mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 08:00:07 +01:00
hot fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ on the Program.
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
distribution (with or without modification), making avaible to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
implementation is avaible to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally avaible free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ in one of these ways:
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
avaible for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
documented (and with an implementation avaible to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
@ -497,11 +497,11 @@ party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not avaible for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
publicly avaible network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
avaible, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
otherwise be avaible to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ maintenance:
localisationReady: yes
- en
- it
@ -277,19 +277,19 @@ class user{
<<<<<<< HEAD
public function available($nome){
$vigile = $this->database->esegui("SELECT available FROM `%PREFIX%_users` WHERE nome = :nome;", true, [":nome" => $nome]);
public function avaible($nome){
$vigile = $this->database->esegui("SELECT avaible FROM `%PREFIX%_users` WHERE nome = :nome;", true, [":nome" => $nome]);
return false;
} else {
return $vigile[0]["available"];
return $vigile[0]["avaible"];
public function disponibile($nome){
$user = $this->database->esegui("SELECT disponibile FROM `%PREFIX%_users` WHERE nome = :nome;", true, [":nome" => $nome]);
public function avaible($nome){
$user = $this->database->esegui("SELECT avaible FROM `%PREFIX%_users` WHERE nome = :nome;", true, [":nome" => $nome]);
return false;
} else {
return $user[0]["disponibile"];
return $user[0]["avaible"];
>>>>>>> e2b9cf2f49f0254dc8318c9c0021a23c464dd106
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$prefix."_users` (
`nome` text CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`available` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`avaible` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`caposquadra` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`autista` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`telefono` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ function initOptions($name, $visible, $password, $report_email, $owner){
$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=".DB_HOST.";dbname=".DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD,[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]);
$prefix = DB_PREFIX;
$prep = $connection->prepare("
INSERT INTO `".$prefix."_users` (`id`, `role`, `hidden`, `disabled`, `nome`, `available`, `caposquadra`, `autista`, `telefono`, `password`, `password_hash`, `interventi`, `esercitazioni`, `online`, `online_time`, `minuti_dispo`, `immagine`) VALUES ('1', '5', :hidden, '0', :name, '0', '1', '0', NULL, MD5(:password), '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '');
INSERT INTO `".$prefix."_users` (`id`, `role`, `hidden`, `disabled`, `nome`, `avaible`, `caposquadra`, `autista`, `telefono`, `password`, `password_hash`, `interventi`, `esercitazioni`, `online`, `online_time`, `minuti_dispo`, `immagine`) VALUES ('1', '5', :hidden, '0', :name, '0', '1', '0', NULL, MD5(:password), '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '');
INSERT INTO `".$prefix."_options` (`id`, `name`, `value`, `enabled`, `created_time`, `last_edit`, `user_id`) VALUES ('1', 'report_email', :report_email, '1', current_timestamp(), current_timestamp(), '1');
INSERT INTO `".$prefix."_options` (`id`, `name`, `value`, `enabled`, `created_time`, `last_edit`, `user_id`) VALUES ('2', 'owner', :owner, '1', current_timestamp(), current_timestamp(), '1');");
$prep->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function array_combine_($keys, $values){
//print("<br><pre>" . print_r(array_combine_(explode(" - ", $a1), explode(" - ", $a2)), true) . "</pre><br>");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %PREFIX%_users ORDER BY available DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, nome ASC"; // Pesco i dati della tabella e li ordino in base alla disponibilità
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %PREFIX%_users ORDER BY avaible DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, nome ASC"; // Pesco i dati della tabella e li ordino in base alla disponibilità
$risultato = $database->esegui($sql, true);
$users_tot = array();
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ $incremento = array();
$minuti_dispo_old = array();
foreach($risultato as $row){
$users_tot[] = $row['nome'];
if($row['available'] == "1"){
if($row['avaible'] == "1"){
$incremento[] = $row['nome'];
$minuti_dispo_old[] = $row['minuti_dispo'];
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ foreach($incremento as $key=>$utente){
$sql = "UPDATE %PREFIX%_users SET minuti_dispo = '" . $minuti_dispo . "' WHERE nome ='" . $utente . "'";
$risultato = $database->esegui($sql, true);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %PREFIX%_users ORDER BY available DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, nome ASC"; // Pesco i dati della tabella e li ordino in base alla disponibilità
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %PREFIX%_users ORDER BY avaible DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, nome ASC"; // Pesco i dati della tabella e li ordino in base alla disponibilità
$risultato = $database->esegui($sql, true);
$minuti_dispo = array();
foreach($risultato as $row){
if($row['available'] == "1"){
if($row['avaible'] == "1"){
$minuti_dispo[] = $row['minuti_dispo'];
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ include_once '../../core.php';
if(isset($_POST["nomeutenteattivato"]) && isset($_POST["nomeutenteattivatore"]) && $_POST["dispo"] == 1) {
$risultato = $database->esegui("UPDATE `%PREFIX%_users` SET available = 1 WHERE nome = :nome", false, [":nome" => $_POST["nomeutenteattivato"]]);
$risultato = $database->esegui("UPDATE `%PREFIX%_users` SET avaible = 1 WHERE nome = :nome", false, [":nome" => $_POST["nomeutenteattivato"]]);
$utente->log("Attivazione disponibilita'", $_POST["nomeutenteattivato"], $_POST["nomeutenteattivatore"], date("d/m/Y"), date("H:i.s"));
} else if(isset($_POST["nomeutenteattivato"]) && isset($_POST["nomeutenteattivatore"]) && $_POST["dispo"] == 0){
$risultato = $database->esegui("UPDATE `%PREFIX%_users` SET available = 0 WHERE nome = :nome", false, [":nome" => $_POST["nomeutenteattivato"]]);
$risultato = $database->esegui("UPDATE `%PREFIX%_users` SET avaible = 0 WHERE nome = :nome", false, [":nome" => $_POST["nomeutenteattivato"]]);
$utente->log("Rimozione disponibilita'", $_POST["nomeutenteattivato"], $_POST["nomeutenteattivatore"], date("d/m/Y"), date("H:i.s"));
@ -319,10 +319,10 @@ $nome = ($row['online']==1) ? '<u>' . $row['nome'] . "</u>" : $row['nome'];
echo("<h1>Dati anagrafici <b>$nome</b></h1><br><br>");
<<<<<<< HEAD
echo('<img alt="VVF" src="./risorse/images/distaccamento.png" width="150" class="img-resposive"><br><br><br>');
$disp = vero1($row['available'], "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green' width='22px'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red' width='22px'></i>");
$disp = vero1($row['avaible'], "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green' width='22px'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red' width='22px'></i>");
echo('<img alt="VVF" src="./risorse/images/owner.png" width="150" class="img-resposive"><br><br><br>');
$disp = vero1($row['disponibile'], "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green' width='22px'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red' width='22px'></i>");
$disp = vero1($row['avaible'], "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green' width='22px'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red' width='22px'></i>");
>>>>>>> e2b9cf2f49f0254dc8318c9c0021a23c464dd106
$caposquadra = vero1($row['caposquadra'], "<img src='./risorse/images/cascoRosso.png' width='22px'>", "<img src='./risorse/images/cascoNero.png' width='22px'>");
$autista = vero1($row['autista'], "<img src='./risorse/images/volante.png' width='22px'>");
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include_once("../../core.php");
$users_sql = "SELECT `id`, `nome`, `available`, `caposquadra`, `autista`, `telefono`, `interventi`, `esercitazioni`, `online`, `minuti_dispo`, `immagine` FROM `%PREFIX%_users` LIMIT 0 , 30";
$users_sql = "SELECT `id`, `nome`, `avaible`, `caposquadra`, `autista`, `telefono`, `interventi`, `esercitazioni`, `online`, `minuti_dispo`, `immagine` FROM `%PREFIX%_users` LIMIT 0 , 30";
$users = $database->esegui($users_sql, true);
$interventi_sql="SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_interventi` ORDER BY `interventi`.`id` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30";
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ $utente->requirelogin();
function arraynum(){
global $database;
$risultato = $database->esegui("SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_users` ORDER BY available DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, nome ASC", true); // Pesco i dati della tabella e li ordino in base alla disponibilità
$risultato = $database->esegui("SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_users` ORDER BY avaible DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, nome ASC", true); // Pesco i dati della tabella e li ordino in base alla disponibilità
$incremento = array();
$minuti_dispo_old = array();
foreach($risultato as $row){
if($row['available'] == "1"){
if($row['avaible'] == "1"){
$incremento[] = $row['nome'];
$minuti_dispo_old[] = $row['minuti_dispo'];
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include_once("../../core.php");
$risultato = $database->esegui("SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_users` ORDER BY available DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, minuti_dispo ASC, nome ASC", true);
$risultato = $database->esegui("SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_users` ORDER BY avaible DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, minuti_dispo ASC, nome ASC", true);
$whitelist = $utente->whitelist();
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ th, td {
<table style="width: 90%; text-align:center;">
foreach($risultato as $row){
if(!in_array($row['nome'], $whitelist)){
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ th, td {
} else {
echo "".$row["nome"]."</td><td>";
if ($row['available'] == 1) {echo "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green'></i>";} else{echo "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red'></i>";};
if ($row['avaible'] == 1) {echo "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green'></i>";} else{echo "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red'></i>";};
echo "</td></tr>";
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include_once("../../core.php");
$risultato = $database->esegui("SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_users` ORDER BY available DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, minuti_dispo ASC, nome ASC", true);
$risultato = $database->esegui("SELECT * FROM `%PREFIX%_users` ORDER BY avaible DESC, caposquadra DESC, interventi ASC, minuti_dispo ASC, nome ASC", true);
$whitelist = $utente->whitelist();
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ th, td {
<table style="width: 90%; text-align:center;">
@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ th, td {
echo "<tr>
$nome = $row["nome"];
$available = $row["available"];
if ($row['caposquadra'] == 1) {echo "<a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$available\");'><img src='./risorse/images/cascoRosso.png' width='20px'> ";} else{echo "<a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$available\");'><img src='./risorse/images/cascoNero.png' width='20px'> ";}
$avaible = $row["avaible"];
if ($row['caposquadra'] == 1) {echo "<a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$avaible\");'><img src='./risorse/images/cascoRosso.png' width='20px'> ";} else{echo "<a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$avaible\");'><img src='./risorse/images/cascoNero.png' width='20px'> ";}
if($row['online'] == 1){
echo "<u>".$row["nome"]."</u></a></td><td><a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$available\");'>";
echo "<u>".$row["nome"]."</u></a></td><td><a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$avaible\");'>";
} else {
echo $row["nome"]."</a></td><td><a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$available\");'>";
echo $row["nome"]."</a></td><td><a onclick='AttivoAdmin(\"$nome\", \"$avaible\");'>";
if ($row['available'] == 1) {echo "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green'></i>";} else{echo "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red'></i>";};
if ($row['avaible'] == 1) {echo "<i class='fa fa-check' style='color:green'></i>";} else{echo "<i class='fa fa-times' style='color:red'></i>";};
echo "</a></td>
if ($row['autista'] == 1) {echo "<img src='./risorse/images/volante.png' width='20px'>";} else{echo "";};
echo "</td>
<td><a href='tel:+" . $row['telefono'] . "'><i class='fa fa-phone'></i></a></td><td>";
if ($row['available'] == 1) {echo " <a href='https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" . $row['telefono'] . "&text=ALLERTA IN CORSO.%20Mettiti%20in%20contatto%20con%20Fulvio'><i class='fa fa-whatsapp' style='color:green'></i></td>";} else{echo "";};
if ($row['avaible'] == 1) {echo " <a href='https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" . $row['telefono'] . "&text=ALLERTA IN CORSO.%20Mettiti%20in%20contatto%20con%20Fulvio'><i class='fa fa-whatsapp' style='color:green'></i></td>";} else{echo "";};
$interventi = $row['interventi'];
$minuti = $row['minuti_dispo'];
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
users: '++id,nome,available,caposquadra,autista,telefono,interventi,esercitazioni,online,minuti_dispo,immagine',
users: '++id,nome,avaible,caposquadra,autista,telefono,interventi,esercitazioni,online,minuti_dispo,immagine',
interventi: '++id,data,codice,uscita,rientro,capo,autisti,personale,luogo,note,tipo,incrementa,inseritoda'
$.each( data.users, function( key, val ) {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[].map||(Array.prototype.map=function(a,b){for(var c=this,d=c.length,e=new Array(d),f=0;f<d;f++)f in c&&(e[f]=a.call(b,c[f],f,c));return e}),[].filter||(Array.prototype.filter=function(a){if(null==this)throw new TypeError;var b=Object(this),c=b.length>>>0;if("function"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError;for(var d=[],e=arguments[1],f=0;f<c;f++)if(f in b){var g=b[f];a.call(e,g,f,b)&&d.push(g)}return d}),[].indexOf||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(a){if(null==this)throw new TypeError;var b=Object(this),c=b.length>>>0;if(0===c)return-1;var d=0;if(arguments.length>1&&(d=Number(arguments[1]),d!=d?d=0:0!==d&&d!=1/0&&d!=-1/0&&(d=(d>0||-1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(d)))),d>=c)return-1;for(var e=d>=0?d:Math.max(c-Math.abs(d),0);e<c;e++)if(e in b&&b[e]===a)return e;return-1});/*!
* Cross-Browser Split 1.1.1
* Copyright 2007-2012 Steven Levithan <stevenlevithan.com>
* Available under the MIT License
* avaible under the MIT License
* http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/cross-browser-split
var nativeSplit=String.prototype.split,compliantExecNpcg=void 0===/()??/.exec("")[1];String.prototype.split=function(a,b){var c=this;if("[object RegExp]"!==Object.prototype.toString.call(a))return nativeSplit.call(c,a,b);var d,e,f,g,h=[],i=(a.ignoreCase?"i":"")+(a.multiline?"m":"")+(a.extended?"x":"")+(a.sticky?"y":""),j=0;for(a=new RegExp(a.source,i+"g"),c+="",compliantExecNpcg||(d=new RegExp("^"+a.source+"$(?!\\s)",i)),b=void 0===b?-1>>>0:b>>>0;(e=a.exec(c))&&!((f=e.index+e[0].length)>j&&(h.push(c.slice(j,e.index)),!compliantExecNpcg&&e.length>1&&e[0].replace(d,function(){for(var a=1;a<arguments.length-2;a++)void 0===arguments[a]&&(e[a]=void 0)}),e.length>1&&e.index<c.length&&Array.prototype.push.apply(h,e.slice(1)),g=e[0].length,j=f,h.length>=b));)a.lastIndex===e.index&&a.lastIndex++;return j===c.length?!g&&a.test("")||h.push(""):h.push(c.slice(j)),h.length>b?h.slice(0,b):h};
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
{% block content %}
<div class="text-center">
<p>Sei available in caso di allerta?</p>
<p>Sei avaible in caso di allerta?</p>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-success " onclick="Attivo('{{ utente.nome }}')">Attivo</button>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" style="background-color: red" onclick="nonAttivo('{{ utente.nome }}')">Non Attivo</button>
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
namespace Helper;
// here you can define custom actions
// all public methods declared in helper class will be available in $I
// all public methods declared in helper class will be avaible in $I
class Acceptance extends \Codeception\Module
Reference in New Issue
Block a user