make sure cell sizes are filled out before checking clicks

This commit is contained in:
tibbi 2022-10-09 09:31:36 +02:00
parent 2a4a8fd623
commit f85b7f911f

View File

@ -507,22 +507,7 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Rel
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
if (cellXCoords.isEmpty()) {
cellWidth = getFakeWidth() / COLUMN_COUNT
cellHeight = getFakeHeight() / ROW_COUNT
iconSize = cellWidth - 2 * iconMargin
for (i in 0 until COLUMN_COUNT) {
cellXCoords.add(i, i * cellWidth)
for (i in 0 until ROW_COUNT) {
cellYCoords.add(i, i * cellHeight)
cellXCoords.forEach { x ->
cellYCoords.forEach { y ->
gridCenters.add(Pair(x + cellWidth / 2, y + cellHeight / 2))
gridItems.filter { it.drawable != null && it.type == ITEM_TYPE_ICON || it.type == ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT }.forEach { item ->
@ -625,6 +610,25 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Rel
isFirstDraw = false
private fun fillCellSizes() {
cellWidth = getFakeWidth() / COLUMN_COUNT
cellHeight = getFakeHeight() / ROW_COUNT
iconSize = cellWidth - 2 * iconMargin
for (i in 0 until COLUMN_COUNT) {
cellXCoords.add(i, i * cellWidth)
for (i in 0 until ROW_COUNT) {
cellYCoords.add(i, i * cellHeight)
cellXCoords.forEach { x ->
cellYCoords.forEach { y ->
gridCenters.add(Pair(x + cellWidth / 2, y + cellHeight / 2))
fun fragmentExpanded() {
widgetViews.forEach {
it.ignoreTouches = true
@ -639,6 +643,10 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Rel
// get the clickable area around the icon, it includes text too
private fun getClickableRect(item: HomeScreenGridItem): Rect {
if (cellXCoords.isEmpty()) {
val clickableLeft = item.left * cellWidth + sideMargins.left
val clickableTop = cellYCoords[] + iconSize / 3 +
return Rect(clickableLeft, clickableTop, clickableLeft + cellWidth, clickableTop + iconSize * 2)