
1.6 KiB

How to contribute

Test it locally

Using Docker

  • Clone the repository
  • Ensure your Docker daemon is running
  • Launch docker-compose up

You'll then have:

  • a web server (nginx)
  • a PHP daemon (using FPM)
  • a Redis database (to handle imports)
  • a SQLite database to store articles

You can now access your wallabag instance using that url:

If you want to test using an other database than SQLite, uncomment the postgres or mariadb code from the docker-compose.yml file at the root of the repo. Also uncomment related line in the php section so the database will be linked to your PHP instance.

Using your own PHP server

  • Ensure you are running PHP > 7.1.
  • Clone the repository
  • Launch composer install
  • If you got some errors, fix them (they might be related to some missing PHP extension from your machine)
  • Then php bin/console wallabag:install
  • If you got some errors, fix them (they might be related to some missing PHP extension from your machine)
  • Run php bin/console server:run

You can now access your wallabag instance using that url:

You found a bug

Please open a new issue.

To fix the bug quickly, we need some infos: please answer to the questions in the issue form.

If you have the skills, look for errors into PHP, server and application logs (see var/logs).

Note : If you have large portions of text, use Github's Gist service or other pastebin-like.

You want to fix a bug or to add a feature

Please fork wallabag and work with the master branch.