
207 lines
6.1 KiB

using Gtk;
using Gee;
public class Tootle.Dialogs.WatchlistEditor : Dialog {
private static WatchlistEditor dialog;
private StackSwitcher switcher;
private MenuButton button_add;
private Button button_remove;
private Stack stack;
private ListStack users;
private ListStack hashtags;
private ActionBar actionbar;
private Popover popover;
private Grid popover_grid;
private Entry popover_entry;
private Button popover_button;
private const string TIP_USERS = _("You'll be notified when toots from this user appear in your Home timeline.");
private const string TIP_HASHTAGS = _("You'll be notified when toots with this hashtag appear in any public timelines.");
private class ModelItem : GLib.Object {
public string name;
public ModelItem (string name) { = name;
private class ModelView : ListBoxRow {
public Label label;
public ModelView (ModelItem item) {
label = new Label (;
label.margin = 6;
label.halign = Align.START;
label.justify = Justification.LEFT;
add (label);
show_all ();
private class Model : GLib.ListModel, GLib.Object {
private GenericArray<ModelItem> items = new GenericArray<ModelItem> ();
public GLib.Type get_item_type () {
return typeof (ModelItem);
public uint get_n_items () {
return items.length;
public GLib.Object? get_item (uint position) {
return items.@get ((int)position);
public void append (ModelItem item) {
this.items.add (item);
public static Widget create_row (GLib.Object obj) {
var item = (ModelItem) obj;
return new ModelView (item);
private class ListStack : ScrolledWindow {
public Model model;
public ListBox list;
public void update (ArrayList<string> array) {
array.@foreach (item => {
model.append (new ModelItem (item));
return true;
list.bind_model (model, create_row);
public ListStack (ArrayList<string> array) {
model = new Model ();
list = new ListBox ();
add (list);
update (array);
private void set_tip () {
var is_user = stack.visible_child_name == "users";
popover_entry.secondary_icon_tooltip_text = is_user ? TIP_USERS : TIP_HASHTAGS;
public WatchlistEditor () {
border_width = 6;
deletable = false;
resizable = false;
transient_for = window;
title = _("Watchlist");
users = new ListStack (watchlist.users);
hashtags = new ListStack (watchlist.hashtags);
stack = new Stack ();
stack.transition_type = StackTransitionType.SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT;
stack.hexpand = true;
stack.vexpand = true;
stack.add_titled (users, "users", _("Users"));
stack.add_titled (hashtags, "hashtags", _("Hashtags"));
switcher = new StackSwitcher ();
switcher.stack = stack;
switcher.halign = Align.CENTER;
switcher.margin_bottom = 12;
popover_entry = new Entry ();
popover_entry.hexpand = true;
popover_entry.secondary_icon_name = "dialog-information-symbolic";
popover_entry.secondary_icon_activatable = false;
popover_entry.activate.connect (() => submit ());
popover_button = new Button.with_label (_("Add"));
popover_button.halign = Align.END;
popover_button.margin_start = 6;
popover_button.clicked.connect (() => submit ());
popover_grid = new Grid ();
popover_grid.margin = 6;
popover_grid.attach (popover_entry, 0, 0);
popover_grid.attach (popover_button, 1, 0);
popover_grid.show_all ();
popover = new Popover (null);
popover.add (popover_grid);
button_add = new MenuButton ();
button_add.image = new Image.from_icon_name ("list-add-symbolic", IconSize.BUTTON);
button_add.popover = popover;
button_add.clicked.connect (() => set_tip ());
button_remove = new Button ();
button_remove.image = new Image.from_icon_name ("list-remove-symbolic", IconSize.BUTTON);
button_remove.clicked.connect (on_remove);
actionbar = new ActionBar ();
actionbar.add (button_add);
actionbar.add (button_remove);
var grid = new Grid ();
grid.attach (stack, 0, 1);
grid.attach (actionbar, 0, 2);
var frame = new Frame (null);
frame.margin_bottom = 6;
frame.add (grid);
frame.set_size_request (350, 350);
var content = get_content_area ();
content.pack_start (switcher, true, true, 0);
content.pack_start (frame, true, true, 0);
add_button (_("_Close"), ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT);
show_all ();
response.connect (on_response);
destroy.connect (() => dialog = null);
private void on_response (int i) {
destroy ();
private void on_remove () {
var is_hashtag = stack.visible_child_name == "hashtags";
ListStack stack = is_hashtag ? hashtags : users;
stack.list.get_selected_rows ().@foreach (_row => {
var row = _row as ModelView;
watchlist.remove (row.label.label, is_hashtag); ();
row.destroy ();
private void submit () {
if (popover_entry.text_length < 1)
var is_hashtag = stack.visible_child_name == "hashtags";
var entity = popover_entry.text
.replace ("#", "")
.replace (" ", "");
watchlist.add (entity, is_hashtag); (); = false;
var stack = is_hashtag ? hashtags : users;
stack.list.insert (create_row (new ModelItem (entity)), 0);
public static void open () {
if (dialog == null)
dialog = new WatchlistEditor ();