107 KiB
Change Log
1.9.2 (2016-04-18)
Fixed bugs:
- No branch or tag called 2.0.1 #1920
- Cannot update from v2.0 git
#1917 - unable to add link, when user needs to login first #961
- export pdf/epub : 504 Gateway Time-out #1808
- Do not capture mouse gestures #1674
- "Stay signed in" don't do what it promise #1550
- json export doesn't work #1534
- large bookmark imports fails #1458
- Import fails with white screen #1405
- Add URL -> URL not saved and logged out #1361
- Lost session too often #1339
- Marking article text advances to the next article #1309
- Sessions do not last when switching networks #1277
- Send articles by mail is sometimes broken #1273
- still using the “fr_FR.utf8 #1271
- pb recherche dans les tags avec caractère spéciaux. #1258
- Deleting user fails with PHP Fatal error #1242
- Show button for adding firefox social service only on secured connections #1237
- database port not managed #1218
- Epub generation is slow #1199
- Long chapter names produce malformed epub #1196
- Installation error solution #1192
- Erreur à l'installation #1114
- Change tag icon #1079
- PDF export fails if pictures are not accessible #1011
- Deleting article in archive return to "unread" #1005
- Click on "Save link"/"Search" doesn't closes popup #962
- Absolute urls in pochePictures.php tend to break #950
- Download pictures: some pictures are not downloaded #949
- 1.8.0: Only the RSS for favs works, unread and archive RSS doesn't #914
- The pagination's variable has no effect #875
- Fatal error on Importing from Pocket #833
- Articles content never fetched after import if no article is present #793
- Login session is not remembered. #769
- Some themes display a citation box wrong #759
- Out of memory size limit with big article #682
- Repeating notifications #648
- Unable to get the content of shaarli posts #639
- https redirect with htaccess #534
- can't add link if referers are blocked #82
- Fix UTF-8 encoding before JSON export #1866 (ymage)
Closed issues:
- Save articles sending them by email #1928
- Login fails after upgrading to 2.0.1 #1914
- Docker image #1858
- Vendor Package Alpha v2 #1623
- Unable to retrieve full-text content http://www.ulyces.co/ #1539
- [v2] Remove tags from an entry #1377
- [v2] Assign multiple tags at once #1376
- No article from Catholic.com get save to wallabag #1076
- Automatic site config #1029
- Bylines not being grabbed #850
- Bad support of instructables.com #792
- Share articles between users of the same wallabag instance #779
- [List] unable to retrieve full-text content #598
- "stay signed in" do not work #1515
- Add title on "random article" link #1315
- unable to retrieve full-text content #1264
- No warning at login when session can't be created #1188
- Does this web site work for you? #1146
- Wallabag doesn't retrieve any text on one site #1140
- [UX] The cross button in the upper right toolset should be to close current article #1125
- Are all of the dependecies including those installed by composer under the MIT license as well? #1118
- add site_config #1117
- Make the dice bigger #1101
- Wrong display in wallabag: graswurzel.net - umlauts are missing #1074
- Empty Articles from www.businessinsider.com #1073
- unable to retrieve full-text content #885
- Create an "About" section - Get a way to check server configuration again #864
- Make the cache time for Flattr checking a setting #765
- Locally hosted Wallabag behind proxy #698
- Only show the wallabag this link when on an article when the mouse is over the link. #685
- Footnotes lost in article #670
- Please add GPG signature to verify before installing Poche #257
Merged pull requests:
- Update messages.es.yml #1935 (jami7)
- remove buggy swipe actions #1825 (tcitworld)
- Add message on unread page about v2 #1815 (nicosomb)
- [Do Not Merge] Wallabag 1.9.2 #1814 (tcitworld)
1.9.1-b (2015-08-04)
Merged pull requests:
1.9.1 (2015-08-03)
Fixed bugs:
- error loading feed when synchronizing #1212
- tags & tags_entry not properly deleted after article deletion #1209
- Tags not being exported in Wallabag 1.9.0 #1203
- Clear cache function deleted .htaccess, .gitignore files under cache/ #1154
- Update jQuery #1139
- translation issue #1133
- Baggy theme: no Icon for shaarli #1131
- Archive an unread article #1126
- Error in first log in #1121
- "About" not translated into french in the menu ? #1116
- I'm getting duplicate articles. #1102
- The "back to top" button is missing in responsive design
Baggy theme
#1010 - Security issue #997
- fix security bug with PHP_AUTH_USER #1252 (tcitworld)
Closed issues:
- Wrong documentation URL #1263
- Integrate freddyb/wallabag-fxos in wallabag organization #1259
- [v2] Wallabag stay in English even when configured with other language #1256
- [v2] Not able to export in epub/pdf/mobi #1255
- Installation : wrong path to themes #1243
- Add Iceblog #1238
- Unable to retrieve content from CloudFlare Blog #1224
- Unable to retrieve full-text content from bastamag.net #1223
- Broken link #1221
- http://jsforcats.com/ #1219
- 413 Request Entity Too Large #1204
- Revues.org #1201
- Import fails unexpectedly #1193
- unable to retrieve full-text content from bastamag.net #1186
- Unable to retrieve content for github. #1185
- unable to retrieve full-text content from frontburner.dmagazine.com #1184
- unable to retrieve full-text content from www.it-connect.fr #1181
- Could not get body text for this URL #1155
- Almost empty articles from computerworld.com #1090
- Empty Articles from www.theatlantic.com #1089
- Installation instructions in wrong order #1024
- (Semantic-)Scuttle import? #1006
- Articles on quechoisir.org are empty #982
- Firefox OS app #521
- Random feature must fetch an article in current status #1153
- Update documentation inside wallabag #1141
- [UX] Next, previous article #1123
- See all tags while tagging #1122
- Update documentation with the 1.9 changes #1119
- Check for existing accounts at install #952
- import chromium / mozilla / firefox bookmarks.html files
\<dd\>/\<dt\> based
#892 - sticky article toolbar #511
Merged pull requests:
- Fix site config #1266 (nicosomb)
- Dev autoclose #1257 (freddyb)
- fix link to documentation #1251 (axelsimon)
- Revert "fix link to save your first article" #1248 (tcitworld)
- fix link to save your first article #1247 (axelsimon)
- add site config for des-livres-pour-changer-de-vie.fr #1234 (jmlrt)
- add site_config for cloudacademy.com and cyrille-borne.com #1228 (jmlrt)
- Enable base_url for proxies #1226 (tcitworld)
- 1.9.1 #1267 (nicosomb)
- Fix #1215 #1217 (tcitworld)
1.9.1beta3 (2015-06-06)
Closed issues:
- cannot synchronize on ubuntu #1195
- API Feature request, modify posts to performe additional processing #1191
Merged pull requests:
- Update fr_FR.utf8.po #1211 (goofy-bz)
- issue #1203: fixing tag export #1207 (vpmalley)
- fix restart of import #1200 (nicosomb)
1.9.1beta2 (2015-05-09)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Saving to pdf doesn't work because it can't download a picture. #1190
- Error after installation in IIS - "login failed: user doesn't exist" #1187
- Connection time out during import #1171
1.9.1beta1 (2015-04-08)
1.9.1alpha2 (2015-04-07)
Fixed bugs:
- Firefox Addon give an error on saving a link #1104
Closed issues:
- Trying to access wallabag for the first time on a fresh install. #1172
- If I install wallabag over my current wallabag like I am upgrading will it keep my data? #1170
- Saving URL from FeedaFever #1169
- Solarized Dark theme issue #1159
- false parentheses #1157
- Password is cached only for a very short time #1156
Merged pull requests:
1.9.1alpha1 (2015-03-08)
Closed issues:
- Error when trying to save and now I can't even view articles. #1138
- Add the ability to edit URLs #1136
- How to backup wallabag. #1135
- [feature] RSS feeds to choose from #1134
- Error while exporting to pdf. #1113
- Wallabag using WordPress #1112
- Courgette theme still present #1103
- Login screen not centered #1099
- 'X-Frame-Options' - 'DENY' #1097
- Did you forget to select a file? Import finished. When trying to import. #1096
- Wrong display in wallabag: jungle-world.com #1034
Merged pull requests:
- composer: min PHP 5.3 added #1151 (TomasVotruba)
- Wallabag v2 api hypermedia pager #1148 (willdurand)
- locale es_ES.utf8 files fully translated → Translation to Spanish updated #1106 (icaroperseo)
1.9 (2015-02-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Register email at installation #1093
Closed issues:
- 413 Request entity too large error when importing #1094
- How do I add new user without the interface after installation. #1092
- How long should I expect wallabag to be down after importing? #1091
- v1.9 beta: random does not work #1082
Merged pull requests:
1.9RC1 (2015-02-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Saying I don't have permission to access to /inc/poche/config.inc.php during install. #1086
Closed issues:
- add capability to download pictures for android app #1085
1.9beta2 (2015-02-15)
1.9beta (2015-02-14)
Fixed bugs:
- allow_url_fopen disabled try to use php-curl #1078
- "Fetch content for articles with no content" doesn't work #1058
- New Install - Can't Log In #1040
- [Installation] Throw an exception if PDO isn't found at installation. #996
- [Installation] Wrong login on MySQL/PostgreSQL databases fail silently #995
- An error occured: "db" directory must be writeable for your web server user! #990
- logic bug in autoclose code? #984
- Can't mark an article as favorite #983
- Export does not work
JSON & ePub
#970 - Problem with Readability.php when save link #963
- White Screen after Install #955
- wallabag install enable to save links on openbsd #948
- Courgette theme really broken #941
- White Screen when mysql user has no privileges. #940
- crashing because unknown character set 'utf8mb4' #935
- Article not saved if not logged in #877
- New self-hosted install: Android app and FF Extension do not work #829
- Empty page after upgrade #796
- Delete Courgette theme #781
- icons blocked/not loading when font is blocked #465
- New installation process #1026 (tcitworld)
Closed issues:
- 1.7.x to 1.8 gives blank page #1064
- wallabag.org : 504 Gateway Time-Out : cloudflare-nginx #1046
- Install instruction is a mess! #1045
- Feature Request: Evernote #1043
- Rethink installation process #1025
- Authentication to websites needed to fetch the text #1009
- "Stay signed in" not working #1007
- social api #1002
- Wrong url in the iOS application #1001
- Register with Packagist? #993
- Allow tagging when saving to wallabag #991
- Can not add a GitHub Gist #979
- add link to documentation on about page #954
- "update article" button #951
- http://wllbg.org/latest points to an old 1.8.0 instead of 1.8.1 #947
- Images are not cached/downloaded #946
- Parse 9gag posts. #934
- Wallabag and fail2ban [Feature] #931
- refresh untitled articles #930
- Multiple size favicons #929
- Read a random article #927
- Change opacity when displaying search popup #916
- Diaspora sharing button #872
- Clean up code to respect guidelines #852
- Wallabag seems to download doubleclick ad images #827
- Tags not imported #823
- Make a class for e-books produced #772
- Migrate some settings from config file to database #686
- Gestion d'export PDF pour lecture hors ligne #77
Merged pull requests:
- added site config for github gists, jungle-world.com and toolinux.com #1067 (vpmalley)
- V2 api tests entry #1066 (j0k3r)
- Cleanup default assets symlinks #1065 (FabienM)
- add a real relation between user and entry #1062 (nicosomb)
- Remove temporary entities #1061 (j0k3r)
- rename User entity #1060 (nicosomb)
- Rename entry #1059 (nicosomb)
- PATCH method, boolean for some parameters and change entity methods name #1055 (nicosomb)
- we can now set a title to the article when we use POST /api/entries #1054 (nicosomb)
- Fix fetched entries when localized #1053 (erixtekila)
- Added en-GB #1042 (edent)
- CS #1037 (j0k3r)
- Update composer #1036 (j0k3r)
- Tests are working again #1035 (j0k3r)
- Update german localisation. #1031 (jlnostr)
- Revert "Update german localisation." #1030 (tcitworld)
- Update german localisation. #1028 (jlnostr)
- Send email at registration #1022 (tcitworld)
- working on registration support #1021 (tcitworld)
- Revert "URL encode 'via @wallabagapp' email body" #1019 (nicosomb)
- URL encode 'via @wallabagapp' email body #1018 (shtrom)
- Savewithtags #1015 (tcitworld)
- Importtags #1013 (tcitworld)
- Fixed #993: add wallabag to packagist #1004 (nicosomb)
- [RSS] introducing query param 'limit' for max items in RSS feed #1003 (vpmalley)
- Miscellaneous additions #999 (moparisthebest)
- Update fr_FR.utf8.po #986 (goofy-bz)
- don't call flattr if flattr is disabled #975 (tcitworld)
- Make call to FTRSS silent to avoid warnings which can break import #974 (jbfavre)
- Fix jquery installation #971 (nicosomb)
- added reload function #968 (tcitworld)
- implemented random button #964 (tcitworld)
- Update wallabag_compatibility_test.php #958 (etiess)
- remove courgette theme #953 (nicosomb)
- Fixing icon text on unread page #945 (jsit)
- Globalizing and creating two variants of Carrot.org icon #944 (jsit)
- fix Flattrs #943 (tcitworld)
- implementing carrot into wallabag #942 (tcitworld)
- _global-izing some more js & css #939 (jsit)
- Fix for favicons in Firefox #938 (jsit)
- Moving favicons to new _global theme dir and adjusting <link> tags #937 (jsit)
- add HTML documentation #923 (nicosomb)
- Add message in web server log in case of authentication failure #690 (doc75)
1.8.1bis (2014-11-16)
1.8.1b (2014-11-16)
1.8.1old (2014-11-16)
Merged pull requests:
1.8.1 (2014-11-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Mobile view and popups #912
- Installation of Wallabag with SQLite3 database fails #788
- autoclose with baggy theme and firefox addon #527
- Texts not translated when adding tag #887
- epub Export does not work #882
- In baggy : no preview text in linear visualisation #874
- In baggy mark as read button stays gray #873
- Fix "Mark as read" translations #871
- CSS Bug on article list when browsing on Small size device #834
- Search and SaveALink windows overlap #830
- wired.com comes out totally messed up #756
Closed issues:
- epub generation doesn't work #925
- Export epubs via cli #915
- English translation doesn't work when en_US is the only locale available #901
- UI text should be title case, and made lowercase with CSS #899
- When starting in list mode, switching to table mode doesn't change width of entries
Baggy theme
#896 - Add "by estimated reading time" sort #876
- Not Parse site #866
- hide database password #891
- Re-focusing the text input for "search" #831
- This page is not retrieved fully #828
- Problem retrieving articles from www.wordyard.com #826
- This page is fetched partially #797
Merged pull requests:
- 1.8.1 #932 (nicosomb)
- Fixing URL typo on about page #926 (jsit)
- Fixing menu hiding behavior when switching from mobile width to desktop width #922 (jsit)
- add about page #921 (nicosomb)
- Many small UI changes/fixes to Baggy theme and English translation files #920 (jsit)
- Improving JavaScript for popup forms #919 (jsit)
- Fixing opacity issue when using mobile menu
#917 (jsit) - Fixing regression in popup close button styling #913 (jsit)
- Standardizing style and code for menu popup forms #911 (jsit)
- Moving search-form style out of messages css and into style.css #910 (jsit)
- Standardizing class names and styles for close buttons #909 (jsit)
- Changing close message button to use × instead of X #908 (jsit)
- Some small design tweaks to the login page: Moving 'Stay signed in'... #907 (jsit)
- Uppercasing 'tags' page title #906 (jsit)
- Making the close button more visually consistent on the menu popup forms #905 (jsit)
- Vagrantfile #904 (nicosomb)
- Fixing some more text case issues #903 (jsit)
- Adding 'en_US' locale
issue \#901
#902 (jsit) - Fixing a bunch of English translation letter casing and syntax
issue \#899
#900 (jsit) - Fixing issue #874, displaying preview text when in list mode #898 (jsit)
- Fixing display mode switching in Baggy theme
issue \#896
#897 (jsit) - Fix #891: change type for password field in installation #894 (nicosomb)
- fix #882 #883 (tcitworld)
- update zeit.de.txt for removal of inline ads #879 (Marmo)
- fix #873 #878 (tcitworld)
- fix z-index-menu mobile view bug #834 #867 (tcitworld)
- update heise.de.txt #865 (Marmo)
- Fix#871 #889 (tcitworld)
- updated site_config #888 (nicosomb)
- fix for #830 #868 (tcitworld)
- Add support for custom http port #848 (11mariom)
- Convert the MySQL charset to utf8mb4 to support the full range of unicode #843 (rros)
1.8.0 (2014-10-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Download pictures doesn't work #822
- [EPUB] Images not included when cached on the server. #804
- The link to check the server compatibility is broken #858
- Trouble installing with Postgres as DB #844
- [dev branch] Installation doesn't work #813
- Import empty file #776
- Add check php5-gd to wallabag: Compatibility Test #766
- « welcome to your wallabag » is not translated #763
- Add support for multipage articles #750
- Ereader complains about DRM with epubs #748
- Arrays not being displayed the same depending on theme
previously was : new site\_config file
#740 - Check file permissions at install #584
- Data is not retrieved properly #561
- Fix the PostgreSQL install errors #845 (rros)
- fix display of 'Done' message when we add a link from 'save a link' item #784 (nicosomb)
- #763 fix to display the login successful message with the translation #783 (nicosomb)
- Fix #776 #782 (nicosomb)
- fixed bug for epub export #755 ; also better metadata title #771 (tcitworld)
Closed issues:
- Adding Articles via URL #862
- Not syncing anything #817
- This page does not work #810
- Post pop-up too small #798
- Easy setup for Apps #538
- Baggy theme: Show 12 articles per page to save space #760
- Problem sending pages to wallabag #758
- Big refactoring #755
- Remove useless code #753
- retour a la page #734
- Stay in Archive after deleting an article in the archive #704
- Rename « home » into « unread » #683
- Solarized dark theme is monochrome #645
- Tags tab empty on new install, explanation would be helpful #624
Merged pull requests:
- 1.8.0 #863 (nicosomb)
- Fix #826 #856 (tcitworld)
- Fix #828 #855 (tcitworld)
- Saveclick2search
fix for \#831
#854 (tcitworld) - Fix for #797 #853 (tcitworld)
- Refactor #851 (tcitworld)
- Fix #766 - GD detection #841 (tcitworld)
- fix pictures display when DOWNLOAD_PICTURES is enabled #839 (tcitworld)
- Implemented additional check for using the 'X-Forwarded-Port' header. #836 (akoenig)
- Complete rework of faz.net-template #816 (zinnober)
- vendor dir is not accessible before install, sqlite db dir write check moved into db class #814 (mariroz)
- Adduseremail #808 (tcitworld)
- Ebook #801 (tcitworld)
- query for populate mysql/postgres was called when we choosed sqlite #861 (nicosomb)
- Move compatibility file
fixes \#858
#860 (nicosomb) - Fix downloading SQLite database from all users #819 (tcitworld)
- Traductionfix #802 (tcitworld)
- Add data for mysql installation, see #624 #787 (nicosomb)
- change default pagination, set it to 12, to have a nice baggy display #785 (nicosomb)
1.7.2 (2014-07-24)
Closed issues:
- Upgrade to 1.7.1 failed #774
- Permissions on "db" should not be checked if SQLite isn't used #773
- [Android] Pas d'accès aux Settings sur Galaxy Tab Pro #746
Merged pull requests:
- security fix #791 (mariroz)
- security issue #790 (mariroz)
- config for habrahabr.ru to grab articles with comments #789 (mariroz)
- highlight.js library added to highlight programming code examples in article view #786 (mariroz)
- Proposed fix for #773 #780 (anno1337)
- Updated polish translation #777 (skibbipl)
- issue #750 - config for dn.pt site added #775 (mariroz)
- Refactor #768 (nicosomb)
- Refactor #764 (tcitworld)
1.7.1 (2014-07-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Warning: putenv() [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning #646
- Soucis traduction bouton envoyer #743
- Sort RSS Tag Feed #738
- Error parsing file imported from Pocket #718
- EPUB-Download for more than one article create a corrupt file #717
- When downloading images, wallabag doesnt respect html "base" tag #677
- page not saved #675
- Errors importing from Pocket #650
- Multi-User problem #630
- [Windows] Many problems with WAMP #579
- missing rss.png files #568
- Cron.php deadlocks import process on many "Untitled" elements #565
- Parser Fail: Text overwrites other text and images #537
- Instapaper Import Failed #536
- Wallabag this link doesn't work #440
Closed issues:
- Caching images? #757
- FR: Editing Titles #747
- Rules for automatic tagging #745
- wallabag breaks raw text formatting #744
- Send article to wallabag via email #735
- Chrome extension link is broken #732
- RSS feed XML error #731
- Wallabag silently fails on pocket import #723
- Problems with feeds #721
- Save a link fails - Untitled #714
- Support TED videos #676
- [ideas] how to submit a bug #662
- JavaScript login solution for wallabag v1 #656
- Use new branches #514
- change poche folder into wallabag folder #449
- Help for plugin #378
- Make a Docker image for easy install #220
- about license #179
- wallabag uses an old version of TLS #702
- Please add a way to disable google fonts #674
- "Stay signed in" doesn't work #654
- [Suggestion] On main page, choose X articles / page #573
Merged pull requests:
- 1.7.1 #761 (nicosomb)
- Add support for *.about.com #754 (sinisterstuf)
- fix of issue #650, #619 and other similar, error in JSLikeHTMLElement: node no longer exists. #752 (mariroz)
- quick fix of issue #750: mulipage content for politico.com/magazine articles #751 (mariroz)
- fix of issue #677: When downloading images, wallabag doesnt respect html "base" tag, tnx to @fivefilters #737 (mariroz)
- fix of issue #718: Error parsing file imported from Pocket #718 #736 (mariroz)
- typo FR après vérif. #728 (Draky50110)
- typo FR #724 (Draky50110)
- do not output debug while generating epub #722 (tcitworld)
- error reporting level set in E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE by default, can be overriden in config #716 (mariroz)
- fix of undefined ATOM constant warning in full-text-rss, will fix ios-app issue #14 #715 (mariroz)
- small xss vulnerability and translation ability fix #713 (mariroz)
- [V2] changed everything from Poche to Wallabag #705 (tcitworld)
1.7.0 (2014-05-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Can't save new article #710
- Dailymotion support #708
- Deleting install dir isn't automatic in dev branch #700
- Installation fails with "parse_ini_file" disabled #678
- RSS Problems #664
- 1.6.1 storage name mismatch for postgres in installer #657
- Error 500 - PHP fatal error #647
- rss feed content type #636
- Import doesn't finish #619
- Walla bag fails to grab pages from tutplus.com #615
- display problem with smartphone and Baggy #610
- Embed videos in an iframe don't show #590
- [Bug ?] Export wallabag data : not saving but opening in browser #570
- In RSS feed, the link leads to my wallabag page #556
- youtube videos are not saved #508
- Import from Pocket not working in 1.5.2 #486
Closed issues:
- Show number of articles in categories, and on tag pages #684
- Feature request : Editing article titles #672
- Add URL from e-mail - Feature Request #669
- PHP - Warning - 3rdparty HTMLpurifier #666
- Create a new user #649
- Improve error management #644
- Paypal? #616
- Wallabag on postgresql fails silently #651
- Save search as new tag #638
- Print friendly formatting? #617
- Update links to 3rd party applications on courgette theme #600
- FeedWriter.php & ATOM #550
- Search engine #520
- wallabag a link in wallabag #505
- FQDN with non-standard ports broken
testet with PHP's built-in web server
Merged pull requests:
- 1.7, call me "Premium version" #712 (nicosomb)
- fix of uninitialized object warning, issue #710 #711 (mariroz)
- update to 3.2 version of full-text-rss, issue #694 #707 (mariroz)
- Fixed Baggy theme CSS for Chrome Extension
and \< 500px width layout
#706 (gboudreau) - Security fixes for downloaded images
thanks @leblanc-simon
#703 (tcitworld) - Up-to-date with me #697 (tcitworld)
- better wallabag in wallabag button
see \#685
#693 (tcitworld) - Epub is here ! #691 (tcitworld)
- Tag-related features #689 (tcitworld)
- French translation update #680 (m-r-r)
- fix of putenv warning under safe mode, issue #646 #667 (mariroz)
- fix of rss headers problem #665 (mariroz)
- Multi-user system
#663 (tcitworld) - last error: config.inc.default.php missed #659 (mariroz)
- inc/poche/config.inc.php.new removed #658 (mariroz)
- parse mobile.lemondeinformatique.fr #655 (ghost)
- print view fixed in baggy; print link added; read percent added in default theme; archive and favorite re-factored to be ajax action in article view #653 (mariroz)
- [fix] rss feed content type set to text/xml #636 #643 (nicosomb)
- Added IF NOT EXISTS #642 (jplock)
- Improvements on french translation #637 (AmauryCarrade)
- added missing image to dmagenta theme #635 (DmitrySandalov)
1.6.1b (2014-04-11)
Fixed bugs:
- PosgreSQL error on sequence users_id_seq with version 1.6 #628
Closed issues:
- RSS feeds don't work #631
- Can't sync articles with the android app #608
- [Feature Request] Mobile offline sync support #607
- The rss feed isn't working on version 1.6.0 #604
- Link to the "Update"-documentation in annocements #597
- Export / Import : suggestions & problems #571
Merged pull requests:
- 1.6.1 #634 (nicosomb)
- error with empty content by import fixed. Also youtube and vimeo videos are allowd in content now. #633 (mariroz)
- logging by import added; error by creation table if exists in postgresql... #632 (mariroz)
- Fix display problem with smartphone and Baggy #610 #623 (nicosomb)
- [fix] Escap key displays save a link form #612 #622 (nicosomb)
- can't close search popup with the cross picture #613 #621 (nicosomb)
- remove duplicates by import; code formatting changes: tabs replaced with spaces #618 (mariroz)
- [fix] with some config, http host is different #614 (nicosomb)
- update french locale, thx to @goofy-bz and @Draky50110 #596 #611 (nicosomb)
- remove unnecessary variable declaration #609 (nicosomb)
- in RSS feed, add link to wallabag URL #556 #606 (nicosomb)
- [fix] Use of undefined constant ATOM #604 #605 (nicosomb)
- postgres sequence error fix, issue #602 #603 (mariroz)
1.6.1 (2014-04-03)
Fixed bugs:
- I can't close "search" popup with the cross picture #613
- Escap key displays "save a link" form #612
- Post 1.6 upgrade - bagging anything lead to PDOException #602
- Fail to sync articles with poche app. #593
- Import fail from Poche #530
- Can't import from Pocket #294
Closed issues:
- Migration from third services - Framabag #426
1.6.0 (2014-04-03)
Fixed bugs:
- The RSS Feed doesn't seem valid #583
- on Framabag re-login needed after "bag it!" #509
- Bug: makefulltextfeed.php crashing on article #494
- This page contains a script from unauthenticated sources #482
- Running Wallabag on Windows Host #580
- Invalid url message for this page #578
- baggy theme - "powered by" overlapps pagination #577
- Failing to add a link #555
- CTRL S open "save this page" in firefox #552
- deactivate keyboard shortcuts when entering tags #546
- Failure in makefulltextfeed.php #529
- Firefox: download the extension - Link Broken #528
- minor glitch in baggy theme #526
- baggy theme removed "remember scroll position" feature #519
- Heise article crashes online demo #498
- Erreur PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method #493
- Impossible de changer de langue #492
- [Baggy] Prob. "hover" sur lien de déco #489
- Config en FR mais langue EN affichée ? #488
- Update to 1.5.2 : PHP extension required: pdo_sqlite #483
- pages are not imported #463
- Permission error if no cache dir exist #451
- wallabag a tumblr will only save the first post #441
- RSS Feeds don't validate / W3C #384
- No content after fresh install
#366 - Local import does not work #332
- stay connected checkbox - Add cookie #115
- image non récupérée #52
- bagit link + overlay save link + listmode #540 (courgette)
- fix of global $http visibility, issues #493, #494 #495 (mariroz)
Closed issues:
- "Cannot redeclare autoload()" error when importing from Readability #575
- Link to F-Droidpoints to old app #574
- [Bug] MySQL tables have NO prefix ! #569
- [Bug] Only Baggy theme have cron import instructions #559
- When tagging, recommend already used tags #542
- [Suggestion] bookmarklet : retour à la page d'origine #539
- [Bug] Saving link menu item : javascript problem #516
- Pagination sur le theme baggy #507
- Update Firefox extension #506
- [Feature request] Use QR codes to set the mobile applications up #432
- [Cron ?] Import #545
- Close "save a link" popup without using "esc" key #541
- Hide content in list view
with baggy theme
#525 - Empty cache after changing theme #503
- After token generation, don't redirect to home screen #491
- [theme] [baggy] Get an actual flattr icon #490
- [Trad/Transl] FR #487
- Baggy theme navigation bug #485
- Update logo #484
- [Feature] View as list #479
- List of existing Tags #477
- Pocket import does not support tag ? #457
- [Suggestion] Forcer la vérif. de version #455
- [Suggestion] Bouton pour vider le cache #454
- [v1] improve import system #365
Merged pull requests:
- wallabag 1.6.0 #595 (nicosomb)
- import into wallabag without cron and file type #594 (mariroz)
- fix of bug with default theme constant #588 (mariroz)
- problem with resources and localhost url fix #587 (mariroz)
- wallabag a link in wallabag now in default theme, issue #505 #586 (mariroz)
- updated german localisation #585 (kevmeyer)
- fix of localhost cookie related to nginx binding to #582 (mariroz)
- fix of issue under nginx and php-fpm #581 (mariroz)
- fix of _SESSION - indefined variable #576 (mariroz)
- fix of #115, server relater config value added #572 (mariroz)
- fix of #115 - stay connected and session livetime #567 (mariroz)
- Update brazilian traslation title to "Português (Brasil)" #566 (brunelli)
- Update brazilian translation #563 (brunelli)
- saving link form now sends ajax request, article view is now justified
issue \#554
#557 (mariroz) - feature #505 - it is now possible to add link from bagged article
TODO: redev it to ajax action
. Some enhancements to "save a link" popup div #551 (mariroz) - fix of conflict of s shortcat and entering s in input fields #549 (mariroz)
- a lot of enhancements related to tags: tags list is now sorted, shows number of articles, autocomplete added according to #477, #542 #544 (mariroz)
- Changed config section to clarify import process. #535 (bobmaerten)
- fix of #530 - import fail from Poche #533 (mariroz)
- New import system #532 (nicosomb)
- getPageContent moved to Tools, fix of #426 #531 (mariroz)
- updated german localization #524 (kevmeyer)
- effect of block rebuilding on next page removed, issue #479 #517 (mariroz)
- fix of #509, related to php 5.3 #515 (mariroz)
- Brazilian portuguese translation #513 (brunelli)
- some baggy theme fixes and enhancement: issue #479 #510 (mariroz)
- translation related: how-to md file added, script to generate php from all twig templates, polish mo file compiled #504 (mariroz)
- Update pl_PL.utf8.po #502 (skibbipl)
- fix of #498, #493, #494 - because disappeared in last commit #501 (mariroz)
- French translation added by @Draky50110, issue #488 #499 (mariroz)
1.5.2 (2014-02-21)
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Liste des thèmes par ordre alpha ? #470
- [Bug] Label du bouton sur l'écran d'identification #456
- [Bug] Thème Baggy : le lien vers Wallabag en footer ne marche pas #453
Closed issues:
- One tag displayed multiple times on tags page #474
- display language name in config page #480
- Missing pagination on tag page #476
- [Changement de nom] Anciens thèmes #471
- Make the installation more user-friendly #466
- add Slovenian language #462
- move the "save a link" field on homepage #461
Merged pull requests:
- 1.5.2 #481 (nicosomb)
- a lot of refactoring: tag action is now handled by home view and uses sorting and pagination. Some small view enhacenments. Fix of #476, #461 for baggy and other themes #478 (mariroz)
- Baggy Theme - PtSans font is now local #473 (nsteinmetz)
- Full-Text RSS included as a script instead of file_get_contents call. Tnx to @Faless. Fix issues #366 and #463 #472 (mariroz)
- version number 1.5.1 #469 (nicosomb)
- "save a link" added to top menu
default theme
to toggle "save link" form, issue #461 #467 (mariroz) (2014-02-19)
1.5.1 (2014-02-19)
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Bas de page index : problème avec le fichier de langue ? #452
- duplicate check added. fix of issue #400 #460 (mariroz)
Merged pull requests:
1.5.0 (2014-02-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Bug with theme name case #447
- notification cross doesn't work #446
- Login time #442
- An error report:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION #436
- Incorrect url when adding from Android #424
- Some language problems in the french Config Page #416
- RSS Feed URL problem #364
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- 1.5.0 #450 (nicosomb)
- Adding .htaccess files to prohibit access to critical directories, e.g., db/ #439 (flolauck)
- Polish and Ukrainian translations added. Russian - updated. Plust 2 smal... #435 (mariroz)
- Theme courgette #434 (courgette)
- all locale files re-compiled: fix of #416 Some language problems in the ... #428 (mariroz)
1.4.0 (2014-02-03)
Fixed bugs:
- remember user #401
- Poche on Apache, behind Ngnix #395
- remove all poche references in code #415
- Add support for X-Forwarded-Proto header field #413
- [unable to retrieve full-text content]... #396
- Empty article title and content
blank title tag and content
#390 - Import from readability doesn't work
0 links imported
#375 - Endless redirects or user doesn't exist with basic authentication #368
- table tags_entries already exists #367
- fix of bug #368 Endless redirects or user doesn't exist with basic authe... #419 (mariroz)
- Page data extraction with basic auth #394 (aaa2000)
Closed issues:
- Error when installing: Fatal error: Call to a member function render() on a non-object in #423
- Add undelete #422
- [1.3.1] Poche Call to a member function render() on a non-object #399
- Rationnaliser la doc #297
- Tables content in solarized dark theme unreadable #421
- 1.3.0: Pulished feeds by tt-rss will be empty in wallabag #420
- Display link to poche_compatibility_test at installation #392
- Empty article title
blank title tag
#389 - [v1] update translation files #340
- Sharing on self hosted social networks #327
Merged pull requests:
- changelog 1.4 #427 (nicosomb)
- Courgette theme revision #425 (Lonnytunes)
- Fix: stops multiplication, in database, of a same user config item #410 (Lonnytunes)
- Correction de bugs dans le schema mysql #391 (Newinx)
1.3.1 (2014-01-07)
Fixed bugs:
- Some links crash RSS feeds #386
- Encoding trouble in <title> of RSS #376
- Some articles break the RSS #374
- Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in poche/inc/3rdparty/FlattrItem.class.php on line 22 #359
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- poche 1.3.1 #387 (nicosomb)
- Create sqlite table tags_entries only if not already exists #382 (aaa2000)
- Flattr Class : Bug 359 #381 (tcitworld)
- Change Permissions in pochePictures.php #380 (F1reF0x)
- Minor changes to tag edit and config pages #379 (williamtheaker)
- docs link, typos #370 (DmitrySandalov)
1.3.0 (2013-12-23)
Fixed bugs:
- can't parse youtube #253
Closed issues:
- offline access to list possible? #361
- Template tpl inachevé empêche le retour au thème par défaut #355
- Actions icons not displayed with default theme #346
- [Feature] Article length #345
- [Feature] Custom Parse Scripts #335
- Wrong current version #330
Merged pull requests:
- poche 1.3.0 #363 (nicosomb)
- fix for long lasting session #362 (DmitrySandalov)
- tags: mysql create tables if not exists #360 (DmitrySandalov)
- Edited English text #358 (williamtheaker)
- Tags feature #356 (nicosomb)
- [change] we now use Full-Text RSS 3.1, thank you so much @fivefilters #353 (nicosomb)
- updating the "es_ES" locale #352 (versvs)
- add atom feeds for unread / favs #350 (nicosomb)
- Stackoverflow parsing and subdomain failover fix. #349 (JasonGhent)
- Fix links #347 (evgeni)
- [add] preparing to poche a new link #337 (nicosomb)
- [fix] paths of assets fixed #336 (nicosomb)
- [add] layout #331 (nicosomb)
- Create fa_IR.utf8.po #329 (mabkenar)
- 1.2.0 #326 (nicosomb)
1.2.0 (2013-11-25)
Fixed bugs:
- poche not accessible anymore via https #283
- content not well displayed with bulletins-electroniques.com #177
- problem with CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION #287
- html output of poche is linking to localhost #270
- Deleting article doesn't redirect #259
- error 500 with the .htaccess #254
Closed issues:
- "Stay signed in" doesn't work on Poche Hosting / Chrome #325
- pouvoir taguer ses posts - Tag posts #319
- RSS/atom feed of unread items #318
- [v2] enhancement add Russian locale #314
- ru_RU.utf8.po locale proposal #308
- No icons visible in dark theme - new set proposed. #306
- [v2] Mark an arcticle as 'read' on the actual arcticle page #305
- Always wants me to login #303
- Créer son utilisateur, howto? #298
- Can't import from Pocket #295
- Utilisation de librairies locales #293
- API doesn't feech content - L'API ne récupère pas le contenu #292
- mysql collation not UTF8 #279
- Mobile view of a rue89 website doesnt work #276
- Être au niveau d'Evernote Web Clipper #252
- parse a SPIP website #241
- use Font Awesome #133
- vider le cache depuis la config #122
- gestion des erreurs sqlite #14
- #article_toolbar in hardcopy printouts must die #311
- Use ajax to perform actions on an article #197
Merged pull requests:
- [v2] ru_RU locale file #315 (DmitrySandalov)
- [v2] fix #270 access from remote machine #313 (DmitrySandalov)
- dark theme images replaced to visible set, no executable bits for pictures #310 (jn0)
- Added possibility to mark items as read/unread on the item page itself. #307 (baurmatt)
- Autoclose #291 (banux)
- 1.1.0 #289 (nicosomb)
1.1.0 (2013-10-25)
Fixed bugs:
- New menu bar bad display on Windows Phone Browser #258
- new menu bar in beta 5 not usable on android firefox in portrait orientation #255
Closed issues:
- on hosting platform : login and headers already sent warning #288
- Fix German Translation #286
- Increase or decrease font size #282
- longer lasting "Stay signed in" #277
- move POCHE_VERSION in index.php #268
- Searching? #265
- Themes link is broken #260
- Install and login failure using MAMP #251
- tests with behat #217
- about links which are bad displayed #176
- czech translation #271
- make installation steps easier #266
- Change language #215
Merged pull requests:
- Adding support for http_auth #285 (dsacchet)
- Updated Screenshots URLs #278 (tcitworld)
- Update select theme filter and sort names
dev branch PR
#274 (NumEricR) - Emdeded Roboto webfont #273 (jcsaaddupuy)
- Custom ssl port #272 (jcsaaddupuy)
- Embeding jquery #264 (jcsaaddupuy)
- Fix #255 : increase article toolbar height if necessary #261 (NumEricR)
- merge 1.0.0 #256 (nicosomb)
1.0.0 (2013-10-03)
Fixed bugs:
- alert message aat field in config is in french #246
- when archive last poched links from a page, redirect to an other page #219
- Coherent install instructions? #248
- Flattr Cache : File names too long #243
- problem with estimated reading time on smartphone / tablet #242
- inc/3rdparty/site_config missing #240
- full paths of import files displayed #234
- Can't poche a github page with bookmarklet #233
- save position not enabled #230
- theme not stored #229
- Deleting element in archive redirect to home #227
- Problème avec la page d'un élément poché et la date #225
- Export Twitter : Caractères spéciaux qui ne passent pas #135
- verif csrf pour l'ajout d'un lien #40
Closed issues:
- Firefox addon not compatible with version 24 #249
- just created my account but can't login #247
- Login page URL link on homepage #237
- Strange login problem on development environment #232
- 1.0-beta5: Missing themes into themes folder #228
- back button on bottom right of the article view #231
- Try to keep flattr links #194
- Language declaration is missing #183
- choose a theme from config screen #161
- Add a print stylesheet #157
- changer la classe de Session #127
- génération du salt à l'installation #119
- relier poche à shaarli #112
Merged pull requests:
- Force download on poche export #250 (NumEricR)
- Avoid ".git" option in themes list of config page #245 (NumEricR)
- Changed Flattr Caching System #244 (tcitworld)
1.0-beta5.2 (2013-09-20)
1.0-beta5.1 (2013-09-20)
1.0-beta5 (2013-09-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Poche can't parse LWN.net articles where subscription is needed despite login #201
- Wrong title on favorites and archives pages #182
- <h2> Title not displaying #153
- titles with colon bad parsed #209
- update doc links in poche #208
- bbc and guardian #200
- DOWNLOAD_PICTURES function #186
Closed issues:
- Paging is not filtered #223
- Unable to add urls to view.twig #213
- Enhancement : Share on android through API #207
- no content displayed #206
- Redirection login ? #204
- Impossible de parser une documentation Sphinx #203
- Don'ty working when download pictures is enabled #202
- Export articles as PDF
or plain text
#198 - Add a link to add an URL directly from Poche #196
- Error : SQLite #195
- PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' #193
- update app.inthepoche.com #192
- déplacer la config des sites dans un autre projet et faire un submodule #190
- BFMTV.com article appears wrong in poche #189
- User documentation #187
- Image downloader feature #185
- website: link to github #184
- Scroll position save / sync #105
Merged pull requests:
- beta5 #226 (nicosomb)
- Fix #183: language declaration #221 (NumEricR)
- Move icon's no-repeat to common code and clean CSS #216 (NumEricR)
- Flattr #214 (tcitworld)
- Add url directly #212 (tcitworld)
- Less is more :-) #205 (NumEricR)
- Add the number of results next to pager #199 (NumEricR)
- Display a message when there is no link #191 (NumEricR)
- beta4 #181 (nicosomb)
1.0-beta4 (2013-08-25)
Fixed bugs:
- IP addresses do not appear in "view original" #175
- can't parse http://12factor.net/ #166
- if cURL is not installed, content is not well displayed #164
- URL with special char could not be imported #155
- HTML entities in titles are encoded twice #151
- Poche won't import the content #149
- Use of undefined constant POCHE_VERSION #148
- répertoire DB inexistant #147
- getPocheVersion doesn't work ? #142
- Error importing readability json #136
- Images coded with relative paths are not imported #123
Closed issues:
- Désactiver authentification #178
- Désactiver les errerurs PHP sur app.inthepoche.com #172
- Je ne peux pas ajouter certaines URL #152
- myconfig.inc.php missing in beta3 release #145
- Poche should not reimport article if already saved #144
- Wrong article preview #139
- links to android / chrome / firefox apps #162
- Fix markup in poche pages #158
- Add support of text files by setting a default title. #150
Merged pull requests:
- Externalize some CSS code #180 (NumEricR)
- Add support for URLS with digits #174 (nicofrand)
- Graceful error-handling with imports and defining where import files are stored #173 (EliasZ)
- Login button #170 (NumEricR)
- Entries height with short description #169 (NumEricR)
- Clean up the templates markup #168 (nicofrand)
- Improve tools list code #163 (NumEricR)
- Add a print stylesheet #160 (nicofrand)
- CSS clean up on style.css file #159 (NumEricR)
- Dev #154 (nicofrand)
1.0-beta3 (2013-08-17)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- config/update poche: wrong last version? #131
- Mixed content alert in HTTPS #137
- ne pas indexer poche dans les moteurs de recherche #130
Merged pull requests:
1.0-beta2 (2013-08-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Impossible d'installer poche #111
- URL refusée #110
- Can't add some urls #91
- Can't Poch url with special caracter #73
- impossible d'ajouter un lien en https #38
- Taille police et icones #114
Closed issues:
- Toggle Mark as read prevents Go home #128
- lien #top qui suit tout l'article #120
- Please tag release 0.1-beta-1 #106
- Icône pour le bookmarklet #94
- extension firefox #43
- ajouter un lien depuis poche sans le bookmarklet #37
- appli android #26
- temps de lecture #113
Merged pull requests:
1.0-beta1 (2013-08-07)
Fixed bugs:
- suppression d'un lien depuis la page view #103
- Erreur date.timezone #98
- Texte lors de la suppression d'un item incorrect #97
- afficher les messages "flash" lorsqu'on met en favori et quand on archive #66
Closed issues:
- Demo URL not working #102
- Partager vers twitter #101
- instapaper import #100
- Add a button to go back to the beginning of the article #92
- pouvoir signaler qu'un lien a été mal parsé #80
- login/password pour la démo ? #70
- indiquer que poche a été mis à jour #69
- stockage par fichier #68
- site web : fr / gb #57
- site web : détailler fonctionnalités poche #56
- import depuis readability #48
- avoir une liste au format "list" et non pas au format "square icone" #42
- bug css affichage liens sur la page view #39
- vérification du traitement ajax #35
- site web #27
Merged pull requests:
0.3 (2013-07-31)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- ajouter système de connexion #4
Merged pull requests:
0.2.1 (2013-04-23)
Closed issues:
- Multi user enhancement for the future #71
Merged pull requests:
0.2 (2013-04-21)
Fixed bugs:
- impossible d'ajouter un lien si pas connecté #63
Closed issues:
- focus au champ login #65
- nettoyage inc/mytool #64
- Login System - security #60
- supprimer process.php #58
- export #55
- dark version / light version #36
Merged pull requests:
0.11 (2013-04-19)
0.1 (2013-04-19)
Fixed bugs:
- erreur lors de l'import pocket #53
- supprimer un lien depuis view.php #51
- disparition des icônes lors d'un tri #45
- problème session si on est sur la page depuis longtemps #41
- bug chrome : affichage d'un seul élément dans la grille #32
- vérification des liens pochés #16
- url vide #9
Closed issues:
- corriger la récupération de l'id #54
- L'URL du bookmarklet contient "https" alors que ma poche est en http #49
- les éléments s'affichent d'abord verticalement puis horizontalement, donc quand on supprime, l'affichage ne se fait pas comme il faudrait #34
- suppression et ajout d'un lien : ne plus passer en get comme actuellement #33
- Pouvoir situer sur quelle page on se trouve #30
- embarquer jquery #29
- pouvoir mettre un lien en fav ou considéré comme lu depuis le lien ouvert #28
- modifier les liens d'outils en formulaire #25
- revoir système de cache #24
- compression css #23
- ajouter un lien "retour à l'accueil" en pied de page d'un article #22
- adapter hauteur des div sur la même ligne #21
- Titres trop longs #20
- stockage du contenu des pages lors de l'ajout #17
- traiter les variables #15
- tri des liens #13
- aligner verticalement les icones d'action #12
- améliorer présentation d'un article #11
- améliorer affichage liens #10
- confirmation lors d'une suppression #8
- édition d'un lien poché #7
- utm_source, utm_medium & utm_campaign #6
- import depuis pocket #3
- icones #2
- Empêcher le téléchargement du fichier poche.sqlite #1
Merged pull requests:
- Ajout conf nginx pour la protection de la bdd #50 (Gregoire-M)
- Modifications css #19 (tmos)
- Some fixes and improvements #5 (fatihorhan)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator