
217 lines
5.6 KiB

using Gtk;
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/views/sidebar/view.ui")]
public class Tootle.Views.Sidebar : Box, AccountHolder {
[GtkChild] unowned ToggleButton accounts_button;
[GtkChild] unowned Stack mode;
[GtkChild] unowned ListBox items;
[GtkChild] unowned ListBox saved_accounts;
[GtkChild] unowned Widgets.Avatar avatar;
[GtkChild] unowned Label title;
[GtkChild] unowned Label subtitle;
protected InstanceAccount? account { get; set; default = null; }
GLib.ListStore item_model = new GLib.ListStore (typeof (Object));
Item item_preferences = new Item () {
label = _("Preferences"),
icon = "emblem-system-symbolic",
selectable = false,
separated = true,
on_activated = () => { ();
Item item_about = new Item () {
label = _("About"),
icon = "help-about-symbolic",
selectable = false,
on_activated = () => {
app.lookup_action ("about").activate (null);
construct {
construct_account_holder ();
items.bind_model (item_model, on_item_create);
items.set_header_func (on_item_header_update);
saved_accounts.set_header_func (on_account_header_update);
protected virtual void on_accounts_changed (Gee.ArrayList<InstanceAccount> accounts) {
for (var w = saved_accounts.get_first_child (); w != null; w = w.get_next_sibling ()) {
saved_accounts.remove (w);
accounts.foreach (acc => {
saved_accounts.append (new AccountRow (acc));
return true;
var new_acc_row = new AccountRow (null);
saved_accounts.append (new_acc_row);
protected virtual void on_account_changed (InstanceAccount? account) {
this.account = account;
warning (account.handle); = false;
item_model.remove_all ();
if (account != null) {
title.label = account.display_name;
subtitle.label = account.handle;
avatar.account = account;
account.populate_user_menu (item_model);
else {
saved_accounts.unselect_all ();
title.label = _("Anonymous");
subtitle.label = _("No account selected");
avatar.account = null;
item_model.append (item_preferences);
item_model.append (item_about);
// item_model.append (new Item () {
// label = "(Debug) Empty View",
// separated = true,
// on_activated = () => {
// app.main_window.open_view (new Views.ContentBase ());
// }
// });
[GtkCallback] void on_mode_changed () {
mode.visible_child_name = ? "saved_accounts" : "items";
// Item
public class Item : Object {
public VoidFunc? on_activated;
public string label { get; set; default = ""; }
public string icon { get; set; default = ""; }
public int badge { get; set; default = 0; }
public bool selectable { get; set; default = false; }
public bool separated { get; set; default = false; }
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/views/sidebar/item.ui")]
protected class ItemRow : ListBoxRow {
public Item item;
[GtkChild] unowned Image icon;
[GtkChild] unowned Label label;
[GtkChild] unowned Label badge;
public ItemRow (Item _item) {
item = _item;
item.bind_property ("label", label, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
item.bind_property ("icon", icon, "icon-name", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
item.bind_property ("badge", badge, "label", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
item.bind_property ("badge", badge, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE, (b, src, ref target) => {
target.set_boolean (src.get_int () > 0);
return true;
bind_property ("selectable", item, "selectable", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
Widget on_item_create (Object obj) {
return new ItemRow (obj as Item);
[GtkCallback] void on_item_activated (ListBoxRow _row) {
var row = _row as ItemRow;
if (row.item.on_activated != null)
row.item.on_activated ();
var flap = app.main_window.flap;
if (flap.folded)
flap.reveal_flap = false;
void on_item_header_update (ListBoxRow _row, ListBoxRow? _before) {
var row = _row as ItemRow;
var before = _before as ItemRow;
row.set_header (null);
if (row.item.separated && before != null && !before.item.separated) {
row.set_header (new Separator (Orientation.HORIZONTAL));
// Account
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/com/github/bleakgrey/tootle/ui/views/sidebar/account.ui")]
protected class AccountRow : Adw.ActionRow {
public InstanceAccount? account;
[GtkChild] unowned Widgets.Avatar avatar;
[GtkChild] unowned Button forget;
public AccountRow (InstanceAccount? _account) {
account = _account;
if (account != null) {
title = account.display_name;
subtitle = account.handle;
avatar.account = account;
else {
title = _("Add Account");
avatar.account = null;
selectable = false;
forget.hide ();
[GtkCallback] void on_forget () {
var confirmed = app.question (
_("Forget %s?".printf (account.handle)),
_("This account will be removed from the application."),
if (confirmed) {
try {
accounts.remove (account);
catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
app.inform (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, _("Error"), e.message);
void on_account_header_update (ListBoxRow _row, ListBoxRow? _before) {
var row = _row as AccountRow;
row.set_header (null);
if (row.account == null && _before != null)
row.set_header (new Separator (Orientation.HORIZONTAL));
[GtkCallback] void on_account_activated (ListBoxRow _row) {
var row = _row as AccountRow;
if (row.account != null)
accounts.activate (row.account);
new Dialogs.NewAccount ().present ();