show currenly dragged icon at its place

This commit is contained in:
tibbi 2022-09-23 12:54:07 +02:00
parent 8247f8770d
commit ee76ac602a

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Vie
private var gridItems = ArrayList<HomeScreenGridItem>()
private var gridCenters = ArrayList<Pair<Int, Int>>()
private var draggedItemCurrentCoords = Pair(-1, -1)
init {
textPaint = TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG).apply {
@ -75,6 +76,9 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Vie
if (draggedItem == null) {
draggedItemCurrentCoords = Pair(x, y)
// figure out at which cell was the item dropped, if it is empty
@ -125,6 +129,7 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Vie
draggedItem = null
draggedItemCurrentCoords = Pair(-1, -1)
if (redrawIcons) {
@ -166,33 +171,40 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Vie
gridItems.filter { it.drawable != null }.forEach { item ->
val drawableX = rowXCoords[item.left] + iconMargin
if ( != draggedItem?.id) {
val drawableX = rowXCoords[item.left] + iconMargin
// icons at the bottom are drawn at the bottom of the grid and they have no label
if ( == ROW_COUNT - 1) {
val drawableY = rowYCoords[] + rowHeight - iconSize - iconMargin * 2
item.drawable!!.setBounds(drawableX, drawableY, drawableX + iconSize, drawableY + iconSize)
} else {
val drawableY = rowYCoords[] + iconSize / 2
item.drawable!!.setBounds(drawableX, drawableY, drawableX + iconSize, drawableY + iconSize)
// icons at the bottom are drawn at the bottom of the grid and they have no label
if ( == ROW_COUNT - 1) {
val drawableY = rowYCoords[] + rowHeight - iconSize - iconMargin * 2
item.drawable!!.setBounds(drawableX, drawableY, drawableX + iconSize, drawableY + iconSize)
} else {
val drawableY = rowYCoords[] + iconSize / 2
item.drawable!!.setBounds(drawableX, drawableY, drawableX + iconSize, drawableY + iconSize)
if ( != draggedItem?.id) {
val textY = rowYCoords[] + iconSize * 1.5f + labelSideMargin
val staticLayout = StaticLayout.Builder
.obtain(item.title, 0, item.title.length, textPaint, rowWidth - 2 * labelSideMargin)
if ( != draggedItem?.id) {
val textY = rowYCoords[] + iconSize * 1.5f + labelSideMargin
val staticLayout = StaticLayout.Builder
.obtain(item.title, 0, item.title.length, textPaint, rowWidth - 2 * labelSideMargin)
canvas.translate(rowXCoords[item.left].toFloat() + labelSideMargin, textY)
canvas.translate(rowXCoords[item.left].toFloat() + labelSideMargin, textY)
} else if (draggedItemCurrentCoords.first != -1 && draggedItemCurrentCoords.second != -1) {
val drawableX = draggedItemCurrentCoords.first - iconSize
val drawableY = draggedItemCurrentCoords.second - (iconSize * 1.5f).toInt()
item.drawable!!.setBounds(drawableX, drawableY, drawableX + iconSize, drawableY + iconSize)