This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2022-06-07 16:51:03 +01:00
parent a13a6c6813
commit 06ae841c09

View File

@ -125,8 +125,26 @@ let year_day d m y =
let n3 = 1 + (y - 4 * (y / 4) + 2) / 3 in
n1 - n2 * n3 + d - 30
(* OCAML *)
let js_date () = dummy
(* JS *)
let js_date () =
let d = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
{_tm_sec = d.tm_sec;
_tm_min = d.tm_min;
_tm_hour = d.tm_hour;
_tm_mday = d.tm_mday;
_tm_mon = d.tm_mon;
_tm_year = d.tm_year;
_tm_wday = d.tm_wday;
_tm_yday = d.tm_yday;
_tm_isdst = d.tm_isdst}
let return_date () =
match Sys.backend_type with Sys.Other "js_of_ocaml" -> dummy | _ ->
match Sys.backend_type with Sys.Other "js_of_ocaml" -> js_date () | _ ->
match Sys.os_type with
"Unix" ->
(* Call the POSIX 'date' program, redirected to a temp file, and parse. *)