fix(MySQL): connection loses schema in some conditions

This commit is contained in:
Fabio Di Stasio 2021-05-14 17:02:27 +02:00
parent 475397ca34
commit 6b0b8b19d7
3 changed files with 22 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export default connections => {
if (!query) return;
try {
const result = await connections[uid].raw(query, { nest: true, details: true });
const result = await connections[uid].raw(query, { nest: true, details: true, schema });
return { status: 'success', response: result };

View File

@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async dropView (params) {
const sql = `DROP VIEW \`${params.view}\``;
const sql = `DROP VIEW \`${this._schema}\`.\`${params.view}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -500,10 +500,10 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
async alterView (params) {
const { view } = params;
let sql = `ALTER ALGORITHM = ${view.algorithm}${view.definer ? ` DEFINER=${view.definer}` : ''} SQL SECURITY ${} VIEW \`${view.oldName}\` AS ${view.sql} ${view.updateOption ? `WITH ${view.updateOption} CHECK OPTION` : ''}`;
let sql = `ALTER ALGORITHM = ${view.algorithm}${view.definer ? ` DEFINER=${view.definer}` : ''} SQL SECURITY ${} VIEW \`${this._schema}\`.\`${view.oldName}\` AS ${view.sql} ${view.updateOption ? `WITH ${view.updateOption} CHECK OPTION` : ''}`;
if ( !== view.oldName)
sql += `; RENAME TABLE \`${view.oldName}\` TO \`${}\``;
sql += `; RENAME TABLE \`${this._schema}\`.\`${view.oldName}\` TO \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async createView (view) {
const sql = `CREATE ALGORITHM = ${view.algorithm} ${view.definer ? `DEFINER=${view.definer} ` : ''}SQL SECURITY ${} VIEW \`${}\` AS ${view.sql} ${view.updateOption ? `WITH ${view.updateOption} CHECK OPTION` : ''}`;
const sql = `CREATE ALGORITHM = ${view.algorithm} ${view.definer ? `DEFINER=${view.definer} ` : ''}SQL SECURITY ${} VIEW \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\` AS ${view.sql} ${view.updateOption ? `WITH ${view.updateOption} CHECK OPTION` : ''}`;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async dropTrigger (params) {
const sql = `DROP TRIGGER \`${params.trigger}\``;
const sql = `DROP TRIGGER \`${this._schema}\`.\`${params.trigger}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async createTrigger (trigger) {
const sql = `CREATE ${trigger.definer ? `DEFINER=${trigger.definer} ` : ''}TRIGGER \`${}\` ${trigger.event1} ${trigger.event2} ON \`${trigger.table}\` FOR EACH ROW ${trigger.sql}`;
const sql = `CREATE ${trigger.definer ? `DEFINER=${trigger.definer} ` : ''}TRIGGER \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\` ${trigger.event1} ${trigger.event2} ON \`${trigger.table}\` FOR EACH ROW ${trigger.sql}`;
return await this.raw(sql, { split: false });
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async dropRoutine (params) {
const sql = `DROP PROCEDURE \`${params.routine}\``;
const sql = `DROP PROCEDURE \`${this._schema}\`.\`${params.routine}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async dropFunction (params) {
const sql = `DROP FUNCTION \`${params.func}\``;
const sql = `DROP FUNCTION \`${this._schema}\`.\`${params.func}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
const body = func.returns ? func.sql : 'BEGIN\n RETURN 0;\nEND';
const sql = `CREATE ${func.definer ? `DEFINER=${func.definer} ` : ''}FUNCTION \`${}\`(${parameters}) RETURNS ${func.returns || 'SMALLINT'}${func.returnsLength ? `(${func.returnsLength})` : ''}
const sql = `CREATE ${func.definer ? `DEFINER=${func.definer} ` : ''}FUNCTION \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\`(${parameters}) RETURNS ${func.returns || 'SMALLINT'}${func.returnsLength ? `(${func.returnsLength})` : ''}
${func.deterministic ? 'DETERMINISTIC' : 'NOT DETERMINISTIC'}
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async dropEvent (params) {
const sql = `DROP EVENT \`${params.scheduler}\``;
const sql = `DROP EVENT \`${this._schema}\`.\`${params.scheduler}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -890,13 +890,13 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
if (scheduler.execution === 'EVERY' && scheduler.every[0].includes('-'))
scheduler.every[0] = `'${scheduler.every[0]}'`;
const sql = `ALTER ${scheduler.definer ? ` DEFINER=${scheduler.definer}` : ''} EVENT \`${scheduler.oldName}\`
const sql = `ALTER ${scheduler.definer ? ` DEFINER=${scheduler.definer}` : ''} EVENT \`${this._schema}\`.\`${scheduler.oldName}\`
${scheduler.execution === 'EVERY'
? `EVERY ${scheduler.every.join(' ')}${scheduler.starts ? ` STARTS '${scheduler.starts}'` : ''}${scheduler.ends ? ` ENDS '${scheduler.ends}'` : ''}`
: `AT '${}'`}
ON COMPLETION${!scheduler.preserve ? ' NOT' : ''} PRESERVE
${ !== scheduler.oldName ? `RENAME TO \`${}\`` : ''}
${ !== scheduler.oldName ? `RENAME TO \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\`` : ''}
COMMENT '${scheduler.comment}'
DO ${scheduler.sql}`;
@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async createEvent (scheduler) {
const sql = `CREATE ${scheduler.definer ? ` DEFINER=${scheduler.definer}` : ''} EVENT \`${}\`
const sql = `CREATE ${scheduler.definer ? ` DEFINER=${scheduler.definer}` : ''} EVENT \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\`
${scheduler.execution === 'EVERY'
? `EVERY ${scheduler.every.join(' ')}${scheduler.starts ? ` STARTS '${scheduler.starts}'` : ''}${scheduler.ends ? ` ENDS '${scheduler.ends}'` : ''}`
@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
} = params;
const sql = `CREATE TABLE \`${name}\` (\`${name}_ID\` INT NULL) COMMENT='${comment}', COLLATE='${collation}', ENGINE=${engine}`;
const sql = `CREATE TABLE \`${this._schema}\`.\`${name}\` (\`${name}_ID\` INT NULL) COMMENT='${comment}', COLLATE='${collation}', ENGINE=${engine}`;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
sql += alterColumns.join(', ');
if ( sql += `; RENAME TABLE \`${table}\` TO \`${}\``;
if ( sql += `; RENAME TABLE \`${this._schema}\`.\`${table}\` TO \`${this._schema}\`.\`${}\``;
return await this.raw(sql);
@ -1279,6 +1279,10 @@ export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore {
split: true,
if (args.schema && args.schema !== 'public')
await this.use(args.schema);
const nestTables = args.nest ? '.' : false;
const resultsArr = [];
let paramsArr = [];

View File

@ -816,97 +816,6 @@ export class PostgreSQLClient extends AntaresCore {
return await this.raw(sql, { split: false });
* @returns {Array.<Object>} view informations
* @memberof PostgreSQLClient
// async getEventInformations ({ schema, scheduler }) {
// const sql = `SHOW CREATE EVENT \`${schema}\`.\`${scheduler}\``;
// const results = await this.raw(sql);
// return => {
// const schedule = row['Create Event'];
// const execution = schedule.includes('EVERY') ? 'EVERY' : 'ONCE';
// const every = execution === 'EVERY' ? row['Create Event'].match(/(?<=EVERY )(\s*([^\s]+)){0,2}/gs)[0].replaceAll('\'', '').split(' ') : [];
// const starts = execution === 'EVERY' && schedule.includes('STARTS') ? schedule.match(/(?<=STARTS ').*?(?='\s)/gs)[0] : '';
// const ends = execution === 'EVERY' && schedule.includes('ENDS') ? schedule.match(/(?<=ENDS ').*?(?='\s)/gs)[0] : '';
// const at = execution === 'ONCE' && schedule.includes('AT') ? schedule.match(/(?<=AT ').*?(?='\s)/gs)[0] : '';
// return {
// definer: row['Create Event'].match(/(?<=DEFINER=).*?(?=\s)/gs)[0],
// sql: row['Create Event'].match(/(?<=DO )(.*)/gs)[0],
// name: row.Event,
// comment: row['Create Event'].match(/(?<=COMMENT ').*?(?=')/gs) ? row['Create Event'].match(/(?<=COMMENT ').*?(?=')/gs)[0] : '',
// state: row['Create Event'].includes('ENABLE') ? 'ENABLE' : row['Create Event'].includes('DISABLE ON SLAVE') ? 'DISABLE ON SLAVE' : 'DISABLE',
// preserve: row['Create Event'].includes('ON COMPLETION PRESERVE'),
// execution,
// every,
// starts,
// ends,
// at
// };
// })[0];
// }
* @returns {Array.<Object>} parameters
* @memberof PostgreSQLClient
// async dropEvent (params) {
// const sql = `DROP EVENT \`${params.scheduler}\``;
// return await this.raw(sql);
// }
* @returns {Array.<Object>} parameters
* @memberof PostgreSQLClient
// async alterEvent (params) {
// const { scheduler } = params;
// if (scheduler.execution === 'EVERY' && scheduler.every[0].includes('-'))
// scheduler.every[0] = `'${scheduler.every[0]}'`;
// const sql = `ALTER ${scheduler.definer ? ` DEFINER=${scheduler.definer}` : ''} EVENT \`${scheduler.oldName}\`
// ${scheduler.execution === 'EVERY'
// ? `EVERY ${scheduler.every.join(' ')}${scheduler.starts ? ` STARTS '${scheduler.starts}'` : ''}${scheduler.ends ? ` ENDS '${scheduler.ends}'` : ''}`
// : `AT '${}'`}
// ON COMPLETION${!scheduler.preserve ? ' NOT' : ''} PRESERVE
// ${ !== scheduler.oldName ? `RENAME TO \`${}\`` : ''}
// ${scheduler.state}
// COMMENT '${scheduler.comment}'
// DO ${scheduler.sql}`;
// return await this.raw(sql, { split: false });
// }
* @returns {Array.<Object>} parameters
* @memberof PostgreSQLClient
// async createEvent (scheduler) {
// const sql = `CREATE ${scheduler.definer ? ` DEFINER=${scheduler.definer}` : ''} EVENT \`${}\`
// ${scheduler.execution === 'EVERY'
// ? `EVERY ${scheduler.every.join(' ')}${scheduler.starts ? ` STARTS '${scheduler.starts}'` : ''}${scheduler.ends ? ` ENDS '${scheduler.ends}'` : ''}`
// : `AT '${}'`}
// ON COMPLETION${!scheduler.preserve ? ' NOT' : ''} PRESERVE
// ${scheduler.state}
// COMMENT '${scheduler.comment}'
// DO ${scheduler.sql}`;
// return await this.raw(sql, { split: false });
// }
* SELECT * FROM pg_collation
@ -1250,8 +1159,8 @@ export class PostgreSQLClient extends AntaresCore {
if (args.nest && this._schema !== 'public')
await this.use(this._schema);
if (args.schema && args.schema !== 'public')
await this.use(args.schema);
const resultsArr = [];
let paramsArr = [];