet, " End text");
("-text", Arg.String addtext, " Draw text ");
("-stext", Arg.String addspecialtext, " Draw text with %specials");
("-leading", Arg.Float addleading, " Set leading");
("-charspace", Arg.Float addcharspace, " Set character spacing");
("-wordspace", Arg.Float addwordspace, " Set word space");
("-textscale", Arg.Float addtextscale, " Set text scale");
("-rendermode", Arg.Int addrendermode, " Set text rendering mode");
("-rise", Arg.Float addrise, " Set text rise");
("-nl", Arg.Unit addnewline, " New line");
("-leading", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Leading f)), " Set leading");
("-charspace", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.CharSpace f)), " Set character spacing");
("-wordspace", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.WordSpace f)), " Set word space");
("-textscale", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.TextScale f)), " Set text scale");
("-rendermode", Arg.Int (fun i -> addop (Cpdfdraw.RenderMode i)), " Set text rendering mode");
("-rise", Arg.Float (fun f -> addop (Cpdfdraw.Rise f)), " Set text rise");
("-nl", Arg.Unit (fun () -> addop Cpdfdraw.Newline), " New line");
("-newpage", Arg.Unit addnewpage, " Move to a fresh page");
(* These items are undocumented *)
("-debug", Arg.Unit setdebug, "");