
305 lines
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* Copyright 2016 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.anko
//import android.content.Context
//import android.content.DialogInterface
//import android.database.Cursor
//import android.view.KeyEvent
//import android.view.View
//import android.view.ViewManager
//import android.widget.ListAdapter
//@Deprecated("Use AlertBuilder class instead.")
//class AlertDialogBuilder(val ctx: Context) {
// private var builder: AlertDialog.Builder? = AlertDialog.Builder(ctx)
// /**
// * Returns the [AlertDialog] instance if created.
// * Returns null until the [show] function is called.
// */
// var dialog: AlertDialog? = null
// private set
// constructor(ankoContext: AnkoContext<*>) : this(ankoContext.ctx)
// fun dismiss() {
// dialog?.dismiss()
// }
// private fun checkBuilder() {
// if (builder == null) {
// throw IllegalStateException("show() was already called for this AlertDialogBuilder")
// }
// }
// /**
// * Create the [AlertDialog] and display it on screen.
// *
// */
// fun show(): AlertDialogBuilder {
// checkBuilder()
// dialog = builder!!.create()
// builder = null
// dialog!!.show()
// return this
// }
// /**
// * Set the [title] displayed in the dialog.
// */
// fun title(title: CharSequence) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setTitle(title)
// }
// /**
// * Set the title using the given [title] resource id.
// */
// fun title(title: Int) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setTitle(title)
// }
// /**
// * Set the [message] to display.
// */
// fun message(message: CharSequence) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setMessage(message)
// }
// /**
// * Set the message to display using the given [message] resource id.
// */
// fun message(message: Int) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setMessage(message)
// }
// /**
// * Set the resource id of the [Drawable] to be used in the title.
// */
// fun icon(icon: Int) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setIcon(icon)
// }
// /**
// * Set the [icon] Drawable to be used in the title.
// */
// fun icon(icon: Drawable) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setIcon(icon)
// }
// /**
// * Set the title using the custom [view].
// */
// fun customTitle(view: View) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setCustomTitle(view)
// }
// /**
// * Set the title using the custom DSL view.
// */
// fun customTitle(dsl: ViewManager.() -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// val view = ctx.UI(dsl).view
// builder!!.setCustomTitle(view)
// }
// /**
// * Set a custom [view] to be the contents of the Dialog.
// */
// fun customView(view: View) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setView(view)
// }
// /**
// * Set a custom DSL view to be the contents of the Dialog.
// */
// fun customView(dsl: ViewManager.() -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// val view = ctx.UI(dsl).view
// builder!!.setView(view)
// }
// /**
// * Set if the dialog is cancellable.
// *
// * @param cancellable if true, the created dialog will be cancellable.
// */
// fun cancellable(cancellable: Boolean = true) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setCancelable(cancellable)
// }
// /**
// * Sets the [callback] that will be called if the dialog is canceled.
// */
// fun onCancel(callback: () -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setOnCancelListener { callback() }
// }
// /**
// * Sets the [callback] that will be called if a key is dispatched to the dialog.
// */
// fun onKey(callback: (keyCode: Int, e: KeyEvent) -> Boolean) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setOnKeyListener({ dialog, keyCode, event -> callback(keyCode, event) })
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the neutral button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param neutralText the text resource to display in the neutral button.
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the neutral button is pressed.
// */
// fun neutralButton(
// neutralText: Int = android.R.string.ok,
// callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit = { dismiss() },
// ) {
// neutralButton(ctx.getString(neutralText), callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the neutral button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param neutralText the text to display in the neutral button.
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the neutral button is pressed.
// */
// fun neutralButton(
// neutralText: CharSequence,
// callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit = { dismiss() },
// ) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setNeutralButton(neutralText, { dialog, which -> dialog.callback() })
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the positive button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param positiveText the text to display in the positive button.
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the positive button is pressed.
// */
// fun positiveButton(positiveText: Int, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
// positiveButton(ctx.getString(positiveText), callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the positive button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the positive button is pressed.
// */
// fun okButton(callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
// positiveButton(ctx.getString(android.R.string.ok), callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the positive button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the positive button is pressed.
// */
// fun yesButton(callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
// positiveButton(ctx.getString(android.R.string.yes), callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the positive button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param positiveText the text to display in the positive button.
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the positive button is pressed.
// */
// fun positiveButton(positiveText: CharSequence, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setPositiveButton(positiveText, { dialog, which -> dialog.callback() })
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the negative button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param negativeText the text to display in the negative button.
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the negative button is pressed.
// */
// fun negativeButton(negativeText: Int, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit = { dismiss() }) {
// negativeButton(ctx.getString(negativeText), callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the negative button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the negative button is pressed.
// */
// fun cancelButton(callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit = { dismiss() }) {
// negativeButton(ctx.getString(android.R.string.cancel), callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the negative button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the negative button is pressed.
// */
// fun noButton(callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit = { dismiss() }) {
// negativeButton(ctx.getString(, callback)
// }
// /**
// * Set a listener to be invoked when the negative button of the dialog is pressed.
// *
// * @param negativeText the text to display in the negative button.
// * @param callback the callback that will be called if the negative button is pressed.
// */
// fun negativeButton(
// negativeText: CharSequence,
// callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit = { dismiss() },
// ) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setNegativeButton(negativeText, { dialog, which -> dialog.callback() })
// }
// fun items(itemsId: Int, callback: (which: Int) -> Unit) {
// items(ctx.resources!!.getTextArray(itemsId), callback)
// }
// fun items(items: List<CharSequence>, callback: (which: Int) -> Unit) {
// items(items.toTypedArray(), callback)
// }
// fun items(items: Array<CharSequence>, callback: (which: Int) -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setItems(items, { dialog, which -> callback(which) })
// }
// fun adapter(adapter: ListAdapter, callback: (which: Int) -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setAdapter(adapter, { dialog, which -> callback(which) })
// }
// fun adapter(cursor: Cursor, labelColumn: String, callback: (which: Int) -> Unit) {
// checkBuilder()
// builder!!.setCursor(cursor, { dialog, which -> callback(which) }, labelColumn)
// }