
96 lines
1.8 KiB

using Gtk;
using Gee;
public class Tootle.Widgets.RichLabel : Label {
// TODO: We can parse <a> tags and extract resolvable URIs now
public weak ArrayList<API.Mention>? mentions;
MarkupPolicy _markup = DISALLOW;
public MarkupPolicy markup {
get {
return _markup;
set {
_markup = value;
_markup.apply (this);
public string text {
get {
return this.label;
set {
this.label = markup.process (value);
construct {
xalign = 0;
wrap_mode = Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR;
justify = Justification.LEFT;
single_line_mode = false;
set_line_wrap (true);
public RichLabel (string text) {
set_label (text);
public static string escape_entities (string content) {
return content
.replace ("&nbsp;", " ")
.replace ("'", "&apos;");
public static string restore_entities (string content) {
return content
.replace ("&amp;", "&")
.replace ("&lt;", "<")
.replace ("&gt;", ">")
.replace ("&apos;", "'")
.replace ("&quot;", "\"");
public override bool activate_link (string url) {
if (mentions != null){
mentions.@foreach (mention => {
if (url == mention.url) ();
return true;
if ("/tags/" in url) {
var encoded = url.split ("/tags/")[1];
var tag = Soup.URI.decode (encoded);
window.open_view (new Views.Hashtag (tag));
return true;
if (should_resolve_url (url)) { (url, (obj, res) => {
try { (res).open ();
catch (Error e) {
warning (@"Failed to resolve URL \"$url\":");
warning (e.message);
Desktop.open_uri (url);
else {
Desktop.open_uri (url);
return true;
public static bool should_resolve_url (string url) {
return settings.aggressive_resolving || "@" in url || "user" in url;