first few words

This commit is contained in:
Toby Baier 2023-10-02 19:53:38 +02:00
parent 15bf208496
commit 8cc002a8c8
2 changed files with 385 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
// MARK: Common strings.
"global.title.contentWarning" = "Delikater Inhalt";
"global.title.seePost" = "Beitrag ansehen";
"global.title.refresh" = "Aktualisieren";
"global.title.momentsAgo" = "gerade eben";
"global.title.success" = "Erfolgreich";
"global.title.photoSaved" = "Foto wurde gespeichert.";
"global.title.ok" = "OK";
"global.title.showMore" = "Mehr anzeigen";
"global.title.showLess" = "Weniger anzeigen";
"global.title.close" = "Schließen";
"global.error.refreshingCredentialsTitle" = "Zugangsdaten konnten nicht erneuert werden.";
"global.error.refreshingCredentialsSubtitle" = "Bitte erneut in Pixelfed einloggen.";
// MARK: Global errors.
"global.error.unexpected" = "Überraschender Fehler.";
"global.error.statusesNotRetrieved" = "Beiträge nicht geladen.";
"global.error.errorDuringDownloadStatuses" = "Fehler beim Laden der Beiträge vom Server.";
"global.error.errorDuringDownloadHashtag" = "Fehler beim Laden des Tags vom Server.";
"global.error.hashtagNotExists" = "Hashtag existiert nicht.";
"global.error.errorDuringImageDownload" = "Bild kann nicht geladen werden.";
"global.error.canceledImageDownload" = "Laden der Bildes abgebrochen.";
"global.error.errorDuringDataLoad" = "Laden von Daten fehlgeschlagen.";
"global.error.errorDuringUserRead" = "Nutzer kann nicht geladen werden.";
"global.error.badUrlServer" = "Ungültige Server-URL.";
"global.error.accessTokenNotFound" = "Zugangstoken nicht gefunden.";
"global.error.errorDuringDownloadStatus" = "Fehler beim Laden vom Server.";
"global.error.errorDuringPurchaseVerification" = "Verifikation des Einkaufs fehlgeschlagen.";
// MARK: Main view (main navigation bar).
"" = "Zuhause";
"" = "Lokal";
"" = "Föderiert";
"" = "Fotos";
"" = "Tags";
"" = "Accounts";
"" = "Profil";
"" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"" = "Suche";
"" = "Im Trend";
// MARK: Main view (leading navigation bar).
"" = "Einstellungen";
// MARK: Main view (error notifications).
"mainview.error.switchAccounts" = "Konnte Accounts nicht wechseln.";
// MARK: Home timeline.
"home.title.allCaughtUp" = "Alles gesehen";
"home.title.noPhotos" = "Hier sind leider keine Bilder.";
// MARK: Statuses timeline (local/federated/favourite/bookmarks etc.).
"statuses.navigationBar.localTimeline" = "Lokal";
"statuses.navigationBar.federatedTimeline" = "Föderiert";
"statuses.navigationBar.favourites" = "Favoriten";
"statuses.navigationBar.bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen";
"statuses.title.noPhotos" = "Hier sind leider keine Bilder.";
"statuses.title.tagFollowed" = "Du folgst dem Tag.";
"statuses.title.tagUnfollowed" = "Du folgst dem Tag nicht mehr.";
"statuses.error.loadingStatusesFailed" = "Laden der Beiträge fehlgeschlagen.";
"statuses.error.tagFollowFailed" = "Das Folgen des Tags ist fehlgeschlagen.";
"statuses.error.tagUnfollowFailed" = "Das nicht mehr Folgen des Tags ist fehlgeschlagen.";
// Mark: Search view.
"search.navigationBar.title" = "Suche";
"search.title.placeholder" = "Suche...";
"search.title.usersWith" = "Nutzer mit %@";
"search.title.goToUser" = "Gehe zu Nutzer %@";
"search.title.hashtagWith" = "Hashtags mit %@";
"search.title.goToHashtag" = "Gehe zu Hashtag %@";
// Mark: Trending statuses.
"trendingStatuses.navigationBar.title" = "Fotos";
"trendingStatuses.title.daily" = "Täglich";
"trendingStatuses.title.monthly" = "Monatlich";
"trendingStatuses.title.yearly" = "Jährlich";
"trendingStatuses.error.loadingStatusesFailed" = "Laden der Beiträge fehlgeschlagen.";
"trendingStatuses.title.noPhotos" = "Hier sind leider keine Bilder.";
// Mark: Trending tags.
"tags.navigationBar.trendingTitle" = "Tags";
"tags.navigationBar.searchTitle" = "Tags";
"tags.navigationBar.followedTitle" = "Tags denen Du folgst";
"tags.title.noTags" = "Hier sind leider keine Tags.";
"tags.title.amountOfPosts" = "%d Beiträge";
"tags.error.loadingTagsFailed" = "Laden der Tags fehlgeschlagen.";
// Mark: Trending accounts.
"trendingAccounts.navigationBar.title" = "Konten";
"trendingAccounts.title.noAccounts" = "Hier ist leider niemand.";
"trendingAccounts.error.loadingAccountsFailed" = "Laden der Konten fehlgeschlagen.";
// Mark: User profile view.
"userProfile.title.openInBrowser" = "Im Browser öffnen";
"userProfile.title.share" = "Teilen";
"userProfile.title.unmute" = "Stummschaltung aufheben";
"userProfile.title.mute" = "Stummschalten";
"userProfile.title.unblock" = "Blockierung aufheben";
"userProfile.title.block" = "Blockieren";
"userProfile.title.favourites" = "Favoriten";
"userProfile.title.bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen";
"userProfile.title.followedTags" = "Tags denen Du folgst";
"userProfile.title.posts" = "Beiträge";
"userProfile.title.followers" = "Leute die Dir folgen";
"userProfile.title.following" = "Leute denen Du folgst";
"userProfile.title.joined" = "%@ beigetreten";
"userProfile.title.unfollow" = "Nicht mehr folgen";
"userProfile.title.follow" = "Folgen";
"userProfile.title.instance" = "Instanzinformation";
"userProfile.title.blocks" = "Blockierte Konten";
"userProfile.title.mutes" = "Stummgeschaltete Konten";
"userProfile.title.muted" = "Konto stummgeschaltet";
"userProfile.title.unmuted" = "Stummschaltung des Kontos aufgehoben";
"userProfile.title.blocked" = "Konto blockiert";
"userProfile.title.unblocked" = "Konto nicht mehr blockiert";
"" = "Melden";
"userProfile.title.followsYou" = "Folgt Dir";
"userProfile.title.requestFollow" = "Folgen anfragen";
"userProfile.title.cancelRequestFollow" = "Anfrage abbrechen";
"userProfile.title.followRequests" = "Anfragen";
"userProfile.title.privateProfileTitle" = "Dieses Profil ist privat.";
"userProfile.title.privateProfileSubtitle" = "Nur freigeschaltete folgende können Beiträge sehen.";
"userProfile.error.notExists" = "Konto existiert nicht.";
"userProfile.error.loadingAccountFailed" = "Fehler beim Laden vom Server.";
"userProfile.error.muting" = "(Nicht mehr) Stummschalten fehlgeschlagen.";
"userProfile.error.block" = "(Nicht mehr) Blockieren fehlgeschlagen.";
"userProfile.error.relationship" = "Beziehungsaktion fehlgeschlagen.";
"userProfile.title.edit" = "Bearbeiten";
"userProfile.title.muted" = "Stummgeschaltet";
"userProfile.title.blocked" = "Blockiert";
// Mark: Notifications view.
"notifications.navigationBar.title" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"notifications.title.noNotifications" = "Unfortunately, there is nothing here.";
"notifications.title.followedYou" = "followed you";
"notifications.title.mentionedYou" = "mentioned you";
"notifications.title.boosted" = "boosted";
"notifications.title.favourited" = "favourited";
"notifications.title.postedStatus" = "posted status";
"notifications.title.followRequest" = "follow request";
"notifications.title.poll" = "poll";
"notifications.title.updatedStatus" = "updated status";
"notifications.title.signedUp" = "signed up";
"notifications.title.newReport" = "new report";
"notifications.error.loadingNotificationsFailed" = "Loading notifications failed.";
// Mark: Compose view.
"compose.navigationBar.title" = "Compose";
"compose.title.everyone" = "Everyone";
"compose.title.unlisted" = "Unlisted";
"compose.title.followers" = "Followers";
"compose.title.attachPhotoFull" = "Attach a photo and type what's on your mind";
"compose.title.attachPhotoMini" = "Type what's on your mind";
"compose.title.publish" = "Publish";
"compose.title.cancel" = "Cancel";
"compose.title.writeContentWarning" = "Write content warning";
"compose.title.commentsWillBeDisabled" = "Comments will be disabled";
"compose.title.statusPublished" = "Status published";
"compose.title.tryToUpload" = "Try to upload";
"compose.title.delete" = "Delete";
"compose.title.edit" = "Edit";
"" = "Photos library";
"" = "Take photo";
"compose.title.files" = "Browse files";
"compose.title.missingAltTexts" = "Missing ALT texts";
"compose.title.missingAltTextsWarning" = "Not all images have been described for the visually impaired. Would you like to send photos anyway?";
"compose.error.loadingPhotosFailed" = "Cannot retreive image from library.";
"compose.error.postingPhotoFailed" = "Error during posting photo.";
"compose.error.postingStatusFailed" = "Error during posting status.";
// Mark: Photo editor view.
"photoEdit.navigationBar.title" = "Photo details";
"" = "Photo";
"photoEdit.title.accessibility" = "Accessibility";
"photoEdit.title.accessibilityDescription" = "Description for the visually impaired";
"" = "Save";
"photoEdit.title.cancel" = "Cancel";
"photoEdit.error.updatePhotoFailed" = "Error during updating photo.";
// Mark: Place selector view.
"placeSelector.navigationBar.title" = "Places";
"" = "Search...";
"placeSelector.title.buttonSearch" = "Search";
"placeSelector.title.cancel" = "Cancel";
"placeSelector.error.loadingPlacesFailed" = "Loading notifications failed.";
// Mark: Settings view.
"settings.navigationBar.title" = "Settings";
"settings.title.close" = "Close";
"settings.title.version" = "Version";
"settings.title.accounts" = "Accounts";
"settings.title.newAccount" = "New account";
"settings.title.accent" = "Accent";
"settings.title.theme" = "Theme";
"settings.title.system" = "System";
"settings.title.light" = "Light";
"settings.title.dark" = "Dark";
"settings.title.avatar" = "Avatar";
"" = "Circle";
"settings.title.rounderRectangle" = "Rounded rectangle";
"settings.title.other" = "Other";
"settings.title.thirdParty" = "Third party";
"settings.title.reportBug" = "Report a bug";
"settings.title.githubIssues" = "Issues on Github";
"settings.title.follow" = "Follow me";
"" = "Support";
"settings.title.thankYouTitle" = "Thank you 💕";
"settings.title.thankYouMessage" = "Thanks for your purchase. Purchases both big and small help us keep our dream of providing the best quality products to our customers. We hope youre loving Vernissage.";
"settings.title.thankYouClose" = "Close";
"settings.title.haptics" = "Haptics";
"settings.title.hapticsTabSelection" = "Tab selection";
"settings.title.hapticsButtonPress" = "Button press";
"settings.title.hapticsListRefresh" = "List refresh";
"settings.title.hapticsAnimationFinished" = "Animation finished";
"settings.title.mediaSettings" = "Media settings";
"settings.title.alwaysShowSensitiveTitle" = "Always show NSFW";
"settings.title.alwaysShowSensitiveDescription" = "Force show all NFSW (sensitive) media without warnings";
"settings.title.alwaysShowAltTitle" = "Show alternative text";
"settings.title.alwaysShowAltDescription" = "Show alternative text if present on status details screen";
"settings.title.general" = "General";
"settings.title.applicationIcon" = "Application icon";
"settings.title.followVernissage" = "Follow Vernissage";
"settings.title.mastodonAccount" = "Mastodon account";
"settings.title.pixelfedAccount" = "Pixelfed account";
"settings.title.openPage" = "Open";
"settings.title.privacyPolicy" = "Privacy policy";
"settings.title.terms" = "Terms & Conditions";
"settings.title.sourceCode" = "Source code";
"settings.title.rate" = "Rate Vernissage";
"settings.title.socials" = "Socials";
"settings.title.menuPosition" = "Menu position";
"settings.title.topMenu" = "Navigation bar";
"settings.title.bottomRightMenu" = "Bottom right";
"settings.title.bottomLeftMenu" = "Bottom left";
"settings.title.showAvatars" = "Show avatars";
"settings.title.showAvatarsOnTimeline" = "Avatars will be displayed on timelines";
"settings.title.showFavourite" = "Show favourites";
"settings.title.showFavouriteOnTimeline" = "Favourites will be displayed on timelines";
"settings.title.showAltText" = "Show ALT icon";
"settings.title.showAltTextOnTimeline" = "ALT icon will be displayed on timelines";
"settings.title.warnAboutMissingAltTitle" = "Warn of missing ALT text";
"settings.title.warnAboutMissingAltDescription" = "A warning about missing ALT texts will be displayed before publishing new post.";
// Mark: Signin view.
"signin.navigationBar.title" = "Sign in to Pixelfed";
"signin.title.serverAddress" = "Server address";
"signin.title.signIn" = "Sign in";
"signin.title.enterServerAddress" = "Enter server address";
"signin.title.howToJoinLink" = "How to join Pixelfed";
"signin.title.chooseServer" = "Or choose Pixelfed server";
"signin.title.amountOfUsers" = "%d users";
"signin.title.amountOStatuses" = "%d statuses";
"signin.error.communicationFailed" = "Communication with server failed.";
// Mark: Status view.
"status.navigationBar.title" = "Details";
"status.title.uploaded" = "Uploaded";
"status.title.via" = "via %@";
"status.title.reboostedBy" = "Boosted by";
"status.title.favouritedBy" = "Favourited by";
"status.title.openInBrowser" = "Open in browser";
"status.title.shareStatus" = "Share status";
"status.title.yourStatus" = "Your status";
"status.title.delete" = "Delete";
"status.title.reboosted" = "Boosted";
"status.title.unreboosted" = "Unboosted";
"status.title.favourited" = "Favourited";
"status.title.unfavourited" = "Unfavourited";
"status.title.bookmarked" = "Bookmarked";
"status.title.unbookmarked" = "Unbookmarked";
"status.title.statusDeleted" = "Status deleted";
"status.title.reboost" = "Boost";
"status.title.unreboost" = "Unboost";
"status.title.favourite" = "Favourite";
"status.title.unfavourite" = "Unfavourite";
"status.title.bookmark" = "Bookmark";
"status.title.unbookmark" = "Unbookmark";
"status.title.comment" = "Comment";
"" = "Report";
"status.title.saveImage" = "Save image";
"status.title.showMediaDescription" = "Show media description";
"status.title.mediaDescription" = "Media description";
"status.title.shareImage" = "Share image";
"status.title.altText" = "ALT";
"status.error.loadingStatusFailed" = "Loading status failed.";
"status.error.notFound" = "Status not existing anymore.";
"status.error.loadingCommentsFailed" = "Comments cannot be downloaded.";
"status.error.reboostFailed" = "Boost action failed.";
"status.error.favouriteFailed" = "Favourite action failed.";
"status.error.bookmarkFailed" = "Bookmark action failed.";
"status.error.deleteFailed" = "Delete action failed.";
// Mark: Accounts view.
"accounts.navigationBar.followers" = "Followers";
"accounts.navigationBar.following" = "Following";
"accounts.navigationBar.favouritedBy" = "Favourited by";
"accounts.navigationBar.reboostedBy" = "Boosted by";
"accounts.navigationBar.blocked" = "Blocked accounts";
"accounts.navigationBar.mutes" = "Muted accounts";
"accounts.title.noAccounts" = "Unfortunately, there is no one here.";
"accounts.error.loadingAccountsFailed" = "Loading accounts failed.";
// Mark: Third party view.
"thirdParty.navigationBar.title" = "Third party";
// Mark: Widget view.
"widget.title.photoDescription" = "Widget with photos from Pixelfed.";
"widget.title.qrCodeDescription" = "Widget with QR Code to your Pixelfed profile.";
// Mark: In-app purchases.
"purchase.donut.title" = "Donut";
"purchase.donut.description" = "Treat me to a doughnut.";
"" = "Coffee";
"" = "Treat me to a coffee.";
"purchase.cake.title" = "Coffee & cake";
"purchase.cake.description" = "Treat me to a coffee and cake.";
// Mark: Edit profile.
"editProfile.navigationBar.title" = "Edit profile";
"editProfile.title.displayName" = "Display name";
"" = "Bio";
"" = "Website";
"" = "Save";
"editProfile.title.accountSaved" = "Profile has been updated.";
"editProfile.title.photoInfo" = "The changed photo will be visible in the app and on the website with a small delay.";
"editProfile.title.privateAccount" = "Private account";
"editProfile.title.privateAccountInfo" = "When your account is private, only people you approve can see your photos and videos on Pixelfed. Your existing followers won't be affected.";
"editProfile.error.saveAccountFailed" = "Saving profile failed.";
"editProfile.error.loadingAvatarFailed" = "Loading avatar failed.";
"editProfile.error.noProfileData" = "Profile data cannot be displayed.";
"editProfile.error.loadingAccountFailed" = "Error during download account from server.";
// Mark: Instance information.
"instance.navigationBar.title" = "Instance";
"instance.title.instanceInfo" = "Instance info";
"" = "Name";
"instance.title.address" = "Address";
"" = "Email";
"instance.title.version" = "Version";
"instance.title.users" = "Users";
"instance.title.posts" = "Posts";
"" = "Domains";
"instance.title.registrations" = "Registrations";
"instance.title.approvalRequired" = "Approval required";
"instance.title.rules" = "Instance rules";
"" = "Contact";
"instance.title.pixelfedAccount" = "Pixelfed account";
"instance.error.noInstanceData" = "Instance data cannot be displayed.";
"instance.error.loadingDataFailed" = "Error during download instance data from server.";
// Mark: Report screen.
"report.navigationBar.title" = "Report";
"report.title.close" = "Close";
"report.title.send" = "Send";
"report.title.userReported" = "User has been reported";
"report.title.postReported" = "Post has been reported";
"report.title.reportType" = "Type of abuse";
"report.title.spam" = "It's a spam";
"report.title.sensitive" = "Nudity or sexual activity";
"report.title.abusive" = "Hate speech or symbols";
"report.title.underage" = "Underage account";
"report.title.violence" = "Violence or dangerous organisations";
"report.title.copyright" = "Copyright infringement";
"report.title.impersonation" = "Impersonation";
"report.title.scam" = "Bullying or harassment";
"report.title.terrorism" = "Terrorism";
"report.error.notReported" = "Error during sending report.";
// Mark: Following requests.
"followingRequests.navigationBar.title" = "Following requests";
"followingRequests.title.approve" = "Approve";
"followingRequests.title.reject" = "Reject";
"followingRequests.error.approve" = "Error during approving request.";
"followingRequests.error.reject" = "Error during rejecting request.";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// MARK: Network errors.
"global.error.notSuccessResponse" = "Antwort vom Server: %@.";
"global.error.unknownError" = "Unbekannter Fehler.";
// Mark: Report errors.
"report.error.noSelfReports" = "Du darfst Dich nicht selbst melden.";
"report.error.invalidObjectId" = "Fehlerhafte ID.";
"report.error.duplicate" = "Der Bericht wurde bereits gesendet.";
"report.error.invalidParameters" = "Ungültige Parameter.";
"report.error.invalidType" = "Ungültiger Berichtstyp.";
"report.error.invalidObject" = "Ungültiges Objekt.";