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package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table
import android.content.ContentValues
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.EntityId
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.EntityIdString
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAccount
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootRelationShip
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory
import org.json.JSONObject
class UserRelation{
var following : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザからのフォロー状態にある
var followed_by : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザは被フォロー状態にある
var blocking : Boolean = false
var muting : Boolean = false
var requested : Boolean = false // 認証ユーザからのフォローは申請中である
var following_reblogs : Int = 0 // このユーザからのブーストをTLに表示する
// 認証ユーザからのフォロー状態
fun getFollowing(who : TootAccount?) : Boolean {
return if(requested && ! following && who != null && ! who.locked) true else following
// 認証ユーザからのフォローリクエスト申請中状態
fun getRequested(who : TootAccount?) : Boolean {
return if(requested && ! following && who != null && ! who.locked) false else requested
companion object : TableCompanion {
private val log = LogCategory("UserRelation")
private const val table = "user_relation"
private const val COL_TIME_SAVE = "time_save"
private const val COL_DB_ID = "db_id" // SavedAccount のDB_ID
private const val COL_WHO_ID = "who_id" // ターゲットアカウントのID
private const val COL_FOLLOWING = "following"
private const val COL_FOLLOWED_BY = "followed_by"
private const val COL_BLOCKING = "blocking"
private const val COL_MUTING = "muting"
private const val COL_REQUESTED = "requested"
// (mastodon 2.1 or later) per-following-user setting.
// Whether the boosts from target account will be shown on authorized user's home TL.
private const val COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS = "following_reblogs"
const val REBLOG_HIDE =
0 // don't show the boosts from target account will be shown on authorized user's home TL.
const val REBLOG_SHOW =
1 // show the boosts from target account will be shown on authorized user's home TL.
const val REBLOG_UNKNOWN = 2 // not following, or instance don't support hide reblog.
internal val mMemoryCache = LruCache<String, UserRelation>(2048)
private const val load_where = "$COL_DB_ID=? and $COL_WHO_ID=?"
private val load_where_arg = object : ThreadLocal<Array<String?>>() {
override fun initialValue() : Array<String?> {
return Array(2) { _ -> null }
override fun onDBCreate(db : SQLiteDatabase) {
"create table if not exists " + table
+ "," + COL_TIME_SAVE + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_DB_ID + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_WHO_ID + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_FOLLOWING + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_FOLLOWED_BY + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_BLOCKING + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_MUTING + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_REQUESTED + " integer not null"
+ "," + COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS + " integer not null"
+ ")"
"create unique index if not exists " + table + "_id on " + table + "(" + COL_DB_ID + "," + COL_WHO_ID + ")"
"create index if not exists " + table + "_time on " + table + "(" + COL_TIME_SAVE + ")"
override fun onDBUpgrade(db : SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion : Int, newVersion : Int) {
if(oldVersion < 6 && newVersion >= 6) {
if(oldVersion < 20 && newVersion >= 20) {
try {
db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS integer default 1")
(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS カラムのデフォルト値について)
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
fun deleteOld(now : Long) {
try {
// 古いデータを掃除する
val expire = now - 86400000L * 365
App1.database.delete(table, "$COL_TIME_SAVE<?", arrayOf(expire.toString()))
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "deleteOld failed.")
// マストドン用
fun save1(now : Long, db_id : Long, src : TootRelationShip) : UserRelation {
try {
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_TIME_SAVE, now)
cv.put(COL_DB_ID, db_id)
cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING, if(src.following) 1 else 0)
cv.put(COL_FOLLOWED_BY, if(src.followed_by) 1 else 0)
cv.put(COL_BLOCKING, if(src.blocking) 1 else 0)
cv.put(COL_MUTING, if(src.muting) 1 else 0)
cv.put(COL_REQUESTED, if(src.requested) 1 else 0)
cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS, src.showing_reblogs)
App1.database.replace(table, null, cv)
val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id,
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "save failed.")
return load(db_id, )
// マストドン用
fun saveList(now : Long, db_id : Long, src_list : ArrayList<TootRelationShip>) {
val cv = ContentValues()
cv.put(COL_TIME_SAVE, now)
cv.put(COL_DB_ID, db_id)
var bOK = false
val db = App1.database
try {
for(src in src_list) {
// TODO misskey用にidがStringのテーブルを用意する
cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING, src.following.b2i())
cv.put(COL_FOLLOWED_BY, src.followed_by.b2i())
cv.put(COL_BLOCKING, src.blocking.b2i())
cv.put(COL_MUTING, src.muting.b2i())
cv.put(COL_REQUESTED, src.requested.b2i())
cv.put(COL_FOLLOWING_REBLOGS, src.showing_reblogs)
db.replace(table, null, cv)
bOK = true
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "saveList failed.")
if(bOK) {
for(src in src_list) {
val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id,
} else {
fun load(db_id:Long, whoId:EntityId):UserRelation{
val key = String.format("%s:%s", db_id, whoId)
val cached : UserRelation? = mMemoryCache.get(key)
if(cached != null) return cached
val dst =if( whoId is EntityIdString){
UserRelationMisskey.load(db_id,whoId.toString() )
load(db_id,whoId.toLong() )
} ?: UserRelation()
mMemoryCache.put(key, dst)
return dst
private fun load(db_id : Long, who_id : Long) : UserRelation? {
try {
val where_arg = load_where_arg.get()
where_arg[0] = db_id.toString()
where_arg[1] = who_id.toString()
App1.database.query(table, null, load_where, where_arg, null, null, null)
.use { cursor ->
if(cursor.moveToNext()) {
val dst = UserRelation()
dst.following = 0 != cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_FOLLOWING))
dst.followed_by = 0 !=
dst.blocking = 0 != cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_BLOCKING))
dst.muting = 0 != cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_MUTING))
dst.requested = 0 != cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_REQUESTED))
dst.following_reblogs =
return dst
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "load failed.")
return null
// Misskey用
fun parseMisskeyUser(src:JSONObject) =UserRelation().apply{
following = src.optBoolean("isFollowing")
followed_by = src.optBoolean("isFollowed")
muting = src.optBoolean("isMuted")
blocking = false
// public static Cursor createCursor(){
// return App1.getDB().query( table, null, null, null, null, null, COL_NAME + " asc" );
// }
// public static void delete( String name ){
// try{
// App1.getDB().delete( table, COL_NAME + "=?", new String[]{ name } );
// }catch( Throwable ex ){
// warning.e( ex, "delete failed." );
// }
// }
// public static HashSet< String > getNameSet(){
// HashSet< String > dst = new HashSet<>();
// try{
// Cursor cursor = App1.getDB().query( table, null, null, null, null, null, null );
// if( cursor != null ){
// try{
// int idx_name = cursor.getColumnIndex( COL_NAME );
// while( cursor.moveToNext() ){
// String s = cursor.getString( idx_name );
// dst.add( s );
// }
// }finally{
// cursor.close();
// }
// }
// }catch( Throwable ex ){
// warning.e(ex,"getNameSet() failed.")
// }
// return dst;
// }
// private static final String[] isMuted_projection = new String[]{COL_NAME};
// private static final String isMuted_where = COL_NAME+"=?";
// private static final ThreadLocal<String[]> isMuted_where_arg = new ThreadLocal<String[]>() {
// @Override protected String[] initialValue() {
// return new String[1];
// }
// };
// public static boolean isMuted( String app_name ){
// if( app_name == null ) return false;
// try{
// String[] where_arg = isMuted_where_arg.get();
// where_arg[0] = app_name;
// Cursor cursor = App1.getDB().query( table, isMuted_projection,isMuted_where , where_arg, null, null, null );
// try{
// if( cursor.moveToFirst() ){
// return true;
// }
// }finally{
// cursor.close();
// }
// }catch( Throwable ex ){
// warning.e( ex, "load failed." );
// }
// return false;
// }