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synced 2025-03-02 18:37:44 +01:00
Free form gourad triangle shading
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decoded array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size()));
QDataStream stream(const_cast<QByteArray*>(&imageData.getData()), QIODevice::ReadOnly);
PDFBitReader reader(&stream, imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFColor color;
@ -176,8 +175,7 @@ QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decoded array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size()));
QDataStream stream(const_cast<QByteArray*>(&imageData.getData()), QIODevice::ReadOnly);
PDFBitReader reader(&stream, imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFColor color;
@ -822,8 +820,7 @@ QImage PDFIndexedColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents();
QDataStream stream(const_cast<QByteArray*>(&imageData.getData()), QIODevice::ReadOnly);
PDFBitReader reader(&stream, imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount())
@ -547,8 +547,7 @@ QImage PDFImage::getImage() const
QImage image(m_imageData.getWidth(), m_imageData.getHeight(), QImage::Format_Alpha8);
const bool flip01 = !m_imageData.getDecode().empty() && qFuzzyCompare(m_imageData.getDecode().front(), 1.0);
QDataStream stream(const_cast<QByteArray*>(&m_imageData.getData()), QIODevice::ReadOnly);
PDFBitReader reader(&stream, m_imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFBitReader reader(&m_imageData.getData(), m_imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = m_imageData.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i)
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ void PDFPageContentProcessor::processPathPainting(const QPainterPath& path, bool
// We must create a mesh and then draw pattern
PDFMeshQualitySettings settings;
settings.deviceSpaceMeshingArea = getPageBoundingRectDeviceSpace();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getPatternBaseMatrix();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix();
PDFMesh mesh = shadingPatern->createMesh(settings);
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ void PDFPageContentProcessor::processPathPainting(const QPainterPath& path, bool
// We must create a mesh and then draw pattern
PDFMeshQualitySettings settings;
settings.deviceSpaceMeshingArea = getPageBoundingRectDeviceSpace();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getPatternBaseMatrix();
settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix();
PDFMesh mesh = shadingPatern->createMesh(settings);
@ -289,6 +289,82 @@ PDFPatternPtr PDFPattern::createShadingPattern(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDi
return result;
case ShadingType::FreeFormGouradTriangle:
case ShadingType::LatticeFormGouradTriangle:
PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading* freeFormGouradTriangleShading = nullptr;
PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading* latticeFormGouradTriangleShading = nullptr;
PDFGouradTriangleShading* gouradTriangleShading = nullptr;
if (shadingType == ShadingType::FreeFormGouradTriangle)
freeFormGouradTriangleShading = new PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading();
gouradTriangleShading = freeFormGouradTriangleShading;
Q_ASSERT(shadingType == ShadingType::LatticeFormGouradTriangle);
latticeFormGouradTriangleShading = new PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading();
gouradTriangleShading = latticeFormGouradTriangleShading;
PDFPatternPtr result(gouradTriangleShading);
PDFInteger bitsPerCoordinate = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(shadingDictionary, "BitsPerCoordinate", -1);
if (!contains(bitsPerCoordinate, std::initializer_list<PDFInteger>{ 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 }))
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid bits per coordinate (%1) for gourad triangle meshing.").arg(bitsPerCoordinate));
PDFInteger bitsPerComponent = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(shadingDictionary, "BitsPerComponent", -1);
if (!contains(bitsPerComponent, std::initializer_list<PDFInteger>{ 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 }))
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid bits per component (%1) for gourad triangle meshing.").arg(bitsPerComponent));
std::vector<PDFReal> decode = loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(shadingDictionary, "Decode");
if (!functions.empty())
if (decode.size() != 6)
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid domain of gourad triangle meshing. Expected size is 6, actual size is %1.").arg(decode.size()));
const size_t expectedSize = colorSpace->getColorComponentCount() * 2 + 4;
if (decode.size() != expectedSize)
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid domain of gourad triangle meshing. Expected size is %1, actual size is %2.").arg(expectedSize).arg(decode.size()));
gouradTriangleShading->m_antiAlias = antialias;
gouradTriangleShading->m_backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
gouradTriangleShading->m_colorSpace = colorSpace;
gouradTriangleShading->m_patternGraphicState = patternGraphicState;
gouradTriangleShading->m_bitsPerCoordinate = static_cast<uint8_t>(bitsPerCoordinate);
gouradTriangleShading->m_bitsPerComponent = static_cast<uint8_t>(bitsPerComponent);
gouradTriangleShading->m_xmin = decode[0];
gouradTriangleShading->m_xmax = decode[1];
gouradTriangleShading->m_ymin = decode[2];
gouradTriangleShading->m_ymax = decode[3];
gouradTriangleShading->m_limits = std::vector<PDFReal>(std::next(decode.cbegin(), 4), decode.cend());
gouradTriangleShading->m_colorComponentCount = !functions.empty() ? 1 : colorSpace->getColorComponentCount();
gouradTriangleShading->m_functions = qMove(functions);
gouradTriangleShading->m_data = document->getDecodedStream(stream);
if (shadingType == ShadingType::FreeFormGouradTriangle)
PDFInteger bitsPerFlag = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(shadingDictionary, "BitsPerFlag", -1);
if (!contains(bitsPerFlag, std::initializer_list<PDFInteger>{ 2, 4, 8 }))
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid bits per flag (%1) for gourad triangle meshing.").arg(bitsPerFlag));
freeFormGouradTriangleShading->m_bitsPerFlag = bitsPerFlag;
return result;
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid shading pattern type (%1).").arg(static_cast<PDFInteger>(shadingType)));
@ -1188,6 +1264,267 @@ PDFMesh PDFRadialShading::createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings) con
return mesh;
ShadingType PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading::getShadingType() const
return ShadingType::FreeFormGouradTriangle;
PDFMesh PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading::createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings) const
PDFMesh mesh;
size_t bitsPerVertex = m_bitsPerFlag + 2 * m_bitsPerCoordinate + m_colorComponentCount * m_bitsPerComponent;
size_t remainder = (8 - (bitsPerVertex % 8)) % 8;
bitsPerVertex += remainder;
size_t bytesPerVertex = bitsPerVertex / 8;
size_t vertexCount = m_data.size() / bytesPerVertex;
if (vertexCount < 3)
// No mesh produced
return mesh;
// We have 3 vertices for start triangle, then for each new vertex, we get
// a new triangle, or, based on flags, no triangle (if new triangle is processed)
size_t triangleCount = vertexCount - 2;
mesh.reserve(0, triangleCount);
struct VertexData
uint32_t index = 0;
uint8_t flags = 0;
QPointF position;
PDFColor color;
const PDFReal vertexScaleRatio = 1.0 / double((static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << m_bitsPerCoordinate) - 1);
const PDFReal xScaleRatio = (m_xmax - m_xmin) * vertexScaleRatio;
const PDFReal yScaleRatio = (m_ymax - m_ymin) * vertexScaleRatio;
const PDFReal colorScaleRatio = 1.0 / double((static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << m_bitsPerComponent) - 1);
std::vector<VertexData> vertices;
std::vector<size_t> indices(vertexCount, 0);
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), static_cast<size_t>(0));
std::vector<QPointF> meshVertices;
auto readVertex = [this, &vertices, &settings, &meshVertices, bytesPerVertex, xScaleRatio, yScaleRatio, colorScaleRatio](size_t index)
PDFBitReader reader(&m_data, 8);
reader.seek(index * bytesPerVertex);
VertexData data;
data.index = static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
data.flags = reader.read(m_bitsPerFlag);
const PDFReal x = m_xmin + (reader.read(m_bitsPerCoordinate)) * xScaleRatio;
const PDFReal y = m_ymin + (reader.read(m_bitsPerCoordinate)) * yScaleRatio;
data.position = settings.userSpaceToDeviceSpaceMatrix.map(QPointF(x, y));
meshVertices[index] = data.position;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_colorComponentCount; ++i)
const double cMin = m_limits[2 * i + 0];
const double cMax = m_limits[2 * i + 1];
data.color[i] = cMin + (reader.read(m_bitsPerComponent)) * (cMax - cMin) * colorScaleRatio;
if (!m_functions.empty())
Q_ASSERT(m_colorComponentCount == 1);
const PDFReal t = data.color[0];
std::vector<PDFReal> colorBuffer(m_colorSpace->getColorComponentCount(), 0.0);
if (m_functions.size() == 1)
PDFFunction::FunctionResult result = m_functions.front()->apply(&t, &t + 1, colorBuffer.data(), colorBuffer.data() + colorBuffer.size());
if (!result)
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Error occured during mesh creation of shading: %1").arg(result.errorMessage));
for (size_t i = 0, count = colorBuffer.size(); i < count; ++i)
PDFFunction::FunctionResult result = m_functions[i]->apply(&t, &t + 1, colorBuffer.data() + i, colorBuffer.data() + i + 1);
if (!result)
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Error occured during mesh creation of shading: %1").arg(result.errorMessage));
data.color = PDFAbstractColorSpace::convertToColor(colorBuffer);
vertices[index] = qMove(data);
std::for_each(std::execution::parallel_policy(), indices.begin(), indices.end(), readVertex);
vertices.front().flags = 0;
const VertexData* va = nullptr;
const VertexData* vb = nullptr;
const VertexData* vc = nullptr;
const VertexData* vd = nullptr;
auto addTriangle = [this, &settings, &mesh, &vertices](const VertexData* va, const VertexData* vb, const VertexData* vc)
const uint32_t via = va->index;
const uint32_t vib = vb->index;
const uint32_t vic = vc->index;
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, via, vib, vic, va->color, vb->color, vc->color);
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount;)
vd = &vertices[i];
switch (vd->flags)
case 0:
if (i + 2 >= vertexCount)
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid free form gourad triangle data stream - not enough vertices."));
va = vd;
vb = &vertices[i + 1];
vc = &vertices[i + 2];
i += 3;
addTriangle(va, vb, vc);
case 1:
// Triangle vb, vc, vd
va = vb;
vb = vc;
vc = vd;
addTriangle(va, vb, vc);
case 2:
// Triangle va, vc, vd
vb = vc;
vc = vd;
addTriangle(va, vb, vc);
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid free form gourad triangle data stream - invalid vertex flag %1.").arg(vd->flags));
return mesh;
ShadingType PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading::getShadingType() const
return ShadingType::LatticeFormGouradTriangle;
PDFMesh PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading::createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings) const
PDFMesh mesh;
return mesh;
void PDFGouradTriangleShading::addSubdividedTriangles(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings,
PDFMesh& mesh, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, uint32_t v3,
PDFColor c1, PDFColor c2, PDFColor c3) const
// First, verify, if we can subdivide the triangle
QLineF v12(mesh.getVertex(v1), mesh.getVertex(v2));
QLineF v13(mesh.getVertex(v1), mesh.getVertex(v3));
QLineF v23(mesh.getVertex(v2), mesh.getVertex(v3));
const qreal length12 = v12.length();
const qreal length13 = v13.length();
const qreal length23 = v23.length();
const qreal maxLength = qMax(length12, qMax(length13, length23));
const bool isColorEqual = PDFAbstractColorSpace::isColorEqual(c1, c2, settings.tolerance) &&
PDFAbstractColorSpace::isColorEqual(c1, c3, settings.tolerance) &&
PDFAbstractColorSpace::isColorEqual(c2, c3, settings.tolerance);
const bool canSubdivide = maxLength >= settings.minimalMeshResolution * 2.0; // If we subdivide, we will have length at least settings.minimalMeshResolution
if (!isColorEqual && canSubdivide)
if (length23 == maxLength)
// We split line (v2, v3), create two triangles, (v1, v2, vx) and (v1, v3, vx), where
// vx is centerpoint of line (v2, v3). We also interpolate colors.
QPointF x = v23.center();
PDFColor cx = PDFAbstractColorSpace::mixColors(c2, c3, 0.5);
const uint32_t vx = mesh.addVertex(x);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, v1, v2, vx, c1, c2, cx);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, v1, v3, vx, c1, c3, cx);
else if (length13 == maxLength)
// We split line (v1, v3), create two triangles, (v1, v2, vx) and (v2, v3, vx), where
// vx is centerpoint of line (v1, v3). We also interpolate colors.
QPointF x = v13.center();
PDFColor cx = PDFAbstractColorSpace::mixColors(c1, c3, 0.5);
const uint32_t vx = mesh.addVertex(x);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, v1, v2, vx, c1, c2, cx);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, v2, v3, vx, c2, c3, cx);
Q_ASSERT(length12 == maxLength);
// We split line (v1, v2), create two triangles, (v1, v3, vx) and (v2, v3, vx), where
// vx is centerpoint of line (v1, v2). We also interpolate colors.
QPointF x = v12.center();
PDFColor cx = PDFAbstractColorSpace::mixColors(c1, c2, 0.5);
const uint32_t vx = mesh.addVertex(x);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, v1, v3, vx, c1, c3, cx);
addSubdividedTriangles(settings, mesh, v2, v3, vx, c2, c3, cx);
const size_t colorComponents = c1.size();
// Calculate color - interpolate 3 vertex colors
PDFColor color;
constexpr const PDFReal coefficient = 1.0 / 3.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < colorComponents; ++i)
color[i] = (c1[i] + c2[i] + c3[i]) * coefficient;
Q_ASSERT(colorComponents == m_colorSpace->getColorComponentCount());
QColor transformedColor = m_colorSpace->getColor(color);
PDFMesh::Triangle triangle;
triangle.v1 = v1;
triangle.v2 = v2;
triangle.v3 = v3;
triangle.color = transformedColor.rgb();
// TODO: Apply graphic state of the pattern
// TODO: Implement settings of meshing in the settings dialog
@ -312,6 +312,59 @@ private:
PDFReal m_r1 = 0.0;
class PDFGouradTriangleShading : public PDFShadingPattern
explicit PDFGouradTriangleShading() = default;
friend class PDFPattern;
void addSubdividedTriangles(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings, PDFMesh& mesh, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, uint32_t v3, PDFColor c1, PDFColor c2, PDFColor c3) const;
uint8_t m_bitsPerCoordinate = 0;
uint8_t m_bitsPerComponent = 0;
PDFReal m_xmin = 0.0;
PDFReal m_xmax = 0.0;
PDFReal m_ymin = 0.0;
PDFReal m_ymax = 0.0;
std::vector<PDFReal> m_limits;
size_t m_colorComponentCount;
/// Color functions. This array can be empty. If it is empty,
/// then colors should be determined directly from color space.
std::vector<PDFFunctionPtr> m_functions;
/// Data of the shading, containing triangles and colors
QByteArray m_data;
class PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading : public PDFGouradTriangleShading
explicit PDFFreeFormGouradTriangleShading() = default;
virtual ShadingType getShadingType() const override;
virtual PDFMesh createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings) const override;
friend class PDFPattern;
uint8_t m_bitsPerFlag = 0;
class PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading : public PDFGouradTriangleShading
explicit PDFLatticeFormGouradTriangleShading() = default;
virtual ShadingType getShadingType() const override;
virtual PDFMesh createMesh(const PDFMeshQualitySettings& settings) const override;
friend class PDFPattern;
} // namespace pdf
#endif // PDFPATTERN_H
@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
namespace pdf
PDFBitReader::PDFBitReader(QDataStream* stream, Value bitsPerComponent) :
PDFBitReader::PDFBitReader(const QByteArray* stream, Value bitsPerComponent) :
m_maximalValue((static_cast<Value>(1) << m_bitsPerComponent) - static_cast<Value>(1)),
@ -33,33 +34,33 @@ PDFBitReader::PDFBitReader(QDataStream* stream, Value bitsPerComponent) :
Q_ASSERT(bitsPerComponent < 56);
PDFBitReader::Value PDFBitReader::read()
PDFBitReader::Value PDFBitReader::read(PDFBitReader::Value bits)
while (m_bitsInBuffer < m_bitsPerComponent)
while (m_bitsInBuffer < bits)
if (!m_stream->atEnd())
if (m_position < m_stream->size())
uint8_t currentByte = 0;
(*m_stream) >> currentByte;
uint8_t currentByte = static_cast<uint8_t>((*m_stream)[m_position++]);
m_buffer = (m_buffer << 8) | currentByte;
m_bitsInBuffer += 8;
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Not enough data to read %1-bit value.").arg(m_bitsPerComponent));
throw PDFParserException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Not enough data to read %1-bit value.").arg(bits));
// Now we have enough bits to read the data
Value value = (m_buffer >> (m_bitsInBuffer - m_bitsPerComponent)) & m_maximalValue;
m_bitsInBuffer -= m_bitsPerComponent;
Value value = (m_buffer >> (m_bitsInBuffer - bits)) & ((static_cast<Value>(1) << bits) - static_cast<Value>(1));
m_bitsInBuffer -= bits;
return value;
void PDFBitReader::seek(qint64 position)
if (m_stream->device()->seek(position))
if (position < m_stream->size())
m_position = position;
m_buffer = 0;
m_bitsInBuffer = 0;
@ -69,4 +70,13 @@ void PDFBitReader::seek(qint64 position)
void PDFBitReader::alignToBytes()
const Value remainder = m_bitsInBuffer % 8;
if (remainder > 0)
} // namespace pdf
@ -78,21 +78,29 @@ class PDFBitReader
using Value = uint64_t;
explicit PDFBitReader(QDataStream* stream, Value bitsPerComponent);
explicit PDFBitReader(const QByteArray* stream, Value bitsPerComponent);
/// Returns maximal value of n-bit unsigned integer.
Value max() const { return m_maximalValue; }
/// Reads single n-bit value from the stream. If stream hasn't enough data,
/// then exception is thrown.
Value read();
Value read() { return read(m_bitsPerComponent); }
/// Reads single n-bit value from the stream. If stream hasn't enough data,
/// then exception is thrown.
Value read(Value bits);
/// Seeks the desired position in the data stream. If position can't be seeked,
/// then exception is thrown.
void seek(qint64 position);
/// Seeks data to the byte boundary (number of processed bits is divisible by 8)
void alignToBytes();
QDataStream* m_stream;
const QByteArray* m_stream;
int m_position;
const Value m_bitsPerComponent;
const Value m_maximalValue;
@ -128,6 +136,12 @@ private:
Value* m_value;
template<typename T>
bool contains(T value, std::initializer_list<T> list)
return (std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), value) != list.end());
/// Performs linear mapping of value x in interval [x_min, x_max] to the interval [y_min, y_max].
/// \param x Value to be linearly remapped from interval [x_min, x_max] to the interval [y_min, y_max].
/// \param x_min Start of the input interval
Reference in New Issue
Block a user