
269 lines
7.8 KiB

package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity
import android.content.Context
import android.text.Spannable
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.*
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.regex.Pattern
open class TootAccount(
parser : TootParser,
src : JSONObject
) : TimelineItem() {
//URL of the user's profile page (can be remote)
// 疑似アカウントではnullになります
val url : String?
// The ID of the account
val id : Long
// Equals username for local users, includes @domain for remote ones
val acct : String
// The username of the account /[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,30}/
val username : String
val host : String
// The account's display name
val display_name : String
// The account's display name
val decoded_display_name : Spannable
//Boolean for when the account cannot be followed without waiting for approval first
val locked : Boolean
// The time the account was created
// ex: "2017-04-13T11:06:08.289Z"
val created_at : String?
val time_created_at : Long
// The number of followers for the account
var followers_count : Long? = null
//The number of accounts the given account is following
var following_count : Long? = null
// The number of statuses the account has made
var statuses_count : Long? = null
// Biography of user
// 説明文。改行は\r\n。リンクなどはHTMLタグで書かれている
val note : String?
val decoded_note : Spannable
// URL to the avatar image
val avatar : String?
// URL to the avatar static image (gif)
val avatar_static : String?
//URL to the header image
val header : String?
// URL to the header static image (gif)
val header_static : String?
val source : Source?
val profile_emojis : HashMap<String, NicoProfileEmoji>?
val moved : TootAccount?
init {
var sv : String?
// 絵文字データは先に読んでおく
this.profile_emojis = parseMapOrNull(::NicoProfileEmoji, src.optJSONArray("profile_emojis"))
// 疑似アカウントにacctとusernameだけ
this.url = src.parseString("url")
this.username = src.notEmptyOrThrow("username")
sv = src.parseString("display_name")
this.display_name = if(sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) sv.sanitizeBDI() else username
this.decoded_display_name = decodeDisplayName(parser.context)
this.note = src.parseString("note")
this.decoded_note = DecodeOptions(
short = true,
decodeEmoji = true,
emojiMapProfile = this.profile_emojis
this.source = parseSource(src.optJSONObject("source"))
this.moved =
src.optJSONObject("moved")?.let { TootAccount(parser, it) }
this.locked = src.optBoolean("locked")
when(parser.serviceType) {
ServiceType.MASTODON -> {
val hostAccess = = src.parseLong("id") ?: INVALID_ID
this.acct = src.notEmptyOrThrow("acct") = findHostFromUrl(acct, hostAccess, url)
?: throw RuntimeException("can't find host from acct or url")
this.followers_count = src.parseLong("followers_count")
this.following_count = src.parseLong("following_count")
this.statuses_count = src.parseLong("statuses_count")
this.created_at = src.parseString("created_at")
this.time_created_at = TootStatus.parseTime(this.created_at)
this.avatar = src.parseString("avatar")
this.avatar_static = src.parseString("avatar_static")
this.header = src.parseString("header")
this.header_static = src.parseString("header_static")
ServiceType.TOOTSEARCH -> {
// tootsearch のアカウントのIDはどのタンス上のものか分からないので役に立たない = INVALID_ID // src.parseLong( "id", INVALID_ID)
sv = src.notEmptyOrThrow("acct") = findHostFromUrl(sv, null, url)
?: throw RuntimeException("can't find host from acct or url")
this.acct = this.username + "@" +
this.followers_count = src.parseLong("followers_count")
this.following_count = src.parseLong("following_count")
this.statuses_count = src.parseLong("statuses_count")
this.created_at = src.parseString("created_at")
this.time_created_at = TootStatus.parseTime(this.created_at)
this.avatar = src.parseString("avatar")
this.avatar_static = src.parseString("avatar_static")
this.header = src.parseString("header")
this.header_static = src.parseString("header_static")
ServiceType.MSP -> { = src.parseLong("id") ?: INVALID_ID
// MSPはLTLの情報しか持ってないのでacctは常にホスト名部分を持たない = findHostFromUrl(null, null, url)
?: throw RuntimeException("can't find host from url")
this.acct = this.username + "@" + host
this.followers_count = null
this.following_count = null
this.statuses_count = null
this.created_at = null
this.time_created_at = 0L
val avatar = src.parseString("avatar")
this.avatar = avatar
this.avatar_static = avatar
this.header = null
this.header_static = null
class Source(src : JSONObject) {
// デフォルト公開範囲
val privacy : String?
// 添付画像をデフォルトでNSFWにする設定
private val sensitive : Boolean
// HTMLエンコードされていない、生のnote
val note : String?
init {
this.privacy = src.parseString("privacy")
this.note = src.parseString("note")
// nullになることがあるが、falseと同じ扱いでよい
this.sensitive = src.optBoolean("sensitive", false)
// リストメンバーダイアログや引っ越し先ユーザなど、TL以外の部分に名前を表示する場合は
// Invalidator の都合でSpannableを別途生成する必要がある
fun decodeDisplayName(context : Context) : Spannable {
// remove white spaces
val sv = reWhitespace.matcher(display_name).replaceAll(" ")
// decode emoji code
return DecodeOptions(context, emojiMapProfile = profile_emojis).decodeEmoji(sv)
companion object {
private val log = LogCategory("TootAccount")
const val INVALID_ID = - 1L
private val reWhitespace = Pattern.compile("[\\s\\t\\x0d\\x0a]+")
val reAccountUrl =
private fun parseSource(src : JSONObject?) : Source? {
src ?: return null
return try {
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e("parseSource failed.")
// Tootsearch用。URLやUriを使ってアカウントのインスタンス名を調べる
fun findHostFromUrl(acct : String?, accessHost : String?, url : String?) : String? {
// acctから調べる
if(acct != null) {
val pos = acct.indexOf('@')
if(pos != - 1) {
val host = acct.substring(pos + 1)
if(host.isNotEmpty()) return host.toLowerCase()
// accessHostから調べる
if(accessHost != null) {
return accessHost
// URLから調べる
if(url != null) {
try {
// たぶんどんなURLでもauthorityの部分にホスト名が来るだろう(慢心)
val uri = Uri.parse(url)
return uri.authority.toLowerCase()
} catch(ex : Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "findHostFromUrl: can't parse host from URL $url")
return null