
577 lines
23 KiB

package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity
import android.os.SystemClock
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.pref.PrefB
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LinkHelper
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.VersionString
import jp.juggler.util.coroutine.launchDefault
import jp.juggler.util.log.LogCategory
import jp.juggler.util.log.withCaption
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeout
import okhttp3.Request
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine
import kotlin.math.max
// インスタンスの種別
enum class InstanceType {
object InstanceCapability {
// FavouriteHashtag(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "favourite_hashtag"),
// FavouriteDomain(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "favourite_domain"),
// StatusExpire(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "status_expire"),
// FollowNoDelivery(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "follow_no_delivery"),
// FollowHashtag(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "follow_hashtag"),
// SubscribeAccount(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "subscribe_account"),
// SubscribeDomain(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "subscribe_domain"),
// SubscribeKeyword(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "subscribe_keyword"),
// TimelineNoLocal(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "timeline_no_local"),
// TimelineDomain(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "timeline_domain"),
// TimelineGroup(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "timeline_group"),
// TimelineGroupDirectory(CapabilitySource.Fedibird, "timeline_group_directory"),
fun quote(ti: TootInstance?) =
ti?.feature_quote == true
fun visibilityMutual(ti: TootInstance?) =
ti?.fedibird_capabilities?.contains("visibility_mutual") == true
fun visibilityLimited(ti: TootInstance?) =
ti?.fedibird_capabilities?.contains("visibility_limited") == true
fun emojiReaction(ai: SavedAccount, ti: TootInstance?) =
when {
ai.isPseudo -> false
ai.isMisskey -> true
else ->
ti?.fedibird_capabilities?.contains("emoji_reaction") == true ||
ti?.pleromaFeatures?.contains("pleroma_emoji_reactions") == true
fun canMultipleReaction(ai: SavedAccount, ti: TootInstance? = TootInstance.getCached(ai)) =
when {
ai.isPseudo -> false
ai.isMisskey -> false
else -> ti?.pleromaFeatures?.contains("pleroma_emoji_reactions") == true
fun listMyReactions(ai: SavedAccount, ti: TootInstance?) =
when {
ai.isPseudo -> false
ai.isMisskey ->
// m544 extension
ti?.misskeyEndpoints?.contains("i/reactions") == true
else ->
// fedibird extension
ti?.fedibird_capabilities?.contains("emoji_reaction") == true
class TootInstance(parser: TootParser, src: JsonObject) {
// いつ取得したか(内部利用)
private var time_parse: Long = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
val isExpired: Boolean
get() = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_parse >= EXPIRE
// URI of the current instance
// apiHost ではなく apDomain を示す
val uri: String?
// The instance's title
val title: String?
// A description for the instance
// (HTML)
// (Mastodon: 3.0.0より後のWebUIでは全く使われなくなる見込み。
val description: String?
// (Mastodon 3.0.0以降)
// (HTML)
val short_description: String?
// An email address which can be used to contact the instance administrator
// misskeyの場合はURLらしい
val email: String?
val version: String?
// バージョンの内部表現
private val decoded_version: VersionString
// インスタンスのサムネイル。推奨サイズ1200x630px。マストドン1.6.1以降。
val thumbnail: String?
// ユーザ数等の数字。マストドン1.6以降。
val stats: Stats?
// 言語のリスト。マストドン2.3.0以降
val languages: ArrayList<String>?
val contact_account: TootAccount?
// (Pleroma only) トゥートの最大文字数
val max_toot_chars: Int?
// (Mastodon 3.0.0)
val approval_required: Boolean
// (Mastodon 3.1.4)
val invites_enabled: Boolean?
val instanceType: InstanceType
var feature_quote = false
var fedibird_capabilities: Set<String>? = null
var misskeyEndpoints: Set<String>? = null
var pleromaFeatures: Set<String>? = null
var configuration: JsonObject? = null
// XXX: urls をパースしてない。使ってないから…
init {
if (parser.serviceType == ServiceType.MISSKEY) {
this.misskeyEndpoints = src.jsonArray("_endpoints")?.stringList()?.toSet()
this.uri = parser.apiHost.ascii
this.title = parser.apiHost.pretty
val sv = src.jsonObject("maintainer")?.string("url") = when {
sv?.startsWith("mailto:") == true -> sv.substring(7)
else -> sv
this.version = src.string("version")
this.decoded_version = VersionString(version)
this.stats = null
this.thumbnail = null
this.max_toot_chars ="maxNoteTextLength")
this.instanceType = InstanceType.Misskey
this.languages = src.jsonArray("langs")?.stringArrayList() ?: ArrayList()
this.contact_account = null
this.description = src.string("description")
this.short_description = null
this.approval_required = false
this.feature_quote = true
this.invites_enabled = null
} else {
this.uri = src.string("uri")
this.title = src.string("title")
val sv = src.string("email") = when {
sv?.startsWith("mailto:") == true -> sv.substring(7)
else -> sv
this.version = src.string("version")
this.decoded_version = VersionString(version)
this.stats = parseItem(::Stats, src.jsonObject("stats"))
this.thumbnail = src.string("thumbnail")
this.max_toot_chars ="max_toot_chars")
this.instanceType = when {
rePleroma.matcher(version ?: "").find() -> InstanceType.Pleroma
rePixelfed.matcher(version ?: "").find() -> InstanceType.Pixelfed
else -> InstanceType.Mastodon
languages = src.jsonArray("languages")?.stringArrayList()
val parser2 = TootParser(
LinkHelper.create(Host.parse(uri ?: "?"))
contact_account =
parseItem(::TootAccount, parser2, src.jsonObject("contact_account"))
this.description = src.string("description")
this.short_description = src.string("short_description")
this.approval_required = src.boolean("approval_required") ?: false
this.feature_quote = src.boolean("feature_quote") ?: false
this.invites_enabled = src.boolean("invites_enabled")
this.fedibird_capabilities =
this.pleromaFeatures =
this.configuration = src.jsonObject("configuration")
class Stats(src: JsonObject) {
val user_count = src.long("user_count") ?: -1L
val status_count = src.long("status_count") ?: -1L
val domain_count = src.long("domain_count") ?: -1L
val misskeyVersion: Int
get() = when {
instanceType != InstanceType.Misskey -> 0
else -> decoded_version.majorVersion ?: 10
val canUseReference: Boolean?
get() = fedibird_capabilities?.contains("status_reference")
fun versionGE(check: VersionString) =
companion object {
private val log = LogCategory("TootInstance")
private val rePleroma = """\bpleroma\b""".asciiPattern(Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
private val rePixelfed = """\bpixelfed\b""".asciiPattern(Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
val VERSION_1_6 = VersionString("1.6")
val VERSION_2_4_0_rc1 = VersionString("2.4.0rc1")
val VERSION_2_4_0_rc2 = VersionString("2.4.0rc2")
// val VERSION_2_4_0 = VersionString("2.4.0")
// val VERSION_2_4_1_rc1 = VersionString("2.4.1rc1")
val VERSION_2_4_1 = VersionString("2.4.1")
val VERSION_2_6_0 = VersionString("2.6.0")
val VERSION_2_7_0_rc1 = VersionString("2.7.0rc1")
val VERSION_2_8_0_rc1 = VersionString("2.8.0rc1")
val VERSION_3_0_0_rc1 = VersionString("3.0.0rc1")
val VERSION_3_1_0_rc1 = VersionString("3.1.0rc1")
val VERSION_3_1_3 = VersionString("3.1.3")
val VERSION_3_3_0_rc1 = VersionString("3.3.0rc1")
val VERSION_3_4_0_rc1 = VersionString("3.4.0rc1")
val VERSION_3_5_0_rc1 = VersionString("3.5.0rc1")
val MISSKEY_VERSION_11 = VersionString("11.0")
val MISSKEY_VERSION_12 = VersionString("12.0")
val MISSKEY_VERSION_12_75_0 = VersionString("12.75.0")
private val reDigits = """(\d+)""".asciiPattern()
private const val EXPIRE = (1000 * 3600).toLong()
const val DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT = "(no description)"
// 引数はtoken_infoかTootInstanceのパース前のいずれか
fun parseMisskeyVersion(tokenInfo: JsonObject): Int {
return when (val o = tokenInfo[TootApiClient.KEY_MISSKEY_VERSION]) {
is Int -> o
is Boolean -> if (o) 10 else 0
else -> 0
// 疑似アカウントの追加時に、インスタンスの検証を行う
private suspend fun TootApiClient.getInstanceInformationMastodon(
forceAccessToken: String? = null,
): TootApiResult? {
val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(apiHost?.pretty)
if (result.error != null) return result
if (sendRequest(result) {
val builder = Request.Builder().url("https://${apiHost?.ascii}/api/v1/instance")
(forceAccessToken ?: account?.getAccessToken())
?.notEmpty()?.let { builder.header("Authorization", "Bearer $it") }
) {
parseJson(result) ?: return null
return result
private suspend fun TootApiClient.getMisskeyEndpoints(
forceAccessToken: String? = null,
): TootApiResult? {
val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(apiHost?.pretty)
if (result.error != null) return result
if (sendRequest(result) {
buildJsonObject {
(forceAccessToken ?: account?.misskeyApiToken)
?.notEmpty()?.let { put("i", it) }
) {
parseJson(result) ?: return null
return result
// 疑似アカウントの追加時に、インスタンスの検証を行う
private suspend fun TootApiClient.getInstanceInformationMisskey(
forceAccessToken: String? = null,
): TootApiResult? {
val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(apiHost?.pretty)
if (result.error != null) return result
if (sendRequest(result) {
buildJsonObject {
put("dummy", 1)
(forceAccessToken ?: account?.misskeyApiToken)
?.notEmpty()?.let { put("i", it) }
) {
parseJson(result) ?: return null
if (result.response?.isSuccessful == true) {
result.jsonObject?.apply {
val m = reDigits.matcher(string("version") ?: "")
if (m.find()) {
put(TootApiClient.KEY_MISSKEY_VERSION, max(1, m.groupEx(1)!!.toInt()))
// add endpoints
val r2 = getMisskeyEndpoints(forceAccessToken)
r2?.jsonArray?.let { result.jsonObject?.put("_endpoints", it) }
return result
// 疑似アカウントの追加時に、インスタンスの検証を行う
private suspend fun TootApiClient.getInstanceInformation(
forceAccessToken: String? = null,
): TootApiResult? {
// misskeyのインスタンス情報を読めたら、それはmisskeyのインスタンス
val r2 = getInstanceInformationMisskey(forceAccessToken) ?: return null
if (r2.jsonObject != null) return r2
when (r2.response?.code) {
null, 404 -> Unit // fall
else -> return r2
// マストドンのインスタンス情報を読めたら、それはマストドンのインスタンス
// インスタンス情報を読めない場合もホワイトリストモードの問題があるので
// マストドン側のエラーを返す
return getInstanceInformationMastodon(forceAccessToken)
* TootInstance.get() のエラー戻り値を作る
private fun tiError(errMsg: String) =
Pair<TootInstance?, TootApiResult?>(null, TootApiResult(errMsg))
* サーバ情報リクエスト
* - ホスト別のキューで実行する
class QueuedRequest(
var cont: Continuation<Pair<TootInstance?, TootApiResult?>>,
val allowPixelfed: Boolean,
val get: suspend (cached: TootInstance?) -> Pair<TootInstance?, TootApiResult?>,
* ホスト別のインスタンス情報キャッシュと処理キュー
class CacheEntry(
val hostLower: String,
) {
// インスタンス情報のキャッシュ
var cacheData: TootInstance? = null
// ホストごとに同時に1つしか実行しない、インスタンス情報更新キュー
val requestQueue = Channel<QueuedRequest>(capacity = Channel.UNLIMITED)
private suspend fun handleRequest(req: QueuedRequest) = try {
val qrr = req.get(cacheData)
qrr.first?.let { cacheData = it }
when {
qrr.first?.instanceType == InstanceType.Pixelfed &&
!PrefB.bpEnablePixelfed() &&
!req.allowPixelfed ->
tiError("currently Pixelfed instance is not supported.")
else -> qrr
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "handleRequest failed.")
tiError(ex.withCaption("can't get server information."))
init {
launchDefault {
while (true) {
try {
val req = requestQueue.receive()
val r = try {
withTimeout(30000L) {
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "handleRequest failed.")
tiError(ex.withCaption("handleRequest failed."))
runCatching { req.cont.resumeWith(Result.success(r)) }
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "requestQueue.take failed.")
private val _hostCache = HashMap<String, CacheEntry>()
private fun Host.getCacheEntry(): CacheEntry =
synchronized(_hostCache) {
val hostLower = ascii.lowercase()
var item = _hostCache[hostLower]
if (item == null) {
item = CacheEntry(hostLower)
_hostCache[hostLower] = item
// get from cache
// no request, no expiration check
fun getCached(apiHost: String) = Host.parse(apiHost).getCacheEntry().cacheData
fun getCached(apiHost: Host) = apiHost.getCacheEntry().cacheData
fun getCached(a: SavedAccount?) = a?.apiHost?.getCacheEntry()?.cacheData
suspend fun get(client: TootApiClient): Pair<TootInstance?, TootApiResult?> = getEx(client)
suspend fun getEx(
client: TootApiClient,
hostArg: Host? = null,
account: SavedAccount? = null,
allowPixelfed: Boolean = false,
forceUpdate: Boolean = false,
forceAccessToken: String? = null, // マストドンのwhitelist modeでアカウント追加時に必要
): Pair<TootInstance?, TootApiResult?> {
try {
val cacheEntry = (hostArg ?: account?.apiHost ?: client.apiHost)?.getCacheEntry()
?: return tiError("missing host.")
return withTimeout(30000L) {
suspendCoroutine { cont ->
QueuedRequest(cont, allowPixelfed) { cached ->
// may use cached item.
if (!forceUpdate && forceAccessToken == null && cached != null) {
val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
if (now - cached.time_parse <= EXPIRE) {
return@QueuedRequest Pair(cached, TootApiResult())
val tmpInstance = client.apiHost
val tmpAccount = client.account
val linkHelper: LinkHelper?
// get new information
val result = when {
// ストリームマネジャから呼ばれる
account != null -> try {
linkHelper = account
client.account = account // this may change client.apiHost
if (account.isMisskey) {
} else {
} finally {
client.account = tmpAccount
client.apiHost = tmpInstance // must be last.
// サーバ情報カラムやProfileDirectoryを開く場合
hostArg != null && hostArg != tmpInstance -> try {
linkHelper = null
client.account = null // don't use access token.
client.apiHost = hostArg
} finally {
client.account = tmpAccount
client.apiHost = tmpInstance // must be last.
// client にすでにあるアクセス情報でサーバ情報を取得する
// マストドンのホワイトリストモード用にアクセストークンを指定できる
else -> {
linkHelper = client.account // may null
forceAccessToken = forceAccessToken
val json = result?.jsonObject
?: return@QueuedRequest Pair(null, result)
val item = parseItem(
linkHelper = linkHelper ?: LinkHelper.create(
(hostArg ?: client.apiHost)!!,
misskeyVersion = parseMisskeyVersion(json)
) ?: return@QueuedRequest Pair(
result.setError("instance information parse error.")
Pair(item, result)
}.let {
val result = cacheEntry.requestQueue.trySend(it)
when {
// 誰も閉じないので発生しない
result.isClosed -> error("cacheEntry.requestQueue closed")
// capacity=UNLIMITEDなので発生しない
result.isFailure -> error("cacheEntry.requestQueue failed")
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.w(ex, "getEx failed.")
return tiError(ex.withCaption("can't get instance information"))
val isMastodon get() = instanceType == InstanceType.Mastodon