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synced 2025-01-29 16:49:32 +01:00
Lattice form gourad triangle meshing
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ QByteArray PDFSystemFontInfoStorage::loadFont(const FontDescriptor* descriptor,
case StandardFontType::CourierOblique:
case StandardFontType::CourierBoldOblique:
fontName = "Courier";
fontName = "CourierNew";
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ void PDFPageContentProcessor::processPathPainting(const QPainterPath& path, bool
// We must create a mesh and then draw pattern
PDFMeshQualitySettings settings;
settings.deviceSpaceMeshingArea = getPageBoundingRectDeviceSpace();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getPatternBaseMatrix();
PDFMesh mesh = shadingPatern->createMesh(settings);
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ void PDFPageContentProcessor::processPathPainting(const QPainterPath& path, bool
// We must create a mesh and then draw pattern
PDFMeshQualitySettings settings;
settings.deviceSpaceMeshingArea = getPageBoundingRectDeviceSpace();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getPatternBaseMatrix();
PDFMesh mesh = shadingPatern->createMesh(settings);
@ -362,6 +362,15 @@ PDFPatternPtr PDFPattern::createShadingPattern(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDi
freeFormGouradTriangleShading->m_bitsPerFlag = bitsPerFlag;
if (shadingType == ShadingType::LatticeFormGouradTriangle)
latticeFormGouradTriangleShading->m_verticesPerRow = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(shadingDictionary, "VerticesPerRow", -1);
if (latticeFormGouradTriangleShading->m_verticesPerRow < 2)
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid vertices per row (%1) for gourad triangle meshing.").arg(latticeFormGouradTriangleShading->m_verticesPerRow));
return result;
@ -1428,6 +1437,14 @@ PDFMesh PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading::createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySetting
if (m_backgroundColor.isValid())
QPainterPath path;
return mesh;
@ -1439,6 +1456,131 @@ ShadingType PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading::getShadingType() const
PDFMesh PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading::createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings) const
PDFMesh mesh;
size_t bitsPerVertex = 2 * m_bitsPerCoordinate + m_colorComponentCount * m_bitsPerComponent;
size_t remainder = (8 - (bitsPerVertex % 8)) % 8;
bitsPerVertex += remainder;
size_t bytesPerVertex = bitsPerVertex / 8;
size_t vertexCount = m_data.size() / bytesPerVertex;
size_t columnCount = static_cast<size_t>(m_verticesPerRow);
size_t rowCount = vertexCount / columnCount;
if (rowCount < 2)
// No mesh produced
return mesh;
// We have 2 triangles for each quad. We have (columnCount - 1) quads
// in single line and we have (rowCount - 1) lines.
size_t triangleCount = (rowCount - 1) * (columnCount - 1) * 2;
mesh.reserve(0, triangleCount);
struct VertexData
uint32_t index = 0;
QPointF position;
PDFColor color;
const PDFReal vertexScaleRatio = 1.0 / double((static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << m_bitsPerCoordinate) - 1);
const PDFReal xScaleRatio = (m_xmax - m_xmin) * vertexScaleRatio;
const PDFReal yScaleRatio = (m_ymax - m_ymin) * vertexScaleRatio;
const PDFReal colorScaleRatio = 1.0 / double((static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << m_bitsPerComponent) - 1);
std::vector<VertexData> vertices;
std::vector<size_t> indices(vertexCount, 0);
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), static_cast<size_t>(0));
std::vector<QPointF> meshVertices;
auto readVertex = [this, &vertices, &settings, &meshVertices, bytesPerVertex, xScaleRatio, yScaleRatio, colorScaleRatio](size_t index)
PDFBitReader reader(&m_data, 8);
reader.seek(index * bytesPerVertex);
VertexData data;
data.index = static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
const PDFReal x = m_xmin + (reader.read(m_bitsPerCoordinate)) * xScaleRatio;
const PDFReal y = m_ymin + (reader.read(m_bitsPerCoordinate)) * yScaleRatio;
data.position = settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix.map(QPointF(x, y));
meshVertices[index] = data.position;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_colorComponentCount; ++i)
const double cMin = m_limits[2 * i + 0];
const double cMax = m_limits[2 * i + 1];
data.color[i] = cMin + (reader.read(m_bitsPerComponent)) * (cMax - cMin) * colorScaleRatio;
if (!m_functions.empty())
Q_ASSERT(m_colorComponentCount == 1);
const PDFReal t = data.color[0];
std::vector<PDFReal> colorBuffer(m_colorSpace->getColorComponentCount(), 0.0);
if (m_functions.size() == 1)
PDFFunction::FunctionResult result = m_functions.front()->apply(&t, &t + 1, colorBuffer.data(), colorBuffer.data() + colorBuffer.size());
if (!result)
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Error occured during mesh creation of shading: %1").arg(result.errorMessage));
for (size_t i = 0, count = colorBuffer.size(); i < count; ++i)
PDFFunction::FunctionResult result = m_functions[i]->apply(&t, &t + 1, colorBuffer.data() + i, colorBuffer.data() + i + 1);
if (!result)
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Error occured during mesh creation of shading: %1").arg(result.errorMessage));
data.color = PDFAbstractColorSpace::convertToColor(colorBuffer);
vertices[index] = qMove(data);
std::for_each(std::execution::parallel_policy(), indices.begin(), indices.end(), readVertex);
auto getVertexIndex = [columnCount](size_t row, size_t column) -> size_t
return row * columnCount + column;
for (size_t row = 1; row < rowCount; ++row)
for (size_t column = 1; column < columnCount; ++column)
const size_t vTopLeft = getVertexIndex(row - 1, column - 1);
const size_t vTopRight = getVertexIndex(row - 1, column);
const size_t vBottomRight = getVertexIndex(row, column);
const size_t vBottomLeft = getVertexIndex(row, column - 1);
const VertexData& vertexTopLeft = vertices[vTopLeft];
const VertexData& vertexTopRight = vertices[vTopRight];
const VertexData& vertexBottomRight = vertices[vBottomRight];
const VertexData& vertexBottomLeft = vertices[vBottomLeft];
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, vertexTopLeft.index, vertexTopRight.index, vertexBottomRight.index, vertexTopLeft.color, vertexTopRight.color, vertexBottomRight.color);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, vertexBottomRight.index, vertexBottomLeft.index, vertexTopLeft.index, vertexBottomRight.color, vertexBottomLeft.color, vertexTopLeft.color);
if (m_backgroundColor.isValid())
QPainterPath path;
return mesh;
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ protected:
PDFReal m_ymin = 0.0;
PDFReal m_ymax = 0.0;
std::vector<PDFReal> m_limits;
size_t m_colorComponentCount;
size_t m_colorComponentCount = 0;
/// Color functions. This array can be empty. If it is empty,
/// then colors should be determined directly from color space.
@ -363,6 +363,8 @@ public:
friend class PDFPattern;
PDFInteger m_verticesPerRow = 0;
} // namespace pdf
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