
122 lines
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package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.emoji
import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.PrefB
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.Host
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.Mappable
import jp.juggler.util.JsonArray
import jp.juggler.util.JsonObject
import jp.juggler.util.notEmpty
import java.util.*
sealed interface EmojiBase
class UnicodeEmoji(
// SVGの場合はasset resourceの名前
val assetsName: String? = null,
// PNGの場合はdrawable id
@DrawableRes val drawableId: Int = 0,
) : EmojiBase, Comparable<UnicodeEmoji> {
// unified code used in picker.
var unifiedCode = ""
// unified name used in picker recents.
var unifiedName = ""
// returns true if using svg.
val isSvg: Boolean
get() = assetsName != null
// parent of skin tone variation. may null.
var toneParent: UnicodeEmoji? = null
// list of pair of toneCode , emoji. sorted by toneCode.
val toneChildren = ArrayList<Pair<String, UnicodeEmoji>>()
// overrides for hash and sort.
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
unifiedCode == (other as? UnicodeEmoji)?.unifiedCode
override fun hashCode(): Int =
override fun toString(): String =
override fun compareTo(other: UnicodeEmoji): Int =
class CustomEmoji(
val apDomain: Host,
val shortcode: String, // shortcode (コロンを含まない)
val url: String, // 画像URL
val staticUrl: String?, // アニメーションなしの画像URL
val aliases: ArrayList<String>? = null,
val alias: String? = null,
val visibleInPicker: Boolean = true,
val category: String? = null,
) : EmojiBase, Mappable<String> {
fun makeAlias(alias: String) = CustomEmoji(
apDomain = apDomain,
shortcode = shortcode,
url = url,
staticUrl = staticUrl,
alias = alias
override val mapKey: String
get() = shortcode
fun chooseUrl() = when {
PrefB.bpDisableEmojiAnimation(App1.pref) -> staticUrl
else -> url
companion object {
val decode: (Host, JsonObject) -> CustomEmoji = { apDomain, src ->
apDomain = apDomain,
shortcode = src.stringOrThrow("shortcode"),
url = src.stringOrThrow("url"),
staticUrl = src.string("static_url"),
visibleInPicker = src.optBoolean("visible_in_picker", true),
category = src.string("category")
val decodeMisskey: (Host, JsonObject) -> CustomEmoji = { apDomain, src ->
val url = src.string("url") ?: error("missing url")
apDomain = apDomain,
shortcode = src.string("name") ?: error("missing name"),
url = url,
staticUrl = url,
aliases = parseAliases(src.jsonArray("aliases"))
private fun parseAliases(src: JsonArray?): ArrayList<String>? {
var dst = null as ArrayList<String>?
if (src != null) {
val size = src.size
if (size > 0) {
dst = ArrayList(size)
src.forEach {
val str = it?.toString()?.notEmpty()
if (str != null) dst.add(str)
return if (dst?.isNotEmpty() == true) dst else null