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Page parsing acc. to PDF 2.0 specification
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "pdfpage.h"
#include "pdfdocument.h"
#include "pdfexception.h"
#include "pdfencoding.h"
namespace pdf
@ -131,6 +132,76 @@ QRectF PDFPage::getRotatedCropBox() const
return getRotatedBox(getCropBox(), getPageRotation());
PDFObject PDFPage::getObjectFromPageDictionary(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, const char* key) const
if (const PDFDictionary* dictionary = storage->getDictionaryFromObject(m_pageObject))
return dictionary->get(key);
return PDFObject();
PDFObject PDFPage::getBoxColorInfo(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "BoxColorInfo");
PDFObject PDFPage::getTransparencyGroup(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "Group");
PDFObject PDFPage::getThumbnail(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "Thumb");
PDFObject PDFPage::getTransition(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "Trans");
PDFObject PDFPage::getAdditionalActions(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "AA");
PDFObject PDFPage::getMetadata(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "Metadata");
PDFObject PDFPage::getPieceDictionary(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "PieceInfo");
PDFObject PDFPage::getColorSeparationInfo(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "SeparationInfo");
PDFObject PDFPage::getFirstSubpageNavigationNode(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "PresSteps");
PDFObject PDFPage::getViewports(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "VP");
PDFObject PDFPage::getAssociatedFiles(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "AF");
PDFObject PDFPage::getOutputIntents(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const
return getObjectFromPageDictionary(storage, "OutputIntents");
QRectF PDFPage::getRotatedBox(const QRectF& rect, PageRotation rotation)
switch (rotation)
@ -204,6 +275,7 @@ void PDFPage::parseImpl(std::vector<PDFPage>& pages,
PDFPage page;
page.m_pageObject = dereferenced;
page.m_pageReference = objectReference;
page.m_mediaBox = currentInheritableAttributes.getMediaBox();
page.m_cropBox = currentInheritableAttributes.getCropBox();
@ -221,6 +293,27 @@ void PDFPage::parseImpl(std::vector<PDFPage>& pages,
page.m_artBox = loader.readRectangle(dictionary->get("ArtBox"), page.getCropBox());
page.m_contents = document->getObject(dictionary->get("Contents"));
page.m_annots = loader.readReferenceArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, "Annots");
page.m_lastModified = PDFEncoding::convertToDateTime(loader.readStringFromDictionary(dictionary, "LastModified"));
page.m_thumbnailReference = loader.readReferenceFromDictionary(dictionary, "Thumb");
page.m_beads = loader.readReferenceArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, "B");
page.m_duration = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(dictionary, "Dur", 0);
page.m_structParent = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(dictionary, "StructParents", 0);
page.m_webCaptureContentSetId = loader.readStringFromDictionary(dictionary, "ID");
page.m_preferredZoom = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "PZ", 0.0);
constexpr const std::array<std::pair<const char*, PageTabOrder>, 5> tabStops =
std::pair<const char*, PageTabOrder>{ "R", PageTabOrder::Row },
std::pair<const char*, PageTabOrder>{ "C", PageTabOrder::Column },
std::pair<const char*, PageTabOrder>{ "S", PageTabOrder::Structure },
std::pair<const char*, PageTabOrder>{ "A", PageTabOrder::Array },
std::pair<const char*, PageTabOrder>{ "W", PageTabOrder::Widget }
page.m_pageTabOrder = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("Tabs"), tabStops.cbegin(), tabStops.cend(), PageTabOrder::Invalid);
page.m_templateName = loader.readNameFromDictionary(dictionary, "TemplateInstantiated");
page.m_userUnit = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "UserUnit", 1.0);
page.m_documentPart = loader.readReferenceFromDictionary(dictionary, "DPart");
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
namespace pdf
class PDFDocument;
class PDFObjectStorage;
/// This enum represents number of degree, which should be page rotated CLOCKWISE,
/// when being displayed or printed.
@ -39,6 +40,16 @@ enum class PageRotation
enum class PageTabOrder
constexpr PageRotation getPageRotationRotatedRight(PageRotation rotation)
switch (rotation)
@ -129,12 +140,106 @@ public:
inline QRectF getArtBoxMM() const { return getRectMM(m_artBox); }
inline PDFObjectReference getPageReference() const { return m_pageReference; }
inline PDFObjectReference getThumbnailReference() const { return m_thumbnailReference; }
inline PDFObjectReference getDocumentPart() const { return m_documentPart; }
QRectF getRotatedMediaBox() const;
QRectF getRotatedMediaBoxMM() const;
QRectF getRotatedCropBox() const;
inline const std::vector<PDFObjectReference>& getAnnotations() const { return m_annots; }
inline const std::vector<PDFObjectReference>& getBeads() const { return m_beads; }
inline const QDateTime& getLastModifiedDateTime() const { return m_lastModified; }
/// Returns box color info dictionary, if it is present. This dictionary
/// describes appearance of page boundaries. Empty object can be returned,
/// if dictionary doesn't exist.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getBoxColorInfo(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page transparency group (attributes for the
/// transparent imaging model). Empty object can be returned,
/// if dictionary doesn't exist.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getTransparencyGroup(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page thumbnail. Empty object can be returned,
/// if thumbnail doesn't exist.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getThumbnail(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page transition. Page transition object defines,
/// what should be done during presentations, how pages are switched etc.
/// Empty object can be returned, if thumbnail doesn't exist.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getTransition(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page additional actions dictionary. If no additional
/// actions are defined, then empty object is returned.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getAdditionalActions(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page metadata stream. If no metadata stream is defined,
/// then empty object is returned.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getMetadata(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page piece dictionary associated with the page.
/// Empty object can be returned, if no piece dictionary is found.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getPieceDictionary(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns color separation info. This information is required
/// to generate color separations for the page.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getColorSeparationInfo(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns first navigation node on the page, or null object,
/// if no navigation nodes are present.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getFirstSubpageNavigationNode(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns array of viewport dictionaries, that shall specify
/// rectangular regions on the page.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getViewports(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns array of associated files.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getAssociatedFiles(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns array of output intents. Output intents define color
/// characteristics of output devices on which this page
/// will be rendered.
/// \param storage Storage
PDFObject getOutputIntents(const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns page transition time. During presentations, this specifies a time window,
/// in which is page displayed, until it is advanced to the next page. Time
/// is specified in seconds.
inline PDFInteger getDuration() const { return m_duration; }
/// Returns integer key of structure parent of the page, in the structure tree.
/// If no structure tree exists, or page doesn't define it, then zero is returned.
inline PDFInteger getStructureParentKey() const { return m_structParent; }
/// Returns web capture content set id.
inline const QByteArray& getWebCaptureContentSetId() const { return m_webCaptureContentSetId; }
/// Returns preferred zoom. If zero is returned, no preferred zoom is returned.
inline PDFReal getPreferredZoom() const { return m_preferredZoom; }
/// Returns page tab order (if it is defined). Page tab order defines
/// sequence of tab stops for annotations. If no tab order is defined,
/// then Invalid is returned.
inline PageTabOrder getTabOrder() const { return m_pageTabOrder; }
/// Returns name of template, from which this page was generated
inline const QByteArray& getTemplateName() const { return m_templateName; }
/// Returns page user space unit. User space units are multiplies
/// of 1 / 72 inch. Default value is 1.0.
inline PDFReal getUserUnit() const { return m_userUnit; }
static QRectF getRotatedBox(const QRectF& rect, PageRotation rotation);
@ -151,6 +256,15 @@ private:
const PDFObject& root,
const PDFDocument* document);
/// Returns object from page dictionary. This function requires,
/// that storage of object is present, for object fetching. Objects
/// are not stored in this class, because it will have too large
/// memory requirements.
/// \param storage Storage
/// \param key Page dictionary key
PDFObject getObjectFromPageDictionary(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, const char* key) const;
PDFObject m_pageObject;
QRectF m_mediaBox;
QRectF m_cropBox;
QRectF m_bleedBox;
@ -160,7 +274,18 @@ private:
PDFObject m_resources;
PDFObject m_contents;
PDFObjectReference m_pageReference;
PDFObjectReference m_thumbnailReference;
PDFObjectReference m_documentPart;
std::vector<PDFObjectReference> m_annots;
std::vector<PDFObjectReference> m_beads;
QDateTime m_lastModified;
PDFInteger m_duration = 0;
PDFInteger m_structParent = 0;
PDFReal m_preferredZoom = 0.0;
PDFReal m_userUnit = 1.0;
PageTabOrder m_pageTabOrder = PageTabOrder::Invalid;
QByteArray m_webCaptureContentSetId;
QByteArray m_templateName;
} // namespace pdf
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