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synced 2025-02-02 19:56:46 +01:00
New translations full_description.txt (Scottish Gaelic)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Mastodon is the largest decentralized social network on the internet. Instead of a single website, it’s a network of millions of users in independent communities that can all interact with one another, seamlessly. No matter what you’re into, you can meet passionate people posting about it on Mastodon!
’S e an lìonra sòisealta sgaoilte as motha air an eadar-lìon a th’ ann am Mastodon. Seach aon làrach-lìn a-mhàin, ’s e lìonra de mhilleanan de dhaoine ann an coimhearsnachdan neo-eisimeileach a th’ ann agus ’s urrainn dhan a h-uile duine bruidhinn ri chèile fhathast gun duilgheadas. Ge b’ e dè na rudan a tha ùidh agad annta, coinnichidh tu ri daoine a sgrìobhas mun dèidhinn air Mastodon!
Join a community and create your profile. Find and and follow fascinating folks and read their posts in an ad-free, chronological timeline. Express yourself with custom emoji, images, GIFs, videos, and audio in 500-character posts. Reply to threads and reblog posts from anyone to share great stuff. Find new accounts to follow and trending hashtags to expand your network.
Faigh ballrachd ann an coimhearsnachd ’s cruthaich pròifil dhut. Lorg is lean daoine inntinneach agus leugh na postaichean aca air loidhne-ama cheart gun sanasachd. Cuir thu fhèin an cèill le Emojis gnàthaichte, dealbhan, GIFs, videothan is fuaimean ann am postaichean le 500 caractar. Freagair ri snàithleanan is brosnaich postaichean le neach sam bith airson deagh rudan a cho-roinneadh. Lorg cunntasan ùra ri leantainn is tagaichean hais a’ treandadh airson an lìonra agad a leudachadh.
Mastodon is built with a focus on privacy and safety. Decide whether your posts are shared with your followers, just the people you mention, or the whole world. Content warnings let you hide posts containing sensitive or triggering material until you're ready to engage with them. Each community has its own guidelines and moderators to keep its members safe, and robust blocking and reporting tools help prevent abuse.
Chaidh Mastodon a thogail leis an aire air prìobhaideachd is sàbhailteachd. Tha e an urra riut fhèin an co-roinn thu post leis an luchd-leantainn agad, leis na daoine air an doir thu iomradh a-mhàin no leis an t-saoghal mhòr. Leigidh rabhaidhean susbainte leat postaichean sa bheil susbaint fhrionasach fhalach is cha leig daoine leas coimhead air ach nuair a bhios iad deònach. Tha riaghailtean is maoir fa leth aig gach coimhearsnachd airson a buill a chumail sàbhailte agus cuidichidh innealan bacaidh is gearain le dìon o dhroch-dhìol.
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• Rùraich: Ruig tagaichean hais is cunntasan a’ treandadh le aon ghnogag
• Brathan: Faigh brathan mu luchd-leantainn, freagairtean is brosnachaidhean ùra
• Co-roinn: Postaich gu Mastodon gu dìreach o shiota co-roinnidh ann an aplacaid sam bith
• Stampachd: ’S e ailbhean ealanta a tha san t-suaichnean againn is nochdaidh e o àm gu àm
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’S e bhuidheann neo-phrothaideach clàraichte a th’ ann am Mastodon a gheibh taic dhìreach o na tabhartasan agad. Chan eil sanasachd, airgeadachadh no calpa iomairte sam bith ann agus tha fainear dhuinn ’ga chumail mar sin.
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