updating the apps long description, make it more verbose

This commit is contained in:
tibbi 2020-03-12 19:38:32 +01:00
parent ae09a3cf48
commit 448135fd18
31 changed files with 770 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -174,10 +174,32 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple app for creating or managing your contacts from any source. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts. You can display your favorite contacts on a separate list.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>

View File

@ -174,10 +174,32 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple app for creating or managing your contacts from any source. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts. You can display your favorite contacts on a separate list.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>

View File

@ -174,11 +174,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jednoduché kontakty Pro - Rychlá správa kontaktů</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplikace pro správu vašich kontaktů bez reklam, respektující vaše soukromí.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Jednoduchá aplikace na vytváření nebo správu vašich kontaktů z různých zdrojů. Mohou být uloženy buď jen ve vašem zařízení, nebo je můžete i synchronizovat přes Google či jiný účet. Své oblíbené položky si můžete zobrazit ve vlastním seznamu.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Můžete ji používat i na správu e-mailů a událostí kontaktů. Nabízí možnost řazení/filtrování pomocí různých parametrů, volitelné je zobrazování příjmení před jménem.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Neobsahuje žádné reklamy, ani nepotřebná oprávnění. Má plně otevřený zdrojový kód a možnost změny barev.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Ap i reoli dy gysylltiadau, heb hysbysebion, gan barchu dy breifatrwydd.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Ap syml i greu neu reoli dy gysylltiadau o unrhyw ffynhonnell. Caiff y cysylltiadau eu cadw ar dy ddyfais yn unig, ond mae hefyd yn bosib eu cysoni gyda Google neu gyfrifon eraill. Gellir golygu dy hoff gysylltiadau mewn rhestr ar wahân.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Gellir ei ddefnyddio i reoli cyfeiriadau e-bost defnyddwyr a digwyddiadau hefyd. Mae ganddo\'r gallu i drefnu mewn gwahanol ffyrdd ac i ddangos enwau gyda\'r cyfenw gyntaf os yw\'n well gennyt.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Does dim hysbysebion na dim angen arno unrhyw ganiatâd diangen. Mae\'n gwbl cod agored ac mae modd addasu lliwiau\'r ap.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">En app til dine kontakter, uden annoncer og med respekt for dit privatliv.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
En simpel app til at oprette eller administrere dine kontakter fra enhver kilde. Kontakterne kan gemmes kun på din enhed, eller synkroniseres via Google eller andre konti. Du kan vise dine foretrukne kontakter på en separat liste.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Du kan også bruge den til at styre bruger-emails og begivenheder. Den har muligheden for at sortere / filtrere efter flere parametre, og vise efternavn eller fornavn først.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Indeholder ingen annoncer eller unødvendige tilladelser. Det er fuldstændigt opensource. Appens farver kan tilpasses.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Schlichte Kontakte Pro - Mühlose Kontaktverwaltung</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Verwaltet Ihre Kontakte ohne Werbeanzeigen und respektiert Ihre Privatsphäre.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Eine einfache App, mit der Sie Kontakte erstellen oder von jeder Quelle verwalten können. Die Kontakte können entweder nur auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert, oder mittels Google oder anderer Konten synchronisiert werden. Sie können Ihre Lieblingskontake in einer separaten Liste anzeigen.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Sie können es auch zur Verwaltung von Nutzer-E-Mails und Ereignisse nutzen. Es kann nach mehreren Parametern sortieren oder filtern, oder optional den Nachnamen zuerst anzeigen.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Enthält keine Werbung oder unnötige Berechtigungen. Vollständig quelloffen. Die Farben sind anpassbar.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Απλές Επαφές Pro - Εύκολη διαχείριση Επαφών</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Μια εφαρμογή για τις Επαφές σας χωρίς διαφημίσεις, σεβόμενη το απόρρητό σας.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Μια απλή εφαρμογή για δημιουργία και διαχείριση των επαφών σου από κάθε πηγή. Οι επαφές μπορεί να είναι αποθηκευμένες μόνο στη συσκευή σου, αλλά μπορούν να συγχρονίζονται στο Google, ή σε κάποιο άλλο λογαριασμό. Μπορείς να εμφανίσεις τις αγαπημένες σου επαφές σε ξεχωριστή λίστα.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Μπορείτε να τη χρησιμοποιήσετε για τη διαχείριση των email και εκδηλώσεων επίσης. Έχει τη δυνατότητα ταξινόμησης/φιλτραρίσματος με διάφορες παραμέτρους, προαιρετικά να εμφανίζεται το επώνυμο πρώτα ή το όνομα.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Δεν περιέχει διαφημίσεις ή περιττές άδειες. Έιναι όλη ανοιχτού κώδικα και παρέχει προσαρμόσιμα χρώματα για την εφαρμογή.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Administra tus contactos</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Una app para administrar tus contactos sin anuncios, respetando tu privacidad.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Una aplicación simple para crear o administrar tus contactos desde cualquier origen. Los contactos pueden ser almacenados solo en tu dispositivo, o también sincronizarlos vía Google u otras cuentas.Puedes mostrar tus contactos favoritos en una lista separada.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Puedes usarla para administrar correos electrónicos y eventos. Tiene la capacidad de ordenar/filtrar por multiples parámetros, opcionalmente, mostrar apellido como el primer nombre.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
No contiene anuncios o permisos innecesarios. Es complétamente de código abierto, provee colores personalziables.

View File

@ -174,9 +174,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Aplikazio sinplea kontaktuak sortu eta kudeatzeko. Kontaktuak zure gailuan baino esin dira gorde, baina sinkronizagarriak dira Google-n edo beste kontuen bitartez. Zure kontaktu gogokoenak zerrenda banandu batean erakutsi ditzakezu.
Erabiltzaileen emailak eta ekitaldiak kudeatzeko erabili dezakezu ere. Aukera duzu parametro askoren arabera sailkatzeko, tartean abizena izen gisa erakustea.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Ez ditu iragarkirik ezta beharrezkoak ez diren baimenak. Guztiz kode irekikoa da eta koloreak pertsonalizagarriak dira. Aplikazio hau sorta handiago bateko zati bat baino ez da.

View File

@ -172,12 +172,34 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple app for creating or managing your contacts from any source. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts. You can display your favorite contacts on a separate list.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Un outil simple pour créer et gérer vos contacts depuis n\'importe quelle source. Les contacts peuvent être stockés sur votre appareil mais aussi synchronisés via votre compte Google ou d\'autres comptes. Vous pouvez afficher vos contacts favoris dans une liste séparée.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Vous pouvez l\'utiliser pour gérer les adresses de courriels et les événements de vos contacts. Cet outil permet de trier/filtrer à l\'aide de multiples paramètres, par exemple : afficher le surnom en premier.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
L\'application ne contient ni publicité, ni autorisation inutile. Elle est totalement opensource et est également fournie avec des couleurs personnalisables.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplikacija za upravljanje kontaktima, bez oglasa, poštujući Vašu privatnost.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Jednostavna aplikacija za izradu ili upravljanje kontaktima iz bilo kojeg izvora. Kontakti mogu biti pohranjeni samo na Vašem uređaju, ali i sinkronizirani putem Googlea ili drugih računa. Možete prikazati svoje omiljene kontakte na zasebnom popisu.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Možete ju koristiti za upravljanje e-poštom i događajima. Ima mogućnost sortirati/filtrirati višestrukim parametrima, po želji može prikazati prezime prvo, zatim ime.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Ne sadrži oglase ili nepotrebne dozvole. Aplikacije je otvorenog koda, pruža prilagodljive boje.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Egy reklámmentes app névjegyek kezelésére, amelyik óvja a magánszférádat.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Egy egyszerű app, amelyik az összes accountod névjegyeit képes kezelni. Bár a névjegyeket csak az eszközön tárolja, de szinkronizálható Google, vagy más accountokkal is. A kedvenceidet külön listán is kezelheted.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Kezelhetsz vele email-címeket és eseményeket. Képes a névjegyeket többféle paraméter rendezni és szűrni. A megjelenítést beállíthatod vezetéknév, keresztnév sorrendben is. A színeket testreszabhtod.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Nem kér szükségtelen jogosultságokat és nincs benne reklám. Teljes egészében nyílt forráskódú szoftver.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplikasi untuk mengelola kontak tanpa iklan, menghargai privasi anda.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Aplikasi sederhana untuk membuat dan mengelola kontak anda dari berbagai sumber. Kontak bisa disimpan hanya pada perangkat anda, tetapi juga disinkronisasikan melalui Google, atau akun lainnya. Anda bisa menampilkan kontak favorit anda pada daftar terpisah.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Anda juga bisa menggunakannya untuk mengelola surel dan acara. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengurutkan/menyaring menggunakan banyak parameter, dan secara opsional menampilkan nama belakang sebagai awalan nama.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Tanpa iklan dan perizinan yang tidak perlu. Sepenuhnya sumber terbuka, dengan warna yang bisa disesuaikan.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplikasi untuk mengelola kontak tanpa iklan, menghargai privasi anda.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Aplikasi sederhana untuk membuat dan mengelola kontak anda dari berbagai sumber. Kontak bisa disimpan hanya pada perangkat anda, tetapi juga disinkronisasikan melalui Google, atau akun lainnya. Anda bisa menampilkan kontak favorit anda pada daftar terpisah.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Anda juga bisa menggunakannya untuk mengelola surel dan acara. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengurutkan/menyaring menggunakan banyak parameter, dan secara opsional menampilkan nama belakang sebagai awalan nama.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Tanpa iklan dan perizinan yang tidak perlu. Sepenuhnya sumber terbuka, dengan warna yang bisa disesuaikan.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Un\'app per gestire i propri contatti senza pubblicità, che rispetta la privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Una semplice applicazione per creare o gestire i propri contatti di qualsiasi tipo. I contatti saranno salvati nel dispositivo, ma possono essere eventualmente sincronizzati con Google o con altri servizi. Si possono visualizzare i contatti preferiti in una lista separata.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Si può utilizzare l\'applicazione anche per gestire l\'email e gli eventi. Si possono ordinare e filtrare per diversi criteri, opzionalmente si può visualizzare il cognome come nome.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
L\'applicazione non contiene pubblicità o permessi non necessari; è completamente opensource e la si può personalizzare con i propri colori preferiti.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
友人のメールアドレスや予定の管理にも使用できます。これらは複数の項目で並べ替えやフィルタリングする機能があり、名前を\"姓 名\"の順に表示することもできます。
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
연락처를 생성하고 관리하는 간단한 앱입니다. 연락처는 기본적으로 기기에만 저장되며 Google 또는 다른 계정을 통해 동기화 할 수도 있습니다. 즐겨 찾는 연락처는 별도의 목록에 표시 할 수 있습니다.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
다양한 조건으로 정렬 및 필터링이 가능하며 성과 이름을 표시하는 옵션도 제공합니다. 또한 애플리케이션을 이용해 사용자 이메일 및 이벤트 관리를 할 수도 있습니다.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
광고가 포함되어 있거나, 불필요한 권한을 요청하지 않습니다. 이 앱의 모든 소스는 오픈소스이며, 사용자가 직접 애플리케이션의 컬러를 설정 할 수 있습니다.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Paprasta programėlė įrenginio kontaktų kūrimui ir tvarkymui iš įvairių šaltinių. Kontaktai gali būti saugomi Jūsų įrenginyje, taip pat sinchronizuojami per Google, ar kitas paskyras. Jūs galite matyti mėgiamiausiuosius kontaktus atskirame sąraše.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Jūs taip pat galite naudoti programėlę elektroninių paštų adresų tvarkymui. Programėlė turi galimybę rikiuoti/filtruoti pagal įvairius parametrus, taip pat rodyti pavardę pirma vardo.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Neturi reklamų ar nereikalingų leidimų. Programėlė visiškai atviro kodo, yra galimybė keisti spalvas.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Eenvoudig Adresboek Pro - Snel contacten beheren</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Een privacyvriendelijke advertentievrije app om uw contacten te beheren.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Een eenvoudige app om contacten aan te maken en te beheren. Contacten kunnen lokaal opgeslagen worden, of gesynchroniseerd via Google en andere accounts. Favoriete contacten kunnen in een aparte lijst worden getoond.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
De app is ook te gebruiken voor het beheren van e-mailadressen en gebeurtenissen gekoppeld aan contacten. Sorteren en filteren is mogelijk op basis van verschillende parameters en zowel voor- als achternaam kan als eerste worden getoond.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Bevat geen advertenties of onnodige machtigingen. Volledig open-source. Kleuren van de app kunnen worden aangepast.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplikacja do zarządzania Twoimi kontaktami, bez reklam, szanująca prywatność.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Prosta aplikacja do tworzenia lub zarządzania Twoimi kontaktami przechowywanymi w różnych miejscach. Kontakty mogą być przechowywane tylko na Twoim urządzeniu, ale również synchronizowane przez konto Google lub inne konta. Możesz wyświetlać Twoje ulubione kontakty na oddzielnej liście.
Możesz użyć jej także do zarządzania e-mailami użytkowników i wydarzeniami. Jest zdolna do sortowania/filtrowania według wielu parametrów, opcjonalnie do wyświetlania nazwiska jako imienia.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Nie zawiera reklam oraz niekoniecznych uprawnień. Jest w pełni otwartoźródłowa i w pełni podatna na kolorowanie.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Um aplicativo para gerenciar os seus contatos que respeita a sua privacidade.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Um aplicativo simples para criar ou gerenciar seus contatos a partir de qualquer origem. Os contatos podem ser armazenados apenas no seu dispositivo, mas também podem ser sincronizados através do Google ou outras contas. Seus contatos favoritos podem ser apresentados em uma lista separada.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Você também pode usá-lo para gerenciar os eventos e e-mails do usuário. Tem a capacidade de ordenar/filtrar através de diversos parâmetros e, opcionalmente, apresentar o sobrenome antes do primeiro nome.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Não contém anúncios e permissões desnecessárias. É totalmente open source e permite a personalização das cores.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Gestão de contactos</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplicação para gerir os seus contactos, sem anúncios e com total privacidade.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Uma aplicação básica para criar e gerir contactos. Pode utilizar a aplicação guardar os contactos localmente, na sua conta Google ou em outro tipo de contas. Pode mostrar os contactos favoritos numa lista distinta.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Também pode utilizar a aplicação para gerir endereços de e-mail e eventos. Tem a capacidade de ordenar/filtrar por diversos parâmetros e também a possibilidade de diversas formas de exibição dos contactos.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Não contém anúncios ou permissões desnecessárias. É totalmente open source e permite personalização de cores.

View File

@ -174,11 +174,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - легко управляйте контактами</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Приложение для управления контактами. Конфиденциальное. Без рекламы.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Простое приложение для создания и управления контактами из любого источника. Контакты могут быть сохранены только на вашем устройстве, а также синхронизированы через Google или другие учётные записи. Вы можете отображать свои любимые контакты в отдельном списке.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Вы можете использовать его для управления электронной почтой и событиями контактов. Приложение имеет возможность сортировать/фильтровать по нескольким параметрам, по желанию отображать фамилию в качестве имени.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Не содержит рекламы или ненужных разрешений, полностью с открытым исходным кодом. Есть возможность настраивать цвета.

View File

@ -174,11 +174,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jednoduché kontakty Pro - Rýchla správa kontaktov</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Apka na správu vašich kontaktov bez reklám, rešpektujúca vaše súkromie.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Rýchly spôsob na správu kontaktov bez reklám, podporuje aj skupiny a obľúbené.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Jednoduchá aplikácia na vytváranie, alebo správu vašich kontaktov z rôznych zdrojov. Môžu byť uložené buď iba vo vašom zariadení, alebo ich môžete aj synchronizovať cez Google, alebo iný účet. Vaše obľúbené položky viete zobraziť vo vlastnom zozname.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Viete ju používať aj na správu emailov a udalostí kontaktov. Ponúka možnosť zoradenia/filtrovania pomocou rôznych parametrov, voliteľné je zobrazovanie priezviska ako prvého mena.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Neobsahuje žiadne reklamy a nepotrebné oprávnenia. Je opensource, poskytuje možnosť zmeny farieb.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">En app för att hantera dina kontakter utan reklam, respekterar din integritet.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
En enkel app för att skapa och hantera kontakter från olika källor. Kontakterna kan lagras bara på din enhet, men kan också synkroniseras med ditt Google-konto eller andra konton. Du kan visa dina favoritkontakter i en separat lista.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Du kan också använda den för att hantera dina kontakters e-postadresser och händelser. Den kan sortera och filtrera efter flera parametrar. Den kan också visa efternamn först.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Innehåller ingen reklam eller onödiga behörigheter. Den har helt öppen källkod och anpassningsbara färger.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Basit Kişiler Pro - Kişilerinizi kolayca yönetin</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Reklamsız, gizliliğinize saygı duyan, kişilerinizi yönetmek için bir uygulama.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Kişilerinizi herhangi bir kaynaktan oluşturmak veya yönetmek için basit bir uygulama. Kişiler yalnızca cihazınızda saklanabilir, aynı zamanda Google veya diğer hesaplarla senkronize edilebilir. Favori kişilerinizi ayrı bir listede görüntüleyebilirsiniz.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Kullanıcı e-postalarını ve etkinliklerini yönetmek için de kullanabilirsiniz. Birden çok parametreye göre sıralama/filtreleme, isteğe bağlı olarak soyadı ilk ad olarak görüntüleme yeteneğine sahiptir.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Reklam veya gereksiz izinler içermez. Tamamen açık kaynaktır, özelleştirilebilir renkler sağlar.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Додаток для керування вашими контактами, без реклами, з увагою на приватності.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Простий додаток для створення або керування вашими контактами з будь-якого джерела. Контакти можна зберігати лише на вашому пристроєві, а також синхронізувати з допомогою Google чи інших служб. Ви можете розмістити ваші улюблені контакти в окремому списку.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
Ви також можете використовувати його для керування електронними поштовими адресами та подіями. У нього є можливість сортувати/фільтрувати за численними параметрами, за бажанням відображати прізвище як ім\'я.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Цей додаток не буде показувати рекламу, потрібні лише найнеобхідніші дозволи. Додаток має повністю відкритий програмний код, кольори оформлення можна легко налаштувати.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">一个没有广告的通讯录应用程序,用来管理联系人,并且尊重您的隐私。</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.

View File

@ -172,11 +172,33 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">簡易通訊錄 Pro - 輕鬆管理你的聯絡人</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">一個沒有廣告的通訊錄應用程式,用來管理聯絡人,並且尊重您的隱私。</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.

View File

@ -172,12 +172,34 @@
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple Contacts Pro - Manage your contacts easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">An app for managing your contacts without ads, respecting your privacy.</string>
<string name="app_short_description">Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple app for creating or managing your contacts from any source. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts. You can display your favorite contacts on a separate list.
A lightweight app for managing your contacts loved by millions of people. The contacts can be stored on your device only, but also synchronized via Google, or other accounts.
You can use it for managing user emails and events too. It has the ability to sort/filter by multiple parameters, optionally display surname as the first name.
You can display your favorite contacts or groups on a separate list. Groups can be used for sending out batch emails or SMS, to save you some time, you can rename them easily.
It contains handy buttons for calling, or texting your contacts. All visible fields can be customized as you wish, you can easily hide the unused ones. The search function will search the given string at every visible contact field, to make you find your desired contact easily.
There is a lightweight dialpad at your service too, with smart contact suggestions.
It supports exporting/importing contacts in vCard format to .vcf files, for easy migrations or backing up your data.
With this modern and stable contacts manager you can protect your contacts by not sharing them with other apps, so you can keep your contacts private.
Like the contact source, you can also easily change the contact name, email, phone number, address, organization, groups and many other customizable fields. You can use it for storing contact events too, like birthdays, anniversaries, or any other custom ones.
This simple contact editor has many handy settings like showing phone numbers on the main screen, toggle contact thumbnail visibility, showing only contacts with phone numbers, showing a call confirmation dialog before initiating a call. It comes with a quick dialer that also makes use of letters.
To further improve the user experience, you can customize what happens at clicking on a contact. You can either initiate a call, go to the View Details screen, or edit the selected contact.
You can easily block phone numbers to avoid unwanted incoming calls.
To avoid showing potentially unwanted contacts, it has a powerful built in duplicate contact merger.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>