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/* Copyright 2017 Andrew Dawson
* This file is a part of Tusky.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not,
* see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. */
package com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.search
import android.app.SearchManager
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.Menu
import android.view.MenuInflater
import android.view.MenuItem
import androidx.activity.viewModels
import androidx.appcompat.widget.SearchView
import androidx.core.view.MenuProvider
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager
import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayoutMediator
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.BottomSheetActivity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.R
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.components.search.adapter.SearchPagerAdapter
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.databinding.ActivitySearchBinding
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.di.ViewModelFactory
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.settings.PrefKeys
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.reduceSwipeSensitivity
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.unsafeLazy
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.viewBinding
import dagger.android.DispatchingAndroidInjector
import dagger.android.HasAndroidInjector
import javax.inject.Inject
class SearchActivity : BottomSheetActivity(), HasAndroidInjector, MenuProvider, SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {
lateinit var androidInjector: DispatchingAndroidInjector<Any>
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelFactory
private val viewModel: SearchViewModel by viewModels { viewModelFactory }
private val binding by viewBinding(ActivitySearchBinding::inflate)
private val preferences by unsafeLazy { PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this) }
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
supportActionBar?.apply {
private fun setupPages() {
binding.pages.adapter = SearchPagerAdapter(this)
val enableSwipeForTabs = preferences.getBoolean(PrefKeys.ENABLE_SWIPE_FOR_TABS, true)
binding.pages.isUserInputEnabled = enableSwipeForTabs
TabLayoutMediator(binding.tabs, binding.pages) {
tab, position ->
tab.text = getPageTitle(position)
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
override fun onCreateMenu(menu: Menu, menuInflater: MenuInflater) {
menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.search_toolbar, menu)
val searchViewMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_search)
val searchView = searchViewMenuItem.actionView as SearchView
override fun onMenuItemSelected(menuItem: MenuItem): Boolean {
return false
override fun finish() {
private fun getPageTitle(position: Int): CharSequence {
return when (position) {
0 -> getString(R.string.title_posts)
1 -> getString(R.string.title_accounts)
2 -> getString(R.string.title_hashtags_dialog)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown page index: $position")
private fun handleIntent(intent: Intent) {
if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH == intent.action) {
viewModel.currentQuery = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY).orEmpty()
private fun setupSearchView(searchView: SearchView) {
searchView.setSearchableInfo((getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE) as? SearchManager)?.getSearchableInfo(componentName))
// SearchView has a bug. If it's displayed 'app:showAsAction="always"' it's too wide,
// pushing other icons (including the options menu '...' icon) off the edge of the
// screen.
// E.g., see:
// - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41662373/android-toolbar-searchview-too-wide-to-move-other-items
// - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51525088/how-to-control-size-of-a-searchview-in-toolbar
// - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36976163/push-icons-away-when-expandig-searchview-in-android-toolbar
// - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36976484
// The fix is to use 'app:showAsAction="ifRoom|collapseActionView"' and then immediately
// expand it after inflating. That sets the width correctly.
// But if you do that code in AppCompatDelegateImpl activates, and when the user presses
// the "Back" button the SearchView is first set to its collapsed state. The user has to
// press "Back" again to exit the activity. This is clearly unacceptable.
// It appears to be impossible to override this behaviour on API level < 33.
// SearchView does allow you to specify the maximum width. So take the screen width,
// subtract 48dp * 2 (for the menu icon and back icon on either side), convert to pixels,
// and use that.
val pxScreenWidth = resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels
val pxBuffer = ((48 * 2) * resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt()
searchView.maxWidth = pxScreenWidth - pxBuffer
// Keep text that was entered also when switching to a different tab (before the search is executed)
searchView.setQuery(viewModel.currentSearchFieldContent ?: "", false)
override fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String?): Boolean {
return false
override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String?): Boolean {
viewModel.currentSearchFieldContent = newText
return false
override fun androidInjector() = androidInjector
companion object {
const val TAG = "SearchActivity"
fun getIntent(context: Context) = Intent(context, SearchActivity::class.java)