mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 01:50:13 +01:00
New @N@@@ etc options
This commit is contained in:
@ -1317,40 +1317,6 @@ let get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel n _ =
| {Pdfmarks.text = title}::_ -> remove_unsafe_characters title
| _ -> ""
(* @F means filename without extension *)
(* @N means sequence number with no padding *)
(* @S means start page of this section *)
(* @E means end page of this section *)
(* @B means bookmark name at start page *)
let process_others marks pdf splitlevel filename sequence startpage endpage s =
let rec procss prev = function
| [] -> rev prev
| '@'::'F'::t -> procss (rev (explode filename) @ prev) t
| '@'::'N'::t -> procss (rev (explode (string_of_int sequence)) @ prev) t
| '@'::'S'::t -> procss (rev (explode (string_of_int startpage)) @ prev) t
| '@'::'E'::t -> procss (rev (explode (string_of_int endpage)) @ prev) t
| '@'::'B'::t -> procss (rev (explode (get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel startpage pdf)) @ prev) t
| h::t -> procss (h::prev) t
implode (procss [] (explode s))
let name_of_spec marks (pdf : Pdf.t) splitlevel spec n filename startpage endpage =
let fill l n =
let chars = explode (string_of_int n) in
if length chars > l
then implode (drop chars (length chars - l))
else implode ((many '0' (l - length chars)) @ chars)
let chars = explode spec in
let before, including = cleavewhile (neq '%') chars in
let percents, after = cleavewhile (eq '%') including in
if percents = []
process_others marks pdf splitlevel filename n startpage endpage spec
process_others marks pdf splitlevel filename n startpage endpage
(implode before ^ fill (length percents) n ^ implode after)
(* Find the stem of a filename *)
let stem s =
implode (rev (tail_no_fail (dropwhile (neq '.') (rev (explode (Filename.basename s))))))
@ -80,22 +80,6 @@ val validate_pagespec : string -> bool
val parse_pagespec_without_pdf : string -> int list
(** [name_of_spec printf marks pdf splitlevel spec n filename startpage
endpage] makes format substitutions in [spec] to make an output file name:
{- @F will be replaced by [filename]}
{- @N will be replace by the current sequence number [n], [n+1] etc.}
{- @S will be replace by the start page}
{- @E will be replace by the end page}
{- @B will be replace by the bookmark name in [marks] at the given level [splitlevel]}
[printf] is undocumented and should be set to [false].
val name_of_spec : Pdfmarks.t list -> Pdf.t -> int -> string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> string
(** {2 Compress and Decompress} *)
(** Compresses all streams in the PDF document which are uncompressed, using
/FlateDecode, leaving out metadata. If the PDF is encrypted, does nothing. *)
val recompress_pdf : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
@ -2515,16 +2515,42 @@ let get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel n _ =
(* @E means end page of this section *)
(* @B means bookmark name at start page *)
let process_others marks pdf splitlevel filename sequence startpage endpage s =
let rec procss prev = function
| [] -> rev prev
| '@'::'F'::t -> procss (rev (explode filename) @ prev) t
| '@'::'N'::t -> procss (rev (explode (string_of_int sequence)) @ prev) t
| '@'::'S'::t -> procss (rev (explode (string_of_int startpage)) @ prev) t
| '@'::'E'::t -> procss (rev (explode (string_of_int endpage)) @ prev) t
| '@'::'B'::t -> procss (rev (explode (get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel startpage pdf)) @ prev) t
| h::t -> procss (h::prev) t
let rec find_ats p = function
'@'::r -> find_ats (p + 1) r
| r -> (p, r)
implode (procss [] (explode s))
let string_of_int_width w i =
if w < 0 then raise (Pdf.PDFError "width of field too narrow")
else if w > 8 then raise (Pdf.PDFError "width of field too broad") else
let formats =
[|format_of_string "%i";
format_of_string "%i";
format_of_string "%02i";
format_of_string "%03i";
format_of_string "%04i";
format_of_string "%05i";
format_of_string "%06i";
format_of_string "%07i";
format_of_string "%08i"|]
Printf.sprintf formats.(w) i
let rec procss prev = function
| [] -> rev prev
| '@'::'F'::t -> procss (rev (explode filename) @ prev) t
| '@'::'N'::t ->
let width, rest = find_ats 0 t in
procss (rev (explode (string_of_int_width width sequence)) @ prev) rest
| '@'::'S'::t ->
let width, rest = find_ats 0 t in
procss (rev (explode (string_of_int_width width startpage)) @ prev) rest
| '@'::'E'::t ->
let width, rest = find_ats 0 t in
procss (rev (explode (string_of_int_width width endpage)) @ prev) rest
| '@'::'B'::t -> procss (rev (explode (get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel startpage pdf)) @ prev) t
| h::t -> procss (h::prev) t
implode (procss [] (explode s))
let name_of_spec marks (pdf : Pdf.t) splitlevel spec n filename startpage endpage =
let fill l n =
@ -2739,7 +2765,7 @@ let extract_images pdf range stem =
(let names =
(function n ->
let r = Cpdf.name_of_spec [] pdf 0 ("p" ^ string_of_int pnum ^ "_" ^ stem) n "" 0 0 in r)
let r = name_of_spec [] pdf 0 ("p" ^ string_of_int pnum ^ "_" ^ stem) n "" 0 0 in r)
(indx images)
iter2 (write_image pdf page.Pdfpage.resources) names images))
@ -2758,7 +2784,6 @@ let getencryption pdf =
| Some (Pdfwrite.AES256bitISO true) -> "256bit AES ISO, Metadata encrypted"
| Some (Pdfwrite.AES256bitISO false) -> "256bit AES ISO, Metadata not encrypted"
(* If a cropbox exists, make it the mediabox. If not, change nothing. *)
let copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range =
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
%FIXME: Document -remove-clipping
%FIXME: Document new -list-spot-colours
%FIXME: Document new -pad-multiple-before
%FIXME: Document new @N@@@ @E@@@, @S@@@ options
Reference in New Issue
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