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package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity
import android.text.Spannable
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1
2021-06-28 09:09:00 +02:00
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.columnviewholder.ColumnViewHolder
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.pref.PrefB
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.span.NetworkEmojiSpan
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.DecodeOptions
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.EmojiDecoder
import jp.juggler.util.*
import java.util.*
class TootReaction(
// (fedibird絵文字リアクション) unicode絵文字はunicodeそのまま、 カスタム絵文字はコロンなしのshortcode
// (Misskey)カスタム絵文字は前後にコロンがつく
val name: String,
// カスタム絵文字の場合は定義される
val url: String? = null,
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val staticUrl: String? = null,
// (fedibird絵文字リアクション) 通知オブジェクト直下ではcountは常に0)
var count: Long = 0,
// (fedibird絵文字リアクション) 通知オブジェクト直下ではmeは常にfalse
// 告知のストリーミングイベントではmeは定義されない
var me: Boolean = false,
// 告知のストリーミングイベントでは告知IDが定義される
val announcement_id: EntityId? = null,
// (fedibird絵文字リアクション) userストリームのemoji_reactionイベントで設定される。
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val status_id: EntityId? = null,
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) {
companion object {
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private fun appendDomain(name: String, domain: String?) =
if (domain?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
} else {
// Fedibirdの投稿や通知に含まれる
fun parseFedibird(src: JsonObject) = TootReaction(
// (fedibird絵文字リアクション) リモートのカスタム絵文字の場合はdomainが指定される
name = appendDomain(src.string("name") ?: "?", src.string("domain")),
url = src.string("url"),
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staticUrl = src.string("static_url"),
count = src.long("count") ?: 0,
me = src.boolean("me") ?: false,
announcement_id = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("announcement_id")),
status_id = EntityId.mayNull(src.string("status_id")),
// Misskeyの通知にあるreaction文字列
fun parseMisskey(name: String?, count: Long = 0L) =
name?.let {
TootReaction(name = it, count = count)
private val misskeyOldReactions = mapOf(
"like" to "\ud83d\udc4d",
"love" to "\u2665",
"laugh" to "\ud83d\ude06",
"hmm" to "\ud83e\udd14",
"surprise" to "\ud83d\ude2e",
"congrats" to "\ud83c\udf89",
"angry" to "\ud83d\udca2",
"confused" to "\ud83d\ude25",
"rip" to "\ud83d\ude07",
"pudding" to "\ud83c\udf6e",
"star" to "\u2B50", // リモートからのFavを示す代替リアクション。ピッカーには表示しない
private val reCustomEmoji = """\A:([^:]+):\z""".toRegex()
fun getAnotherExpression(reaction: String): String? {
val customCode =
reCustomEmoji.find(reaction)?.groupValues?.elementAtOrNull(1) ?: return null
val cols = customCode.split("@")
val name = cols.elementAtOrNull(0)
val domain = cols.elementAtOrNull(1)
return if (domain == null) ":$name@.:" else if (domain == ".") ":$name:" else null
fun equalsName(a: String?, b: String?) = when {
a == null -> b == null
b == null -> false
else -> a == b || getAnotherExpression(a) == b || a == getAnotherExpression(b)
val UNKNOWN = TootReaction(name = "?")
private fun isUnicodeEmoji(code: String): Boolean =
code.any { it.code >= 0x7f }
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fun isCustomEmoji(code: String): Boolean = !isUnicodeEmoji(code)
fun splitEmojiDomain(code: String): Pair<String?, String?> {
// unicode絵文字ならnull,nullを返す
if (isUnicodeEmoji(code)) return Pair(null, null)
// Misskeyカスタム絵文字リアクションのコロンを除去
val a = code.replace(":", "")
val idx = a.indexOf("@")
return if (idx == -1) Pair(a, null) else Pair(a.substring(0, idx), a.substring(idx + 1))
fun canReaction(
accessInfo: SavedAccount,
ti: TootInstance? = TootInstance.getCached(accessInfo),
) = InstanceCapability.emojiReaction(accessInfo, ti)
fun decodeEmojiQuery(jsonText: String?): List<TootReaction> =
jsonText.notEmpty()?.let { src ->
try {
src.decodeJsonArray().objectList().map { parseFedibird(it) }
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
ColumnViewHolder.log.e(ex, "updateReactionQueryView: decode failed.")
} ?: emptyList()
fun encodeEmojiQuery(src: List<TootReaction>): String =
jsonArray {
for (reaction in src) {
fun urlToSpan(options: DecodeOptions, code: String, url: String) =
SpannableStringBuilder(code).apply {
NetworkEmojiSpan(url, scale = options.enlargeCustomEmoji),
fun toSpannableStringBuilder(
options: DecodeOptions,
code: String,
url: String?,
): SpannableStringBuilder {
url?.let { return urlToSpan(options, code, url) }
if (options.linkHelper?.isMisskey == true) {
// 古い形式の絵文字はUnicode絵文字にする
misskeyOldReactions[code]?.let {
return EmojiDecoder.decodeEmoji(options, it)
return EmojiDecoder.decodeEmoji(options, code)
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private fun isSameDomain(accessInfo: SavedAccount, domain: String?) = when (domain) {
null, "", ".", accessInfo.apDomain.ascii -> true
else -> false
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private fun chooseUrl() = when {
PrefB.bpDisableEmojiAnimation() -> staticUrl
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else -> url
fun splitEmojiDomain() =
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
when (other) {
is TootReaction -> equalsName(,
is String -> equalsName(, other)
else -> false
override fun hashCode(): Int =
fun toSpannableStringBuilder(
options: DecodeOptions,
status: TootStatus?,
): SpannableStringBuilder {
val code =
if (options.linkHelper?.isMisskey == true) {
// 古い形式の絵文字はUnicode絵文字にする
misskeyOldReactions[code]?.let {
return EmojiDecoder.decodeEmoji(options, it)
// カスタム絵文字
val customCode = reCustomEmoji.find(code)?.groupValues?.elementAtOrNull(1)
if (customCode != null) {
// 投稿中に絵文字の情報があればそれを使う
?.let { return urlToSpan(options, code, it) }
// ストリーミングからきた絵文字などの場合は情報がない
val accessInfo = options.linkHelper as? SavedAccount
val cols = customCode.split("@", limit = 2)
val key = cols.elementAtOrNull(0)
val domain = cols.elementAtOrNull(1)
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if (key != null && accessInfo != null && isSameDomain(accessInfo, domain)) {
// デコードオプションのアカウント情報と同じドメインの絵文字なら、
// そのドメインの絵文字一覧を取得済みなら
// それを使う
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?.let { return urlToSpan(options, code, it) }
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// 見つからない場合もある
} else {
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chooseUrl()?.notEmpty()?.let { return urlToSpan(options, code, it) }
// 見つからない場合はあるのだろうか…?
// フォールバック
// unicode絵文字、もしくは :xxx: などのshortcode表現
return EmojiDecoder.decodeEmoji(options, code)
// リアクションカラムの絵文字絞り込み用
fun jsonFedibird() = jsonObject {
val (basename, domain) = splitEmojiDomain()
put("name", basename ?: name)
putNotNull("domain", domain)
putNotNull("url", url)
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putNotNull("static_url", staticUrl)
class TootReactionSet(val isMisskey: Boolean) : LinkedList<TootReaction>() {
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fun isMyReaction(reaction: TootReaction?): Boolean {
return reaction?.me == true
fun hasReaction() = any { it.count > 0 }
fun hasMyReaction() = any { it.count > 0 && isMyReaction(it) }
private fun getRaw(name: String?): TootReaction? =
find { == name }
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operator fun get(name: String?): TootReaction? = when {
name == null || name.isEmpty() -> null
isMisskey -> getRaw(name) ?: getRaw(TootReaction.getAnotherExpression(name))
else -> getRaw(name)
companion object {
fun parseMisskey(src: JsonObject?, myReactionCode: String? = null) =
if (src == null) {
} else TootReactionSet(isMisskey = true).apply {
for (entry in src.entries) {
val key = entry.key.notEmpty() ?: continue
val v = src.long(key)?.notZero() ?: continue
add(TootReaction(name = key, count = v))
if (myReactionCode != null) {
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forEach { = ( == myReactionCode) }
fun parseFedibird(src: JsonArray? = null) =
if (src == null) {
} else TootReactionSet(isMisskey = false).apply {
src.objectList().forEach {
val tr = TootReaction.parseFedibird(it)
if (tr.count > 0) add(tr)