removing some redundant Sqlite DBHelper functions

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tibbi 2018-11-05 22:51:55 +01:00
parent 23c5ab8297
commit e2a5381a74
1 changed files with 0 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -86,19 +86,6 @@ class DBHelper private constructor(val context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(cont
db.execSQL("REPLACE INTO sqlite_sequence (name, seq) VALUES ('$GROUPS_TABLE_NAME', $FIRST_GROUP_ID)")
fun insertContact(contact: Contact): Boolean {
val contactValues = fillContactValues(contact)
val id = mDb.insert(CONTACTS_TABLE_NAME, null, contactValues).toInt()
return id != -1
fun updateContact(contact: Contact): Boolean {
val contactValues = fillContactValues(contact)
val selection = "$COL_ID = ?"
val selectionArgs = arrayOf(
return mDb.update(CONTACTS_TABLE_NAME, contactValues, selection, selectionArgs) == 1
fun deleteContact(id: Int) = deleteContacts(arrayOf(id.toString()))
fun deleteContacts(ids: Array<String>) {
@ -111,45 +98,6 @@ class DBHelper private constructor(val context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(cont
mDb.delete(CONTACTS_TABLE_NAME, selection, null)
private fun fillContactValues(contact: Contact): ContentValues {
return ContentValues().apply {
put(COL_PREFIX, contact.prefix)
put(COL_FIRST_NAME, contact.firstName)
put(COL_MIDDLE_NAME, contact.middleName)
put(COL_SURNAME, contact.surname)
put(COL_SUFFIX, contact.suffix)
put(COL_NICKNAME, contact.nickname)
put(COL_PHONE_NUMBERS, gson.toJson(contact.phoneNumbers))
put(COL_EMAILS, gson.toJson(contact.emails))
put(COL_ADDRESSES, gson.toJson(contact.addresses))
put(COL_IMS, gson.toJson(contact.IMs))
put(COL_EVENTS, gson.toJson(
put(COL_STARRED, contact.starred)
put(COL_NOTES, contact.notes)
put(COL_GROUPS, gson.toJson( { }))
put(COL_JOB_POSITION, contact.organization.jobPosition)
put(COL_WEBSITES, gson.toJson(contact.websites))
if (contact.photoUri.isNotEmpty()) {
put(COL_PHOTO, getPhotoByteArray(contact.photoUri))
} else if ( == null) {
private fun getPhotoByteArray(uri: String): ByteArray {
val photoUri = Uri.parse(uri)
val bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(context.contentResolver, photoUri)
val thumbnailSize = context.getPhotoThumbnailSize()
val scaledPhoto = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, thumbnailSize * 2, thumbnailSize * 2, false)
val scaledSizePhotoData = scaledPhoto.getByteArray()
return scaledSizePhotoData
fun toggleFavorites(ids: Array<String>, addToFavorites: Boolean) {
val contactValues = ContentValues()
contactValues.put(COL_STARRED, if (addToFavorites) 1 else 0)
@ -331,10 +279,4 @@ class DBHelper private constructor(val context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(cont
return contacts
fun getContactWithId(activity: Activity, id: Int): Contact? {
val selection = "$COL_ID = ?"
val selectionArgs = arrayOf(id.toString())
return getContacts(activity, selection, selectionArgs).firstOrNull()