
89 lines
2.1 KiB

using Gtk;
public class Tootle.StatusActionButton : LockableToggleButton {
public Request req { get; set; default = null; }
public Object object { get; set; default = null; }
public string prop_name { get; set; }
public string action_on { get; construct set; }
public string action_off { get; construct set; }
~StatusActionButton() {
if (object != null) {
object.notify[prop_name].disconnect (on_object_notify);
public void bind (Object obj) {
this.object = obj;
active = get_value ();
object.notify[prop_name].connect (on_object_notify);
protected void on_object_notify (ParamSpec pspec) {
if (locked)
var val = get_value ();
active = val;
protected void set_value (bool state) {
var val = Value (Type.BOOLEAN);
val.set_boolean (state);
object.set_property (prop_name, val);
active = val.get_boolean ();
protected bool get_value () {
var val = Value (Type.BOOLEAN);
object.get_property (prop_name, ref val);
return val.get_boolean();
protected override bool can_change () {
if (object == null) {
warning ("No object to operate on. Did you forget to bind the status?");
return false;
if (req != null)
return false; // Don't send another request if there's one already pending
return active != get_value (); // Ignore if this got triggered while unchanged.
protected override void commit_change () {
var entity = object as API.Status;
var action = !active ? action_off : action_on;
req = entity.action (action);
message (@"Performing status action '$action'...");
req.await.begin ((o, res) => {
try {
var msg = req.await.end (res);
var node = network.parse_node (msg);
var jobj = node.get_object ();
var received_value = jobj.get_boolean_member (prop_name);
set_value (received_value);
message (@"Status action '$action' complete");
catch (Error e) {
warning (@"Couldn't perform action \"$action\" on a Status:");
warning (e.message);
app.inform (Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, _("Network Error"), e.message);
req = null;