
599 lines
15 KiB

package jp.juggler.apng
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import kotlin.math.min
// original code author is Kevin Weiner, FM Software.
// LZW decoder adapted from John Cristy's ImageMagick.
// great sample images.
class GifDecoder(val callback : GifDecoderCallback) {
private class Rectangle(var x : Int = 0, var y : Int = 0, var w : Int = 0, var h : Int = 0) {
fun set(src : Rectangle) {
this.x = src.x
this.y = src.y
this.w = src.w
this.h = src.h
private class Reader(val bis : InputStream) {
var block = ByteArray(256) // current data block
var blockSize = 0 // block size
// Reads a single byte from the input stream.
fun byte() : Int =
// Reads next 16-bit value, LSB first
fun UInt16() = byte() or (byte() shl 8)
fun array(ba : ByteArray, offset : Int = 0, length : Int = ba.size - offset) {
var nRead = 0
while(nRead < length) {
val delta =, offset + nRead, length - nRead)
if(delta == - 1) throw error("unexpected End of Stream")
nRead += delta
// Reads specified bytes and compose it to ascii string
fun string(n : Int) : String {
return StringBuilder(n).apply{
.also{ array(it)}
.forEach { append( Char( it.toInt() and 255)) }
// Reads next variable length block
fun block() : ByteArray {
blockSize = byte()
array(block, 0, blockSize)
return block
// Skips variable length blocks up to and including next zero length block.
fun skipBlock() {
do {
} while(blockSize > 0)
// 0=no action; 1=leave in place; 2=restore to bg; 3=restore to prev
enum class Dispose(val num : Int) {
companion object {
private const val MaxStackSize = 4096
private const val NullCode = - 1
private const val b0 = 0.toByte()
private const val OPAQUE = 255 shl 24
private var width = 0 // full image width
private var height = 0 // full image height
private var gctSize = 0 // size of global color table
private var loopCount = 1 // iterations; 0 = repeat forever
private var gct : IntArray? = null // global color table
private var bgIndex = 0 // background color index
private var bgColor = 0 // background color
private var lastBgColor = 0 // previous bg color
private var pixelAspect = 0 // pixel aspect ratio
private var interlace = false // interlace flag
private var lctFlag = false // local color table flag
private var lctSize = 0 // local color table size
private val srcRect = Rectangle() // current image position and size
private val lastRect = Rectangle() // last image rect
// last graphic control extension info
private var dispose = Dispose.Unspecified
private var lastDispose = Dispose.Unspecified
private var transparency = false // use transparent color
private var delay = 0 // delay in milliseconds
private var transIndex = 0 // transparent color index
// LZW decoder working arrays
private var prefix : ShortArray? = null
private var suffix : ByteArray? = null
private var pixelStack : ByteArray? = null
private var pixels : ByteArray? = null
private val frames = ArrayList<Pair<ApngFrameControl, ApngBitmap>>()
private var previousImage : ApngBitmap? = null
// 現在のdispose指定と描画結果を覚えておく
private fun memoryLastDispose(image : ApngBitmap) {
if(dispose != Dispose.RestorePrevious) previousImage = image
lastDispose = dispose
lastBgColor = bgColor
// 前回のdispose指定を反映する
private fun applyLastDispose(destImage : ApngBitmap) {
if(lastDispose == Dispose.Unspecified) return
// restore previous image
val previousImage = this.previousImage
if(previousImage != null) {
System.arraycopy(previousImage.colors, 0, destImage.colors, 0, destImage.colors.size)
if(lastDispose == Dispose.RestoreBackground) {
// fill lastRect
val fillColor = if(transparency) {
0 // assume background is transparent
} else {
lastBgColor // use given background color
for(y in lastRect.y until lastRect.y + lastRect.h) {
val fillStart = y * destImage.width + lastRect.x
val fillWidth = lastRect.w
fromIndex = fillStart,
toIndex = fillStart + fillWidth
// render to ApngBitmap
// may use some previous frame.
private fun render(destImage : ApngBitmap, act : IntArray) {
// expose destination image's pixels as int array
val dest = destImage.colors
// copy each source line to the appropriate place in the destination
var pass = 1
var inc = 8
var iline = 0
for(i in 0 until srcRect.h) {
var line = i
if(interlace) {
if(iline >= srcRect.h) {
when(++ pass) {
2 -> {
iline = 4
3 -> {
iline = 2
inc = 4
4 -> {
iline = 1
inc = 2
line = iline
iline += inc
line += srcRect.y
if(line < height) {
// start of line in source
var sx = i * srcRect.w
val k = line * width
// loop for dest line.
for(dx in k + srcRect.x until min(k + width, k + srcRect.x + srcRect.w)) {
// map color and insert in destination
val index = pixels !![sx ++].toInt() and 0xff
val c = act[index]
if(c != 0) dest[dx] = c
* Decodes LZW image data into pixel array.
* Adapted from John Cristy's ImageMagick.
private fun decodeImageData(reader : Reader) {
// allocate pixel array if need
val nPixels = srcRect.w * srcRect.h
if((pixels?.size ?: 0) < nPixels) pixels = ByteArray(nPixels)
val pixels = this.pixels !!
if(prefix == null) prefix = ShortArray(MaxStackSize)
if(suffix == null) suffix = ByteArray(MaxStackSize)
if(pixelStack == null) pixelStack = ByteArray(MaxStackSize + 1)
val prefix = this.prefix !!
val suffix = this.suffix !!
val pixelStack = this.pixelStack !!
// Initialize GIF data stream decoder.
val data_size = reader.byte()
val clear = 1 shl data_size
val end_of_information = clear + 1
var available = clear + 2
var old_code = NullCode
var code_size = data_size + 1
var code_mask = (1 shl code_size) - 1
for(code in 0 until clear) {
prefix[code] = 0
suffix[code] = code.toByte()
// Decode GIF pixel stream.
var datum = 0
var bits = 0
var count = 0
var first = 0
var top = 0
var bi = 0
var pi = 0
var i = 0
while(i < nPixels) {
if(top == 0) {
if(bits < code_size) {
// Load bytes until there are enough bits for a code.
if(count == 0) {
// Read a new data block.
count = reader.blockSize
if(count <= 0) break
bi = 0
datum += (reader.block[bi].toInt() and 0xff) shl bits
bits += 8
bi ++
count --
// Get the next code.
var code = datum and code_mask
datum = datum shr code_size
bits -= code_size
// Interpret the code
if((code > available) || (code == end_of_information)) break
if(code == clear) {
// Reset decoder.
code_size = data_size + 1
code_mask = (1 shl code_size) - 1
available = clear + 2
old_code = NullCode
if(old_code == NullCode) {
pixelStack[top ++] = suffix[code]
old_code = code
first = code
val in_code = code
if(code == available) {
pixelStack[top ++] = first.toByte()
code = old_code
while(code > clear) {
pixelStack[top ++] = suffix[code]
code = prefix[code].toInt()
first = suffix[code].toInt() and 0xff
// Add a new string to the string table,
if(available >= MaxStackSize) {
pixelStack[top ++] = first.toByte()
pixelStack[top ++] = first.toByte()
prefix[available] = old_code.toShort()
suffix[available] = first.toByte()
available ++
if((available and code_mask) == 0 && available < MaxStackSize) {
code_size ++
code_mask += available
old_code = in_code
// Pop a pixel off the pixel stack.
top --
pixels[pi ++] = pixelStack[top]
i ++
// clear missing pixels
for(n in pi until nPixels) {
pixels[n] = b0
* Reads color table as 256 RGB integer values
* @param nColors int number of colors to read
* @return int array containing 256 colors (packed ARGB with full alpha)
private fun parseColorTable(reader : Reader, nColors : Int) : IntArray {
val nBytes = 3 * nColors
val c = ByteArray(nBytes)
// max size to avoid bounds checks
val tab = IntArray(256)
var i = 0
var j = 0
while(i < nColors) {
val r = c[j].toInt() and 255
val g = c[j + 1].toInt() and 255
val b = c[j + 2].toInt() and 255
j += 3
tab[i ++] = (OPAQUE or (r shl 16) or (g shl 8) or b)
return tab
private fun parseDispose(num : Int) =
Dispose.values().find { it.num == num } ?: error("unknown dispose $num")
* Reads Graphics Control Extension values
private fun parseGraphicControlExt(reader : Reader) {
reader.byte() // block size
val packed = reader.byte() // packed fields
dispose = parseDispose((packed and 0x1c) shr 2) // disposal method
if(callback.canGifDebug()) callback.onGifDebug("parseGraphicControlExt: frame=${frames.size} dispose=$dispose")
// elect to keep old image if discretionary
if(dispose == Dispose.Unspecified) dispose = Dispose.DontDispose
transparency = (packed and 1) != 0
// delay in milliseconds
delay = reader.UInt16() * 10
// transparent color index
transIndex = reader.byte()
// block terminator
// Reads Netscape extension to obtain iteration count
private fun readNetscapeExt(reader : Reader) {
do {
val block = reader.block()
if(block[0].toInt() == 1) {
// loop count sub-block
val b1 = block[1].toInt() and 255
val b2 = block[2].toInt() and 255
loopCount = ((b2 shl 8) and b1)
} while(reader.blockSize > 0)
// Reads next frame image
private fun parseFrame(reader : Reader) {
// (sub)image position & size
srcRect.x = reader.UInt16()
srcRect.y = reader.UInt16()
srcRect.w = reader.UInt16()
srcRect.h = reader.UInt16()
val packed = reader.byte()
lctFlag = (packed and 0x80) != 0 // 1 - local color table flag
interlace = (packed and 0x40) != 0 // 2 - interlace flag
// 3 - sort flag
// 4-5 - reserved
lctSize = 2 shl (packed and 7) // 6-8 - local color table size
val act = if(lctFlag) {
// make local table active
parseColorTable(reader, lctSize)
} else {
// make global table active
if(bgIndex == transIndex) bgColor = 0
gct !!
var save = 0
if(transparency) {
save = act[transIndex]
act[transIndex] = 0 // set transparent color if specified
decodeImageData(reader) // decode pixel data
// add image to frame list
width = width,
height = height,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
disposeOp = DisposeOp.None,
blendOp = BlendOp.Source,
sequenceNumber = frames.size,
delayMilliseconds = delay.toLong()
ApngBitmap(width, height).also {
render(it, act) // transfer pixel data to image
if(transparency) {
act[transIndex] = save
* Resets frame state for reading next image.
dispose = Dispose.Unspecified
transparency = false
delay = 0
// read GIF content blocks
private fun readContents(reader : Reader) : ApngAnimationControl {
loopBlocks@ while(true) {
when(val blockCode = reader.byte()) {
// image separator
0x2C -> parseFrame(reader)
// extension
0x21 -> when(reader.byte()) {
// graphics control extension
0xf9 -> parseGraphicControlExt(reader)
// application extension
0xff -> {
val block = reader.block()
val app = StringBuilder(12)
for(i in 0 until 11) {
app.append( Char( block[i].toInt() and 255 ))
if(app.toString() == "NETSCAPE2.0") {
} else {
reader.skipBlock() // don't care
else -> {
// uninteresting extension
// terminator
0x3b -> break@loopBlocks
// bad byte, but keep going and see what happens
0x00 -> {
else -> error("unknown block code $blockCode")
return ApngAnimationControl(numFrames = frames.size, numPlays = loopCount)
* Initializes or re-initializes reader
private fun reset() {
loopCount = ApngAnimationControl.PLAY_INDEFINITELY
gct = null
prefix = null
suffix = null
pixelStack = null
pixels = null
previousImage = null
* Reads GIF file header information.
private fun parseImageHeader(reader : Reader) : ApngImageHeader {
val id = reader.string(6)
if(! id.startsWith("GIF"))
error("file header not match to GIF.")
* Reads Logical Screen Descriptor
// logical screen size
width = reader.UInt16()
height = reader.UInt16()
if(width < 1 || height < 1) error("too small size. ${width}*${height}")
// packed fields
val packed = reader.byte()
// global color table used
val gctFlag = (packed and 0x80) != 0 // 1 : global color table flag
// 2-4 : color resolution
// 5 : gct sort flag
gctSize = 2 shl (packed and 7) // 6-8 : gct size
bgIndex = reader.byte() // background color index
pixelAspect = reader.byte() // pixel aspect ratio
gct = if(gctFlag) {
val table = parseColorTable(reader, gctSize)
bgColor = table[bgIndex]
} else {
bgColor = 0
return ApngImageHeader(
width = this.width,
height = this.height,
bitDepth = 8,
colorType = ColorType.INDEX,
compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Standard,
filterMethod = FilterMethod.Standard,
interlaceMethod = InterlaceMethod.None
fun parse(src : InputStream) {
val reader = Reader(src)
val header = parseImageHeader(reader)
val animationControl = readContents(reader)
// GIFは最後まで読まないとフレーム数が分からない
if(frames.isEmpty()) throw error("there is no frame.")
callback.onGifAnimationInfo(header, animationControl)
for(frame in frames) {
callback.onGifAnimationFrame(frame.first, frame.second)