
281 lines
8.2 KiB

package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity
import android.os.SystemClock
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.*
import jp.juggler.util.*
import org.json.JSONObject
import java.util.*
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.collections.HashMap
class TootInstance(parser : TootParser, src : JSONObject) {
companion object {
private val rePleroma = Pattern.compile("\\bpleroma\\b", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
private val rePixelfed = Pattern.compile("\\bpixelfed\\b", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
val VERSION_1_6 = VersionString("1.6")
val VERSION_2_4_0_rc1 = VersionString("2.4.0rc1")
val VERSION_2_4_0_rc2 = VersionString("2.4.0rc2")
// val VERSION_2_4_0 = VersionString("2.4.0")
// val VERSION_2_4_1_rc1 = VersionString("2.4.1rc1")
val VERSION_2_4_1 = VersionString("2.4.1")
val VERSION_2_6_0 = VersionString("2.6.0")
val VERSION_2_7_0_rc1 = VersionString("2.7.0rc1")
val VERSION_3_0_0_rc1 = VersionString("3.0.0rc1")
val MISSKEY_VERSION_11 = VersionString("11.0")
private const val EXPIRE = 600000L
private val cache = HashMap<String, TootInstance>()
// get from cache
// no request, no expiration check
fun getCached(host : String) : TootInstance? {
synchronized(cache) {
return cache[host.toLowerCase(Locale.JAPAN)]
fun get(
client : TootApiClient,
account : SavedAccount,
host : String? = null
) : Pair<TootApiResult?, TootInstance?> {
val tmpInstance = client.instance
val tmpAccount = client.account
try {
synchronized(cache) {
// re-use cached item.
val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
val item = cache[]
if(item != null && now - item.time_parse <= EXPIRE)
return Pair(TootApiResult(), item)
// get new information
client.account = account
if(host != null) client.instance = host
val result = if(account.isMisskey) {
val params = JSONObject().apply {
put("dummy", 1)
client.request("/api/meta", params.toPostRequestBuilder())
} else {
val data = parseItem(
TootParser(client.context, account),
if(data != null) {
cache[] = data
return Pair(result, data)
} finally {
client.account = tmpAccount
client.instance = tmpInstance // must be last.
// いつ取得したか(内部利用)
private var time_parse : Long = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
val isExpire : Boolean
get() = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_parse >= EXPIRE
// URI of the current instance
val uri : String?
// The instance's title
val title : String?
// A description for the instance
val description : String?
// An email address which can be used to contact the instance administrator
// misskeyの場合はURLらしい
val email : String?
val version : String?
// バージョンの内部表現
private val decoded_version : VersionString
// インスタンスのサムネイル。推奨サイズ1200x630px。マストドン1.6.1以降。
val thumbnail : String?
// ユーザ数等の数字。マストドン1.6以降。
val stats : Stats?
// 言語のリスト。マストドン2.3.0以降
val languages : ArrayList<String>?
val contact_account : TootAccount?
// (Pleroma only) トゥートの最大文字数
val max_toot_chars : Int?
// インスタンスの種別
enum class InstanceType {
val instanceType : InstanceType
// XXX: urls をパースしてない。使ってないから…
init {
if(parser.serviceType == ServiceType.MISSKEY) {
this.uri = parser.accessHost
this.title = parser.accessHost
this.description = "(Misskey instance)"
val sv = src.optJSONObject("maintainer")?.parseString("url") = when {
sv?.startsWith("mailto:") == true -> sv.substring(7)
else -> sv
this.version = src.parseString("version")
this.decoded_version = VersionString(version)
this.stats = null
this.thumbnail = null
this.max_toot_chars = src.parseInt("maxNoteTextLength")
this.instanceType = InstanceType.Misskey
this.languages = src.optJSONArray("langs")?.toStringArrayList() ?: ArrayList()
this.contact_account = null
} else {
this.uri = src.parseString("uri")
this.title = src.parseString("title")
this.description = src.parseString("description")
val sv = src.parseString("email") = when {
sv?.startsWith("mailto:") == true -> sv.substring(7)
else -> sv
this.version = src.parseString("version")
this.decoded_version = VersionString(version)
this.stats = parseItem(::Stats, src.optJSONObject("stats"))
this.thumbnail = src.parseString("thumbnail")
this.max_toot_chars = src.parseInt("max_toot_chars")
this.instanceType = when {
rePleroma.matcher(version ?: "").find() -> InstanceType.Pleroma
rePixelfed.matcher(version ?: "").find() -> InstanceType.Pixelfed
else -> InstanceType.Mastodon
languages = src.optJSONArray("languages")?.toStringArrayList()
val parser2 = TootParser(
LinkHelper.newLinkHelper(uri ?: "?")
contact_account =
parseItem(::TootAccount, parser2, src.optJSONObject("contact_account"))
class Stats(src : JSONObject) {
val user_count : Long
val status_count : Long
val domain_count : Long
init {
this.user_count = src.parseLong("user_count") ?: - 1L
this.status_count = src.parseLong("status_count") ?: - 1L
this.domain_count = src.parseLong("domain_count") ?: - 1L
fun versionGE(check : VersionString) : Boolean {
if(decoded_version.isEmpty || check.isEmpty) return false
val i =, check)
return i >= 0
val misskeyVersion : Int
get() = when {
instanceType != InstanceType.Misskey -> 0
versionGE(MISSKEY_VERSION_11) -> 11
else -> 10
//import android.os.SystemClock
//import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient
//import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult
//import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser
//import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootInstance
//import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.parseItem
//import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount
//import jp.juggler.util.toPostRequestBuilder
//import org.json.JSONObject
//import java.util.*
//import kotlin.collections.HashMap
//object InstanceInformationCache {
// // var instance =
// // if(instance == null) {
// // val r2 = getInstanceInformation(client)
// // instance = instance_tmp ?: return r2
// // account.instance = instance
// // }
// // var instance_tmp : TootInstance? = null
// // fun getInstanceInformation(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? {
// //
// // instance_tmp =
// // return result
// // }
// //
// // client.instance = host
// // val result = if(isMisskey) {
// // client.getInstanceInformation()
// // client.request(
// // "/api/meta",
// // account.putMisskeyApiToken().toPostRequestBuilder()
// // )
// // } else {
// // client.request("/api/v1/instance")
// // }
// // newInfo =
// // TootParser(this@ActPost, account).instance(result?.jsonObject)
// // return Pair(null,null)
// // }
// //private val refInstance = AtomicReference<TootInstance>(null)
// //
// //// DBには保存しない
// //var instance : TootInstance?
// // get() {
// // val instance = refInstance.get()
// // return when {
// // instance == null -> null
// // System.currentTimeMillis() - instance.time_parse > INSTANCE_INFORMATION_EXPIRE -> null
// // else -> instance
// // }
// // }
// // set(instance) = refInstance.set(instance)