move some widget rect calculations to a separate function

This commit is contained in:
tibbi 2022-09-26 22:45:11 +02:00
parent 7552288875
commit a0bed4040a

View File

@ -284,34 +284,16 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Vie
val drawableY = (draggedItemCurrentCoords.second - iconSize / 1.2f).toInt()
draggedItem!!.drawable!!.setBounds(drawableX, drawableY, drawableX + iconSize, drawableY + iconSize)
} else {
} else if (draggedItem!!.type == ITEM_TYPE_WIDGET) {
val center = gridCenters.minBy {
Math.abs(it.first - draggedItemCurrentCoords.first + sideMargins.left) + Math.abs(it.second - draggedItemCurrentCoords.second +
val gridCells = getClosestGridCells(center)
if (gridCells != null) {
// drag the center of the widget, not the top left corner
val left = gridCells.first - Math.floor((draggedItem!!.widthCells - 1) / 2.0).toInt()
val rect = Rect(left, gridCells.second, left + draggedItem!!.widthCells, gridCells.second + draggedItem!!.heightCells)
if (rect.left < 0) {
rect.right -= rect.left
rect.left = 0
} else if (rect.right > COLUMN_COUNT) {
val diff = rect.right - COLUMN_COUNT
rect.right -= diff
rect.left -= diff
// do not allow placing widgets at the bottom row, that is for pinned default apps
if (rect.bottom >= ROW_COUNT) {
val diff = rect.bottom - ROW_COUNT + 1
rect.bottom -= diff -= diff
val leftSide = rect.left * rowWidth + sideMargins.left + iconMargin.toFloat()
val topSide = * rowHeight + + iconMargin.toFloat()
val widgetRect = getWidgetOccupiedRect(gridCells)
val leftSide = widgetRect.left * rowWidth + sideMargins.left + iconMargin.toFloat()
val topSide = * rowHeight + + iconMargin.toFloat()
val rightSide = leftSide + draggedItem!!.widthCells * rowWidth - sideMargins.right - iconMargin.toFloat()
val bottomSide = topSide + draggedItem!!.heightCells * rowHeight -
canvas.drawRoundRect(leftSide, topSide, rightSide, bottomSide, roundedCornerRadius, roundedCornerRadius, dragShadowCirclePaint)
@ -341,6 +323,29 @@ class HomeScreenGrid(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : Vie
return Rect(debugLeft, debugTop, debugLeft + rowWidth, debugTop + iconSize * 2)
// drag the center of the widget, not the top left corner
private fun getWidgetOccupiedRect(item: Pair<Int, Int>): Rect {
val left = item.first - Math.floor((draggedItem!!.widthCells - 1) / 2.0).toInt()
val rect = Rect(left, item.second, left + draggedItem!!.widthCells, item.second + draggedItem!!.heightCells)
if (rect.left < 0) {
rect.right -= rect.left
rect.left = 0
} else if (rect.right > COLUMN_COUNT) {
val diff = rect.right - COLUMN_COUNT
rect.right -= diff
rect.left -= diff
// do not allow placing widgets at the bottom row, that is for pinned default apps
if (rect.bottom >= ROW_COUNT) {
val diff = rect.bottom - ROW_COUNT + 1
rect.bottom -= diff -= diff
return rect
fun isClickingGridItem(x: Int, y: Int): HomeScreenGridItem? {
for (gridItem in gridItems) {
val rect = getClickableRect(gridItem)