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package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table
import android.content.ContentValues
import android.content.Context
import android.database.Cursor
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase
import android.provider.BaseColumns
import org.json.JSONObject
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.Comparator
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAccount
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootInstance
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LinkClickContext
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.Utils
class SavedAccount(
val db_id : Long,
val acct : String,
hostArg : String? = null,
var token_info : JSONObject? = null,
var loginAccount : TootAccount? = null // 疑似アカウントではnull
) : LinkClickContext {
val username : String
override val host : String
var visibility : String? = null
var confirm_boost : Boolean = false
var dont_hide_nsfw : Boolean = false
var dont_show_timeout : Boolean = false
var notification_mention : Boolean = false
var notification_boost : Boolean = false
var notification_favourite : Boolean = false
var notification_follow : Boolean = false
var sound_uri = ""
var confirm_follow : Boolean = false
var confirm_follow_locked : Boolean = false
var confirm_unfollow : Boolean = false
var confirm_post : Boolean = false
var notification_tag : String? = null
var register_key : String? = null
var register_time : Long = 0
private val refInstance = AtomicReference<TootInstance>(null)
// DBには保存しない
var instance : TootInstance?
get() {
val instance = refInstance.get()
return when {
instance == null -> null
System.currentTimeMillis() - instance.time_parse > INSTANCE_INFORMATION_EXPIRE -> null
else -> instance
set(instance) = refInstance.set(instance)
init {
val pos = acct.indexOf('@')
if(pos == - 1) {
this.username = acct
} else {
this.username = acct.substring(0, pos)
if(username.isEmpty()) throw RuntimeException("missing username in acct") = if(hostArg != null && hostArg.isNotEmpty()) {
} else {
val hostInAcct = if(pos == - 1) "" else acct.substring(pos + 1)
if(hostInAcct.isEmpty()) throw RuntimeException("missing host in acct")
constructor(context : Context, cursor : Cursor) : this(
cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_ID)), // db_id
cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_USER)), // acct
cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_HOST)) // host
) {
val jsonAccount = JSONObject(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_ACCOUNT)))
val loginAccount = TootAccount.parse(
object : LinkClickContext {
override val host : String?
get() =
if( loginAccount == null ){
log.e("missing loginAccount for %s",cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_ACCOUNT)))
this.loginAccount = loginAccount
val colIdx_visibility = cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_VISIBILITY)
this.visibility = if(cursor.isNull(colIdx_visibility)) null else cursor.getString(colIdx_visibility)
this.confirm_boost = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_CONFIRM_BOOST)).i2b()
this.dont_hide_nsfw = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_DONT_HIDE_NSFW)).i2b()
this.dont_show_timeout = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_DONT_SHOW_TIMEOUT)).i2b()
this.notification_mention = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_NOTIFICATION_MENTION)).i2b()
this.notification_boost = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_NOTIFICATION_BOOST)).i2b()
this.notification_favourite = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_NOTIFICATION_FAVOURITE)).i2b()
this.notification_follow = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_NOTIFICATION_FOLLOW)).i2b()
this.confirm_follow = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW)).i2b()
this.confirm_follow_locked = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW_LOCKED)).i2b()
this.confirm_unfollow = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_CONFIRM_UNFOLLOW)).i2b()
this.confirm_post = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_CONFIRM_POST)).i2b()
val idx_notification_tag = cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_NOTIFICATION_TAG)
this.notification_tag = if(cursor.isNull(idx_notification_tag)) null else cursor.getString(idx_notification_tag)
val idx_register_key = cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_REGISTER_KEY)
this.register_key = if(cursor.isNull(idx_register_key)) null else cursor.getString(idx_register_key)
this.register_time = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_REGISTER_TIME))
this.token_info = JSONObject(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_TOKEN)))
this.sound_uri = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_SOUND_URI))
val isNA : Boolean
get() = "?@?" == acct
val isPseudo : Boolean
get() = username == "?"
fun delete() {
try {
App1.database.delete(table, COL_ID + "=?", arrayOf(db_id.toString()))
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.delete failed.", ex)
fun updateTokenInfo(tokenInfoArg : JSONObject?) {
if(db_id == INVALID_DB_ID) throw RuntimeException("updateTokenInfo: missing db_id")
val token_info = tokenInfoArg ?: JSONObject()
this.token_info = token_info
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_TOKEN, token_info.toString())
App1.database.update(table, cv, COL_ID + "=?", arrayOf(db_id.toString()))
fun saveSetting() {
if(db_id == INVALID_DB_ID) throw RuntimeException("saveSetting: missing db_id")
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_VISIBILITY, visibility)
cv.put(COL_CONFIRM_BOOST, confirm_boost.b2i())
cv.put(COL_DONT_HIDE_NSFW, dont_hide_nsfw.b2i())
cv.put(COL_DONT_SHOW_TIMEOUT, dont_show_timeout.b2i())
cv.put(COL_NOTIFICATION_MENTION, notification_mention.b2i())
cv.put(COL_NOTIFICATION_BOOST, notification_boost.b2i())
cv.put(COL_NOTIFICATION_FAVOURITE, notification_favourite.b2i())
cv.put(COL_NOTIFICATION_FOLLOW, notification_follow.b2i())
cv.put(COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW, confirm_follow.b2i())
cv.put(COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW_LOCKED, confirm_follow_locked.b2i())
cv.put(COL_CONFIRM_UNFOLLOW, confirm_unfollow.b2i())
cv.put(COL_CONFIRM_POST, confirm_post.b2i())
cv.put(COL_SOUND_URI, sound_uri)
// UIからは更新しない
// notification_tag
// register_key
App1.database.update(table, cv, COL_ID + "=?", arrayOf(db_id.toString()))
fun saveNotificationTag() {
if(db_id == INVALID_DB_ID)
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.saveNotificationTag missing db_id")
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_NOTIFICATION_TAG, notification_tag)
App1.database.update(table, cv, COL_ID + "=?", arrayOf(db_id.toString()))
fun saveRegisterKey() {
if(db_id == INVALID_DB_ID)
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.saveRegisterKey missing db_id")
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_REGISTER_KEY, register_key)
cv.put(COL_REGISTER_TIME, register_time)
App1.database.update(table, cv, COL_ID + "=?", arrayOf(db_id.toString()))
// onResumeの時に設定を読み直す
fun reloadSetting(context : Context) {
if(db_id == INVALID_DB_ID)
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.reloadSetting missing db_id")
val b = loadAccount(context, db_id) ?: return
// DBから削除されてる
this.visibility = b.visibility
this.confirm_boost = b.confirm_boost
this.dont_hide_nsfw = b.dont_hide_nsfw
this.dont_show_timeout = b.dont_show_timeout
this.token_info = b.token_info
this.notification_mention = b.notification_follow
this.notification_boost = b.notification_boost
this.notification_favourite = b.notification_favourite
this.notification_follow = b.notification_follow
this.notification_tag = b.notification_tag
this.sound_uri = b.sound_uri
fun getFullAcct(acct : String?) : String {
return when {
acct == null -> "?@?"
acct.indexOf('@') == - 1 -> acct + "@" +
else -> acct
fun getFullAcct(who : TootAccount?) : String {
return getFullAcct(who?.acct)
private fun isLocalUser(acct : String?) : Boolean {
acct ?: return false
val pos = acct.indexOf('@')
return pos == - 1 || host.equals(acct.substring(pos + 1), ignoreCase = true)
fun isLocalUser(who : TootAccount?) : Boolean {
return isLocalUser(who?.acct)
fun isRemoteUser(who : TootAccount) : Boolean {
return ! isLocalUser(who)
// fun isRemoteUser(acct : String) : Boolean {
// return ! isLocalUser(acct)
// }
fun getUserUrl(who_acct : String) : String {
val p = who_acct.indexOf('@')
return if(- 1 != p) {
"https://" + who_acct.substring(p + 1) + "/@" + who_acct.substring(0, p)
} else {
fun isMe(who : TootAccount?) : Boolean {
if(who == null || who.username != this.username) return false
val who_acct = who.acct
val pos = who_acct.indexOf('@')
if(pos == - 1) return true // local user have no acct
return who_acct.substring(pos + 1).equals(, ignoreCase = true)
fun isMe(who_acct : String) : Boolean {
// 自分のユーザ名部分
var pos = this.acct.indexOf('@')
val me_user = this.acct.substring(0, pos)
pos = who_acct.indexOf('@')
// ローカルユーザは@以降を持たない
if(pos == - 1) return who_acct == me_user
// リモートユーザならホスト名部分の比較も必要
val who_user = who_acct.substring(0, pos)
val who_host = who_acct.substring(pos + 1)
return who_user == me_user && who_host.equals(, ignoreCase = true)
fun supplyBaseUrl(url : String?) : String? {
return when {
url == null || url.isEmpty() -> return null
url[0] == '/' -> "https://" + host + url
else -> url
fun isNicoru(account : TootAccount?) : Boolean {
var host =
var host_start = 0
val acct = account?.acct
if(acct != null) {
val pos = acct.indexOf('@')
if(pos != - 1) {
host = account.acct
host_start = pos + 1
return host_match(strNicoruHost, 0, host, host_start)
// implements LinkClickContext
override fun findAcctColor(url : String?) : AcctColor? {
if(url != null) {
val m = TootAccount.reAccountUrl.matcher(url)
if(m.find()) return AcctColor.load( + "@" +
return null
companion object {
private val log = LogCategory("SavedAccount")
const val table = "access_info"
private const val strNicoruHost = ""
private val reAtNicoruHost = Pattern.compile("@friends\\.nico\\z", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
private const val COL_ID = BaseColumns._ID
private const val COL_HOST = "h"
private const val COL_USER = "u"
private const val COL_ACCOUNT = "a"
private const val COL_TOKEN = "t"
private const val COL_VISIBILITY = "visibility"
private const val COL_CONFIRM_BOOST = "confirm_boost"
private const val COL_DONT_HIDE_NSFW = "dont_hide_nsfw"
// スキーマ2から
private const val COL_NOTIFICATION_MENTION = "notification_mention"
private const val COL_NOTIFICATION_BOOST = "notification_boost"
private const val COL_NOTIFICATION_FAVOURITE = "notification_favourite"
private const val COL_NOTIFICATION_FOLLOW = "notification_follow"
// スキーマ10から
private const val COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW = "confirm_follow"
private const val COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW_LOCKED = "confirm_follow_locked"
private const val COL_CONFIRM_UNFOLLOW = "confirm_unfollow"
private const val COL_CONFIRM_POST = "confirm_post"
// スキーマ13から
const val COL_NOTIFICATION_TAG = "notification_server"
// スキーマ14から
const val COL_REGISTER_KEY = "register_key"
const val COL_REGISTER_TIME = "register_time"
// スキーマ16から
private const val COL_SOUND_URI = "sound_uri"
// スキーマ18から
private const val COL_DONT_SHOW_TIMEOUT = "dont_show_timeout"
// login information
const val INVALID_DB_ID = - 1L
private const val INSTANCE_INFORMATION_EXPIRE = 60000L * 5
// アプリデータのインポート時に呼ばれる
fun onDBDelete(db : SQLiteDatabase) {
try {
db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + table)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
fun onDBCreate(db : SQLiteDatabase) {
"create table if not exists " + table
+ ",u text not null"
+ ",h text not null"
+ ",a text not null"
+ ",t text not null"
+ ",visibility text"
+ ",confirm_boost integer default 1"
+ ",dont_hide_nsfw integer default 0"
// 以下はDBスキーマ2で追加
+ ",notification_mention integer default 1"
+ ",notification_boost integer default 1"
+ ",notification_favourite integer default 1"
+ ",notification_follow integer default 1"
// 以下はDBスキーマ10で更新
+ "," + COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW + " integer default 1"
+ "," + COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW_LOCKED + " integer default 1"
+ "," + COL_CONFIRM_UNFOLLOW + " integer default 1"
+ "," + COL_CONFIRM_POST + " integer default 1"
// 以下はDBスキーマ13で更新
+ "," + COL_NOTIFICATION_TAG + " text default ''"
// 以下はDBスキーマ14で更新
+ "," + COL_REGISTER_KEY + " text default ''"
+ "," + COL_REGISTER_TIME + " integer default 0"
// 以下はDBスキーマ16で更新
+ "," + COL_SOUND_URI + " text default ''"
// 以下はDBスキーマ18で更新
+ "," + COL_DONT_SHOW_TIMEOUT + " integer default 0"
+ ")"
db.execSQL("create index if not exists " + table + "_user on " + table + "(u)")
db.execSQL("create index if not exists " + table + "_host on " + table + "(h,u)")
fun onDBUpgrade(db : SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion : Int, newVersion : Int) {
if(oldVersion < 2 && newVersion >= 2) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column notification_mention integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column notification_boost integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column notification_favourite integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column notification_follow integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
if(oldVersion < 10 && newVersion >= 10) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_CONFIRM_FOLLOW_LOCKED integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_CONFIRM_UNFOLLOW integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_CONFIRM_POST integer default 1")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
if(oldVersion < 13 && newVersion >= 13) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_NOTIFICATION_TAG text default ''")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
if(oldVersion < 14 && newVersion >= 14) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_REGISTER_KEY text default ''")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_REGISTER_TIME integer default 0")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
if(oldVersion < 16 && newVersion >= 16) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_SOUND_URI text default ''")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
if(oldVersion < 18 && newVersion >= 18) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_DONT_SHOW_TIMEOUT integer default 0")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
// 横断検索用の、何とも紐ついていないアカウント
// 保存しない。
val na : SavedAccount by lazy {
val dst = SavedAccount(- 1L, "?@?")
dst.notification_follow = false
dst.notification_favourite = false
dst.notification_boost = false
dst.notification_mention = false
private fun parse(context : Context, cursor : Cursor) : SavedAccount? {
return try {
SavedAccount(context, cursor)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "parse failed.")
fun insert(
host : String,
acct : String,
account : JSONObject,
token : JSONObject
) : Long {
try {
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_HOST, host)
cv.put(COL_USER, acct)
cv.put(COL_ACCOUNT, account.toString())
cv.put(COL_TOKEN, token.toString())
return App1.database.insert(table, null, cv)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.insert failed.", ex)
val REGISTER_KEY_UNREGISTERED = "unregistered"
fun clearRegistrationCache() {
val cv = ContentValues()
App1.database.update(table, cv, null, null)
fun loadAccount(context : Context, db_id : Long) : SavedAccount? {
try {
App1.database.query(table, null, COL_ID + "=?", arrayOf(db_id.toString()), null, null, null)
.use { cursor ->
if(cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return parse(context, cursor)
log.e("moveToFirst failed. db_id=$db_id")
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "loadAccount failed.")
return null
fun loadAccountList(context : Context) : ArrayList<SavedAccount> {
val result = ArrayList<SavedAccount>()
try {
App1.database.query(table, null, null, null, null, null, null)
.use { cursor ->
while(cursor.moveToNext()) {
val a = parse(context, cursor)
if(a != null) result.add(a)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "loadAccountList failed.")
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.loadAccountList failed.", ex)
return result
fun loadByTag(context : Context, tag : String) : ArrayList<SavedAccount> {
val result = ArrayList<SavedAccount>()
try {
App1.database.query(table, null, COL_NOTIFICATION_TAG + "=?", arrayOf(tag), null, null, null)
.use { cursor ->
while(cursor.moveToNext()) {
val a = parse(context, cursor)
if(a != null) result.add(a)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "loadByTag failed.")
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.loadByTag failed.", ex)
return result
fun loadAccountByAcct(context : Context, full_acct : String) : SavedAccount? {
try {
App1.database.query(table, null, COL_USER + "=?", arrayOf(full_acct), null, null, null)
.use { cursor ->
if(cursor.moveToNext()) {
return parse(context, cursor)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "loadAccountByAcct failed.")
return null
fun hasRealAccount() : Boolean {
try {
App1.database.query(table, null, COL_USER + " NOT LIKE '?@%'", null, null, null, null, "1")
.use { cursor ->
if(cursor.moveToNext()) {
return true
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "hasNonPseudoAccount failed.")
return false
val count : Long
get() {
try {
App1.database.query(table, arrayOf("count(*)"), null, null, null, null, null)
.use { cursor ->
if(cursor.moveToNext()) {
return cursor.getLong(0)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "getCount failed.")
throw RuntimeException("SavedAccount.getCount failed.", ex)
return 0L
fun isNicoru(acct : String?) : Boolean {
return acct != null && reAtNicoruHost.matcher(acct).find()
private fun charAtLower(src : CharSequence, pos : Int) : Char {
val c = src[pos]
return if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c - ('a' - 'A') else c
private fun host_match(a : CharSequence, a_startArg : Int, b : CharSequence, b_startArg : Int) : Boolean {
var a_start = a_startArg
var b_start = b_startArg
val a_end = a.length
val b_end = b.length
var a_remain = a_end - a_start
val b_remain = b_end - b_start
// 文字数が違う
if(a_remain != b_remain) return false
// 文字数がゼロ
if(a_remain <= 0) return true
// 末尾の文字が違う
if(charAtLower(a, a_end - 1) != charAtLower(b, b_end - 1)) return false
// 先頭からチェック
while(a_remain -- > 0) {
if(charAtLower(a, a_start ++) != charAtLower(b, b_start ++)) return false
return true
private val account_comparator = Comparator<SavedAccount> { a, b ->
var i : Int
// NA > !NA
i = a.isNA.b2i() - b.isNA.b2i()
if(i != 0) return@Comparator i
// pseudo > real
i = a.isPseudo.b2i() - b.isPseudo.b2i()
if(i != 0) return@Comparator i
val sa = AcctColor.getNickname(a.acct)
val sb = AcctColor.getNickname(b.acct)
sa.compareTo(sb, ignoreCase = true)
fun sort(account_list : ArrayList<SavedAccount>) {
Collections.sort(account_list, account_comparator)
fun getAccessToken() : String? {
return token_info?.let { Utils.optStringX(it, "access_token") }