feat: add Simplified Chinese translation

This commit is contained in:
goYou 2022-01-20 01:50:18 +08:00
parent 46b45c8ab6
commit 6ef565cf07
3 changed files with 425 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ const i18n = new VueI18n({
'pt-BR': require('./pt-BR'), 'pt-BR': require('./pt-BR'),
'de-DE': require('./de-DE'), 'de-DE': require('./de-DE'),
'vi-VN': require('./vi-VN'), 'vi-VN': require('./vi-VN'),
'ja-JP': require('./ja-JP') 'ja-JP': require('./ja-JP'),
'zh-CN': require('./zh-CN')
} }
}); });
export default i18n; export default i18n;

View File

@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ export default {
'pt-BR': 'Português (Brasil)', 'pt-BR': 'Português (Brasil)',
'de-DE': 'Deutsch (Deutschland)', 'de-DE': 'Deutsch (Deutschland)',
'vi-VN': 'Tiếng Việt', 'vi-VN': 'Tiếng Việt',
'ja-JP': '日本語' 'ja-JP': '日本語',
'zh-CN': '简体中文'
}; };

src/renderer/i18n/zh_CN.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
module.exports = {
word: {
edit: '编辑',
save: '保存',
close: '关闭',
delete: '删除',
confirm: '确定',
cancel: '取消',
send: '发送',
connectionName: '连接名称',
client: 'Client',
hostName: '主机名',
port: '端口',
user: '用户',
password: '密码',
credentials: '凭据',
connect: '连接',
connected: '已连接',
disconnect: '断开连接',
disconnected: '已断开',
refresh: '刷新',
settings: '设置',
general: '一般',
themes: '主题',
update: '更新',
about: '关于',
language: '语言',
version: '版本',
donate: '捐赠',
run: '运行',
schema: 'schema',
results: '结果',
size: '尺寸',
seconds: '秒',
type: '类型',
mimeType: 'MIME类型',
download: '下载',
add: '新增',
data: '数据',
properties: '属性',
insert: '插入',
connecting: '连接中',
name: '名称',
collation: '排序规则',
clear: '清除',
options: '选项',
autoRefresh: '自动刷新',
indexes: '索引',
foreignKeys: '外键',
length: '长度',
unsigned: '无符号',
default: '默认',
comment: '注释',
key: '键',
order: 'Order',
expression: '表达式',
autoIncrement: '自动增量',
engine: 'Engine',
field: '字段',
approximately: '大约',
total: '总计',
table: '表',
discard: '弃置',
stay: '等待',
author: '作者',
light: 'Light',
dark: 'Dark',
autoCompletion: '自动完成',
application: '应用程序',
editor: '编辑器',
view: '视图',
definer: '定义者',
algorithm: 'Algorithm',
trigger: '触发器',
storedRoutine: '存储例程',
scheduler: '调度器',
event: '事件',
parameters: '参数',
function: '函数',
deterministic: 'Deterministic',
context: '上下文',
export: '导出',
returns: '返回',
timing: '定时器',
state: '状态',
execution: '执行',
starts: '开始',
ends: '结束',
ssl: 'SSL',
privateKey: '私钥',
certificate: '证书',
caCertificate: 'CA 证书',
ciphers: 'Ciphers',
upload: '上传',
browse: '浏览',
faker: 'Faker',
content: '内容',
cut: '剪切',
copy: '复制',
paste: '粘贴',
tools: '工具',
variables: '变量',
processes: '进程',
database: '数据库',
scratchpad: 'Scratchpad',
array: '数组',
changelog: '更改日志',
format: '格式',
sshTunnel: 'SSH 隧道',
structure: '结构',
small: '小',
medium: '中',
large: '大',
row: '行',
cell: '单元格',
triggerFunction: '触发函数',
all: '全部',
duplicate: '重复',
routine: '例程',
new: 'New',
history: '历史记录',
select: '选择',
passphrase: '密码',
filter: '过滤器',
disabled: '禁用',
enable: '启用',
disable: '是否禁用'
message: {
appWelcome: '欢迎来到Antares SQL Client!',
appFirstStep: '你的第一步: 创建一个新的数据库连接.',
addConnection: '添加连接',
createConnection: '创建连接',
createNewConnection: '创建新的连接',
askCredentials: '询问凭证',
testConnection: '测试连接',
editConnection: '编辑连接',
deleteConnection: '删除连接',
deleteCorfirm: '您是否确认取消',
connectionSuccessfullyMade: '连接成功建立!',
madeWithJS: '用💛和JavaScript制造!',
checkForUpdates: '检查更新',
noUpdatesAvailable: '没有可用的更新',
checkingForUpdate: '正在检查更新',
checkFailure: '检查失败,请稍后再试',
updateAvailable: '可用的更新',
downloadingUpdate: '正在下载更新',
updateDownloaded: '更新已下载',
restartToInstall: '重启Antares完成更新',
unableEditFieldWithoutPrimary: '无法编辑一个在结果集中没有主键的字段',
editCell: '编辑单元格',
deleteRows: '删除行 | 删除{count}行',
confirmToDeleteRows: '你是否确认要删除一行? | 您是否确认要删除{count}行?',
notificationsTimeout: '通知超时',
uploadFile: '上传文件',
addNewRow: '添加新行',
numberOfInserts: '插入的数量',
openNewTab: '打开一个新标签',
affectedRows: '受影响的行',
createNewDatabase: '创建新的数据库',
databaseName: '数据库名称',
serverDefault: '默认服务器',
deleteDatabase: '删除数据库',
editDatabase: '编辑数据库',
clearChanges: '清除变化',
addNewField: '添加新字段',
manageIndexes: '管理索引',
manageForeignKeys: '管理外键',
allowNull: '允许NULL',
zeroFill: '填充零',
customValue: '自定义值',
onUpdate: '在更新时',
deleteField: '删除字段',
createNewIndex: '创建新的索引',
addToIndex: '添加到索引',
createNewTable: '创建新表',
emptyTable: '清空表',
deleteTable: '删除表',
emptyCorfirm: '你是否确认清空',
unsavedChanges: '未保存的更改',
discardUnsavedChanges: '你有一些未保存的修改。关闭这个标签,这些变化将被丢弃.',
thereAreNoIndexes: '没有索引',
thereAreNoForeign: '没有外键',
createNewForeign: '创建新的外键',
referenceTable: '参考表',
referenceField: '参考字段',
foreignFields: '外键字段',
invalidDefault: '无效的默认值',
onDelete: '在删除时',
applicationTheme: '应用主题',
editorTheme: '编辑器主题',
wrapLongLines: '超出换行显示',
selectStatement: '选择语句',
triggerStatement: '触发器语句',
sqlSecurity: 'SQL安全',
updateOption: '更新选项',
deleteView: '删除视图',
createNewView: '创建新视图',
deleteTrigger: '删除触发器',
createNewTrigger: '创建新的触发器',
currentUser: '当前用户',
routineBody: '例程主体',
dataAccess: '数据访问',
thereAreNoParameters: '没有参数',
createNewParameter: '创建新参数',
createNewRoutine: '创建新的例程',
deleteRoutine: '删除例程',
functionBody: '函数体',
createNewFunction: '创建新函数',
deleteFunction: '删除函数',
schedulerBody: '调度器主体',
createNewScheduler: '创建新的调度器',
deleteScheduler: '删除调度器',
preserveOnCompletion: '完成时保存',
enableSsl: '启用SSL',
manualValue: '手动值',
tableFiller: '表填充器',
fakeDataLanguage: '伪造的数据语言',
searchForElements: '搜索元素',
selectAll: '选择所有',
queryDuration: '查询时间',
includeBetaUpdates: '包括测试版更新',
setNull: '设置NULL',
processesList: '进程列表',
processInfo: '进程信息',
manageUsers: '管理用户',
createNewSchema: '创建新模式',
schemaName: '模式名称',
editSchema: '编辑模式',
deleteSchema: '删除模式',
markdownSupported: '支持Markdown',
plantATree: '种植一棵树',
dataTabPageSize: '数据标签的页面大小',
enableSsh: '启用SSH',
pageNumber: '页数',
duplicateTable: '重复的表格',
noOpenTabs: '没有打开的标签,在左栏导航或:',
noSchema: '没有模式',
restorePreviourSession: '恢复以前的会话',
runQuery: '运行查询',
thereAreNoTableFields: '没有表的字段',
newTable: '新表',
newView: '新视图',
newTrigger: '新触发器',
newRoutine: '新例程',
newFunction: '新函数',
newScheduler: '新调度器',
newTriggerFunction: '新触发函数',
thereIsNoQueriesYet: '还没有查询',
searchForQueries: '搜索查询',
killProcess: '杀死进程',
closeTab: '关闭标签',
goToDownloadPage: '跳转到下载页面',
readOnlyMode: '只读模式',
killQuery: '停止查询'
faker: {
address: '地址',
commerce: '商业',
company: '公司',
database: '数据库',
date: '日期',
finance: '财务',
git: 'Git',
hacker: '黑客',
internet: '互联网',
lorem: 'Lorem',
name: '姓名',
music: '音乐',
phone: '电话',
random: '随机',
system: '系统',
time: '时间',
vehicle: '车辆',
zipCode: '邮政编码',
zipCodeByState: '按州的邮编',
city: '城市',
cityPrefix: '城市前缀',
citySuffix: '城市后缀',
streetName: '街道名称',
streetAddress: '街道地址',
streetSuffix: '街道前缀',
streetPrefix: '街道后缀',
secondaryAddress: '次要地址',
county: '县',
country: '国家',
countryCode: '国家代码',
state: '州',
stateAbbr: '州的缩写',
latitude: '纬度',
longitude: '经度',
direction: '方向',
cardinalDirection: 'Cardinal direction',
ordinalDirection: 'Ordinal direction',
nearbyGPSCoordinate: '附近的GPS坐标',
timeZone: '时区',
color: '颜色',
department: '部门',
productName: '产品名称',
price: '价格',
productAdjective: '产品形容词',
productMaterial: '产品材料',
product: '产品',
productDescription: '产品描述',
suffixes: '后缀',
companyName: '公司名称',
companySuffix: '公司后缀',
catchPhrase: 'Catch phrase',
bs: 'BS',
catchPhraseAdjective: 'Catch phrase adjective',
catchPhraseDescriptor: 'Catch phrase descriptor',
catchPhraseNoun: 'Catch phrase noun',
bsAdjective: 'BS adjective',
bsBuzz: 'BS buzz',
bsNoun: 'BS noun',
column: '列',
type: '类型',
collation: '校对',
engine: 'Engine',
past: '过去',
future: '未来',
between: '之间',
recent: '最近',
soon: '很快',
month: '月',
weekday: '工作日',
account: '账户',
accountName: '账户名称',
routingNumber: '路由号码',
mask: '掩码',
amount: '金额',
transactionType: '交易类型',
currencyCode: '货币代码',
currencyName: '货币名称',
currencySymbol: '货币符号',
bitcoinAddress: '比特币地址',
litecoinAddress: '莱特币地址',
creditCardNumber: '信用卡号码',
creditCardCVV: '信用卡CVV',
ethereumAddress: '以太坊地址',
iban: 'Iban',
bic: 'Bic',
transactionDescription: '交易描述',
branch: '分支',
commitEntry: '提交条目',
commitMessage: '提交信息',
commitSha: '提交 SHA',
shortSha: 'Short SHA',
abbreviation: '缩写',
adjective: '形容词',
noun: '名词',
verb: '动词',
ingverb: 'Ingverb',
phrase: '短语',
avatar: '头像',
email: '电子邮箱',
exampleEmail: '电子邮件例子',
userName: '用户名',
protocol: '协议',
url: 'Url',
domainName: 'Domin name',
domainSuffix: '域名后缀',
domainWord: 'Domain word',
ip: 'Ip',
ipv6: 'Ipv6',
userAgent: 'User agent',
mac: 'Mac',
password: '密码',
word: 'Word',
words: 'Words',
sentence: '句子',
slug: 'Slug',
sentences: '句子',
paragraph: '段落',
paragraphs: '段落',
text: '文本',
lines: '行',
genre: 'Genre',
firstName: '名',
lastName: '姓氏',
middleName: '中间名',
findName: '全名',
jobTitle: '职位名称',
gender: '性别',
prefix: '前缀',
suffix: '后缀',
title: '标题',
jobDescriptor: '工作描述',
jobArea: '工作领域',
jobType: '工作类型',
phoneNumber: '电话号码',
phoneNumberFormat: '电话号码格式',
phoneFormats: '电话格式',
number: 'Number',
float: 'Float',
arrayElement: '数组元素',
arrayElements: '数组元素',
objectElement: '对象元素',
uuid: 'Uuid',
boolean: 'Boolean',
image: 'Image',
locale: 'Locale',
alpha: 'Alpha',
alphaNumeric: 'Alphanumeric',
hexaDecimal: 'Hexadecimal',
fileName: '文件名',
commonFileName: '普通文件名',
mimeType: 'MIME类型',
commonFileType: '常见的文件类型',
commonFileExt: '常见的文件扩展名',
fileType: '文件类型',
fileExt: '文件扩展名',
directoryPath: '目录路径',
filePath: '文件路径',
semver: 'Semver',
manufacturer: '制造商',
model: '型号',
fuel: 'Fuel',
vin: 'Vin'