New translations translation.json (Indonesian)
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
"application": {
"name": "Whalebird",
"about": "Tentang Whalebird",
"preferences": "Preferensi...",
"shortcuts": "Shortcut Keys",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"services": "Layanan",
"hide": "Sembunyikan Whalebird",
"hide_others": "Sembunyikan lainnya",
"show_all": "Lihat semua",
"open": "Buka jendela",
"hide_others": "Hide others",
"show_all": "Show all",
"open": "Open window",
"quit": "Keluar"
"toot": {
"name": "Toot",
"new": "Toot baru"
"name": "Posts",
"new": "New post..."
"edit": {
"name": "Sunting",
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
"view": {
"name": "Tampilan",
"toggle_full_screen": "Layar Penuh"
"toggle_full_screen": "Toggle full screen"
"window": {
"always_show_menu_bar": "Selalu tampilkan bilah menu",
"always_show_menu_bar": "Always show menubar",
"name": "Jendela",
"close": "Tutup jendela",
"open": "Buka jendela",
@ -45,41 +45,41 @@
"profile": "Profil",
"show_profile": "Lihat profil",
"edit_profile": "Sunting profil",
"settings": "Pengaturan",
"settings": "Account settings",
"collapse": "Ciutkan",
"expand": "Perluas",
"home": "Beranda",
"notification": "Pemberitahuan",
"notification": "Notifications",
"direct": "Pesan langsung",
"follow_requests": "Permintaan Mengikuti",
"favourite": "Favorit",
"bookmark": "Markah",
"follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"favourite": "Favourited",
"bookmark": "Bookmarks",
"local": "Linimasa lokal",
"public": "Linimasa publik",
"hashtag": "Tagar",
"hashtag": "Hashtags",
"search": "Cari",
"lists": "Daftar"
"header_menu": {
"home": "Beranda",
"notification": "Pemberitahuan",
"favourite": "Favorit",
"bookmark": "Markah",
"follow_requests": "Permintaan Mengikuti",
"direct_messages": "Pesan Langsung",
"notification": "Notifications",
"favourite": "Favourited",
"bookmark": "Bookmarks",
"follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"direct_messages": "Direct messages",
"local": "Linimasa lokal",
"public": "Linimasa publik",
"hashtag": "Tagar",
"hashtag": "Hashtags",
"search": "Cari",
"lists": "Daftar",
"members": "Anggota",
"option": {
"title": "Opsi",
"show_reblogs": "Tampilkan reblog",
"show_reblogs": "Show boosts",
"show_replies": "Tampilkan balasan",
"apply": "Terapkan"
"new_toot": "Toot",
"new_toot": "Publish",
"reload": "Muat Ulang",
"settings": "Pengaturan"
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@
"general": {
"title": "Umum",
"toot": {
"title": "Toot",
"title": "Posts",
"visibility": {
"description": "Sesuaikan visibilitas bawaan toot",
"notice": "Pengaturan ini hanya diterapkan pada toot baru, balasan mengikuti visibilitas dari toot asal",
"description": "Default post visibility",
"notice": "This setting applies only to new posts; replies will follow the visibility settings of the parent post.",
"public": "Publik",
"unlisted": "Tidak terdaftar",
"private": "Privat",
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@
"timeline": {
"title": "Linimasa",
"unread_notification": {
"title": "Notifikasi yang belum dibaca",
"title": "Unread notifications",
"description": "Sesuaikan notifikasi belum terbaca untuk setiap linimasa.",
"direct": "Pesan Langsung",
"local": "Linimasa lokal",
"public": "Linimasa publik"
"direct": "Direct messages",
"local": "Local timeline",
"public": "Public timeline"
"use_marker": {
"title": "Muat linimasa dari posisi baca terakhir",
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
"delete": {
"title": "Hapus",
"confirm": "Anda yakin ingin menghapus filter ini?",
"confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this filter?",
"confirm_ok": "Hapus",
"confirm_cancel": "Batal"
@ -157,21 +157,21 @@
"title": "Umum",
"sounds": {
"title": "Bunyi",
"description": "Mohon setel bunyi timpal balik.",
"fav_rb": "Ketika memfavorit atau memboostihg toot",
"toot": "Ketika memposting toot"
"description": "Play sounds when",
"fav_rb": "You favourite or boost a post",
"toot": "You make a post"
"timeline": {
"title": "Linimasa",
"description": "Kustomisasi tampilan linimasa anda.",
"cw": "Always expand posts marked with contents warnings",
"nsfw": "Always show all media",
"hideAllAttachments": "Always hide all media"
"description": "Customize how your timelines are displayed",
"cw": "Always expand posts tagged with content warnings.",
"nsfw": "Always show media.",
"hideAllAttachments": "Always hide media."
"other": {
"title": "Pilihan lainnya",
"launch": "Luncurkan aplikasi saat login",
"hideOnLaunch": "Hide window on launch"
"launch": "Launch Whalebird on startup",
"hideOnLaunch": "Hide the Whalebird window on launch"
"reset": {
"button": "Setel ulang preferensi"
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Penampilan",
"theme_color": "Warna tema",
"theme_color": "Colour themes",
"theme": {
"system": "Sistem",
"light": "Terang",
@ -199,13 +199,13 @@
"secondary_color": "Font sekunder",
"border_color": "Tepian",
"header_menu_color": "Menu header",
"wrapper_mask_color": "Modal wrapper"
"wrapper_mask_color": "Dialog wrapper"
"font_size": "Ukuran font",
"font_family": "Jenis font",
"toot_padding": "Jarak antara toot",
"toot_padding": "Padding around posts",
"display_style": {
"title": "Gaya tampilan nama pengguna",
"title": "Username display style",
"display_name_and_username": "Tampilan nama dan nama pengguna",
"display_name": "Nama tampilan",
"username": "Nama pengguna"
@ -217,23 +217,23 @@
"notification": {
"title": "Pemberitahuan",
"title": "Notifications",
"enable": {
"description": "Mohon set event pemberitahuan.",
"reply": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima balasan",
"reblog": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima reblog",
"favourite": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima favorit",
"follow": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima ikuti",
"reaction": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima reaksi emoji",
"follow_request": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima permintaan mengikuti",
"status": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima pemberitahuan status",
"poll_vote": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima suara dari angket",
"poll_expired": "Beritahu saya ketika menerima angket yang kadaluarsa"
"description": "Notify me when I receive...",
"reply": "Replies",
"reblog": "Boosts",
"favourite": "Favourites",
"follow": "New followers",
"reaction": "Emoji reactions",
"follow_request": "Follow requests",
"status": "Status notifications",
"poll_vote": "Poll votes",
"poll_expired": "When a poll expires"
"account": {
"title": "Akun",
"connected": "Akun yang terhubung",
"connected": "Connected accounts",
"username": "Nama pengguna",
"domain": "Domain",
"association": "Asosiasi",
@ -242,12 +242,12 @@
"remove_all_associations": "Hapus semua asosiasi",
"confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"cancel": "Batalkan",
"confirm_message": "Apakah anda yakin menghapus semua asosiasi?"
"confirm_message": "Are you sure you want to remove all associations?"
"network": {
"title": "Jaringan",
"proxy": {
"title": "Konfigurasi proksi",
"title": "Proxy configuration",
"no": "Tidak ada proksi",
"system": "Gunakan proksi sistem",
"manual": "Konfigurasi proksi manual",
@ -275,31 +275,31 @@
"spellchecker": {
"title": "Periksa Ejaan",
"enabled": "Nyalakan pemeriksa ejaan"
"enabled": "Enable spell checker"
"modals": {
"new_toot": {
"title": "Toot baru",
"title": "New post",
"cw": "Tulis peringatanmu disini",
"status": "Apa yang kamu pikirkan?",
"status": "What's on your mind?",
"cancel": "Batal",
"toot": "Toot",
"close_confirm": "Apa Kamu yakin ingin membuang toot ini?",
"toot": "Publish",
"close_confirm": "Are you sure you want to discard this post?",
"close_confirm_ok": "Buang",
"close_confirm_cancel": "Lanjutkan Menyunting",
"description": "Jelaskan untuk tuna netra",
"close_confirm_cancel": "Continue editing",
"description": "Add alternate text for this media",
"footer": {
"add_image": "Tambahkan gambar",
"poll": "Tambahkan polling",
"change_visibility": "Atur Visibilitas",
"change_sensitive": "Mark media as sensitive",
"add_cw": "Tambahkan peringatan konten",
"pined_hashtag": "Sematkan tagar"
"add_cw": "Add content warnings",
"pined_hashtag": "Pinned hashtag"
"poll": {
"add_choice": "Tambahkan pilihan",
"add_choice": "Add an option",
"expires": {
"5_minutes": "5 menit",
"30_minutes": "30 menit",
@ -315,15 +315,15 @@
"jump_to": "Lompat ke..."
"add_list_member": {
"title": "Tambahkan Anggota ke Daftar",
"title": "Add member to List",
"account_name": "Nama akun"
"list_membership": {
"title": "Daftar keanggotaan"
"title": "List memberships"
"mute_confirm": {
"title": "Apakah Kamu yakin Kamu ingin membisukan?",
"body": "Sembunyikan pemberitahuan dari pengguna ini?",
"title": "Mute user",
"body": "Are you sure you want to mute notifications from this user?",
"cancel": "Batal",
"ok": "Bisu"
@ -331,25 +331,25 @@
"title": "Pintasan keyboard",
"ctrl_number": "Ganti akun",
"ctrl_k": "Lompat ke linimasa lain",
"ctrl_n": "Buka modal toot baru",
"ctrl_enter": "Posting toot",
"ctrl_r": "Muat ulang linimasa saat ini",
"j": "Pilih toot selanjutnya",
"k": "Pilih toot sebelumnya",
"ctrl_n": "Open the new post dialog",
"ctrl_enter": "Publish the post",
"ctrl_r": "Refresh current timeline",
"j": "Select the next post",
"k": "Select the previous post",
"h": "Ubah fokus ke kolom kiri",
"l": "Ubah fokus ke kolom kanan",
"r": "Balas toot",
"b": "Reblog toot",
"f": "Favoritkan toot",
"o": "Buka toot selengkapnya",
"p": "Buka profil akun dari toot",
"i": "Buka gambar",
"x": "Tampil/sembunyikan media sensitif",
"?": "Tampilkan bantuan ini",
"r": "Reply to the selected post",
"b": "Boost the selected post",
"f": "Favourite the selected post",
"o": "View the selected post's details",
"p": "Display the profile of the selected post's author",
"i": "Open the selected post's images",
"x": "Show/hide a content warned post",
"?": "Show this dialog",
"esc": "Tutup halaman ini"
"report": {
"title": "Laporkan pengguna ini",
"title": "Report this user",
"comment": "Komentar tambahan",
"cancel": "Batalkan",
"ok": "Laporkan"
@ -360,20 +360,20 @@
"show_more": "Selengkapnya",
"hide": "Sembunyikan",
"sensitive": "Tampilkan konten sensitif",
"view_toot_detail": "Lihat detil toot",
"open_in_browser": "Buka di Browser",
"copy_link_to_toot": "Salin Link Kiriman ke Toot",
"view_toot_detail": "View post details",
"open_in_browser": "Open in browser",
"copy_link_to_toot": "Copy post link",
"mute": "Bisukan",
"block": "Blokir",
"report": "Laporkan",
"delete": "Hapus",
"via": "melalui {{application}}",
"reply": "Balas",
"reblog": "Reblog",
"reblog": "Boost",
"fav": "Favorit",
"detail": "Detil toot",
"detail": "Post details",
"bookmark": "Markah",
"pinned": "Toot tersemat",
"pinned": "Pinned post",
"poll": {
"vote": "Beri suara",
"votes_count": "suara",
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"open_account": {
"title": "Account not found",
"text": "Could not find {{account}} in the server. Do you want to open the account in the browser instead?",
"text": "Could not find {{account}} on the server. Do you want to open the account in a browser instead?",
"ok": "Open",
"cancel": "Cancel"
@ -399,16 +399,16 @@
"detail": "Rincian",
"follow": "Ikuti pengguna ini",
"unfollow": "Berhenti ikuti pengguna ini",
"subscribe": "Berlangganan ke pengguna ini",
"unsubscribe": "Berhenti berlangganan dari pengguna ini",
"subscribe": "Subscribe to this user",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe from this user",
"follow_requested": "Meminta permintaan mengikuti",
"open_in_browser": "Buka di Browser",
"manage_list_memberships": "Kelola Daftar Keanggotaan",
"open_in_browser": "Open in browser",
"manage_list_memberships": "Manage list memberships",
"mute": "Bisukan",
"unmute": "Buka bisu",
"unblock": "Buka blokir",
"block": "Blokir",
"toots": "Toot",
"toots": "Posts",
"follows": "Mengikuti",
"followers": "Pengikut"
@ -426,8 +426,8 @@
"search": "Pencarian",
"account": "Akun",
"tag": "Tagar",
"keyword": "kata kunci",
"toot": "Toot"
"keyword": "Keyword",
"toot": "Post"
"lists": {
"index": {
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
"delete": {
"confirm": {
"title": "Konfirmasi",
"message": "Operasi ini tidak dapat dikembalikan, daftar ini akan dihapus permanen",
"message": "This list will be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ok": "Hapus",
"cancel": "Batal"
@ -444,21 +444,21 @@
"login": {
"domain_name_label": "Pertama, masuk ke server Mastodon.\nMohon masukkan nama domain server.",
"proxy_info": "Jika kamu ingin menggunakan server proksi, mohon atur proksi kamu di",
"domain_name_label": "Welcome to Whalebird! Enter a server domain name to log into an account.",
"proxy_info": "If you need to use a proxy server, please set it up",
"proxy_here": " sini",
"search": "Cari",
"login": "Masuk"
"authorize": {
"manually_1": "Halaman otorisasi telah dibuka di perambanmu.",
"manually_2": "Jika masih belum terbuka, mohon pergi ke URL yang disebut secara manual.",
"code_label": "Mohon tempelkan kode otorisasi dari perambanmu:",
"manually_2": "If it has not yet opened, please go to the following URL manually:",
"code_label": "Enter your authorization code:",
"misskey_label": "Mohon masukkan setelah kamu mengotorisasi di perambanmu.",
"submit": "Otorisasi"
"receive_drop": {
"drop_message": "Jatuhkan untuk mengunggah ke Mastodon"
"drop_message": "Drop here to attach a file"
"message": {
"account_load_error": "Gagal memuat akun",
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
"preferences_load_error": "Gagal memuat preferensi",
"timeline_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat linimasa",
"notification_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat pemberitahuan",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat favorit",
"favourite_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch favourite",
"bookmark_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch bookmarks",
"follow_request_accept_error": "Gagal menerima permintaan mengikuti",
"follow_request_reject_error": "Gagal menolak permintaan mengikuti",
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
"authorize_error": "Gagal otorisasi",
"followers_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat pengikut",
"follows_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat mengikuti",
"toot_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat toot selengkapnya",
"toot_fetch_error": "Failed to fetch the post details",
"follow_error": "Gagal memuat pengguna",
"unfollow_error": "Gagal tidak mengikuti pengguna",
"subscribe_error": "Gagal berlangganan ke pengguna",
@ -485,22 +485,22 @@
"members_fetch_error": "Gagal memuat anggota",
"remove_user_error": "Gagal menghapus pengguna",
"find_account_error": "Akun tidak ditemukan",
"reblog_error": "Gagal mereblog",
"unreblog_error": "Gagal unreblog",
"reblog_error": "Failed to boost",
"unreblog_error": "Failed to unboost",
"favourite_error": "Gagal memfavoritkan",
"unfavourite_error": "Gagal unfavorit",
"bookmark_error": "Gagal memarkah",
"unbookmark_error": "Gagal menghapus markah",
"delete_error": "Gagal menghapus toot",
"delete_error": "Failed to delete the post",
"search_error": "Gagal mencari",
"toot_error": "Gagal mengetoot",
"toot_error": "Failed to create the post",
"update_list_memberships_error": "Gagal memutakhirkan daftar anggota",
"add_user_error": "Gagal menambahkan pengguna",
"authorize_url_error": "Gagal mendapatkan url otorisasi",
"domain_confirmed": "{{domain}} telah dikonfirmasi, mohon masuk",
"domain_doesnt_exist": "Gagal untuk menghubungkan {{domain}}, pastikan URL server benar",
"domain_confirmed": "{{domain}} is confirmed, please log in",
"domain_doesnt_exist": "Failed to connect to {{domain}}, make sure the server URL is valid or correct.",
"loading": "Memuat...",
"language_not_support_spellchecker_error": "Bahasa ini tidak didukung oleh Spellchecker",
"language_not_support_spellchecker_error": "This language is not supported by the spell checker",
"update_filter_error": "Gagal memutakhirkan filter",
"create_filter_error": "Gagal membuat filter"
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
"domain_format": "Mohon masukkan nama domain"
"new_toot": {
"toot_length": "Panjang toot harus {{min}} hingga {{max}}",
"toot_length": "Post length should be between {{min}} and {{max}}",
"attach_length": "Anda hanya dapat melampirkan hingga {{max}} gambar",
"attach_length_plural": "Anda hanya dapat melampirkan hingga {{max}} gambar",
"attach_image": "Anda hanya dapat melampirkan gambar atau video",
@ -519,40 +519,40 @@
"notification": {
"favourite": {
"title": "Favorit",
"body": "{{username}} memfavorit statusmu"
"title": "New favourite",
"body": "{{username}} favourited your post"
"follow": {
"title": "Ikuti",
"title": "New follower",
"body": "{{username}} sekarang mengikuti anda"
"follow_request": {
"title": "Permintaan mengikuti",
"body": "Menerima permintaan mengikuti dari {{username}}"
"title": "New follow request",
"body": "Received a follow request from {{username}}"
"reblog": {
"title": "Reblog",
"body": "{{username}} memboost status anda"
"title": "New boost",
"body": "{{username}} boosted your post"
"quote": {
"title": "Kutip",
"body": "{{username}} mengutip status anda"
"title": "New quote",
"body": "{{username}} quoted your post"
"reaction": {
"title": "Reaksi",
"body": "{{username}} mereaksi status anda"
"title": "New reaction",
"body": "{{username}} reacted to your post"
"status": {
"title": "Status",
"body": "{{username}} baru saja memposting"
"title": "New reaction",
"body": "{{username}} made a new post"
"poll_vote": {
"title": "Angket suara",
"body": "{{username}} bersuara di angket anda"
"title": "New poll vote",
"body": "{{username}} voted in your poll"
"poll_expired": {
"title": "Angket kadaluarsa",
"body": "Angket {{username}} sudah kadaluarsa"
"title": "Poll expired",
"body": "{{username}}'s poll has ended"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user