
554 lines
19 KiB

package jp.juggler.apng
import jp.juggler.apng.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min
internal class IdatDecoder(
apng: Apng,
private val bitmap: ApngBitmap,
private val inflateBufferPool: BufferPool,
private val callback: ApngDecoderCallback,
private val onCompleted: () -> Unit,
) {
private class PassInfo(val xStep: Int, val xStart: Int, val yStep: Int, val yStart: Int)
companion object {
private val passInfoList = listOf(
PassInfo(8, 0, 8, 0), // [0] Adam7 pass 1
PassInfo(8, 4, 8, 0), // [1] Adam7 pass 2
PassInfo(4, 0, 8, 4), // [2] Adam7 pass 3
PassInfo(4, 2, 4, 0), // [3] Adam7 pass 4
PassInfo(2, 0, 4, 2), // [4] Adam7 pass 5
PassInfo(2, 1, 2, 0), // [5] Adam7 pass 6
PassInfo(1, 0, 2, 1), // [6] Adam7 pass 7
PassInfo(1, 0, 1, 0) // [7] no interlacing
private val dummyPaletteData = IntArray(0)
// a = left, b = above, c = upper left
private fun paeth(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Int {
val p = a + b - c
val pa = abs(p - a)
val pb = abs(p - b)
val pc = abs(p - c)
return when {
(pa <= pb && pa <= pc) -> a
(pb <= pc) -> b
else -> c
private inline fun scanLine1(baLine: ByteArray, passW: Int, block: (v: Int) -> Unit) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passW
while (remain >= 8) {
remain -= 8
val v = baLine[pos++].toInt()
block((v shr 7) and 1)
block((v shr 6) and 1)
block((v shr 5) and 1)
block((v shr 4) and 1)
block((v shr 3) and 1)
block((v shr 2) and 1)
block((v shr 1) and 1)
block(v and 1)
if (remain > 0) {
val v = baLine[pos].toInt()
block((v shr 7) and 1)
if (remain > 1) block((v shr 6) and 1)
if (remain > 2) block((v shr 5) and 1)
if (remain > 3) block((v shr 4) and 1)
if (remain > 4) block((v shr 3) and 1)
if (remain > 5) block((v shr 2) and 1)
if (remain > 6) block((v shr 1) and 1)
private inline fun scanLine2(baLine: ByteArray, passW: Int, block: (v: Int) -> Unit) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passW
while (remain >= 4) {
remain -= 4
val v = baLine[pos++].toInt()
block((v shr 6) and 3)
block((v shr 4) and 3)
block((v shr 2) and 3)
block(v and 3)
if (remain > 0) {
val v = baLine[pos].toInt()
block((v shr 6) and 3)
if (remain > 1) block((v shr 4) and 3)
if (remain > 2) block((v shr 2) and 3)
private inline fun scanLine4(baLine: ByteArray, passW: Int, block: (v: Int) -> Unit) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passW
while (remain >= 2) {
remain -= 2
val v = baLine[pos++].toInt()
block((v shr 4) and 15)
block(v and 15)
if (remain > 0) {
val v = baLine[pos].toInt()
block((v shr 4) and 15)
private inline fun scanLine8(baLine: ByteArray, passW: Int, block: (v: Int) -> Unit) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passW
while (remain-- > 0) {
private val inflater = Inflater()
private val inflateBufferQueue = ByteSequenceQueue { inflateBufferPool.recycle(it.array) }
private val colorType: ColorType
private val bitDepth: Int
private val paletteData: IntArray
private val sampleBits: Int
private val sampleBytes: Int
private val scanLineBytesMax: Int
private val scanLinePool: BufferPool
private val transparentCheckerGrey: (v: Int) -> Int
private val transparentCheckerRGB: (r: Int, g: Int, b: Int) -> Int
private val renderScanLineFunc: (baLine: ByteArray) -> Unit
private val bitmapPointer = bitmap.pointer()
private var pass: Int
private lateinit var passInfo: PassInfo
private var passWidth: Int = 0
private var passHeight: Int = 0
private var passY: Int = 0
private var scanLineBytes: Int = 0
private var baPreviousLine: ByteArray? = null
private var isCompleted = false
init {
val header = requireNotNull(apng.header)
colorType = header.colorType
bitDepth = header.bitDepth
sampleBits = when (colorType) {
ColorType.GREY, ColorType.INDEX -> bitDepth
ColorType.GREY_ALPHA -> bitDepth * 2
ColorType.RGB -> bitDepth * 3
ColorType.RGBA -> bitDepth * 4
sampleBytes = (sampleBits + 7) / 8
scanLineBytesMax = 1 + (bitmap.width * sampleBits + 7) / 8
scanLinePool = BufferPool(scanLineBytesMax)
paletteData = if (colorType == ColorType.INDEX) {
?: throw ApngParseError("missing ApngPalette for index color")
} else {
val transparentColor = apng.transparentColor
transparentCheckerGrey = if (transparentColor != null) {
{ v: Int -> if (transparentColor.match(v)) 0 else 255 }
} else {
{ 255 }
transparentCheckerRGB = if (transparentColor != null) {
{ r, g, b -> if (transparentColor.match(r, g, b)) 0 else 255 }
} else {
{ _, _, _ -> 255 }
renderScanLineFunc = selectRenderFunc()
pass = when (header.interlaceMethod) {
InterlaceMethod.Standard -> 0
InterlaceMethod.None -> 7
private fun renderIndex1(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine1(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
private fun renderIndex2(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine2(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
private fun renderIndex4(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine4(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
private fun renderIndex8(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine8(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
private fun renderGrey1(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine1(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
val g8 = if (v == 0) 0 else 255
val a8 = transparentCheckerGrey(v)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, g8, g8, g8).next()
private fun renderGrey2(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine2(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
val g8 = v or (v shl 2) or (v shl 4) or (v shl 6)
val a8 = transparentCheckerGrey(v)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, g8, g8, g8).next()
private fun renderGrey4(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine4(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
val g8 = v or (v shl 4)
val a8 = transparentCheckerGrey(v)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, g8, g8, g8).next()
private fun renderGrey8(baLine: ByteArray) {
scanLine8(baLine, passWidth) { v ->
val a8 = transparentCheckerGrey(v)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, v, v, v).next()
private fun renderGrey16(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val v = baLine.getUInt16(pos)
pos += 2
val g8 = v shr 8
val a8 = transparentCheckerGrey(v)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, g8, g8, g8).next()
private fun renderGA8(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val g = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val a = baLine.getUInt8(pos + 1)
pos += 2
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a, g, g, g).next()
private fun renderGA16(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val g8 = baLine.getUInt16(pos) shr 8
val a8 = baLine.getUInt16(pos + 2) shr 8
pos += 4
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, g8, g8, g8).next()
private fun renderRGB8(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val r = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val g = baLine.getUInt8(pos + 1)
val b = baLine.getUInt8(pos + 2)
pos += 3
val a8 = transparentCheckerRGB(r, g, b)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, r, g, b).next()
private fun renderRGB16(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val r = baLine.getUInt16(pos)
val g = baLine.getUInt16(pos + 2)
val b = baLine.getUInt16(pos + 4)
pos += 6
val a8 = transparentCheckerRGB(r, g, b)
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a8, r shr 8, g shr 8, b shr 8).next()
private fun renderRGBA8(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val r = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val g = baLine.getUInt8(pos + 1)
val b = baLine.getUInt8(pos + 2)
val a = baLine.getUInt8(pos + 3)
pos += 4
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a, r, g, b).next()
private fun renderRGBA16(baLine: ByteArray) {
var pos = 1
var remain = passWidth
while (remain-- > 0) {
val r = baLine.getUInt16(pos)
val g = baLine.getUInt16(pos + 2)
val b = baLine.getUInt16(pos + 4)
val a = baLine.getUInt16(pos + 6)
pos += 8
bitmapPointer.setPixel(a shr 8, r shr 8, g shr 8, b shr 8).next()
private fun colorBitsNotSupported(): Nothing {
throw ApngParseError("bitDepth $bitDepth is not supported for $colorType")
private fun selectRenderFunc() = when (colorType) {
ColorType.GREY -> when (bitDepth) {
1 -> ::renderGrey1
2 -> ::renderGrey2
4 -> ::renderGrey4
8 -> ::renderGrey8
16 -> ::renderGrey16
else -> colorBitsNotSupported()
ColorType.RGB -> when (bitDepth) {
8 -> ::renderRGB8
16 -> ::renderRGB16
else -> colorBitsNotSupported()
ColorType.INDEX -> when (bitDepth) {
1 -> ::renderIndex1
2 -> ::renderIndex2
4 -> ::renderIndex4
8 -> ::renderIndex8
else -> colorBitsNotSupported()
ColorType.GREY_ALPHA -> when (bitDepth) {
8 -> ::renderGA8
16 -> ::renderGA16
else -> colorBitsNotSupported()
ColorType.RGBA -> when (bitDepth) {
8 -> ::renderRGBA8
16 -> ::renderRGBA16
else -> colorBitsNotSupported()
private fun initializePass() {
passInfo = passInfoList[pass]
passWidth = (bitmap.width + passInfo.xStep - passInfo.xStart - 1) / passInfo.xStep
passHeight = (bitmap.height + passInfo.yStep - passInfo.yStart - 1) / passInfo.yStep
passY = 0
scanLineBytes = 1 + (passWidth * sampleBits + 7) / 8
baPreviousLine = null
if (passWidth <= 0 || passHeight <= 0) {
if (callback.canApngDebug()) callback.onApngDebug("pass $pass is empty. size=${passWidth}x$passHeight ")
private fun incrementPassOrComplete() {
if (pass < 6) {
} else if (!isCompleted) {
isCompleted = true
// スキャンラインを読む。行を処理したらtrueを返す
private fun readScanLine(): Boolean {
if (inflateBufferQueue.remain < scanLineBytes) {
// not yet enough data to process scanline
return false
val baLine = scanLinePool.obtain()
inflateBufferQueue.readBytes(baLine, 0, scanLineBytes)
val filterNum = baLine.getUInt8(0)
// if( callback.canApngDebug() ) callback.onApngDebug("y=$passY/${passHeight},filterType=$filterType")
when (FilterType.values().first { it.num == filterNum }) {
FilterType.None -> {
FilterType.Sub -> {
for (pos in 1 until scanLineBytes) {
val vCur = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val leftPos = pos - sampleBytes
val vLeft = if (leftPos <= 0) 0 else baLine.getUInt8(leftPos)
baLine[pos] = (vCur + vLeft).toByte()
// if( callback.canApngDebug() ){
// val x = passInfo.xStart + passInfo.xStep * ((pos-1)/sampleBytes)
// val y = passInfo.yStart + passInfo.yStep * passY
// callback.onApngDebug("sub pos=$pos,x=$x,y=$y,left=$vLeft,cur=$vCur,after=${baLine[pos].toInt() and 255}")
// }
FilterType.Up -> {
val baPreviousLine = this.baPreviousLine
for (pos in 1 until scanLineBytes) {
val vCur = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val vUp = baPreviousLine?.getUInt8(pos) ?: 0
baLine[pos] = (vCur + vUp).toByte()
FilterType.Average -> {
val baPreviousLine = this.baPreviousLine
for (pos in 1 until scanLineBytes) {
val vCur = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val leftPos = pos - sampleBytes
val vLeft = if (leftPos <= 0) 0 else baLine.getUInt8(leftPos)
val vUp = baPreviousLine?.getUInt8(pos) ?: 0
baLine[pos] = (vCur + ((vLeft + vUp) shr 1)).toByte()
FilterType.Paeth -> {
val baPreviousLine = this.baPreviousLine
for (pos in 1 until scanLineBytes) {
val vCur = baLine.getUInt8(pos)
val leftPos = pos - sampleBytes
val vLeft = if (leftPos <= 0) 0 else baLine.getUInt8(leftPos)
val vUp = baPreviousLine?.getUInt8(pos) ?: 0
val vUpperLeft = if (leftPos <= 0) 0 else baPreviousLine?.getUInt8(leftPos) ?: 0
baLine[pos] = (vCur + paeth(vLeft, vUp, vUpperLeft)).toByte()
// if( callback.canApngDebug() ){
// val x = passInfo.xStart + passInfo.xStep * ((pos-1)/sampleBytes)
// val y = passInfo.yStart + passInfo.yStep * passY
// callback.onApngDebug("paeth pos=$pos,x=$x,y=$y,left=$vLeft,up=$vUp,ul=$vUpperLeft,cur=$vCur,paeth=${paeth(vLeft, vUp, vUpperLeft)}")
// }
// render scanline
x = passInfo.xStart,
y = passInfo.yStart + passInfo.yStep * passY,
step = passInfo.xStep
// save previous line
baPreviousLine = baLine
if (++passY >= passHeight) {
// pass completed
return true
// - 複数のIDATチャンクを順に読む
// - deflate圧縮をデコード(複数のチャンクの場合連続したものとして扱う)
// - interlace passに合わせてスキャンライン単位に分割
// - filterをデコードして
// - ビットマップにレンダリング
fun addData(
inStream: InputStream,
size: Int,
inBuffer: ByteArray,
crc32: CRC32,
) {
var foundEnd = false
var inRemain = size
while (inRemain > 0 && !foundEnd) {
// inBufferのサイズに合わせて読み込む
var nRead = 0
val nReadMax = min(inBuffer.size, inRemain)
while (true) {
val remain = nReadMax - nRead
if (remain <= 0) break
val delta =, nRead, remain)
if (delta < 0) {
foundEnd = true
nRead += delta
if (nRead <= 0) continue
inRemain -= nRead
// 読んだらCRC計算する
crc32.update(inBuffer, 0, nRead)
// チャンク末尾に余計なデータがあった場合はinflateせずに終端まで読む
if (isCompleted) continue
// zlibのdeflateをデコードする
inflater.setInput(inBuffer, 0, nRead)
while (!inflater.needsInput()) {
val buffer = inflateBufferPool.obtain()
val nInflated = inflater.inflate(buffer)
if (nInflated <= 0) {
} else {
inflateBufferQueue.add(ByteSequence(buffer, 0, nInflated))
// キューに追加したデータをScanLine単位で消費する
@Suppress("ControlFlowWithEmptyBody", "EmptyWhileBlock")
while (!isCompleted && readScanLine()) {
if (isCompleted) {