removing app title, short and long description strings

This commit is contained in:
tibbi 2022-07-04 23:35:18 +02:00
parent 5f613c2529
commit e4ad96ae6f
38 changed files with 40 additions and 343 deletions

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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">كيف يمكنني تغيير لون القطع؟</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">في حال كان لديك عنصر واجهة مستخدم نشط واحد فقط، يمكنك إما إعادة إنشائه، أو استخدام الزر في إعدادات التطبيق لتخصيصه. إذا كان لديك العديد من الحاجيات النشطة، لن يكون الزر الموجود في إعدادات التطبيق متاحا. بما أن التطبيق يدعم تخصيص الألوان لكل عنصر واجهة مستخدم ، سيكون عليك إعادة إنشاء القطعة التي تريد تخصيصها.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">ملاحظات بسيطة برو: منظم قائمة المهام ومخطط</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">مخطط بسيط: إنشاء الملاحظات والنسخ الاحتياطي وقوائم المهام مع أداة تذكير ملاحظة سريعة</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> . ★ تحتاج إلى أخذ ملاحظة سريعة عن شيء للشراء أو عنوان أو فكرة بدء التشغيل؟ ثم ننظر إلى أبعد من ذلك لأن هذا هو أداة منظم بسيط كنت تبحث عن : ملاحظات بسيطة: منظم قائمة المهام ومخطط! لا حاجة إلى خطوات الإعداد معقدة، فقط اضغط على الشاشة واكتب ما جئت من أجل وإنشاء ملاحظات، قوائم سريعة، قائمة مرجعية أو النسخ الاحتياطي لأي فكرة. مع دفتر الملاحظات الشخصية البسيطة يمكنك تذكر أي شيء بسرعة! التسوق لشراء البقالة، وحفظ أفكارك وأسهل إعداد تذكير تدوين الملاحظات لم يكن أسهل ★ مخطط الملاحظات البسيطة سريعة وبسيطة لاستخدام منظم ومخطط رائع، وسوف تكون بمثابة أداة لا تقدر بثمن ورفيق، مما يساعدك على تذكر قطعة من المعلومات اللازمة! أداة تذكير لدينا يسمح لك لتتبع واجباتك، وخلق قائمة مرجعية يومية للعناصر أو الأفكار مع البساطة غير مسبوقة، والسجل وقيمة لا مثيل لها لتوفير الوقت. إدارة الجدول الزمني الخاص بك بطريقة سريعة وبسيطة. تأتي أداة تذكير دفتر الملاحظات هذه مع الحفظ التلقائي حتى لا تتجاهل التغييرات عن طريق الخطأ. كما أنه يدعم إنشاء عدة ملاحظات مستقلة النص العادي والقوائم بسرعة كبيرة. يمكنك الوصول بسهولة إلى المذكرة وتنظيم قائمة المهام الخاصة بك في أي وقت من الأوقات باستخدام القطعة القابلة للتخصيص والممكن تغيير حجمها، والتي تفتح التطبيق على الصنبور. فمن سهل الاستعمال ويحتوي على الإطلاق أي إعلانات أو أذونات لا لزوم لها - لا سلاسل المرفقة. فمن مفتوحة المصدر تماما، ويوفر الألوان القابلة للتخصيص التي يمكن تعديلها مع التغيير والتبديل السريع والسريع. <b> ملاحظات بسيطة: منظم قائمة المهام ومخططها </b> هو أفضل منظم للعنصر ومخطط قائمة يمكنك استخدامه بدون إعلانات. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى منظم عالي الجودة للحصول على تعليقات سريعة وجيدة ، وتذكير موثوق وسهل الاستخدام بسيط الاستخدام حقا ، فقم بتنزيل تطبيقنا الآن :) لديك دفتر ملاحظات الشخصية الخاصة بك في جيبك كل يوم ويكون مخطط النسخ الاحتياطي لذلك لن يكون لديك ما يدعو للقلق نسيان اجتماع مهم أو قائمة التسوق الخاصة بك :). لأنه يأتي مع تصميم المواد وموضوع الظلام افتراضيا، ويوفر تجربة مستخدم كبيرة لسهولة الاستخدام. عدم الوصول إلى الإنترنت يمنحك المزيد من الخصوصية والأمان والاستقرار أكثر من التطبيقات الأخرى. لا يحتوي على إعلانات أو أذونات غير ضرورية. فمن مفتوحة المصدر تماما، ويوفر ألوان قابلة للتخصيص. <b> تحقق من مجموعة كاملة من أدوات بسيطة هنا:</b> <b>موقع مستقل من ملاحظات بسيطة برو:</b> <b>الفيسبوك:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> . </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I change the widgets color\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner</b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,10 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Как мога да променя цвета на приспособлението\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Обикновени бележки Pro: Планове, списъци и бележки</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Com puc canviar el color dels ginys\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">En cas que només tingueu 1 giny actiu, podeu tornar-lo a crear o utilitzar el botó de configuració de l\'aplicació per personalitzar-lo. Si teniu diversos ginys actius, el botó de configuració de l\'aplicació no estarà disponible. Com que l\'aplicació admet la personalització del color per giny, haureu de tornar a crear el giny que vulgueu personalitzar.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: organitzador i planificador de llistes de tasques pendents</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Planificador simple: creeu notes, còpies de seguretat i llistes de tasques pendents amb una eina ràpida de recordatori de notes</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Necessiteu prendre una nota ràpida d\'alguna cosa per comprar, una adreça o una idea inicial\? Aleshores, no busqueu més, ja que aquesta és l\'eina simple d\'organització que heu estat buscant: Simple Notes: organitzador i planificador de llistes de tasques pendents! No es necessiten passos complicats de configuració, només cal que toqueu la pantalla i introduïu el que vulgueu i creeu notes, llistes ràpides, llistes de comprovació o còpies de seguretat de qualsevol idea. Amb el vostre bloc de notes personal simple podeu recordar qualsevol cosa ràpidament! Comprar queviures, memoritzar els vostres pensaments i escriure recordatoris en prendre notes mai no ha estat tan fàcil ★ El planificador de notes simple és un organitzador ràpid i senzill d\'utilitzar i un planificador notable i servirà com una eina i un auxiliar inestimable, que us ajudarà a recordar la peça necessària d\'informació! La nostra eina de recordatoris permet fer un seguiment de les vostres obligacions, crear una llista de comprovació diària per a elements o idees amb una simplicitat, notabilitat i estalvi de temps sense precedents. Gestioneu la vostra planificació d\'una manera ràpida i senzilla. Aquesta eina de recordatoris del bloc de notes inclou el desament automàtic perquè no descarteu els vostres canvis per error. També admet la creació de diverses notes independents i llistes de text sense format molt ràpidament. Podeu accedir fàcilment a una nota i organitzar la vostra llista de tasques pendents en molt poc temps utilitzant el giny personalitzable i redimensionable, que obre l\'aplicació amb un toc. És fàcil d\'utilitzar i no conté absolutament cap anunci ni permisos innecessaris, sense imposar cap condició. És totalment de codi obert, proporciona colors personalitzables que es poden ajustar amb un retoc ràpid. <b>Simple Notes: l\'organitzador i planificador de llistes de tasques pendents </b> és el millor organitzador i planificador de llistes d\'articles que podeu utilitzar sense anuncis. Si necessiteu un organitzador d\'alta qualitat per a notes ràpides i útils, un recordatori fiable i fàcil d\'utilitzar que sigui realment senzill d\'utilitzar, descarregueu la nostra aplicació ara mateix :) Tingueu el vostre propi bloc de notes personal a la butxaca cada dia, a més d\'un planificador de còpia de seguretat perquè no us haureu de preocupar d\'oblidar una reunió important o la vostra llista de la compra :). De manera predeterminada, inclou el «material design» i un tema fosc, proporciona una gran experiència d\'usuari per a un ús fàcil. La manca d\'accés a Internet us ofereix més privadesa, seguretat i estabilitat que altres aplicacions. No conté anuncis ni permisos innecessaris. És totalment de codi obert, proporciona colors personalitzables. <b>Consulteu el conjunt complet d\'eines simples aquí:</b> <b>Lloc web autònom de Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Jak mohu změnit barvy widgetu\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">V případě, že máte pouze 1 aktivní widget, můžete jej buď znovu vytvořit, nebo použít tlačítko v nastavení apky na změnu barvy. Pokud máte widgetů víc, tlačítko v nastavení apky zmizí. Protože apka podporuje různé barvy pro každý widget, budete muset znovu vytvořit ten widget, jehož barvy chcete změnit.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: Organizátor a plánovač seznamu úkolů</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">"Jednoduchý plánovač: Vytvářejte poznámky, zálohujte &amp; seznamy úkolů pomocí nástroje pro rychlé připomenutí poznámek"</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner</b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Neobsahuje žádné reklamy a nepotřebná oprávnění. Je opensource, poskytuje možnost změny barev. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I change the widgets color\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner</b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Gyda dim hysbysebion a dim eisiau unrhyw ganiatâd di-angen. Mae\'n gyfan gwbl god agored a gellir addasu lliwiau\'r ap. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hvordan kan jeg ændre widgets farve\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Hvis du kun har 1 aktiv widget, kan du enten genskabe den eller bruge knappen i appindstillingerne til at tilpasse den. Hvis du har flere aktive widgets, er knappen i appindstillingerne ikke tilgængelig. Da appen understøtter farvetilpasning pr. widget, skal du genskabe den widget, som du vil tilpasse.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do liste planlægger</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simpel planlægger: Opret noter, backup og to-do-lister</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Har du brug for at tage en hurtig note af noget at købe, en adresse eller en startidé\? Så kig ikke længere, da dette er den enkle arrangør værktøj, du har ledt efter: Simple Noter: To-do liste arrangør og planner! Ingen komplicerede opsætning trin er nødvendige, bare trykke på skærmen og indtaste, hvad du kom til og oprette noter, hurtige lister, tjekliste eller backup for enhver idé. Med din enkle personlige notesbog kan du huske alt hurtigt! Shopping for dagligvarer, huske dine tanker og lettere at oprette påmindelser tage noter har aldrig været nemmere ★ Simple noter planner er hurtig, enkel at bruge arrangør og bemærkelsesværdige planner, og det vil tjene som et uvurderligt værktøj og følgesvend, hjælper dig med at huske nødvendige stykke information! Vores påmindelsesværktøj giver dig mulighed for at holde styr på dine opgaver, oprette en daglig tjekliste for varer eller ideer med hidtil uset enkelhed, notabilitet og uovertruffen tidsbesparende værdi. Administrer din tidsplan på en hurtig og enkel måde. Dette værktøj til påmindelse om notesbog leveres med automatisk lagring, så du ikke sletter dine ændringer ved en fejltagelse. Det understøtter også oprettelse af flere uafhængige almindelige tekstnoter og lister meget hurtigt. Du kan nemt få adgang til noten og organisere din opgaveliste på ingen tid ved hjælp af den tilpassede og videresizable widget, som åbner appen på tryk. Det er brugervenligt og indeholder absolut ingen annoncer eller unødvendige tilladelser - ingen bindinger. Det er fuldt opensource, giver tilpassede farver, som kan justeres med hurtig og hurtig tweaking. <b> Enkle noter: Opgavelistearrangør og planlægger </b> er den bedste varearrangør og listeplanlægger, du kan bruge uden annoncer. Hvis du har brug for en arrangør af høj kvalitet til en hurtig og god pris, en pålidelig og brugervenlig påmindelse, der virkelig er enkel at bruge, kan du downloade vores app lige nu :) Har din egen personlige notesbog i lommen hver dag og har en backup planner, så du ikke behøver at bekymre dig om at glemme et vigtigt møde eller din indkøbsliste :). Det leveres med materialedesign og mørkt tema som standard giver stor brugeroplevelse for nem brug. Manglen på internetadgang giver dig mere privatliv, sikkerhed og stabilitet end andre apps. Indeholder ingen annoncer eller unødvendige tilladelser. Det er fuldt opensource, giver tilpassede farver. <b> Se hele pakken med simple værktøjer her:</b> <b>Enkeltstående websted for Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Wie kann ich die Farbe der Widgets ändern\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Wenn nur ein Widget aktiv ist, kann die Farbe über die Einstellungen unter dem Punkt Widgets angepasst werden, ansonsten muss es neu erstellt werden.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: Organizer und Planer für Aufgabenlisten</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Schlichter Planer: Erstellen Sie Notizen, Sicherungskopien und Aufgabenlisten mit dem Schnellnotiz-Erinnerungswerkzeug</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Musst du dir schnell etwas zum Kaufen, eine Adresse oder eine Geschäftsidee notieren\? Dann suchen Sie nicht weiter, denn dies ist das einfache Organizer-Werkzeug, nach dem Sie schon lange gesucht haben: Simple Notes: Organizer und Planer für Aufgabelisten! Es sind keine komplizierten Einrichtungsschritte erforderlich, tippen Sie einfach auf den Bildschirm und geben Sie ein, was Sie suchen, und erstellen Sie Notizen, kurze Listen, Checklisten oder Backups für jede Idee. Mit Ihrem einfachen persönlichen Notizbuch können Sie sich alles schnell merken! Noch nie war es so einfach, sich Notizen zu machen, Lebensmittel einzukaufen, sich Gedanken zu merken und Erinnerungen zu erstellen ★ Der Simple Notes Planner ist ein schneller, einfach zu bedienender Organizer und bemerkenswerter Planer, der Ihnen als unschätzbares Werkzeug und Begleiter dienen wird und Ihnen hilft, sich an wichtige Informationen zu erinnern! Unser Erinnerungswerkzeug ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Aufgaben im Auge zu behalten, tägliche Checklisten für Dinge oder Ideen mit beispielloser Einfachheit, Notierbarkeit und unübertroffenem zeitsparendem Wert zu erstellen. Verwalten Sie Ihren Terminkalender auf schnelle und einfache Weise. Dieses Notizbuch-Erinnerungswerkzeug verfügt über eine automatische Speicherung, damit Sie Ihre Änderungen nicht versehentlich verwerfen. Es unterstützt auch die schnelle Erstellung mehrerer unabhängiger Textnotizen und Listen. Mit dem anpassbaren und größenveränderbaren Widget, das die Anwendung auf Knopfdruck öffnet, können Sie im Handumdrehen auf die Notizen zugreifen und Ihre Aufgabenliste organisieren. Die Anwendung ist benutzerfreundlich und enthält keinerlei Werbung oder unnötige Berechtigungen keine Bedingungen. Es ist vollständig quelloffen und bietet anpassbare Farben, die schnell und einfach eingestellt werden können. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> ist der beste Organizer und Listenplaner, den Sie ohne Werbung verwenden können. Wenn Sie einen hochwertigen Organizer für schnelle und gute Notizen brauchen, eine zuverlässige und benutzerfreundliche Erinnerung, die wirklich einfach zu bedienen ist, laden Sie unsere Anwendung jetzt herunter :) Haben Sie Ihr persönliches Notizbuch jeden Tag in der Tasche und haben Sie einen Backup-Planer, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen, dass Sie ein wichtiges Meeting oder Ihre Einkaufsliste vergessen :). Die Anwendung ist standardmäßig im Material Design und mit einem dunklen Thema ausgestattet, was die Bedienung sehr einfach macht. Der fehlende Internetzugang bietet Ihnen mehr Privatsphäre, Sicherheit und Stabilität als andere Anwendungen. Enthält keine Werbung oder unnötige Berechtigungen. Es ist vollständig quelloffen, bietet anpassbare Farben. <b>Sehen Sie sich die vollständige Suite von Simple Tools hier an:</b> <b>Website von Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I change the widgets color\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">¿Cómo puedo cambiar los colores del widget\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">En caso de que solo tengas un widget activo, Puedes volverlo a crear, o usar el botón en los ajustes de la aplicación para personalziarlo. Si tienes múltiples widgets activos, el botón en los ajustes de la aplicación no estará disponible. Ya que la aplicación soporta personalización de color por widget, tendrás que volver a crear el widget tque quieres personalizar.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Notas Simple Pro: Organizador de lista de quehaceres y planeador</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Organizador Simple: Crea notas, respalda y listas de tareas con recordatorios</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ ¿Necesita tomar una nota rápida de algo que comprar, una dirección, o una idea para un nuevo negocio\? Entonces no busque más ya que esta es la herramienta de organización que has estado buscando: ¡Notas Simples: Organizador y planeador de tareas! No necesita pasos de configuración complicados, simplemente pulse la pantalla y escriba aquello por lo que viniste y cree notas, listas rápidas, listas de control o respaldos para cualquier idea. ¡Con su simple cuaderno puede recordar cualquier cosa rápidamente! Realizar la compra, memorizar pensamientos y configurar recordatorios. Tomar notas nunca ha sido tan sencillo ★ El planeador de Notas Simples es un rápido y sencillo organizador y extraordinario planeador y servirá como una herramienta y compañero inestimable, ¡ayudándote a recordar información necesaria! Nuestra herramienta de recordatorios le permite mantener un seguimiento de tus deberes, crear listas de control diarias de elementos o ideas con una simplicidad y notabilidad sin precedentes junto a un ahorro de tiempo sin rivalidad. Administre su agenda de una forma sencilla y rápida. Este cuaderno de recordatorios viene con guardado automático de tal forma que no borrará sus cambios por error. También soporta la creación de varias notas independientes en texto plano y listas muy rápidamente. Puede acceder sencillamente y organizar sus listas de tareas en un instante usando el widget personalizable y redimensionable, el cual abre la aplicación al ser pulsado. Es fácil de usar y no contiene ningún anuncio o permisos innecesarios - sin ataduras. Es totalmente código libre, provee colores personalizables los cuales pueden ser ajustados con rápidos retoques. <b>Notas Simples: Organizador y planeador de tareas</b> es el mejor organizador de elementos y planificador de listas que puedes usar sin anuncios. Si necesita un organizador de alta calidad para rápidas y buenas notas, un recordatorio de confianza y fácil de usar que es verdaderamente sencillo, descárguese nuestra aplicación en este mismo instante :) Tenga su propio cuaderno personal en su bolsillo todos los días y un planeador de respaldo de tal forma que no tendrá que preocuparse por olvidarse de una reunión importante o tu lista de la compra :). Viene con material design y tema oscuro por defecto, provee una gran experiencia de usuario para un uso sencillo. La falta de acceso a Internet le da mayor privacidad, seguridad y estabilidad que otras aplicaciones. No contiene anuncios o permisos innecesarios. Es completamente código libre, provee colores personalizables. <b>Échele un ojo al conjunto completo de Simples Herramientas aquí:</b> <b>Sitio web independiente de Notas Simples Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Kuidas ma saan muuta vidinate värvi\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Kui sa kasutad vaid üht vidinat, siis kas saad ta uuesti luua või kasutada rakenduse seadistusi värvide kohandamiseks. Kui sul on pidevas kasutuses mitu vidinat, siis rakenduste seadistuste nupp ei toimi. Kuna rakendus võimaldab eri vidinatele määrata erinevaid värve, siis sa pead muudetava vidina uuesti looma.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Lihtne märkmik pro: märkmete ja loendite ülestähendaja</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Lihtne märkmik: koosta märkmeid, tegevuste loendeid ja muud olulist oma plaanide jaoks</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">چگونه میتوانم رنگ ابزارک‌ها را تغییر دهم؟</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">در این مثال شما فقط یک ابزارک فعال دارید، شما همچنین می‌توانید آن را دوباره بسازید، یا از دکمه درون تنظیمات آن را سفارشی‌سازی کنید. اگر شما چندین ابزارک فعال دارید، دکمه درون تنظیمات در دسترس نخواهد بود. همچنان برنامه از سفارشی‌سازی رنگ برای هر ابزارک پشتیبانی میکند، شما خواهید توانست با ساخت دوبارهٔ ابزارک آن را سفارشی‌سازی کنید.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">یادداشت آسان حرفه‌ای: ایجاد و برنامه‌ریزی فهرست کارها</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">طراحی آسان: ایجاد یادداشت‌ها، پشتیبان گیری و فهرست کارها همراه با ابزار یادآوری سریع</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ نیاز به یادداشت سریع چیزی برای خرید دارید، یک آدرس یا یک ایدهٔ نوآورانه؟ پس بیش از این دنبالش نگردید، این همان ابزار برنامه‌ریزی است که دنبالش هستید : یادداشت آسان: ایجاد و برنامه‌ریزی فهرست کارها! نیاز به گام‌های پیچیده برای راه‌اندازی نیست، کافیست صفحه را لمس کنید و چیزی که دنبالش هستید را بنویسید و یادداشت‌ها، فهرست‌های سریع و فهرست‌های نشان‌دار را ایجاد کنید. با دفترچه یادداشت شخصی خود میتوانید همه چیز را به سرعت به یاد بیاورید! خرید‌های مغازه، حفظ کردن مطالب و تنظیم یادآورها هرگز این آسان‌تر نبوده است ★ یادداشت آسان، سریع، با استفادهٔ آسان و برنامه‌ریز و ایجادکننده عالی به همراه ابزارهای فوق العاده گرانبها را برایتان فراهم آورده است. همدمی که به شما برای یادآوری اطلاعات ضروری یاری می‌رساند. ابزار یادآوری ما شما قادر میسازد تا حقوق خود را پیگیری و فهرست نشان‌دار را برای کارها و افکار روزانه خود ایجاد کنید. و همراه با سادگی بی‌نظیر، مقدار قابل توجه‌ای در زمان صرفه‌جویی و زمان خود را به شیوه‌ای آسان مدیریت کنید. ابزار یادآوری این دفترچه یادداشت به همراه قابلیت ذخیرهٔ خودکار عرضه شده است، پس شما تغییراتتان را به اشتباه از دست نخواهید داد. این همچنان از ایجاد یادداشت به صورت متن خام جداگانه و فهرست‌های سریع پشتیبانی میکند. شما به راحتی و بدون صرف زمان با استفاده از ابزارک‌های قابل سفارشی‌سازی و تغییر اندازه، به یادداشت‌ها و فهرست کارهایتان دسترسی دارید، و می‌توانید آنها را مرتب کنید، و هنگامی که ابزارک را لمس کنید، همان یادداشت در برنامه باز می‌شود. این برنامه دوست‌دار کاربر و بدونه هیچ تبلیغات یا مجوز غیرضروری - بدون کلمه‌ای اضافی - است. این برنامه کاملا متن‌باز، به همراه رنگ‌های قابل سفارشی‌سازی که می‌توان به راحتی و سرعت تنظیم شوند. <b>یادداشت آسان: ایجاد و برنامه‌ریزی فهرست کارها</b> بهترین ایجاد کننده و برنامه‌ریز فهرست کارهایی است که میتوانید بدون تبلیغات از آن استفاده کنید. اگر به یک ایجاد کننده باکیفیت برای نوشتن یادداشت‌های سریع و خوب و یک یادآور دوست‌دار کاربر و قابل اطمینان که کار با آن واقعا ساده است، نیاز دارید؛ همین الان برنامه ما را بارگیری کنید :) دفترچه یادداشت شخصی خود را هر روز در جیب خود داشته باشد و یک نقشه پشتبان هم دارید تا دیگر نگران فراموش کردن قرار ملاقات‌های مهم و فهرست خریدتان نباشید :). این برنامه با طراحی متریال و تِم تاریک به عنوان پیش‌گزیده، یک تجربهٔ کاربری عالی برای استفادهٔ راحت را به ارمغان آورده است. عدم استفاده از اینترنت؛ حریم خصوصی، امنیت و پایداری بیشتری نسبت به برنامه‌های دیگر به شما می‌دهد. این برنامه کاملا متن‌باز و بدون تبلیغات یا دسترسی‌های غیرضروری است. همچنین قابلیت سفارشی‌سازی رنگ‌ها را هم، فراهم می‌سازد. <b>ابزار‌های آسان دیگر را از اینجا ببینید:</b> <b>سایت مستقل یادداشت آسان حرفه‌ای:</b> <b>فیسبوک:</b> <b>رددیت:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Kuinka voin vaihtaa pienoissovelluksen väriä\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Jos sinulla on vain yksi aktiivinen pienoissovellus, voit joko luoda sen uudelleen tai mukauttaa sitä sovelluksen asetukset-painikkeella. Jos sinulla on useita aktiivisia pienoissovelluksia, sovelluksessa oleva asetukset-painike ei ole käytettävissä. Koska sovellus tukee värien mukauttamista pienoissovellusta kohti, sinun on luotava uudelleen pienoissovellus, jonka haluat muokata.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: Tehtävälistan organisointi</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Yksinkertainen suunnittelija: Luo muistiinpanoja, varmuuskopioita ja varmuuskopioi; tehtävälistat nopealla muistutustyökalulla.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Comment puis-je changer la couleur des widgets\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Si vous avez seulement un widget actif, vous pouvez soit le recréer, soit utiliser le bouton dans les paramètres pour le personnaliser. Si vous avez plusieurs widgets actifs, le bouton dans les paramètres ne sera pas disponible. Comme l\'application supporte la personnalisation de la couleur par widget, vous devrez recréer le widget que vous voulez personnaliser.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro : Organisateur et planificateur de listes de tâches</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Planificateur simple : Créez des notes, des sauvegardes et des listes de choses à faire avec l\'outil de rappel rapide des notes</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Vous avez besoin de prendre rapidement en note un objet à acheter, une adresse ou une idée d\'entreprise \? Alors ne cherchez plus car voici l\'outil d\'organisation simple que vous recherchiez : Simple Notes : Organisateur de liste de tâches et planificateur ! Aucune étape de configuration compliquée n\'est nécessaire, il suffit d\'appuyer sur l\'écran et de taper ce que vous êtes venu chercher et de créer des notes, des listes rapides, une liste de contrôle ou de sauvegarde pour toute idée. Avec votre simple carnet personnel, vous pouvez vous souvenir de tout rapidement ! Faire les courses, mémoriser vos pensées et plus facilement mettre en place des rappels prendre des notes n\'a jamais été aussi facile ★ Simple notes planner est rapide, simple à utiliser organisateur et remarquable planificateur et il servira comme un outil précieux et compagnon, vous aidant à se souvenir de la pièce nécessaire de l\'information ! Notre outil de rappel vous permet de garder une trace de vos tâches,créer une liste de contrôle quotidienne pour les éléments ou les idées avec une simplicité sans précédent, notabilité et une valeur inégalée de gain de temps. Gérez votre emploi du temps de manière simple et rapide. Cet outil de rappel de bloc-notes est doté d\'une fonction d\'enregistrement automatique afin que vous ne supprimiez pas vos modifications par erreur. Il permet également de créer très rapidement plusieurs notes et listes indépendantes en texte brut. Vous pouvez facilement accéder à la note et organiser votre liste de choses à faire en un rien de temps en utilisant le widget personnalisable et redimensionnable, qui ouvre l\'application sur simple pression. L\'application est conviviale et ne contient absolument aucune publicité ou autorisation inutile. Il est entièrement open source, fournit des couleurs personnalisables qui peuvent être ajustées avec des réglages rapides et rapides. <b>Simple Notes : Organiseur et planificateur de listes de tâches </b> est le meilleur organisateur d\'articles et planificateur de liste que vous pouvez utiliser sans publicité. Si vous avez besoin d\'un organisateur de haute qualité pour une note rapide et bonne, un rappel fiable et convivial qui est vraiment simple à utiliser, téléchargez notre application dès maintenant :) Ayez votre carnet personnel dans votre poche tous les jours et ayez un planificateur de secours pour ne pas avoir à vous inquiéter d\'oublier une réunion importante ou votre liste de courses :). Il est livré avec un design matériel et un thème sombre par défaut, offrant une grande expérience utilisateur pour une utilisation facile. L\'absence d\'accès à Internet vous donne plus de confidentialité, de sécurité et de stabilité que les autres applications. Ne contient pas de publicités ou de permissions inutiles. Il est entièrement opensource, fournit des couleurs personnalisables. <b>Découvrez la suite complète de Simple Tools ici :</b> <b>Site Web autonome de Simple Notes Pro :</b> <b>Facebook :</b> <b>Reddit :</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Como cambio a cor dos widgets\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">No caso de que teñas só un widget activo, podes crealo de novo ou usar o botón nos axustes do app para personalizalo.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Necesitas tomar unha nota rápida de algo que mercar, un enderezo ou unha idea\? Non busques máis xa que esta é a ferramenta de organizador sinxela que estaba buscando: Notas simples: organizador e planificador de listas de tarefas pendentes. Non fai falta ningunha etapa de configuración complicada; só tes que tocar a pantalla e escribir o que buscaches e crear notas, listas rápidas, lista de verificación ou copia de seguridade para calquera idea. Coa túa sinxela libreta persoal podes recordar calquera cousa rápido. Nunca foi tan fácil mercar en supermercados, memorizar os teus pensamentos e configurar con máis facilidade recordatorios para tomar notas ★ O planificador de notas simple é un organizador rápido e sinxelo de usar e un planificador notable e servirá de ferramenta e compañeiro inestimable, axudándolle a lembrar a información necesaria. A nosa ferramenta de recordatorio permítelle facer un seguimento dos seus deberes, crear unha lista de comprobación diaria de elementos ou ideas cunha sinxeleza, notabilidade e un valor de aforro de tempo sen precedentes. Xestiona o teu horario de xeito rápido e sinxelo. Esta ferramenta de recordatorio de portátiles inclúe gardado automático para que non descartes os teus cambios por erro. Tamén admite a creación de varias notas e listas de texto plano independentes moi rápido. Podes acceder facilmente á nota e organizar a túa lista de tarefas en pouco tempo usando o widget personalizable e redimensionable que abre a aplicación ao tocar. É doado de usar e non contén anuncios nin permisos innecesarios, sen cadeas. É totalmente de código aberto, ofrece cores personalizables que se poden axustar con axustes rápidos e rápidos. <b> Notas sinxelas: o organizador e planificador de listas de tarefas </b> é o mellor organizador de elementos e planificador de listas que podes usar sen anuncios. Se precisa un organizador de alta calidade para obter notas rápidas e boas, un recordatorio fiable e fácil de usar que sexa realmente sinxelo de usar, descargue a nosa aplicación agora mesmo :) Teña o seu propio caderno persoal no peto todos os días e teña un planificador de copia de seguridade para que non terás que preocuparte por esquecer unha reunión importante nin a túa lista de compras :). E, por último, vén cun deseño material e tema escuro por defecto, fornece unha experiencia moi boa para os usuarios por ter un uso fácil. Ao non necesitar acceso a Internet, tes moita máis privacidade, seguridade e estabilidade. Non ten publicidade ou permisos innecesarios. É de código totalmente aberto e pode mudar a cor ao seu gusto. <b>Podes consultar a nosa páxina aquí:</b> <b>Páxina de Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Kako mogu promijeniti boju widgeta\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">U slučaju da imaš samo jedan aktivan widget, možeš ga ponovno izraditi ili upotrijebiti gumb u postavkama aplikacije za njegovu prilagođavanje. Ako imaš više aktivnih widgeta, gumb u postavkama aplikacije neće biti dostupan. Budući da aplikacija podržava prilagođavanje boja po widgetu, morat ćeš ponovo izraditi widget koji želiš prilagoditi.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jednostavne bilješke Pro: Popis zadataka i planer</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Jednostavan planer: Bilješke, sigurnosne kopije i popisi zadataka s podsjetnikom</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Trebate brzo zabilježiti nešto za kupiti, adresu ili ideju za pokretanje\? Onda ne tražite dalje, jer je ovo jednostavan alat za organizatore koji ste tražili: Jednostavne napomene: Organizator i planer popisa obaveza! Nisu potrebni komplicirani koraci za postavljanje, samo dodirnite zaslon i upišite ono po što ste došli i stvorite bilješke, brze popise, popise za provjeru ili sigurnosnu kopiju za bilo koju ideju. Sa svojom jednostavnom osobnom bilježnicom možete brzo zapamtiti sve! Kupnja namirnica, pamćenje vaših misli i lakše postavljanje podsjetnika bilježenje nikada nije bilo lakše ★ Jednostavan planer bilješki je brz, jednostavan za korištenje i izvanredan planer. Te će poslužiti kao neprocjenjiv alat i pratilac, pomažući vam da zapamtite potreban dio informacija! Naš alat za podsjetnike omogućuje vam da pratite svoje dužnosti, kreirate dnevni kontrolni popis za stavke ili ideje uz neviđenu jednostavnost, uočljivost i vrijednost koja štedi vrijeme bez premca. Upravljajte svojim rasporedom na brz i jednostavan način. Ovaj alat za podsjetnike bilježnice dolazi s automatskim spremanjem tako da nećete greškom odbaciti svoje promjene. Također podržava stvaranje više neovisnih bilješki i popisa u običnom tekstu vrlo brzo. Možete jednostavno pristupiti bilješci i organizirati svoj popis zadataka u tren oka pomoću prilagodljivog widgeta i widgeta za promjenu veličine, koji otvara aplikaciju na dodir. Jednostavan je za korisnika i ne sadrži apsolutno nikakve oglase ili nepotrebna dopuštenja - nema priloženih stringova. Potpuno je otvorenog koda, nudi prilagodljive boje koje se mogu prilagoditi brzim i brzim podešavanjem. <b> Jednostavne napomene: Organizator i planer popisa obaveza </b> najbolji je organizator stavki i planer popisa koji možete koristiti bez oglasa. Ako vam je potreban visokokvalitetan organizator za brze i dobre bilješke, pouzdan i korisniku prikladan podsjetnik koji je uistinu jednostavan za korištenje, preuzmite našu aplikaciju odmah :) Svaki dan imajte svoju osobnu bilježnicu u džepu i rezervni planer kako biste mogli nećete morati brinuti da ćete zaboraviti važan sastanak ili popis za kupovinu :). Aplikacija je izrađena u material-dizajnu i standardno koristi tamnu temu, pruža izvrsno korisničko iskustvo za jednostavnu upotrebu. Nedostatak pristupa internetu pruža bolju privatnost, sigurnost i stabilnost od drugih aplikacija. Ne sadrži oglase niti nepotrebne dozvole. Potpuno je otvorenog koda, pruža prilagodljive boje. <b>Pogledaj cijeli paket „Jednostavni alati” ovdje:</b> <b>Zasebna stranica za „Jednostavan upravljač datoteka Pro”:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hogyan módosíthatom a modulok színét\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Ha csak 1 aktív modulja van, akkor vagy újra létrehozhatja, vagy használja az alkalmazásbeállításokban lévő gombot, hogy testreszabja. Ha több modulja van, akkor az alkalmazásbeállításokban nem lesz elérhető a gomb. Mivel az alkalmazás támogatja szín modulonkénti testreszabását, azért a módosítandó modult újra létre kell hoznia.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Egyszerű jegyzetek Pro: Teendőszervező és tervező</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Egyszerű tervező: jegyzetek, teendők létrehozása, gyors jegyzetemlékeztetők</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Szüksége van egy gyors jegyzetre, hogy felírja a bevásárlólistáját, egy címet vagy a startup ötletét\? Ne keressen tovább, ez az egyszerű szervező eszköz, amit keresett: Egyszerű jegyzetek: teendőlista-szervező és -szervező! Nincs szükség összetett beállításra, csak koppintson a képernyőre, és írja be, amit szeretne, és hozzon létre jegyzeteket, gyors listákat, ellenőrzőlistákat vagy biztonsági mentéseket. Az egyszerű személyes jegyzetfüzettel mindent gyorsan megjegyezhet! A bevásárlás, a gondolatainak lejegyzése és az emlékeztetők beállítása sosem volt egyszerűbb ★ Az Egyszerű jegyzettervező gyors és könnyedén használható, és felbecsülhetetlen értékű eszköz és útitárs, amely segít megjegyezni a szükséges információkat! Az emlékeztető eszközünk segít nyomon követni a feladatait, hozzon létre napi ellenőrzőlistákat sosem látott egyszerűséggel. Kezelje a napirendjét gyorsan és egyszerűen. Az emlékeztető eszköz automatikus értesítéssel érkezik, így nem fogja véletlenül elveszíteni a módosításait. Több különböző egyszerű szöveges jegyzet és lista létrehozását is támogatja. Könnyedén elérheti a jegyezetet, és pillanatok alatt szerkesztheti a teendőlistáját a testreszabható és átméretezhető modul segítségével. Felhasználóbarát és egyáltalán nem tartalmaz reklámokat és felesleges engedélyeket. Teljesen nyílt forráskódú, testreszabható színeket biztosít, amely gyorsan beállítható. Az <b>Egyszerű jegyzetek: teendőlista-szervező és -tervező</b> a legjobb reklámmentes szervező és listatervező. Ha magas minőségű szervezőre van szüksége gyors jegyzeteléshez, megbízható és felhasználóbarát emlékeztetőkkel, amely tényleg könnyedén használható, akkor most töltse le az alkalmazásunkat :) Legyen minden nap a zsebében a személyes jegyzetfüzete, és legyen egy tervezője, így nem felejti el a fontos találkozóit és a bevásárlólistáját :). Material dizájnnal, és alapértelmezetten sötét témával érkezik, így kiváló felhasználói élményt nyújt. Az internetelérés hiánya miatt nagyobb adatvédelmet, biztonságot és stabilitást nyújt, mint más alkalmazások. Reklámmentes és nem tartalmaz reklámokat vagy szükségtelen engedélyeket. Teljesen nyílt forráskódú, és testreszabható színeket kínál. <b>Nézze meg a teljes Simple Tools csomagot itt:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,28 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Bagaimana cara mengubah warna widget\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Jika anda hanya memiliki 1 widget aktif, anda bisa menambahkan ulang, atau gunakan tombol di dalam pengaturan aplikasi untuk mengubahnya. Jika anda memiliki banyak widget aktif, tombol di dalam pengaturan aplikasi tidak akan tersedia. Karena aplikasi mendukung penyesuaian warna per-widget, anda harus menghapus dan menambahkan ulang widget yang ingin anda ubah warnanya.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: Pengatur dan perencana daftar tugas</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Perencana sederhana: Buat catatan, cadangan &amp; daftar tugas dengan alat pengingat catatan cepat</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Perlu mencatat sesuatu untuk dibeli, alamat, atau ide startup\? Maka tidak perlu mencari lagi karena ini adalah alat pengatur sederhana yang Anda cari: Simple Notes: Agenda dan perencana daftar tugas!
\nTidak perlu langkah penyiapan yang rumit, cukup ketuk layar dan ketik tujuan Anda dan buat catatan, daftar cepat, daftar periksa, atau cadangan untuk ide apa pun. Dengan buku catatan pribadi Anda yang sederhana, Anda dapat mengingat apa saja dengan cepat! Berbelanja bahan makanan, menghafal pikiran Anda dan lebih mudah mengatur pengingat membuat catatan tidak pernah semudah ini.
\n★ Perencana catatan sederhana cepat, mudah digunakan organizer dan perencana yang luar biasa dan itu akan berfungsi sebagai alat dan pendamping yang tak ternilai, membantu Anda mengingat bagian penting dari informasi! Alat pengingat kami memungkinkan Anda untuk melacak tugas Anda, membuat daftar periksa harian untuk item atau ide dengan kesederhanaan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, ketenaran dan nilai hemat waktu yang tak tertandingi. Kelola jadwal Anda dengan cepat dan sederhana. Alat pengingat buku catatan ini dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan otomatis sehingga Anda tidak akan membuang perubahan Anda secara tidak sengaja. Ini juga mendukung pembuatan beberapa catatan dan daftar teks biasa yang independen dengan sangat cepat. Anda dapat dengan mudah mengakses catatan dan mengatur daftar tugas Anda dalam waktu singkat dengan menggunakan widget yang dapat disesuaikan dan dapat diubah ukurannya, yang membuka aplikasi dengan ketukan. Ini ramah pengguna dan sama sekali tidak mengandung iklan atau izin yang tidak perlu - tanpa pamrih. Ini sepenuhnya opensource, menyediakan warna yang dapat disesuaikan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan tweaker cepat dan cepat.
\n<b>Simple Notes: Pengatur dan perencana daftar agenda </b> adalah pengatur item dan perencana daftar terbaik yang dapat Anda gunakan tanpa iklan. Jika Anda membutuhkan organizer berkualitas tinggi untuk catatan yang cepat dan baik, pengingat yang andal dan ramah pengguna yang benar-benar mudah digunakan, unduh aplikasi kami sekarang :)
\nMiliki buku catatan pribadi Anda di saku Anda setiap hari dan miliki perencana cadangan sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir melupakan pertemuan penting atau daftar belanja Anda :).
\nMuncul dengan desain material dan tema gelap secara default, memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang luar biasa untuk penggunaan yang mudah. Kurangnya akses internet memberi Anda lebih banyak privasi, keamanan, dan stabilitas daripada aplikasi lain. Tidak mengandung iklan atau izin yang tidak perlu. Ini sepenuhnya sumber-terbuka, menyediakan warna yang dapat disesuaikan.
\n<b>Lihat rangkaian lengkap Simple Tools di sini:</b>
\n<b>Situs web mandiri Simple Notes Pro:</b>
\n<b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Come posso cambiare il colore dei widget\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Se hai un solo widget attivo, puoi ricrearlo oppure usare il pulsante nelle impostazioni dell\'app per personalizzaro. Se hai più di un widget, il pulsante nelle impostazioni dell\'app non sarà disponibile. Dato che l\'app supporta la personalizzazione dei colori per ogni widget, dovrai ricreare il widget che vuoi personalizzare.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: Organizzatore e pianificatore di liste di cose da fare</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Pianificatore semplice: Crea note, backup e liste di cose da fare con lo strumento di promemoria delle note rapide</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Hai bisogno di prendere una nota veloce di qualcosa da comprare, un indirizzo o un\'idea di azienda\? Allora non cercate oltre, perché questo è lo strumento semplice organizzatore che stavate cercando: Note semplici: lista di cose da fare e pianificatore! Non c\'è bisogno di complicati passaggi di configurazione, basta toccare lo schermo e digitare ciò che è venuto per e creare note, liste veloci, lista di controllo o di backup per qualsiasi idea. Con il tuo semplice taccuino personale puoi ricordare qualsiasi cosa velocemente! Fare la spesa, memorizzare i tuoi pensieri e impostare più facilmente i promemoria prendendo appunti non è mai stato così facile ★ Simple notes planner è veloce, semplice da usare organizzatore e pianificatore notevole e servirà come uno strumento prezioso e compagno, aiutandoti a ricordare pezzo necessario di informazioni! Il nostro strumento di promemoria ti permette di tenere traccia dei tuoi doveri, creare una lista di controllo giornaliera per oggetti o idee con una semplicità senza precedenti, notabilità e un impareggiabile valore di risparmio di tempo. Gestite il vostro programma in modo semplice e veloce. Questo strumento di promemoria per notebook è dotato di salvataggio automatico in modo da non scartare le modifiche per errore. Supporta anche la creazione di più note di testo indipendenti e liste molto velocemente. È possibile accedere facilmente alla nota e organizzare la vostra lista di cose da fare in poco tempo utilizzando il widget personalizzabile e ridimensionabile, che apre l\'applicazione al tocco. È facile da usare e non contiene assolutamente pubblicità o permessi inutili — nessun vincolo. È completamente opensource, fornisce colori personalizzabili che possono essere regolati con un\'impostazione rapida e veloce. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer e planner </b> è il miglior organizzatore di articoli e pianificatore di liste che puoi usare senza pubblicità. Se hai bisogno di un organizzatore di alta qualità per una rapida e buona nota, un promemoria affidabile e facile da usare che è veramente semplice da usare, scarica subito la nostra app :) Avere il proprio taccuino personale in tasca ogni giorno e avere un pianificatore di backup in modo da non doversi preoccupare di dimenticare una riunione importante o la lista della spesa :). Viene fornito con material design e tema scuro per impostazione predefinita, fornisce una grande esperienza utente per un facile utilizzo. La mancanza di accesso a internet ti dà più riservatezza, sicurezza e stabilità rispetto ad altre applicazioni. Non contiene annunci o permessi inutili. Codice completamente aperto, fornisce colori personalizzabili. <b>Controlla la suite completa di Simple Tools qui:</b> <b> Sito web standalone di Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b> Facebook:</b> <b> Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,15 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">כיצד אוכל לשנות את צבע הווידג\'טים\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">במקרה שיש לך רק ווידג\'ט פעיל אחד, תוכל ליצור אותו מחדש או להשתמש בכפתור בהגדרות האפליקציה כדי להתאים אותו. אם יש לך מספר ווידג\'טים פעילים, הכפתור בהגדרות האפליקציה לא יהיה זמין. מכיוון שהאפליקציה תומכת בהתאמה אישית של צבע לכל ווידג\'ט, תצטרך ליצור מחדש את הווידג\'ט שברצונך להתאים אישית.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: מארגן ומתכנן רשימת מטלות</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">מתכנן פשוט: צור הערות, גיבוי ורשימות מטלות עם כלי מהיר לתזכורת הערות</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ צריך לרשום במהירות משהו לקנות, כתובת או רעיון לסטארט-אפ\? אז אל תחפשו רחוק יותר מכיוון שזהו כלי המארגן הפשוט שחיפשתם: הערות פשוטות: מארגן ומתכנן רשימת מטלות! אין צורך בצעדי הגדרה מסובכים, פשוט הקש על המסך והקלד את מה שבאת בשבילו וצור הערות, רשימות מהירות, רשימת בדיקה או גיבוי לכל רעיון. עם המחברת האישית הפשוטה שלך תוכל לזכור כל דבר מהר! קניות של מצרכים, שינון מחשבותיך והגדרה קלה יותר של תזכורות. מֵידָע! כלי התזכורת שלנו מאפשר לך לעקוב אחר החובות שלך, ליצור רשימת צ\'ק יומית לפריטים או רעיונות עם פשטות חסרת תקדים, בולטות וערך חיסכון ללא תחרות בזמן. נהל את לוח הזמנים שלך בצורה מהירה ופשוטה. כלי תזכורת למחברת זה מגיע עם שמירה אוטומטית כך שלא תבטל את השינויים בטעות.
\nזה גם תומך ביצירת הערות ורשימות עצמאיות של טקסט רגיל במהירות רבה. אתה יכול לגשת בקלות להערה ולארגן את רשימת המטלות שלך תוך זמן קצר על ידי שימוש בווידג\'ט הניתן להתאמה אישית ולשינוי גודל, שפותח את האפליקציה בהקשה. הוא ידידותי למשתמש ואינו מכיל פרסומות או הרשאות מיותרות - ללא תנאים מצורפים. זה קוד פתוח לחלוטין, מספק צבעים הניתנים להתאמה אישית הניתנים להתאמה עם התאמה מהירה ומהירה. <b>הערות פשוטות: מארגן ומתכנן רשימות מטלות </b> הוא מארגן הפריטים ומתכנן הרשימות הטובים ביותר שתוכל להשתמש בו ללא מודעות. אם אתה צריך ארגונית באיכות גבוהה להערות מהירה וטובה, תזכורת אמינה וידידותית למשתמש שבאמת פשוטה לשימוש, הורד את האפליקציה שלנו כבר עכשיו :) יש לך מחברת אישית משלך בכיס כל יום ותהיה לך מתכנן גיבוי כדי שתוכל לא תצטרך לדאוג לשכוח פגישה חשובה או את רשימת הקניות שלך :). זה מגיע עם עיצוב חומר וערכת נושא כהה כברירת מחדל, מספק חווית משתמש נהדרת לשימוש קל. היעדר גישה לאינטרנט נותן לך יותר פרטיות, אבטחה ויציבות מאשר אפליקציות אחרות. אינו מכיל פרסומות או הרשאות מיותרות. זה קוד פתוח לחלוטין, מספק צבעים הניתנים להתאמה אישית. <b>בדוק את החבילה המלאה של כלים פשוטים כאן:</b> <b>אתר עצמאי של Simple Notes Pro:</b> הערות <b>פייסבוק:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">ウィジェットの色はどうやって変更出来ますか?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">アクティブなウィジェットが一つしかない場合、ウィジェットを再作成するか、アプリ設定内のボタンを押してカスタマイズ出来ます。アクティブなウィジェットが複数ある場合、アプリ設定内のボタンは使用出来ません。アプリはウィジェットごとの色のカスタマイズをサポートしているので、カスタマイズしたいウィジェットは再作成する必要があります。</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">シンプルなメモ To-Doリストプロのオーガナイザーとプランナー</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">あなたのやることリスト:適切なメモを作成し、スマートシートを作成し、日常業務を計画</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★買い物リスト、住所のリマインダー、新しいアイデアを作成するためには簡単なメモが必要ではないですか? これはあなたが探していたシンプルな整理ツールです。もう他を探す必要はありません。シンプルなメモTo-doリストの整理とプラン 最高の整理アプリとメモ-Android向けの無料の付箋メモ作成アプリ。 複雑な設定は必要ありません。画面をタップして情報を入力し、アイデアのメモ、クイックリスト、チェックリスト、またはバックアップを作成してください。 シンプルなパーソナルノートブックなら、何でもすぐに思い出すことができます! 食料品の買い物リスト、毎日の議題のTo-Doリスト、会議のリマインダーの設定が簡単に。 ★ シンプルなノートプランナーは、使いやすいオーガナイザーとメモ帳です。 必要な情報やショッピングモールでのショッピングリストを思い出すのに役立ちます。 リマインダーのメモ帳ツールを使用すると、業務の追跡、アイテムやアイデアに付箋をしたり買い物リストの作成が可能になります。これまでにないシンプルさ、時間節約ができます。 無料の付箋整理アプリでスケジュールを管理 <b> シンプルートプロTo-doリストの整理とプラン</b>のメモ帳リマインダーツールには自動保存機能が付いているので、誤って変更を破棄することはありません。 複数のメモやリストをすばやく作成することもできます。 カスタマイズ可能なウィジェットとサイズ変更可能なウィジェットを使用すると、無料の付箋に簡単にアクセスして、すぐにTo-Doリストのメモ帳を整理することができます。 ユーザーフレンドリーで、広告や不要な権限は一切ありません。それは完全にオープンソースの優れたノート作成ウィジェットであり、カラーカスタマイズも可能です。 <b> シンプルートプロTo-doリスト整理とプラン</b>は、広告なしで使用できる最高のアイテム整理と付箋が付けられる無料アプリです。 迅速かつ信頼性の高い優れたメモ、本当に使いやすいシンプルな買い物リストを通知する高品質のオーガナイザー(整理)が必要な場合は、今すぐアプリをダウンロードしてください。バックアッププランナーが備わっているため、個人用チェックリスト整理アプリとメモ帳を毎日ポケットに入れれば、重要な会議や買い物リストを忘れる心配はありません。 広告や不要な権限はありません。 完全にオープンソースで、カラーもカスタマイズ可能。 <b>シンプルツールの完全なリストはこちらからご確認ください:</b> <b>シンプルートプロのwebサイト</b> <b> Facebook</b> <b> Reddit</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I change the widgets color\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner</b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Neturi reklamų ar nereikalingų leidimų. Programėlė visiškai atviro kodo, yra galimybė keisti spalvas. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hvordan endrer jeg miniprogramsfargen\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Enkel planlegger: Opprett notater, sikkerhetskopi- og gjøremålslister med et enkelt påminnelsesverktøy</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -76,14 +76,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hoe verander ik de kleuren van de widgets\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Gebruik de optie in de instellingen van de app om de kleuren aan te passen, of maak de widget opnieuw aan. Indien er meerdere widgets van deze app actief zijn, zal deze optie niet beschikbaar zijn. De kleuren zijn dan alleen aan te passen door de widget opnieuw aan te maken.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Eenvoudige Notities Pro: Takenlijst en memo\'s</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Eenvoudige planner: maak notities, takenlijsten en herinneringen</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Deze app is uiterst geschikt voor alle soorten notities, of het nu een lijstje boodschappen is, een adres of een idee voor een start-up. De app kan ook funguren als takenlijst en planner! Geen moeilijke stappen, gewoon intypen en de notitie, (afvink)lijst of herinnering staat veilig. Zo vergeet u nooit iets meer! ★ Deze app is snelle en eenvoudig te gebruiken organizer en gebruiksvriendelijke planner. Het zal dienen als een onmisbaar hulpmiddel om allerlei zaken bij te houden! De notities met herinneringen zullen automatisch worden opgeslagen; gegevens zullen dus nooit plotseling verdwenen zijn. Het is ook mogelijk om meerdere aparate notities en lijsten te maken. Met een aan te passen widget is een notitie of takenlijst onmiddellijk ter beschikking en zal deze direct geopend worden in de app met een simpele klik. <b>Eenvoudige Notities Pro: Takenlijst en memo\'s</b> is het beste notitieblok om in de broekzak mee te dragen en een app voor herinneringen aan afspraken en boodschappen, helemaal zonder advertenties. De app is ontworpen volgens material design en heeft standaard een donker thema. De app heeft geen toegang tot het internet nodig en voorziet van meer privacy, veiligheid en stabiliteit dan andere apps. Bevat geen advertenties of onnodige permissies. Volledig open-source. Kleuren van de app kunnen worden aangepast. <b>Probeer ook eens de andere apps van Simple Tools:</b> <b>Website voor Eenvoudige Notities Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Jak mogę zmienić kolor widżetów\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Jeśli masz tylko 1 aktywny widżet, możesz go odtworzyć lub użyć przycisku w ustawieniach aplikacji, aby go dostosować. Jeśli masz wiele aktywnych widżetów, przycisk w ustawieniach aplikacji nie będzie dostępny. Ponieważ aplikacja obsługuje dostosowywanie kolorów dla poszczególnych widżetów, konieczne będzie ponowne utworzenie widżetu, który chcesz dostosować.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Proste notatki Pro: Organizer i planer listy zadań</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Prosty planer: Twórz notatki, kopie zapasowe i listy zadań do zrobienia</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Chcesz szybko zanotować coś do kupienia, adres lub pomysł na startup\? Nie szukaj dalej, ponieważ jest to proste narzędzie do organizowania, którego szukałeś(-aś) - Proste notatki: Organizator i planer listy zadań do zrobienia! Nie są potrzebne żadne skomplikowane czynności konfiguracyjne - wystarczy, że dotkniesz ekranu, wpiszesz to, co planowałeś(-aś) i tworzysz notatki, szybkie listy, listę kontrolną lub kopię zapasową dowolnego pomysłu. Dzięki prostemu, osobistemu notatnikowi możesz szybko wszystko zapamiętać! Zakupy spożywcze, zapamiętywanie myśli i łatwiejsze konfigurowanie przypomnień; robienie notatek nigdy nie było prostsze ★ Planer prostych notatek jest szybkim, prostym w użyciu organizerem i niezwykłym planerem, a także będzie nieocenionym narzędziem i towarzyszem pomagającym zapamiętać potrzebne informacje! Nasze narzędzie do przypominania pozwala śledzić Twoje obowiązki, tworzyć codzienną listę kontrolną dla zadań lub pomysłów z niespotykaną prostotą i niezrównaną oszczędnością czasu. Zarządzaj swoim harmonogramem w szybki i prosty sposób. To narzędzie notatnika jest wyposażone w funkcję automatycznego zapisywania, dzięki czemu nie odrzucisz swoich zmian przez pomyłkę. Obsługuje również bardzo szybkie tworzenie wielu niezależnych notatek i list w postaci zwykłego tekstu. Możesz łatwo uzyskać dostęp do notatki i błyskawicznie uporządkować listę zadań do zrobienia, korzystając z dostosowywanego widżetu o zmiennej wielkości, który otwiera aplikację po naciśnięciu go. Jest przyjazny dla użytkownika i nie zawiera żadnych reklam ani zbędnych uprawnień - bez żadnych zobowiązań. Jest w pełni otwartoźródłowy, zapewnia konfigurowalną kolorystykę, którą można dostosować za pomocą szybkiego dostrajania. <b>Proste notatki: Organizer i planer listy zadań do zrobienia</b> jest najlepszym organizerem i planerem list zadań, z którego możesz korzystać bez reklam. Jeśli potrzebujesz wysokiej jakości organizera do szybkich i dobrych notatek, niezawodnych i przyjaznych dla użytkownika przypomnień, które są naprawdę proste w użyciu, pobierz naszą aplikację już teraz :) Miej swój osobisty notes w kieszeni każdego dnia i miej planer kopii zapasowych, abyś nie musiał(a) się martwić, że zapomnisz o ważnym spotkaniu lub liście zakupów :). Domyślnie jest wyposażony w Material Design i ciemny motyw, zapewniając doskonałe doświadczenie użytkownika dla łatwego użytkowania. Brak dostępu do Internetu zapewnia większą prywatność, bezpieczeństwo i stabilność niż inne aplikacje. Nie zawiera reklam ani niepotrzebnych uprawnień. Jest w pełni otwartoźródłowy, zapewnia konfigurowalną kolorystykę. <b>Sprawdź pełen zestaw od Simple Tools tutaj:</b> <b>Strona internetowa Prostych notatek Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Como mudar a cor dos widgets\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Caso você possua apenas 1 widget ativo, você poderá recriá-lo, ou usar o botão nas configurações do aplicativo para personalizá-lo. Caso você possua vários widgets ativos, o botão nas configurações do aplicativo não estará disponível. Como o aplicativo suporta personalização de cores por widget, você terá que recriar o widget que deseja personalizar.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Notas Simples Pro: Planeje e organize tarefas</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Planejador simples: Crie notas, backup e listas de tarefas com o lembrete rápido</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Você precisa anotar algo para comprar, um endereço ou uma ideia de startup\? Não procure mais. Este organizador simples é perfeito para você. Notas Simples é um organizador e planner! Sem configurações complicadas, apenas toque na tela e digite o que você veio anotar, faça listas ou tenha um backup de qualquer ideia. Com um caderno simples e pessoa, você pode se lembrar de tudo rapidamente! Lista de compras, memorizar pensamentos e a criação de lembretes nunca foi tão fácil. ★ Notas Simples é uma maneira rápida e simples de usar um organizador e planner, que servirá como uma ferramenta valiosa para lembrar você de tudo que precisar! Nossa ferramenta de lembrete ajuda você a lembrar de suas tarefas, criar listas de itens diarios ou anotar ideias com facilidade, notabilidade e economizando seu tempo. Gerencie sua agenda de forma rápida e simples. Este caderno lembrete vem com um botão para salvar automaticamente, para que você não perca suas anotações sem querer. Também apoia a criação de diversas notas de texto e listas independentes rapidamente. Você pode acessar a nota facilmente para organizar seus afazeres ao utilizar o widget personalizável, que abre o aplicativo em um toque. Sem anúncios ou permissões desnecessárias. Totalmente opensource, com cores personalizáveis que podem ser ajustadas rapidamente. <b>Notas Simples: Organizador e Planner</b> é o melhor organizador de itens e listas que você pode usar, sem anúncios! Se precisa de um organizador rápido e de qualidade para notas e rascunhos, com um design amigável e lembretes fáceis de usar, baixe nosso aplicativo agora :) Tenha um caderno pessoal em seu bolso todos os dias, com um planner em backup para não esquecer de notas e reuniões importantes :). Utiliza um design material e tema escuro por padrão, com uma ótima experiência de usuário para uso facilitado. Não é necessário a conexão com a internet, fornecendo mais privacidade, segurança e estabilidade em relação a outros apps. <b>Verifique todos os apps Simples Tools aqui:</b> <b>Website da versão Notas Simples Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Como posso alterar a cor do widget\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Se apenas tiver um widget ativo, pode recriá-lo ou utilizar o botão nas definições o personalizar. Se tiver vários widgets, este botão não estará disponível. Como cada um dos widgets pode ser personalizado, terá que os recriar sempre que o quiser personalizar.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro Organização e planeamento de notas</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner Crie notas, listas de verificação e lembretes</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Com o Simple Notes organize notas, confira listas e planeie tarefas facilmente. Descomplicado, basta tocar no ecrã e começar a escrever. Anote ideias e crie listas de consulta rápida ou de verificação. Um verdadeiro bloco de notas com práticos lembretes para nunca se esquecer de nada! ★ <b>Simple Notes </b> é uma ferramenta indispensável para organizar e planear com simplicicidade, já que funciona também como agenda. Os lembretes mantêm-no a par dos seus afazeres diários para assim, o ajudar a gerir de forma mais eficiente o seu tempo. Guarda automaticamente as suas alterações para que não as perca por descuido. Aceita e gere múltiplas entradas independentes em texto simples. Num instante, aceda às suas notas ou listas através de um widget personalizável e redimensionável que abre a aplicação directamente a partir do ecrã inicial. Com design material num tema escuro por definição. Não requer acesso à internet o que lhe confere mais privacidade, segurança e estabilidade. Não contém anúncios nem permissões desnecessárias. É totalmente open source e oferece cores personalizáveis a gosto. <b>Consulte a gama completa de aplicações Simple Tools aqui:</b> <b>Site da aplicação Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Cum pot schimba culoarea widget-urilor\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">În cazul în care aveți doar un singur widget activ, îl puteți fie recrea, fie puteți utiliza butonul din setările aplicației pentru a-l personaliza. În cazul în care aveți mai multe widgeturi active, butonul din setările aplicației nu va fi disponibil. Deoarece aplicația acceptă personalizarea culorilor pentru fiecare widget în parte, va trebui să recreați widgetul pe care doriți să îl personalizați.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_short_description">Planificator simplu: Creați notițe, liste de rezervă și liste de sarcini</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: Organizator de liste</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Как я могу изменить цвет виджета\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Если у вас только 1 активный виджет, вы можете либо пересоздать его, либо использовать кнопку в настройках приложения. Если у вас несколько активных виджетов, кнопка в настройках будет недоступна. Поскольку приложение поддерживает настройку цвета для каждого виджета, вам придётся пересоздать виджет, который вы хотите настроить.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: списки дел и планировщик</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: создавайте и сохраняйте заметки и to-do списки с быстрыми напоминаниями</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Вам нужно быстро сделать заметку о покупке, адресе или идее стартапа\? Тогда можете больше не искать это приложение - то, что вам нужно. Simple Notes: Менеджер To-do списков! Никаких сложных шагов настройки не требуется, просто коснитесь экрана и введите то, что вам нужно. Сохраняйте свои идеи, создавайте заметки, быстрые и контрольные списки. С помощью простого блокнота вы сможете быстро все вспомнить! Вы легко можете настраивать напоминания, еще никогда не было так легко делать заметки ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Наше приложение экономит время позволяя отслеживать запланированные дела и составлять ежедневные контрольные списки. Быстро и просто управляйте своим расписанием. В приложении используется автоматическое сохранение, а также оно поддерживает быстрое создание нескольких независимых простых текстовых заметок и списков. Вы легко можете получить доступ к заметке и мгновенно организовать свой список дел использую настраиваемый виджет, открывающий приложение одним касанием. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. Приложение имеет полностью открытый исходный код, позволяет быстро и легко настроить цвета интерфейса. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner</b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). По умолчанию используется материальный дизайн и темная тема, что обеспечивает хороший пользовательский опыт и простоту использования. Отсутствие разрешения доступа к интернету дает вам больше конфиденциальности, безопасности и стабильности, чем другие приложения. Без рекламы и излишних прав доступа. Полностью открытое ПО, а также со встроенной темной темой. <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Ako viem zmeniť farby widgetu\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">V prípade, že máte iba 1 aktívny widget, ho môžete buď znova vytvoriť, alebo použiť tlačidlo v nastaveniach apky na zmenu farby. Ak máte widgetov viacero, tlačidlo v nastaveniach apky zmizne. Keďže apka podporuje rôzne farby pre každý widget, budete musieť znovu vytvoriť ten widget, ktorého farby chcete zmeniť.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jednoduché poznámky Pro: Plánovač a organizér</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Plánovač - vytvárajte poznámky, zálohy, zoznamy úloh použitím pripomienok</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Potrebujete si vytvoriť rýchlu poznámku, aby ste nezabudli niečo kúpiť, adresu, alebo startupový nápad\? Práve ste našli najlepŠí organizér, ktorí ste hľadali: Jednoduché poznámky. Nie sú potrebné žiadne nastavenia, iba začnite písať, čo ste chceli, rýchle zoznamy, zoznamy položiek, zálohy atď. S týmto nástrojom na poznámky nezabudnete na nič. Ani pri nákupoch, ani myšlienkach. Jednoduché poznámky sú rýchlym jednoduchým organizérom a plánovačom, bude pre vás nenahraditeľným nástrojom a pomocníkom pri pamätaní si všetkého dôležitého.! Náš pripomienkovač vám umožní pamätať si vaše povinnosti, vytvárať denné zoznamy úloh, alebo nápadov. Ide o bezkonkurenčnú jednoduchosť a šetrič času. Spravujte svoj deň týmto jednoduchým spôsobom. Nachádza sa tu aj automatické ukladanie poznámok, nemôže sa teda stať, že niečo zabudnete, alebo neuložíte. Podporuje vytváranie viacerých nezávislých poznámok a zoznamov. Ku poznámkam sa viete dostať jednoducho pomocou prispôsobiteľného widgetu s meniteľnou veľkosťou a farbami, ktorý otvorí po kliknutí apku. Obsahuje prívetivé používateľské prostredie úplne bez reklám a nepotrebných oprávnení. Je open source, obsahuje meniteľné farby, pomocou ktorých si viete rýchlo prispôsobiť apku. <b>Jednoduché poznámky</b> sú najlepším organizérom a plánovačom bez reklám. Ak potrebujete vysoko kvalitný organizér pre rýchlu tvorbu poznámok s príjemným používateľským prostredím, stiahnite si túto apku teraz. Majte váš vlastný súkromný poznámkový blok vo vrecku na každodenné použitie, aby ste nezabudli na nič dôležité. Táto apka je založená na Material dizajne a má prednastavenú tmavú tému, poskytuje výbornú používateľskú skúsenosť pre ľahké používanie. Chýbajúci prístup k internetu garantuje lepšie súkromie, bezpečnosť a stabilitu ako ostatné apky. Neobsahuje žiadne reklamy a nepotrebné oprávnenia. Je opensource, poskytuje možnosť zmeny farieb. <b>Pozrite si celú sadu aplikácií na:</b> <b>Vlastná stránka Jednoduchých Poznámok Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hur ändrar jag färgen på widgetarna\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Om du bara har 1 aktiv widget kan du antingen återskapa den eller använda knappen i appinställningarna för att anpassa den. Om du har flera aktiva widgetar är knappen i appinställningarna inte tillgänglig. Eftersom appen stöder färganpassning per widget måste du återskapa den widget som du vill anpassa.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simpla anteckningar proffesionell: Att göra lista organisatör och planerare</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simpel planerare: Skapa noteringar, backup &amp; att göra listor med snabb noterings påminnelse verktyg</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Behöver du anteckna något att köpa, en adress eller en idé för en ny verksamhet\? Då behöver du inte leta längre, för det här är det enkla organisatörsverktyget som du har letat efter: Simpla anteckningar: Att-göra-lista, organiserare och planerare! Inga komplicerade installationssteg behövs, tryck bara på skärmen och skriv in vad du kom för och skapa anteckningar, snabba listor, checklista eller backup för varje idé. Med din enkla personliga anteckningsbok kan du komma ihåg vad som helst snabbt! Handla för matvaror, memorera dina tankar och enklare ställa in påminnelser ta anteckningar har aldrig varit enklare ★ Simpel plannerare är snabb, enkel att använda organisatör och anmärkningsvärd planerare och det kommer att fungera som ett ovärderligt verktyg och följeslagare, hjälper dig att komma ihåg nödvändig information! Vårt påminnelseverktyg låter dig hålla reda på dina uppgifter, skapa dagliga checklistor för objekt eller idéer med oöverträffad enkelhet, notabilitet och oöverträffat tidsbesparande värde. Hantera ditt schema på ett snabbt och enkelt sätt. Detta påminnelseverktyg för anteckningsbok kommer med automatisksparande så att du inte kommer att kasta dina ändringar av misstag. Det stöder också att skapa flera oberoende anteckningar och listor i vanlig text mycket snabbt. Du kan enkelt komma åt anteckningen och organisera din att-göra-lista på nolltid med hjälp av den anpassningsbara och storleksanpassningsbara widgeten, som öppnar appen på tryck. Den är användarvänlig och innehåller absolut inga annonser eller onödiga behörigheter - inga villkor. Den är helt öppen källkod, ger anpassningsbara färger som kan justeras med snabb och snabb justering. <b>Simpla anteckningar: Att-göra-lista organisatlör och planläggare</b> är den bästa sakorganisatören och planeraren du kan hitta utan annonser. Om du behöver en högkvalitativ organisatör för snabba och bra anteckningar, en pålitlig och användarvänlig påminnelse som är riktigt enkel att använda, ladda ner vår app nu :) Ha din egen personliga anteckningsbok i fickan varje dag och ha en backup-planerare så att du inte behöver oroa dig för att glömma ett viktigt möte eller din inköpslista :). Den kommer med materialdesign och mörkt tema som standard, ger bra användarupplevelse för enkel användning. Avsaknaden av internetåtkomst ger dig mer integritet, säkerhet och stabilitet än andra appar. Innehåller ingen reklam eller onödiga behörigheter. Den har helt öppen källkod och anpassningsbara färger. <b>Kika på hela samlingen av Simpla verktyg här:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -78,44 +78,6 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I change the widgets color?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★
Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information!
Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner.
This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast.
You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap.
It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking.
<b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :).
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
<b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Widget rengini nasıl değiştirebilirim\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Yalnızca 1 etkin widget\'ınız varsa, yeniden oluşturabilir veya özelleştirmek için uygulama ayarlarındaki düğmeyi kullanabilirsiniz. Birden fazla etkin widget\'ınız varsa, uygulama ayarlarındaki düğme kullanılamaz. Uygulama, widget başına renk özelleştirmeyi desteklediğinden, özelleştirmek istediğiniz widget\'ı yeniden oluşturmanız gerekir.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Basit Notlar Pro: Yapılacak düzenleyici/planlayıcı</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Hızlı not hatırlatıcıyla notlar, yedekleme ve yapılacaklar listeleri oluşturun</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Satın almak istediğiniz bir şeyi, bir adresi veya bir başlangıç fikrini hızlıca not almanız mı gerekiyor\? O halde, aradığınız basit düzenleyici araç olduğundan başka yere bakmayın: Basit Notlar: Yapılacaklar listesi düzenleyici ve planlayıcı! Karmaşık kurulum adımlarına gerek yoktur, sadece ekrana dokunun ve aradığınız şeyi yazın ve herhangi bir fikir için notlar, hızlı listeler, yapılacaklar listesi veya yedek oluşturun. Basit kişisel not defterinizle her şeyi hızlı bir şekilde hatırlayabilirsiniz! Market alışverişi yapmak, düşüncelerinizi ezberlemek ve daha kolay hatırlatıcılar ayarlamak not almak hiç bu kadar kolay olmamıştı ★ Basit not planlayıcı hızlıdır, kullanımı basittir, düzenleyici ve dikkate değer bir planlayıcıdır ve paha biçilmez bir araç ve yardımcı olarak hizmet eder, gerekli bilgi parçasını hatırlamanıza yardımcı olur! Hatırlatma aracımız, görevlerinizi takip etmenize, benzeri görülmemiş basitlik, dikkat çekicilik ve rakipsiz zaman tasarrufu değeri ile ögeler veya fikirler için günlük yapılacaklar listesi oluşturmanıza olanak tanır. Programınızı hızlı ve basit bir şekilde yönetin. Bu not defteri hatırlatma aracı, otomatik kaydetme özelliğiyle birlikte gelir, böylece değişikliklerinizi yanlışlıkla atmazsınız. Aynı zamanda birden çok bağımsız düz metin notu ve çok hızlı listeler oluşturmayı destekler. Uygulamayı dokunulduğunda açan özelleştirilebilir ve yeniden boyutlandırılabilir widget kullanarak nota kolayca erişebilir ve yapılacaklar listenizi hemen düzenleyebilirsiniz. Kullanıcı dostudur ve kesinlikle hiçbir reklam veya gereksiz izinler içermez - hiçbir koşul yoktur. Tamamen açık kaynaklıdır, hızlı ve çabuk ince ayarlarla ayarlanabilen özelleştirilebilir renkler sağlar. <b>Basit Notlar: Yapılacaklar listesi düzenleyici ve planlayıcı</b> reklamsız kullanabileceğiniz en iyi öge düzenleyici ve liste planlayıcıdır. Hızlı ve iyi notlar için yüksek kaliteli bir düzenleyiciye, kullanımı gerçekten basit olan güvenilir ve kullanıcı dostu bir hatırlatıcıya ihtiyacınız varsa, hemen uygulamamızı indirin :) Her gün cebinizde kendi kişisel not defteriniz olsun ve bir yedekleme planlayıcınız olsun önemli bir toplantıyı veya alışveriş listenizi unutmak için endişelenmenize gerek kalmayacak :). Öntanımlı olarak materyal tasarım ve koyu tema ile birlikte gelir, kolay kullanım için harika bir kullanıcı deneyimi sağlar. İnternet erişiminin olmaması size diğer uygulamalardan daha fazla gizlilik, güvenlik ve istikrar sağlar. Reklam veya gereksiz izinler içermez. Tamamen açık kaynaktır, özelleştirilebilir renkler sunar. <b>Basit Araçlar paketinin tamamını buradan inceleyin:</b> <b>Basit Notlar Pro\'nun bağımsız web sitesi:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Як я можу змінити колір віджетів\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Якщо у вас тільки 1 активний віджет, ви можете або відворити його знову, або використовувати кнопку в налаштуваннях програми. Якщо у вас декілька активних віджетів, кнопка в налаштуваннях буде недоступна. Оскільки додаток підтримує налаштування кольору для кожного віджета, вам доведеться відтворити віджет, який ви хочете налаштувати.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Прості Нотатки Pro: Списки завдань і планувальник</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Простий планувальник: Зберігайте нотатки й to-do списки з швидкими нагадуваннями</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Потрібно створити швидку нотатку для покупок, адреси чи ідеї для стартапу\? Припиняйте пошуки, адже це простий органайзер, який ви шукали : Simple Notes: Записник списку завдань і планувальник! Без складних налаштувань, просто натискайте на екрані і друкуйте, що потрібно, створюйте нотатки, швидкі списки, перелік завдань чи нагадувань про будь-який задум. З вашим простим особистим записником ви зможете швидко запам\'ятати будь-що! Покупки в магазині, спомин про ваші наміри чи створення нагадування - занотовування ще ніколи не було таким простим ★ Простий нотатник - це швидкий, простий у використанні органайзер і чудовий планувальник, незамінний інструмент, що допоможе вам запам\'ятати необхідну інформацію! Наш додаток дозволить вам слідкувати за ходом ваших справ, створювати щоденні списки елементів або ідей з небаченою простотою, значущістю, значно заощаджуючи час. Керуйте вашим розкладом швидко і просто. Цей інструмент для нагадувань містить функцію автозбереження, тому ви не відміните зміни випадково. Ви також зможете швидко створювати численні незалежні прості нотатки та списки. Використовуйте простий змінний віджет, який при натиску відкриває вікно додатка, щоб швидко отримати доступ до нотатки і організувати список завдань. Додаток простий у користуванні, не обтяжений рекламою чи незрозумілими дозволами. Додаток має повністю відкритий програмний код, кольори оформлення можна легко налаштувати. <b>Simple Notes: Записник списку завдань і планувальник</b> - це найкращий записник і планувальник, яким ви зможете користуватися без реклами. Якщо вам потрібен високоякісний органайзер для швидких нотаток, надійний і простий у користуванні нотатник, яким дійсно легко користуватися, завантажте наш додаток негайно :) Тримайте ваш особистий записник у вашій кишені щодня і нотуйте, коли необхідно, так вам не доведеться хвилюватися, що забудете про важливу зустріч чи ваш список покупок :). За промовчанням додаток поставляється з матеріальним дизайном і темною темою, забезпечує чудовий користувацький досвід для простого використання. Відсутність доступу до Інтернету надає більше приватності, безпеки та стабільності, порівняно з іншими додатками. Не буде показувати рекламу; потрібні лише найнеобхідніші дозволи. Програмний код повністю відкритий, забезпечує настроювальні кольори оформлення. <b>Ознайомтеся з повним набором додатків Simple Tools тут:</b> <b>Веб-сайт Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">我如何更改小工具颜色?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">如果您仅用一个活动的小工具,您既可以重新创建它,或者使用应用程序设定的按钮来自定义它。如果您拥有多个活动的小工具,应用程序设定中的按钮将不可用。因为应用程序支持小工具分别自定义,您必须要重新创建小工具来自定义它们。</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">简易笔记 Pro待办事项列表组织和计划工具</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">简易计划工具:创建笔记、备份 &amp; 带快速笔记提醒工具的待办清单</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ 需要快速记录待买物品、地址或者新点子?那么不要错过这个必然符合您所需的便捷管理工具:简易笔记: 待办清单管理器和计划工具! 无需复杂的设置步骤,仅需要点击屏幕并敲入您所要的笔记、清单、列表或者仅仅时备注一个好点子。使用这个属于您的简易个人记事本,您可以快速记录任何事情!日用品采购、想法记录和备忘提醒笔记从未有如此简单 ★ 简易笔记计划工具是一个快速且易用的组织和计划工具,它将成为您难以估价的工具和助手,帮助您记录任何必要的信息! 我们的提醒工具允许您以前所未有的简单方式记录您所承担的义务及创建每日清单,带来显著和难以匹敌的时间节省价值,快速且便捷的管理您的计划表。 该笔记提醒工具包含自动保存功能,所以您不会因失误遗失修改。它也可以快速创建多个独立的纯文本和列表。 使用可自定义和缩放小控件,您可以快速访问笔记并管理您的待办清单,单击亦可打开主应用程序。 它用户友好且完全不包含不必要的权限,无附加条件。它完全开源,提供可自定义的颜色以供快速便捷的微调。 <b>简易笔记:待办清单管理器和计划工具</b> 是您可以无广告使用的最佳条目组织和清单计划工具。如果您需要一个高质量的组织工具来实现快速和良好的笔记尼禄,一个可靠的且用户友好的提醒,且真正的简便易用,请即刻下载我们的应用:) 在您的口袋中时刻保有个人笔记本,且包含备用的计划表,将使您再也不用担心忘记重要的会议或者您的购物清单 :)。 它遵循质感设计且默认应用黑暗模式,提供便于使用的极佳的用户体验。相对于其他应用,不包含互联网访问给予您更佳的隐私、保密性和稳定性。 不包含广告及非必要的权限,而且完全开放源代码,并提供自定义颜色。 <b>于此查看简易工具系列全套:</b> <b>简易笔记 Pro 的独立网站:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -77,14 +77,8 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">要怎麼變更小工具的顏色?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">要是你只有1個現行的小工具你可以重新建立或者使用程式設定中的按鈕來自訂。如果你有多個現行的小工具程式設定中的按鈕會沒作用。你必須將想要自訂的小工具重新建立如此一來程式便能支援每個小工具自訂顏色。</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> ★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea\? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★ Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information! Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner. This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast. You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap. It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking. <b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner</b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :). It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps. 不包含廣告及非必要的權限,而且完全開放原始碼,並提供自訂顏色。 <b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b> <b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -78,44 +78,6 @@
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I change the widgets color?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">In case you have only 1 active widget, you can either recreate it, or use the button in the app settings for customizing it. If you have multiple active widgets, the button in the app settings will not be available. As the app supports color customization per-widget, you will have to recreate the widget that you want to customize.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Notes Pro: To-do list organizer and planner</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Simple planner: Create notes, backup &amp; to-do lists with quick note reminder tool</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
★ Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea? Then look no further as this is the simple organizer tool you\'ve been looking for : Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner! No complicated setup steps needed, just tap the screen and type in what you came for and create notes, quick lists, checklist or backup for any idea. With your simple personal notebook you can remember anything fast! Shopping for groceries, memorizing your thoughts and easier setting up reminders taking notes has never been easier ★
Simple notes planner is quick, simple to use organizer and remarkable planner and it will serve as an invaluable tool and companion, helping you to remember necessary piece of information!
Our reminder tool allows you to keep track of your duties,create daily checklist for items or ideas with unprecedented simplicity, notability and unrivaled time-saving value. Manage your schedule in a quick and simple manner.
This notebook reminder tool comes with autosave so you will not discard your changes by mistake. It also supports creating multiple independent plain text notes and lists very fast.
You can easily access the note and organize your to-do list in no time by using the customizable and resizable widget, which opens the app on tap.
It is user friendly and contains absolutely no ads or unnecessary permissions - no strings attached. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors which can be adjusted with quick and fast tweaking.
<b>Simple Notes: To-do list organizer and planner </b> is the best item organizer and list planner you can use with no ads. If you need a high quality organizer for a quick and goodnotes, a reliable and user friendly reminder that is truly simple to use, download our app right now :) Have your own personal notebook in your pocket every day and have a backup planner so you will not have to worry about forgetting an important meeting or your shopping list :).
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
<b>Standalone website of Simple Notes Pro:</b>
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