By default, we assume the reading speed is 200 word per minute (WPM) when we save an entry.
User can change that value in the config and the rendering is properly performed with the user reading speed.
BUT, when the matching rule is applied, it uses the default reading time defined in the entry without applying the custom reading speed of the user.
This should fix that bug.
Also update the `wallabag:tag:all` to fix the bug when tagging all entries.
Add `isTransactional` to `WallabagMigration` because PHP 8 behave differently with PDO transaction.
This is a workaround because we can't upgrade Doctrine Migration for now (upper versions have the fix).
- Build is now using Composer v2 (instead of v1)
- All actions have been updated to latest version
- Fix bug in PHP 8 were `$entry->getTags()` can't be properly used as a _traversable_ by `assertContains` during tests. Added a custom method `Entry::getTagsLabel()` which return a flatted tag array with only label
- Replace `assertNotRegExp` by `assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression` because it was deprecated
The fix relies on a workaround available on TagsAssigner, see the
AssignTagsToEntry() signature for detail.
I replaced the findOneByLabel in the corresponding test to assert that
there is no duplicate.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Decherf <>
- hiddenName has been disabled in order to fix the missing date range
values when using the material theme
- data format has been changed to 'Y-m-d' in order to comply with the
browser date input default format
- tests: date() and strtotime have been replaced with DateTime-related
Signed-off-by: Kevin Decherf <>
- Add missing translations
- Add some tests
- Add `/api/taggingrule/export` API endpoint
- Add baggy theme
- Add error message when importing tagging rules failed
- Also fix all translations (I think we are good now)
The previous URL started to report title as `snippet intertitre` instead of the previous title which contains Google.
It looks like a bug on the website side. Instead of updating the test to match that new title, I prefer to use a more recent url instead.
When using `OR` in a where clause, a composite index can't be used. We should use a `UNION` to take advantages of it.
Instead, create 2 indexes on each hashed urls and make 2 queries to find an url. It'll be faster than the previous solution.
- Added index on entry table for given_url field
- Fix tests:
The previous `` url redirected to doc.wallabag but that url doesn't exist in the fixtures.
I used our own internal "redirector" to create a redirect to an url which exist in the fixtures.
Also, updating current migration to use the new `WallabagMigration`.
utf8mb4_unicode_ci considers that 'caché' is equal to 'cache' which
can lead to attaching incorrect tags to entries. This issue is due to
some unicode normalization done by MySQL.
utf8mb4_bin makes no unicode normalization, letting wallabag to consider
'cache' and 'caché' as two different tags.
We change the collation of the whole table as Doctrine does not support
setting a collation on a column for a specific platform (it tries to
apply utf8mb4_bin even for pgsql and sqlite).
Signed-off-by: Kevin Decherf <>