
1648 lines
53 KiB

package jp.juggler.subwaytooter;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.hjson.JsonObject;
import org.hjson.JsonValue;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootNotification;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootStatus;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctColor;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.MutedApp;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.MutedWord;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.NotificationTracking;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.NotificationHelper;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.TaskList;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.Utils;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.WordTrieTree;
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.WorkerBase;
import okhttp3.Call;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.RequestBody;
import okhttp3.Response;
public class PollingWorker {
static final LogCategory log = new LogCategory( "PollingWorker" );
static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1;
static final int NOTIFICATION_ID_ERROR = 3;
// Notification のJSONObject を日時でソートするためにデータを追加する
static final String KEY_TIME = "<>time";
public static final AtomicBoolean mBusyAppDataImportBefore = new AtomicBoolean( false );
public static final AtomicBoolean mBusyAppDataImportAfter = new AtomicBoolean( false );
public static final String EXTRA_DB_ID = "db_id";
public static final String EXTRA_TAG = "tag";
public static final String EXTRA_TASK_ID = "task_id";
public static final String APP_SERVER = "";
private static class Data {
SavedAccount access_info;
TootNotification notification;
private static final String PATH_NOTIFICATIONS = "/api/v1/notifications";
static class InjectData {
long account_db_id;
final TootNotification.List list = new TootNotification.List();
static final ConcurrentLinkedQueue< InjectData > inject_queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
// ジョブID
static final int JOB_POLLING = 1;
static final int JOB_TASK = 2;
static final int JOB_FCM = 3;
// タスクID
static final int TASK_POLLING = 1;
static final int TASK_DATA_INJECTED = 2;
static final int TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR = 3;
static final int TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_BEFORE = 4;
static final int TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_AFTER = 5;
static final int TASK_FCM_DEVICE_TOKEN = 6;
static final int TASK_FCM_MESSAGE = 7;
static final int TASK_BOOT_COMPLETED = 8;
static final int TASK_PACKAGE_REPLACED = 9;
static final int TASK_NOTIFICATION_DELETE = 10;
static final int TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLICK = 11;
static final int TASK_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION = 12;
static final int TASK_UPDATE_LISTENER = 13;
private static PollingWorker sInstance;
public static PollingWorker getInstance( Context applicationContext ){
if( sInstance == null ) sInstance = new PollingWorker( applicationContext );
return sInstance;
final Context context;
final Handler handler;
final SharedPreferences pref;
final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager;
final NotificationManager notification_manager;
final JobScheduler scheduler;
final PowerManager power_manager;
final PowerManager.WakeLock power_lock;
final WifiManager wifi_manager;
final WifiManager.WifiLock wifi_lock;
private PollingWorker( Context c ){
log.d( "ctor" );
this.context = c.getApplicationContext();
this.connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService( Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE );
this.notification_manager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService( Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE );
this.scheduler = (JobScheduler) context.getSystemService( Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE );
this.power_manager = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService( Context.POWER_SERVICE );
if( power_manager == null ) throw new RuntimeException( "can't get PowerManager" );
power_lock = power_manager.newWakeLock( PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, PollingWorker.class.getName() );
power_lock.setReferenceCounted( false );
this.wifi_manager = (WifiManager) context.getApplicationContext().getSystemService( Context.WIFI_SERVICE );
if( wifi_manager == null ) throw new RuntimeException( "can't get WifiManager" );
wifi_lock = wifi_manager.createWifiLock( PollingWorker.class.getName() );
wifi_lock.setReferenceCounted( false );
// クラッシュレポートによると App1.onCreate より前にここを通る場合がある
// データベースへアクセスできるようにする
App1.prepare( context );
this.pref = App1.pref;
this.handler = new Handler( context.getMainLooper() );
worker = new Worker();
Worker worker;
class Worker extends WorkerBase {
final AtomicBoolean bThreadCancelled = new AtomicBoolean( false );
public void cancel(){
bThreadCancelled.set( true );
void acquirePowerLock(){
log.d( "acquire power lock..." );
if( ! power_lock.isHeld() ){
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
if( ! wifi_lock.isHeld() ){
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
void releasePowerLock(){
log.d( "release power lock..." );
if( power_lock.isHeld() ){
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
if( wifi_lock.isHeld() ){
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
public void run(){
log.e( "worker thread start." );
job_status.set( "worker thread start." );
while( ! bThreadCancelled.get() ){
JobItem item = null;
synchronized( job_list ){
for( JobItem ji : job_list ){
if( bThreadCancelled.get() ) break;
if( ji.mWorkerAttached.get() || ji.mJobCancelled_.get() ) continue;
item = ji;
item.mWorkerAttached.set( true );
if( item == null ){
job_status.set( "no job to run." );
waitEx( 86400000L );
job_status.set( "start job " + item.jobId );
item.refWorker.set( Worker.this );;
job_status.set( "end job " + item.jobId );
item.refWorker.set( null );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
job_status.set( "worker thread end." );
log.e( "worker thread end." );
// ジョブの管理
// JobService#onDestroy から呼ばれる
public void onJobServiceDestroy(){
log.d( "onJobServiceDestroy" );
synchronized( job_list ){
Iterator< JobItem > it = job_list.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ){
JobItem item =;
if( item.jobId != JOB_FCM ){
item.cancel( false );
// JobService#onStartJob から呼ばれる
public boolean onStartJob( @NonNull JobService jobService, @NonNull JobParameters params ){
JobItem item = new JobItem( jobService, params );
addJob( item, true );
return true;
// return True if your context needs to process the work (on a separate thread).
// return False if there's no more work to be done for this job.
// FCMメッセージイベントから呼ばれる
private boolean hasJob( int jobId ){
synchronized( job_list ){
for( JobItem itemOld : job_list ){
if( itemOld.jobId == jobId ) return true;
return false;
// FCMメッセージイベントから呼ばれる
private void addJob( int jobId, boolean bRemoveOld ){
addJob( new JobItem( jobId ), bRemoveOld );
private void addJob( @NonNull JobItem item, boolean bRemoveOld ){
int jobId = item.jobId;
// 同じジョブ番号がジョブリストにあるか?
synchronized( job_list ){
if( bRemoveOld ){
Iterator< JobItem > it = job_list.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ){
JobItem itemOld =;
if( itemOld.jobId == jobId ){
log.w( "addJob: jobId=%s, old job cancelled.", jobId );
// 同じジョブをすぐに始めるのだからrescheduleはfalse
itemOld.cancel( false );
log.d( "addJob: jobId=%s, add to list.", jobId );
job_list.add( item );
// JobService#onStopJob から呼ばれる
public boolean onStopJob( @NonNull JobParameters params ){
int jobId = params.getJobId();
// 同じジョブ番号がジョブリストにあるか?
synchronized( job_list ){
Iterator< JobItem > it = job_list.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ){
JobItem item =;
if( item.jobId == jobId ){
log.w( "onStopJob: jobId=%s, set cancel flag." );
// リソースがなくてStopされるのだからrescheduleはtrue
item.cancel( true );
return item.mReschedule.get();
// 該当するジョブを依頼されていない
log.w( "onStopJob: jobId=%s, not started.." );
return false;
// return True to indicate to the JobManager whether you'd like to reschedule this job based on the retry criteria provided at job creation-time.
// return False to drop the job. Regardless of the value returned, your job must stop executing.
final LinkedList< JobItem > job_list = new LinkedList<>();
static class JobCancelledException extends RuntimeException {
public JobCancelledException(){
super( "job is cancelled." );
class JobItem {
final int jobId;
final WeakReference< JobService > refJobService;
final JobParameters jobParams;
final AtomicBoolean mJobCancelled_ = new AtomicBoolean();
final AtomicBoolean mReschedule = new AtomicBoolean();
final AtomicBoolean mWorkerAttached = new AtomicBoolean();
final AtomicBoolean bPollingRequired = new AtomicBoolean( false );
HashSet< String > muted_app;
WordTrieTree muted_word;
boolean bPollingComplete = false;
String install_id;
Call current_call;
final AtomicReference< Worker > refWorker = new AtomicReference<>( null );
public void notifyWorkerThread(){
Worker worker = refWorker.get();
if( worker != null ) worker.notifyEx();
public void waitWorkerThread( long ms ){
Worker worker = refWorker.get();
if( worker != null ) worker.waitEx( ms );
public void cancel( boolean bReschedule ){
mJobCancelled_.set( true );
mReschedule.set( bReschedule );
if( current_call != null ) current_call.cancel();
public JobItem( @NonNull JobService jobService, @NonNull JobParameters params ){
this.jobParams = params;
this.jobId = params.getJobId();
this.refJobService = new WeakReference<>( jobService );
public JobItem( int jobId ){
this.jobId = jobId;
this.jobParams = null;
this.refJobService = null;
public boolean isJobCancelled(){
if( mJobCancelled_.get() ) return true;
Worker worker = refWorker.get();
return worker != null && worker.bThreadCancelled.get();
public void run(){
job_status.set( "job start." );
log.d( "( jobId=%s", jobId );
if( isJobCancelled() ) throw new JobCancelledException();
job_status.set( "check network status.." );
long net_wait_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
while( ! checkNetwork() ){
if( isJobCancelled() ) throw new JobCancelledException();
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
long delta = now - net_wait_start;
if( delta >= 10000L ){
log.d( "network state timeout." );
waitWorkerThread( 333L );
muted_app = MutedApp.getNameSet();
muted_word = MutedWord.getNameSet();
// タスクがあれば処理する
for( ; ; ){
if( isJobCancelled() ) throw new JobCancelledException();
final JSONObject data = context );
if( data == null ) break;
int task_id = data.optInt( EXTRA_TASK_ID, 0 );
new TaskRunner().runTask( JobItem.this, task_id, data );
if( ! isJobCancelled() && ! bPollingComplete && jobId == JOB_POLLING ){
// タスクがなかった場合でも定期実行ジョブからの実行ならポーリングを行う
new TaskRunner().runTask( JobItem.this, TASK_POLLING, null );
job_status.set( "make next schedule." );
if( ! isJobCancelled() && bPollingComplete ){
// ポーリングが完了したのならポーリングが必要かどうかに合わせてジョブのスケジュールを変更する
if( ! bPollingRequired.get() ){
log.d( "polling job is no longer required." );
scheduler.cancel( JOB_POLLING );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
boolean bRegistered = false;
for( JobInfo info : scheduler.getAllPendingJobs() ){
if( info.getId() == JOB_POLLING ){
bRegistered = true;
if( ! bRegistered ){
scheduleJob( context, JOB_POLLING );
log.d( "polling job is registered!" );
}catch( JobCancelledException ex ){
log.e( "job execution cancelled." );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
log.e( ex, "job execution failed." );
job_status.set( "job finished." );
// ジョブ終了報告
if( ! isJobCancelled() ){ new Runnable() {
@Override public void run(){
if( isJobCancelled() ) return;
synchronized( job_list ){
job_list.remove( JobItem.this );
JobService jobService = refJobService == null ? null : refJobService.get();
if( jobService != null ){
log.d( "sending jobFinished. reschedule=%s", mReschedule.get() );
jobService.jobFinished( jobParams, mReschedule.get() );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
log.e( ex, "jobFinished failed(1)." );
} );
log.d( ") jobId=%s, cancel=%s", jobId, isJobCancelled() );
private boolean checkNetwork(){
NetworkInfo ni = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if( ni == null ){
log.d( "checkNetwork: getActiveNetworkInfo() returns null." );
return false;
NetworkInfo.State state = ni.getState();
NetworkInfo.DetailedState detail = ni.getDetailedState();
log.d( "checkNetwork: state=%s,detail=%s", state, detail );
if( state != NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ){
log.d( "checkNetwork: not connected." );
return false;
return true;
// タスクの管理
static final TaskList task_list = new TaskList();
class TaskRunner {
String mCustomStreamListenerSecret;
String mCustomStreamListenerSettingString;
JsonObject mCustomStreamListenerSetting;
JobItem job;
int taskId;
final ArrayList< String > error_instance = new ArrayList<>();
public void runTask( JobItem job, int taskId, JSONObject taskData ){
log.e( "(runTask: taskId=%s", taskId );
job_status.set( "start task " + taskId );
this.job = job;
this.taskId = taskId;
long process_db_id = - 1L;
for( SavedAccount a : SavedAccount.loadAccountList( context ) ){
String notification_tag = Long.toString( a.db_id );
notification_manager.cancel( notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
mBusyAppDataImportBefore.set( false );
}else if( taskId == TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_AFTER ){
mBusyAppDataImportAfter.set( false );
// fall
// アプリデータのインポート処理がビジーな間、他のジョブは実行されない
if( mBusyAppDataImportBefore.get() ) return;
if( mBusyAppDataImportAfter.get() ) return;
if( taskId == TASK_FCM_DEVICE_TOKEN ){
// デバイストークンが更新された
// アプリサーバへの登録をやり直す
}else if( taskId == TASK_FCM_MESSAGE ){
boolean bDone = false;
String tag = taskData.optString( EXTRA_TAG );
if( tag != null ){
for( SavedAccount sa : SavedAccount.loadByTag( context, tag ) ){
NotificationTracking.resetLastLoad( sa.db_id );
process_db_id = sa.db_id;
bDone = true;
if( ! bDone ){
// タグにマッチする情報がなかった場合、全部読み直す
}else if( taskId == TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR ){
long db_id = Utils.optLongX( taskData, EXTRA_DB_ID, - 1L );
deleteCacheData( db_id );
}else if( taskId == TASK_DATA_INJECTED ){
}else if( taskId == TASK_BOOT_COMPLETED ){
}else if( taskId == TASK_PACKAGE_REPLACED ){
}else if( taskId == TASK_NOTIFICATION_DELETE ){
long db_id = Utils.optLongX( taskData, EXTRA_DB_ID, - 1L );
log.d( "Notification deleted! db_id=%s", db_id );
NotificationTracking.updateRead( db_id );
}else if( taskId == TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLICK ){
long db_id = Utils.optLongX( taskData, EXTRA_DB_ID, - 1L );
log.d( "Notification clicked! db_id=%s", db_id );
// 通知をキャンセル
notification_manager.cancel( Long.toString( db_id ), NOTIFICATION_ID );
// DB更新処理
NotificationTracking.updateRead( db_id );
job_status.set( "make install id" );
// インストールIDを生成する
// インストールID生成時にSavedAccountテーブルを操作することがあるので
// アカウントリストの取得より先に行う
if( job.install_id == null ){
job.install_id = getInstallId();
job_status.set( "create account thread" );
LinkedList< AccountThread > thread_list = new LinkedList<>();
for( SavedAccount _a : SavedAccount.loadAccountList( context ) ){
if( _a.isPseudo() ) continue;
if( process_db_id != - 1L && _a.db_id != process_db_id ) continue;
AccountThread t = new AccountThread( _a );
thread_list.add( t );
for( ; ; ){
TreeSet< String > set = new TreeSet<>();
Iterator< AccountThread > it = thread_list.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ){
AccountThread t =;
if( ! t.isAlive() ){
set.add( );
if( job.isJobCancelled() ){
int remain = thread_list.size();
if( remain <= 0 ) break;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( String s : set ){
if( sb.length() > 0 ) sb.append( ", " );
sb.append( s );
job_status.set( "waiting " + sb.toString() );
job.waitWorkerThread( job.isJobCancelled() ? 50L : 1000L );
synchronized( error_instance ){
createErrorNotification( error_instance );
if( ! job.isJobCancelled() ) job.bPollingComplete = true;
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
log.e( ex, "task execution failed." );
log.e( ")runTask: taskId=%s", taskId );
job_status.set( "end task " + taskId );
private void createErrorNotification( ArrayList< String > error_instance ){
if( error_instance.isEmpty() ){
// 通知タップ時のPendingIntent
Intent intent_click = new Intent( context, ActCallback.class );
intent_click.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK );
PendingIntent pi_click = PendingIntent.getActivity( context, 3, intent_click, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT );
NotificationCompat.Builder builder;
if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26 ){
// Android 8 から、通知のスタイルはユーザが管理することになった
// NotificationChannel を端末に登録しておけば、チャネルごとに管理画面が作られる
NotificationChannel channel = NotificationHelper.createNotificationChannel(
, "ErrorNotification"
, "Error"
, null
, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW
builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( context, channel.getId() );
builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( context, "not_used" );
.setContentIntent( pi_click )
.setAutoCancel( true )
.setSmallIcon( R.drawable.ic_notification ) // ここは常に白テーマのアイコンを使う
.setColor( ContextCompat.getColor( context, R.color.Light_colorAccent ) ) // ここは常に白テーマの色を使う
.setWhen( System.currentTimeMillis() )
.setGroup( context.getPackageName() + ":" + "Error" )
String header = context.getString( R.string.error_notification_title );
String summary = context.getString( R.string.error_notification_summary );
.setContentTitle( header )
.setContentText( summary + ": " + error_instance.get( 0 ) )
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle style = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle()
.setBigContentTitle( header )
.setSummaryText( summary );
for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++ i ){
if( i >= error_instance.size() ) break;
style.addLine( error_instance.get( i ) );
builder.setStyle( style );
notification_manager.notify( NOTIFICATION_ID_ERROR, );
void loadCustomStreamListenerSetting(){
mCustomStreamListenerSetting = null;
mCustomStreamListenerSecret = null;
mCustomStreamListenerSettingString = pref.getString( Pref.KEY_STREAM_LISTENER_CONFIG_DATA, null );
if( ! TextUtils.isEmpty( mCustomStreamListenerSettingString ) ){
mCustomStreamListenerSetting = JsonValue.readHjson( mCustomStreamListenerSettingString ).asObject();
mCustomStreamListenerSecret = pref.getString( Pref.KEY_STREAM_LISTENER_SECRET, null );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
String getInstallId(){
SharedPreferences prefDevice = PrefDevice.prefDevice( context );
String sv = prefDevice.getString( PrefDevice.KEY_INSTALL_ID, null );
if( ! TextUtils.isEmpty( sv ) ) return sv;
// インストールIDを生成する前に、各データの通知登録キャッシュをクリアする
String device_token = prefDevice.getString( PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, null );
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( device_token ) ){
// トークンがまだ生成されていない場合、このメソッドは null を返します。
device_token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( device_token ) ){
log.e( "getInstallId: missing device token." );
return null;
prefDevice.edit().putString( PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, device_token ).apply();
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.e( "getInstallId: could not get device token." );
log.trace( ex );
return null;
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.url( APP_SERVER + "/counter" )
Call call = job.current_call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall( request );
Response response = call.execute();
if( ! response.isSuccessful() ){
log.e( Utils.formatResponse( response, "getInstallId: get /counter failed." ) );
return null;
//noinspection ConstantConditions
sv = Utils.digestSHA256( device_token + UUID.randomUUID() + response.body().string() );
prefDevice.edit().putString( PrefDevice.KEY_INSTALL_ID, sv ).apply();
return sv;
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
return null;
class AccountThread extends Thread implements TootApiClient.CurrentCallCallback {
@NonNull final SavedAccount account;
public AccountThread( @NonNull SavedAccount a ){
this.account = a;
client.setCurrentCallCallback( this );
Call current_call;
@Override public void onCallCreated( Call call ){
this.current_call = call;
void cancel(){
if( current_call != null ) current_call.cancel();
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
final TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( context, new TootApiClient.Callback() {
@Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){
return job.isJobCancelled();
} );
@Override public void run(){
if( account.isPseudo() ) return;
if( ! account.notification_mention
&& ! account.notification_boost
&& ! account.notification_favourite
&& ! account.notification_follow
if( registerDeviceToken() ){
job.bPollingRequired.set( true );
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
ArrayList< Data > data_list = new ArrayList<>();
checkAccount( data_list, job.muted_app, job.muted_word );
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
showNotification( data_list );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
void unregisterDeviceToken(){
if( SavedAccount.REGISTER_KEY_UNREGISTERED.equals( account.register_key ) ){
log.d( "unregisterDeviceToken: already unregistered." );
// ネットワーク的な事情でインストールIDを取得できなかったのなら、何もしない
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( job.install_id ) ){
log.d( "unregisterDeviceToken: missing install_id" );
String tag = account.notification_tag;
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( tag ) ){
log.d( "unregisterDeviceToken: missing notification_tag" );
String post_data = "instance_url=" + Uri.encode( "https://" + )
+ "&app_id=" + Uri.encode( context.getPackageName() )
+ "&tag=" + tag;
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.url( APP_SERVER + "/unregister" )
.post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED, post_data ) )
Call call = current_call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall( request );
Response response = call.execute();
log.e( "unregisterDeviceToken: %s", response );
if( response.isSuccessful() ){
account.register_key = SavedAccount.REGISTER_KEY_UNREGISTERED;
account.register_time = 0L;
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
// 定期的な通知更新が不要なら真を返す
private boolean registerDeviceToken(){
// ネットワーク的な事情でインストールIDを取得できなかったのなら、何もしない
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( job.install_id ) ){
log.d( "registerDeviceToken: missing install id" );
return false;
SharedPreferences prefDevice = PrefDevice.prefDevice( context );
String device_token = prefDevice.getString( PrefDevice.KEY_DEVICE_TOKEN, null );
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( device_token ) ){
log.d( "registerDeviceToken: missing device_token" );
return false;
String access_token = Utils.optStringX( account.token_info, "access_token" );
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( access_token ) ){
log.d( "registerDeviceToken: missing access_token" );
return false;
String tag = account.notification_tag;
if( SavedAccount.REGISTER_KEY_UNREGISTERED.equals( account.register_key ) ){
tag = null;
if( TextUtils.isEmpty( tag ) ){
tag = account.notification_tag = Utils.digestSHA256( job.install_id + account.db_id + account.acct );
String reg_key = Utils.digestSHA256(
+ access_token
+ device_token
+ ( mCustomStreamListenerSecret == null ? "" : mCustomStreamListenerSecret )
+ ( mCustomStreamListenerSettingString == null ? "" : mCustomStreamListenerSettingString )
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( reg_key.equals( account.register_key ) && now - account.register_time < 3600000 * 3 ){
// タグやトークンが同一なら、前回登録に成功してから一定時間は再登録しない
log.d( "registerDeviceToken: already registered." );
return false;
// サーバ情報APIを使う
StringBuilder post_data = new StringBuilder();
post_data.append( "instance_url=" ).append( Uri.encode( "https://" + ) );
post_data.append( "&app_id=" ).append( Uri.encode( context.getPackageName() ) );
post_data.append( "&tag=" ).append( tag );
post_data.append( "&access_token=" ).append( Utils.optStringX( account.token_info, "access_token" ) );
post_data.append( "&device_token=" ).append( device_token );
if( ! TextUtils.isEmpty( mCustomStreamListenerSettingString )
&& ! TextUtils.isEmpty( mCustomStreamListenerSecret )
post_data.append( "&user_config=" ).append( Uri.encode( mCustomStreamListenerSettingString ) );
post_data.append( "&app_secret=" ).append( Uri.encode( mCustomStreamListenerSecret ) );
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.url( APP_SERVER + "/register" )
.post( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED, post_data.toString() ) )
Call call = current_call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall( request );
Response response = call.execute();
String body = null;
//noinspection ConstantConditions
body = response.body().string();
}catch( Throwable ignored ){
log.e( "registerDeviceToken: %s (%s)", response, ( body == null ? "" : body ) );
int code = response.code();
if( response.isSuccessful() || ( code >= 400 && code < 500 ) ){
// 登録できた時も4xxエラーだった時もDBに記録する
account.register_key = reg_key;
account.register_time = now;
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
return false;
NotificationTracking nr;
final HashSet< Long > duplicate_check = new HashSet<>();
final ArrayList< JSONObject > dst_array = new ArrayList<>();
private void checkAccount(
@NonNull ArrayList< Data > data_list
, @NonNull HashSet< String > muted_app
, @NonNull WordTrieTree muted_word
nr = NotificationTracking.load( account.db_id );
TootParser parser = new TootParser( context,account );
// まずキャッシュされたデータを処理する
if( nr.last_data != null ){
JSONArray array = new JSONArray( nr.last_data );
for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i );
update_sub( src, data_list, muted_app, muted_word ,parser);
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
// 前回の更新から一定時刻が経過したら新しいデータを読んでリストに追加する
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( now - nr.last_load >= 60000L * 2 ){
nr.last_load = now;
client.setAccount( account );
for( int nTry = 0 ; nTry < 4 ; ++ nTry ){
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
if( nid_last_show != - 1L ){
path = path + "?since_id=" + nid_last_show;
TootApiResult result = client.request( path );
if( result == null ){
log.d( "cancelled." );
}else if( result.array != null ){
JSONArray array = result.array;
for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){
JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i );
update_sub( src, data_list, muted_app, muted_word ,parser);
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
log.d( "error. %s", result.error );
String sv = result.error;
if( sv != null && sv.contains( "Timeout" ) && ! account.dont_show_timeout ){
synchronized( error_instance ){
boolean bFound = false;
for( String x : error_instance ){
if( x.equals( sv ) ){
bFound = true;
if( ! bFound ){
error_instance.add( sv );
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
Collections.sort( dst_array, new Comparator< JSONObject >() {
@Override public int compare( JSONObject a, JSONObject b ){
long la = Utils.optLongX( a, KEY_TIME, 0 );
long lb = Utils.optLongX( b, KEY_TIME, 0 );
// 新しい順
if( la < lb ) return + 1;
if( la > lb ) return - 1;
return 0;
} );
if( job.isJobCancelled() ) return;
JSONArray d = new JSONArray();
for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++ i ){
if( i >= dst_array.size() ) break;
d.put( dst_array.get( i ) );
nr.last_data = d.toString();;
long nid_last_show = - 1L;
void update_sub(
@NonNull JSONObject src
, @NonNull ArrayList< Data > data_list
, @NonNull HashSet< String > muted_app
, @NonNull WordTrieTree muted_word
, @NonNull TootParser parser
) throws JSONException{
if( nr.nid_read == 0 || nr.nid_show == 0 ){
log.d( "update_sub account_db_id=%s, nid_read=%s, nid_show=%s", account.db_id, nr.nid_read, nr.nid_show );
long id = Utils.optLongX( src, "id" );
if( duplicate_check.contains( id ) ) return;
duplicate_check.add( id );
if( id > nid_last_show ){
nid_last_show = id;
String type = Utils.optStringX( src, "type" );
if( id <= nr.nid_read ){
// log.d("update_sub: ignore data that id=%s, <= read id %s ",id,nr.nid_read);
log.d( "update_sub: found data that id=%s, > read id %s ", id, nr.nid_read );
if( id > nr.nid_show ){
log.d( "update_sub: found new data that id=%s, greater than shown id %s ", id, nr.nid_show );
// 種別チェックより先に「表示済み」idの更新を行う
nr.nid_show = id;
if( ( ! account.notification_mention && TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION.equals( type ) )
|| ( ! account.notification_boost && TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG.equals( type ) )
|| ( ! account.notification_favourite && TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE.equals( type ) )
|| ( ! account.notification_follow && TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW.equals( type ) )
TootNotification notification = parser.notification( src );
if( notification == null ){
TootStatus status = notification.status;
if( status != null ){
if( status.checkMuted( muted_app, muted_word ) ){
Data data = new Data();
data.access_info = account;
data.notification = notification;
data_list.add( data );
src.put( KEY_TIME, data.notification.time_created_at );
dst_array.add( src );
String getNotificationLine( @NonNull String type, @NonNull CharSequence display_name ){
if( TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE.equals( type ) ){
return "- " + context.getString( R.string.display_name_favourited_by, display_name );
if( TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG.equals( type ) ){
return "- " + context.getString( R.string.display_name_boosted_by, display_name );
if( TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION.equals( type ) ){
return "- " + context.getString( R.string.display_name_replied_by, display_name );
if( TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW.equals( type ) ){
return "- " + context.getString( R.string.display_name_followed_by, display_name );
return "- " + "?";
private void showNotification( @NonNull ArrayList< Data > data_list ){
String notification_tag = Long.toString( account.db_id );
if( data_list.isEmpty() ){
log.d( "showNotification[%s] cancel notification.", account.acct );
notification_manager.cancel( notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID );
Collections.sort( data_list, new Comparator< Data >() {
@Override public int compare( Data a, Data b ){
long la = a.notification.time_created_at;
long lb = b.notification.time_created_at;
// 新しい順
if( la < lb ) return + 1;
if( la > lb ) return - 1;
return 0;
} );
Data item = data_list.get( 0 );
NotificationTracking nt = NotificationTracking.load( account.db_id );
if( item.notification.time_created_at == nt.post_time
&& == nt.post_id
// 先頭にあるデータが同じなら、通知を更新しない
// このマーカーは端末再起動時にリセットされるので、再起動後は通知が出るはず
log.d( "showNotification[%s] id=%s is already shown.", account.acct, );
nt.updatePost(, item.notification.time_created_at );
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(1)", account.acct );
// 通知タップ時のPendingIntent
Intent intent_click = new Intent( context, ActCallback.class );
intent_click.setAction( ActCallback.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_CLICK );
intent_click.setData( Uri.parse( "subwaytooter://notification_click/?db_id=" + account.db_id ) );
intent_click.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK );
PendingIntent pi_click = PendingIntent.getActivity( context, ( 256 + (int) account.db_id ), intent_click, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT );
// 通知を消去した時のPendingIntent
Intent intent_delete = new Intent( context, EventReceiver.class );
intent_delete.setAction( EventReceiver.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_DELETE );
intent_delete.putExtra( EXTRA_DB_ID, account.db_id );
PendingIntent pi_delete = PendingIntent.getBroadcast( context, ( Integer.MAX_VALUE - (int) account.db_id ), intent_delete, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT );
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(2)", account.acct );
NotificationCompat.Builder builder;
if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26 ){
// Android 8 から、通知のスタイルはユーザが管理することになった
// NotificationChannel を端末に登録しておけば、チャネルごとに管理画面が作られる
NotificationChannel channel = NotificationHelper.createNotificationChannel( context, account );
builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( context, channel.getId() );
builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( context, "not_used" );
.setContentIntent( pi_click )
.setDeleteIntent( pi_delete )
.setAutoCancel( true )
.setSmallIcon( R.drawable.ic_notification ) // ここは常に白テーマのアイコンを使う
.setColor( ContextCompat.getColor( context, R.color.Light_colorAccent ) ) // ここは常に白テーマの色を使う
.setWhen( item.notification.time_created_at );
// Android 7.0 ではグループを指定しないと勝手に通知が束ねられてしまう。
// 束ねられた通知をタップしても pi_click が実行されないので困るため、
// アカウント別にグループキーを設定する
builder.setGroup( context.getPackageName() + ":" + account.acct );
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(3)", account.acct );
if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26 ){
int iv = 0;
if( pref.getBoolean( Pref.KEY_NOTIFICATION_SOUND, true ) ){
Uri sound_uri = null;
String acct = item.access_info.getFullAcct( item.notification.account );
if( acct != null ){
String sv = AcctColor.getNotificationSound( acct );
sound_uri = TextUtils.isEmpty( sv ) ? null : Uri.parse( sv );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
if( sound_uri == null ){
String sv = account.sound_uri;
sound_uri = TextUtils.isEmpty( sv ) ? null : Uri.parse( sv );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
boolean bSoundSet = false;
if( sound_uri != null ){
builder.setSound( sound_uri );
bSoundSet = true;
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
if( ! bSoundSet ){
iv |= NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_SOUND;
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(4)", account.acct );
if( pref.getBoolean( Pref.KEY_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATION, true ) ){
iv |= NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(5)", account.acct );
if( pref.getBoolean( Pref.KEY_NOTIFICATION_LED, true ) ){
iv |= NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_LIGHTS;
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(6)", account.acct );
builder.setDefaults( iv );
log.d( "showNotification[%s] creating notification(7)", account.acct );
String a = getNotificationLine( item.notification.type, item.notification.account.decoded_display_name );
String acct = item.access_info.acct;
if( data_list.size() == 1 ){
builder.setContentTitle( a );
builder.setContentText( acct );
String header = context.getString( R.string.notification_count, data_list.size() );
builder.setContentTitle( header )
.setContentText( a );
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle style = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle()
.setBigContentTitle( header )
.setSummaryText( acct );
for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++ i ){
if( i >= data_list.size() ) break;
item = data_list.get( i );
a = getNotificationLine( item.notification.type, item.notification.account.decoded_display_name );
style.addLine( a );
builder.setStyle( style );
log.d( "showNotification[%s] set notification...", account.acct );
notification_manager.notify( notification_tag, NOTIFICATION_ID, );
private void processInjectedData(){
while( inject_queue.size() > 0 ){
InjectData data = inject_queue.poll();
SavedAccount account = SavedAccount.loadAccount( context, data.account_db_id );
if( account == null ) continue;
NotificationTracking nr = NotificationTracking.load( data.account_db_id );
HashSet< Long > duplicate_check = new HashSet<>();
ArrayList< JSONObject > dst_array = new ArrayList<>();
if( nr.last_data != null ){
// まずキャッシュされたデータを処理する
JSONArray array = new JSONArray( nr.last_data );
for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){
JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i );
long id = Utils.optLongX( src, "id" );
dst_array.add( src );
duplicate_check.add( id );
log.d( "add old. id=%s", id );
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
for( TootNotification item : data.list ){
if( duplicate_check.contains( ) ){
log.d( "skip duplicate. id=%s", );
duplicate_check.add( );
String type = item.type;
if( ( ! account.notification_mention && TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION.equals( type ) )
|| ( ! account.notification_boost && TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG.equals( type ) )
|| ( ! account.notification_favourite && TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE.equals( type ) )
|| ( ! account.notification_follow && TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW.equals( type ) )
log.d( "skip by setting. id=%s", );
JSONObject src = item.json;
src.put( KEY_TIME, item.time_created_at );
dst_array.add( src );
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
// 新しい順にソート
Collections.sort( dst_array, new Comparator< JSONObject >() {
@Override public int compare( JSONObject a, JSONObject b ){
long la = Utils.optLongX( a, KEY_TIME, 0 );
long lb = Utils.optLongX( b, KEY_TIME, 0 );
// 新しい順
if( la < lb ) return + 1;
if( la > lb ) return - 1;
return 0;
} );
// 最新10件を保存
JSONArray d = new JSONArray();
for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++ i ){
if( i >= dst_array.size() ){
log.d( "inject %s data", i );
d.put( dst_array.get( i ) );
nr.last_data = d.toString();;
private void deleteCacheData( long db_id ){
SavedAccount account = SavedAccount.loadAccount( context, db_id );
if( account == null ) return;
NotificationTracking nr = NotificationTracking.load( db_id );
nr.last_data = new JSONArray().toString();;
public static void scheduleJob( Context context, int job_id ){
JobScheduler scheduler = (JobScheduler) context.getSystemService( Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE );
if( scheduler == null ) throw new RuntimeException( "can't get JobScheduler" );
ComponentName component = new ComponentName( context, PollingService.class );
JobInfo.Builder builder = new JobInfo.Builder( job_id, component )
.setRequiredNetworkType( JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_ANY );
if( job_id == JOB_POLLING ){
if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24 ){
builder.setPeriodic( 60000L * 5, 60000L * 10 );
builder.setPeriodic( 60000L * 5 );
builder.setPersisted( true );
.setMinimumLatency( 0 )
.setOverrideDeadline( 60000L );
scheduler.schedule( );
// FCMメッセージの処理
// タスクの追加
private static void addTask( @NonNull Context context, boolean removeOld, int task_id, @Nullable JSONObject taskData ){
if( taskData == null ) taskData = new JSONObject();
taskData.put( EXTRA_TASK_ID, task_id );
task_list.addLast( context, removeOld, taskData );
scheduleJob( context, JOB_TASK );
}catch( Throwable ex ){
log.trace( ex );
public static void queueUpdateListener( @NonNull Context context ){
addTask( context, true, TASK_UPDATE_LISTENER, null );
public static void queueUpdateNotification( @NonNull Context context ){
addTask( context, true, TASK_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION, null );
public static void injectData( @NonNull Context context, long account_db_id, @NonNull TootNotification.List src ){
if( src.isEmpty() ) return;
InjectData id = new InjectData();
id.account_db_id = account_db_id;
id.list.addAll( src );
inject_queue.add( id );
addTask( context, true, TASK_DATA_INJECTED, null );
public static void queueNotificationCleared( @NonNull Context context, long db_id ){
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.putOpt( EXTRA_DB_ID, db_id );
addTask( context, true, TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR, data );
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
public static void queueNotificationDeleted( Context context, long db_id ){
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.putOpt( EXTRA_DB_ID, db_id );
addTask( context, true, TASK_NOTIFICATION_DELETE, data );
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
public static void queueNotificationClicked( Context context, long db_id ){
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.putOpt( EXTRA_DB_ID, db_id );
addTask( context, true, TASK_NOTIFICATION_CLICK, data );
}catch( JSONException ex ){
log.trace( ex );
public static void queueAppDataImportBefore( Context context ){
mBusyAppDataImportBefore.set( true );
mBusyAppDataImportAfter.set( true );
addTask( context, false, TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_BEFORE, null );
public static void queueAppDataImportAfter( Context context ){
addTask( context, false, TASK_APP_DATA_IMPORT_AFTER, null );
public static void queueFCMTokenUpdated( Context context ){
addTask( context, true, TASK_FCM_DEVICE_TOKEN, null );
public static void queueBootCompleted( Context context ){
addTask( context, true, TASK_BOOT_COMPLETED, null );
public static void queuePackageReplaced( Context context ){
addTask( context, true, TASK_PACKAGE_REPLACED, null );
public interface JobStatusCallback {
void onStatus( String sv );
static final AtomicReference< String > job_status = new AtomicReference<>( null );
public static void handleFCMMessage( Context context, String tag, JobStatusCallback callback ){
log.d( "handleFCMMessage: start. tag=%s", tag );
long time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
callback.onStatus( "=>" );
// タスクを追加
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
if( tag != null ) data.putOpt( EXTRA_TAG, tag );
}catch( JSONException ignored ){
task_list.addLast( context, true, data );
callback.onStatus( "==>" );
// 疑似ジョブを開始
PollingWorker pw = getInstance( context );
pw.addJob( JOB_FCM, false );
// 疑似ジョブが終了するまで待機する
for( ; ; ){
// ジョブが完了した?
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if( ! pw.hasJob( JOB_FCM ) ){
log.d( "handleFCMMessage: JOB_FCM completed. time=%.2f", ( now - time_start ) / 1000f );
// ジョブの状況を通知する
String sv = job_status.get();
if( sv == null ) sv = "(null)";
callback.onStatus( sv );
// 少し待機
Thread.sleep( 50L );
}catch( InterruptedException ex ){
log.e( ex, "handleFCMMessage: blocking is interrupted." );